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教育專題 ◎非洲農業最需要水
教 育 專 題 深 入 報 導《11/28/2003》




「國際食糧農業協會」﹙Food and Agriculture Organization﹚總幹事雅克.迪烏夫認為,在非洲,如果要改善衰弱的農業,最重要是優先解決灌溉和造路問題,而不是期望生物科技能在這片土地上發揮效用。同時,他也在「美洲開發銀行」(Inter-American Development Bank)發表一場演說中明確指出,非洲農業發展上面臨的首要問題是水,其次才是鄉村公共建設和道路問題。





現在,非洲坦尚尼亞這個國家也出現了私人企業做販賣水的事業。受坦尚尼亞政府委託的「市民用水服務公司」(City Water Services),已經在今年8月正式開始營業。


水源緊張(water stress)的現象在非洲實在是太普遍了。當世界貧富差距問題受人討論之際,水資源分配的問題也該獲得正視。窮到連水都沒得喝、沒得用,非洲民眾面臨的貧窮更讓人感到可怕。下次,當你在飲用一罐七、八十塊台幣的礦泉水時,別忘了這個故事。From first light, the whistles and squawks of Dar es Salaam's water sellers echo around the streets of a city where only a fraction of the population has access to clean, safe water.

Tanzania's commercial capital is a humid, sweltering coastal city of around 3 million in one of the world's poorest countries.

More than half its people survive on less than $1 a day. Most cannot turn on a tap to wash or pour a drink and instead rely on water sellers.

They often they risk their health in the process -- cholera has killed almost thirty people in Dar es Salaam over the last two months, according to official figures.

In a bid to modernize the city's water services, the Tanzanian government appointed a private company, City Water Services, to run the formerly state-run operations in August.

Other governments will be keeping a close eye on how the British-German-Tanzanian venture tackles the crippling water problems common to many African cities.

A recent U.N. report found that only 31 percent of poor people in sub-Saharan cities had access to water in their homes.

In Dar es Salaam, the water supply network was last upgraded almost 30 years ago. The city's population has boomed since then, and the United Nations now puts its growth rate at around 8 percent -- one of the highest in the continent.

Water rationing is currently in force across large parts of the sprawling city.

Only about 30 percent of 100,000 registered City Water customers receive water seven days a week, 20 percent get water for three days or less than three days a week, and the rest get none from the water pipes at all, the company estimates.

City Water chief executive Mike O'Leary says he is under no illusions about the scale of the task ahead.

"The scope of the work involved is enormous and it will not be possible to resolve all problems immediately," he told Reuters. "But certainly, there will be some improvement in the supply to some areas over the next few months."

Foremost among the challenges are thousands of illegal connections to the supply network -- many by unscrupulous water vendors who then supply homes and businesses at a vast profit.

"A 20 liter (four gallons) jerry can from one of these sellers costs 100 Tanzania shilling ($0.1) or more," said Ali Rajab, buying vegetables at the city's heaving Kariakoo market under a blazing midday sun. "It is much too much."

City Water says the "street price" is more than 10 times what they charge through the pipes.

Most of Dar es Salaam's water comes from three treatment plants. City Water says 60 percent is lost through leaks, unmetered excessive usage and straightforward theft.

It plans to tackle illegal connections, which increase wastage through leaks and risk contaminating the rest of the supply, through a six-month amnesty.

Removing illegal connections is a sensitive business. It is not just market gardeners, or small-scale entrepreneurs, who are diverting water illegally.

Since starting its operations, City Water says many people have told it certain individuals are charging significant sums to arrange water supply connections.

"We can also show you places where the tampering on our network has been done by people who are not short on resources," O'Leary said.

Others accuse those with vested interests in the status quo of deliberately sabotaging the distribution system.

"When the water flows in the pipes once in a month, it reaches only a few houses as the piping has been destroyed deliberately by those who benefit because of this consistent problem," one resident wrote to The Guardian newspaper.

Countries with less than 4,600 quarts of water available per person, per day, including agricultural and industrial usage, are said to be in "water stress," according to the U.N.

By 2025, the share of the world's population living in water-stressed areas will increase to 35 percent, or about 2.8 billion people. If Tanzania's population grows at a medium or fast rate, the U.N. says, it will have joined the list by then.

The private sector can modernize outdated networks in the developing world, but it must be effectively regulated by governments, the U.N. says.



「世界水之週」(World Water Week)在今年的8月10日至16日於瑞典斯得哥摩爾舉行。總共有1千2百位專家學者出席討論全球水資源問題,與會者還包括來自各國的政府官員、科學家、貿易家、以及許多非政府組織機構,他們在這個跨國際論壇上討論水資源分配、天然災害、人口與糧食供給等問題。

今年的議題鎖定在8個焦點,其中也談到歐盟每年在非洲投資1.5兆歐元的水工程計劃,使許多非洲的國營用水企業轉變成一種「多國聯合民營化」的型態(如坦桑尼亞的City Water Services民營公司)。然而,民營化也在許多非洲國家引發一連串的問題。就像「世界銀行」(World Bank)今年在迦納提出的「水資源是可販賣財產,還是應該免費提供給貧困民眾的天然資源」問題,日後都可能成為國際會議所關注的議題。雖然如此,歐盟主要還是希望,能透過「歐盟供水方案」(EU Water Initiative)的實施,在2015年以前,幫助4億居住在偏遠地區的非洲人口,使他們能夠享用乾淨的飲用水與衛生的環境。

今年同時也是聯合國的國際淡水年(United Nations International Year of Freshwater),關於淡水的使用問題,也是今年斯得哥摩爾集會所要討論的重頭戲。德國慕尼黑大學的教授威得洛(Peter A. Wilderer)是今年「斯得哥摩爾水獎」(Stockholm Water prize)得主,他認為,西方世界的水資源回收技術未必適合非洲地區,而非洲飲用水的問題應依照各地不同風土民情,尋求個別解決之道。例如,在肯亞首都奈洛比,政府每年發出4千張販水執照,但大多數的水販使用的水源不明,於是造成了浪費,毀壞的供水系統使得當地40%的水不知去向。



Simple innovations such as recycling household water and fixing leaky pipes would bring safe drinking water to hundreds of millions of people lacking it today, politicians and scientists said yesterday.

More than 1.2 billion people lack access to clean water, according to the United Nations, and 12 million die of diseases caused by poor water quality each year, said speakers at World Water Week, an annual gathering of some 1,200 water experts from 100 countries.

A U.N. action plan aims to halve the number of people lacking access to clean drinking water and tolerable sanitary conditions by 2015, but little progress has been made so far.

"There are people in the semi-arid and arid areas who still have to walk about 10 hours looking for water. That situation is totally unacceptable," Martha Karua, Kenya's minister of water resources, told Reuters.

"Kenya is a water-scarce country, but I believe that with efficient management of our water resources we can use the available water resources for the benefit of everybody and to cover all our needs," Karua said in an interview.

She said rebuilding Nairobi's crumbling water infrastructure with leaking pipes would cost over $80 billion, but much also needed to be done to eradicate corruption and misuse.

"In Nairobi around 40 percent of the water is unaccounted for," Karua said.

"It is estimated that there are around 4,000 water vendors licensed by the Nairobi City Council. What is amazing is that very few of these have any known water source which means basically that we are licensing people to vandalize the system."

Providing safe drinking water and sanitation would also save money from health budgets by freeing hospital beds from those suffering from water-borne diseases and prevent epidemics.

"SARS developed in an area where there was virtually no sanitation available and no safe drinking water, and it affected both the people there but also people living in Canada and the world economy," said Peter Wilderer, professor at the Technical University of Munich.

Wilderer has studied recycling household water and said the technical innovations to cut water use dramatically are already there.

"This is not an academic exercise. Many large industrial firms have realized this is the market of the future," he said.








水是加拿大珍貴的資源,也以其供應大量電力,然而,世界大壩委員會(World Commission on Dams)曾指出,因應水力發電所建立的蓄水大壩卻可能釋放出溫室效應氣體,讓加拿大水資源危機陷入一惡性循環當中。

