The Lord Gives Hope─聖靈的見證─智邦公益電子報 · March 23,2025The Lord Gives Hope
The Lord Gives Hope
- Lemuel Leong
- Devotionals - ENG
- 16 March 2025
The Lord Gives Hope
By Lemuel Leong
I thank God for the opportunity to visit Sister Arlyn Singco and her family yesterday on the Sabbath. Sister Arlyn is a high-ranking female army officer from the Philippines. She was once deployed to the front lines to combat rebels for over a year, and later she was assigned as an instructor. Now, she has returned to an administrative position.
Later, her husband had an accident that left him paralyzed from the waist down and unable to walk. A deacon came to their home to show concern and share the gospel. This was when Sister Arlyn first came into contact with the gospel of our church. Initially, she was quite resistant, thinking that if she were to change her faith, it would be more dignified to convert to a large church nearby. However, due to her lifelong respect for truth and her pursuit of it, she seriously researched the background and doctrines of the True Jesus Church online. Two years later, she decided to request baptism.
On the day of her baptism in 2022, because she had accumulated some amulets and protective charms from her time on the front lines, the devil took the opportunity to stir trouble. A voice whispered in her ear, telling her not to let the deacon baptize her. Subconsciously controlled by evil spirits, she was prompted to strike the deacon if he approached to baptize her. However, once in the water, she suddenly felt bound and unable to move, and she had no choice but to submit to the baptism. As she emerged from the water, she immediately began to speak fluently in tongue. At the same time, a brother at the baptism site saw a vision: the heavens opened, and a great light shone down from above, with the glory of God illuminating the entire seashore where the baptism took place.
During the sacrament of foot-washing at the chapel, a force suddenly pushed Sister Arlyn to the ground. The deacon could quickly sense something was wrong and immediately asked if she had any charms or amulets. Sister Arlyn then handed over all the amulets to the deacon, and they were completely burned.
From that moment on, she enjoyed the peace found in Christ. Miraculously, her husband, who had been paralyzed from the waist down, also gradually recovered during the process of seeking the truth and is now able to walk freely.
This testimony is shared to give all glory to the one and only Almighty God, our Lord Jesus Christ! Amen!
20140328 The Lord Gives Hope 主賞賜人盼望 -- Pr. Tien Huei-Huan 田輝煌傳道 -- MND ENG 華語講道 英語翻譯