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教育專題 ◎ 國際時勢:美國媒體民主運動





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教育專題         國際時勢:美國媒體民主運動







前言: 日前,行政院新聞局欲委託民間團體對媒體進行「評鑑」,引發強烈反




1.FCC解除媒體所有權管制,美國輿論反對 (Reuters)






媒體財團的努力,在1996年獲致第一波的成功。是年,美國修正通過「電訊傳播法」,放寬多項廣電與有線電視媒體所有權集中的限制,這促成了許多大型媒體的併購案。在布希政府上台後,與其關係密切的媒體財團,發動第二波解禁行動,而其目標就是FCC。FCC共有5名委員,而共和黨籍占了3名,現任主席Michael Powell是美國國務卿Colin Powell之子。在共和黨籍委員占多數的情況下,解禁案很可能在6月2日通過,因此FCC的2名民主黨籍委員Michael Copps和r Jonathan Adelstein,就聯合亦是民主黨籍的眾議員Xavier Becerra,要求FCC在做此重大決定前,應將相關資訊廣而周之,讓民眾分析和討論解禁的利弊。






Independent television producers joined three federal officials on Monday in urging U.S. regulators to rethink and at least delay a June 2 vote on changing broadcasting rules until further studies can be done. Two FCC commissioners, along with U.S. Congressman Xavier Becerra, all Democrats, argued that not enough information is available to make sound decisions on how deregulation of television and radio will affect U.S. citizens.


At a public forum held by the University of Southern California on media ownership, they warned that if rule changes were adopted in June, as is widely expected within broadcasting circles, the changes would be too difficult to go back and fix later.


"What's important is that there is a potential here to remake our entire media landscape," FCC Commissioner Michael Copps said. "Suppose for a moment we vote to significantly loosen or eliminate (the rules) ...? How do you put that genie back in the bottle? The simple answer is you won't, because you can't."


FCC Commissioner Jonathan Adelstein wondered, "What's the rush to make major changes, now?"  Becerra added that the drive for a June 2 vote by the FCC "seems like a runaway train."


FCC Chairman Michael Powell, a Republican, has set June 2 as the date the five FCC commissioners will likely vote on revising decades-old media ownership limits that have come under fire from a federal appeals court. Powell has said he favors relaxing the rules a bit and is expected to be joined by his fellow Republicans colleagues.


The speeches by the Democrats brought applause from an audience of largely independent entertainment industry producers, executives and others who filled USC's large meeting room to near capacity.


The FCC has undertaken a broad review of broadcast rules that may culminate in changes to decades-old rules governing how many broadcast outlets may be owned in one city by one company and whether rules should be relaxed on whether stations in different markets can be owned by a single company.


Other such "cross-ownership" rules dealing with one company owning newspapers, radio and television in one or various markets, and with major TV networks owning local stations covering over 35 percent of the U.S. market or owning more than one broadcast network, too, are up for review.


The four major networks NBC, a unit of General Electric Co., The Walt Disney Co.'s ABC Viacom Inc.'s CBS and News Corp. Ltd.'s Fox support rule changes. They argue current regulations are anti-competitive and outdated when news and entertainment travel via airwaves, cable TV lines, satellite dishes and the Internet.


Opponents complain that relaxing the rules will put too much power in too few hands, and they worry that having information and entertainment controlled by only a few major companies will squelch(鎮壓) independent voices in the industry.


Writer-producer William Blinn, whose TV credits include "Starsky and Hutch" and "Roots," noted a major movie will be released by a studio, then sold for TV to a network owned by the same company that owns the studio and later to a cable TV channel that, again, is owned by the same parent company.


"This circular, digestive food chain can be described in a lot of ways, but I don't think competition is one," Blinn said.  He said putting product control in the hands of too few industry voices, "tends to homogenize what is put out, because it homogenizes(同質化)the creators."


But Alex Wallau, president of the ABC Television Network, said Disney has many different, diverse channels that it owns, such as ABC, all-sports network ESPN and SoapNet, as well as having interests in A&E Television and E! Entertainment.


"To say there is a homogenization is ludicrous(可笑的)," Wallau told Reuters. "These are very diverse voices."


ABC offered several statistics to support a case that TV is more diverse than ever and noted that in recent years, as ownership rules have relaxed, the growth of cable TV channels has only increased diversity of content.


2.麥克.鮑爾拒絕透露媒體解禁計畫內容 (Indymedia)


儘管各方要求FCC主席Michael Powell,應公布解除媒體所有權管制計畫的內容,並進行公開辯論,但Michael Powell不為所動,堅持在6月2日投票後才會有所說明。


On June 2, the FCC plans to vote on whether to "relax" the rules for owning American news media. For months, an expanding media democracy movement has produced an unprecedented amount of public opposition to FCC chair Michael Powell's proposed deregulation, as well as growing, bipartisan Congressional pressure for greater transparency(透明)and more public debate. (In Washington, Representatives Inslee and McDermott have spoken out against Powell's plans, and Senators Cantwell and Murray have called for more Congressional oversight before a decision is made. Despite all this, Powell has refused to reveal the specifics of his proposed changes until after the June 2 vote. If the FCC decides to allow further media concentration, the resulting stampede of megamergers would give a shrinking handful of large, politically conservative corporations even greater influence over what is reported--or ignored--in the news. The public's ability to have open, informed discussion with a wide variety of viewpoints would be even further compromised.


There is still time to take action. Write to Congress and the FCC here, urging greater transparency, further Congressional inquiry and more time for public comment. On Sat. May 31 at the old Ballard Safeway (5710 22nd Ave NW), a group of Seattle artist/activists will host Weapons of Mass Distraction, a multimedia event drawing attention to the FCC rulemaking.


Michael Powell的強硬態度,引發美國社會的不滿。根據R.W. McChesney 和John Nichols的一篇報告,在 FCC打算解除媒體所權管制後,它們收到近2千封評論




"Weapons of Mass Distraction" - an ongoing forum to bring artists and activists together to create media awareness and to help facilitate discussion and true Democracy. Open to the public, this multimedia show includes speakers, video, graphic and performance art. We hope to continue this event on a quarterly or semi-annual basis to keep the public aware and engaged.


The focus for this initial event is to raise public awareness about the swift, stealthy(偷偷摸摸的)and irrevocable(難以挽回的) changes Michael Powell attempting to push through the FCC as soon as early June, which would allow unprecedented concentration of media ownership in the hands of a very small number of Bush allies. The first phase of this deregulation happened under Clinton in 1996 and resulted in the media landscape we are in today - one that is heavily aligned with big business and which has allowed an unelected president to walk into the white house with very little of the public outcry reflected in the media.(Indymedia)








The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is an independent United States government agency, directly responsible to Congress. The FCC was established by the Communications Act of 1934 and is charged with regulating interstate and international communications by radio, television, wire, satellite and cable. The FCC's jurisdiction covers the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and U.S. possessions.


The FCC is directed by five Commissioners appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate for 5-year terms, except when filling an unexpired term. The President designates one of the Commissioners to serve as Chairperson. Only three Commissioners may be members of the same political party. None of them can have a financial interest in any Commission-related business.


As the chief executive officer of the Commission, the Chairman delegates management and administrative responsibility to the Managing Director. The Commissioners supervise all FCC activities, delegating responsibilities to staff units and Bureaus.














3.「記者偏見之斷簡殘編二台」,網址為 ,台主為任職於報社的資深記者turtle,對黨政、社會及傳播生態有很深刻的觀察。








5.「媒體觀察基金會」,網址為 ,國內首創對電視節目監看、並定期發不監看報告之公益機構。


6.「與媒體對抗」,網址為http:// ,本土色彩極強的媒體監督機構,其監看對象包括電子和平面媒體,而且參與監看者多為志工。




1. 劉昌德(2002.12),「媒體私有化的惡果──美國有線電視解禁造成消費者權益受損」,當代,第184期,頁92-101


2. R.W. McChesney and John Nichols (2003).  Media Democracy's Moment, The Nation, Feb. 28 。


3. 美國聯邦傳播委員會網站,網址為






