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教育專題 ◎ 2004-06-04
教 育 專 題 深 入 報 導《2004-06-04》

◎ 請問美國大人 火藥庫在哪?

請問美國大人 火藥庫在哪?




Tehran challenged the United States on Wednesday to produce hard evidence Iran is trying to build a nuclear bomb, but Washington said there is proof enough in a new U.N. atomic watchdog report.

"If the Americans have any claims or information they should hand it over to the (U.N. nuclear watchdog) agency, but it's clear they have nothing," Hassan Rohani, secretary-general of Iran's Supreme National Security Council, said in Tehran.

Kenneth Brill, U.S. ambassador to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and other U.N. organizations in Vienna, said the IAEA's latest report on Iran showed Tehran was trying to cover up a military atomic bomb program.

"I think that this persistent refusal to fully cooperate (with IAEA inspectors) fits a long-term pattern of denial and deception that can only be designed to mask Iran's military nuclear program," Brill told reporters.

President Bush's administration has accused Iran of running a secret nuclear weapons program alongside its declared atomic energy program. Iran denies this and says its ambitions are limited to the peaceful generation of electricity.


The confidential IAEA report, obtained by Reuters on Tuesday, said there were two major issues to be resolved.

The first was the origin of enriched uranium traces found at sites in Iran that some diplomats on the IAEA board say raised concerns Tehran was secretly enriching uranium for use in arms.

The second was Iran's centrifuge program, especially its interest in advanced P2 enrichment centrifuges capable of making bomb-grade uranium.

The report said Iran had admitted importing P2 parts and may have had interest in parts for thousands of centrifuges -- contrary to what Tehran had previously said.

"Unanswered questions continue to be the hallmark of Iranian cooperation with the (IAEA)," said Brill.

"The more the IAEA digs, the more problems it finds. It is equally clear that the IAEA is not buying Iranian explanations on the key questions and that the list of outstanding issues is larger than it was in March," he said.

But Rohani said the IAEA had only minor concerns about Iran and would soon be able to reassure the world Tehran had no atomic arms ambitions.

Non-proliferation analysts and diplomats close to the IAEA said, however, the concerns were not minor.

IAEA chief Mohamed ?ElBaradei told NATO parliamentarians on Tuesday he could not rule out that Iran's nuclear program was linked to a military weapons program.

"I think the (Bush) administration oversteps the evidence by saying it knows Iran has a weapons program," said David Albright, president of the Institute for Science and International Security in Washington and a former U.N. arms inspector.

"There's no evidence that's been found that shows they have an active nuclear weapons program," Albright said.

But he said Iran seemed to be keeping the weapons "option" open by pursuing uranium enrichment, a process of purifying uranium for use as fuel in nuclear power plants or in weapons.

While the IAEA report shows Iran has been changing its story, analysts and diplomats close to the IAEA said it contained no "smoking gun" that Iran was working on an atom bomb.


伊朗諾貝爾和平獎得主艾芭迪(Shirin Ebadi)日前表示,伊斯蘭教和民主是可以共存的,但是,美國不可以強行將一個多元社會的模式架在伊拉克上面,甚至是任何中東國家也不可行。




Iran's Nobel laureate said on Wednesday Islam and democracy were compatible but that the United States could not impose a pluralistic society on Iraq or elsewhere in the Middle East.

Shirin Ebadi, who last year became the first Muslim woman to receive a Nobel Peace Prize for her human rights efforts, said that too many Islamic nations hid behind religion to justify human rights violations.

"But I say we can be a Muslim and at the same time enjoy human rights and democracy," Ebadi told a news conference through an interpreter. "In order to justify the violation of human rights, Islamic governments invoke Islam."

The 57-year-old jurist, who is touring the United States and Canada, said democracy was a historical process that could not be imposed from the outside and that the new Iraqi government would have to earn its legitimacy.

"It's the performance that we have to watch out for," Ebadi said. "Democracy is not a present to offer a nation. Democracy cannot be imposed when people are dropping bombs on them."

"Therefore if the United States or any other country decides to contribute to the process of democracy, the way to do so is not through a military attack," she added.

Ebadi said she had hoped that former president Saddam Hussein would be "overthrown by the people of Iraq themselves and not military power from the outside" and without approval of the United Nations.

Ebadi, who has been reviled by conservative religious leaders in her own country, said she had many supporters among reformists and young people. She also was recently honored at a reception by Iran's U.N. ambassador, Javad Zarif.

She said that rightwing newspapers went so far as to call her "Sharon Ebadi," an obvious reference to Israel's prime minister, Ariel Sharon, whom Iran considers an enemy.

She said no country in the world had a perfect human rights record, including the United States, which had not signed key international treaties, such as the rights of the child.

Asked about the U.S. abuse of Iraqi prisoners, she said, "America is a civilized society so I ask myself -- how can it tolerate these actions and justify them?"







然而,我們亦發現,那些有問題的報導,無論以專欄或任何一種形式呈現,都有一個共同的特點,那就是:相同的消息來源。但並非全部的報導皆是如此,一般而言,記者的消息大多來自伊拉克當地的情報提供者,這些情報提供者也就是主張推翻海珊政權的叛逃者或流亡者。其中最著名的是,前伊拉克首席盟友查拉比(Ahmad Chalabi)所領導的團體;查拉比從1991年就長期為紐約時報提供消息來源,並且為記者與其他叛逃者牽線,藉此從中收取費用。查拉比同時也是布希任內最熱門的「線民」,不過,美方記者日前已停止向查拉比購買情報。




2001年12月20日,美國報《Knight Ridder》頭版報導,一名叫阿丹‧伊薩‧席得海達(Adnan Ihsan Saeed al-Haideri)的叛逃者指出,他是名土木工程師,一年前在巴格達一所生產生化核子武器的地下工廠工作,這座工廠位在海珊住所與海珊醫院的地底下。但今年初,美國軍方帶著這名逃犯前往實地探查,結果發現,並沒有任何生使用化武器設備的證據。雖然如此,我們認為伊拉克本土還是有可能挖掘出大規模的生化武器。


上述新聞5天後,紐約時報記者才了解到原來所謂的「鋁製管」只是情報單位間爭辯的一個議題。而在A13版的報導中可以嗅出一股不安的氣息,但標題中卻完全沒有透露關於白宮對伊拉克實施武力限制的內容。1月9日,國際原子能總署(International Atomic Energy Agency)向新關鍵證據的出現提出質疑時,紐約時報的相關報導才給了鋁製管的懷疑論者一個交代。然而,這篇報導應該刊載在A1版,而不應刊登在A10版。

2003年4月21日,美國武器搜查小組(American weapons-hunters)跟隨美軍進入伊拉克。而當天頭版刊登寫道,「一位伊拉克科學家坦承早在開戰前,伊拉克就擁有大規模的非法武器……」「這位科學家告訴美軍,他早在10年前就為海珊的化學武器計畫進行實驗,而這些化學武器與生物戰設備在開戰的前幾天就裝置完畢了。」



以上所提到的文章,都能在紐約時報網站上瀏覽(,讀者可以網站上找到由麥可‧高登(Michael Gordon)上月為紐約時報書評《New York Times Review of Book》所寫一系列相關細節評論,包括紐約時報所有的軍事報導,及關於「鋁管」的報導,與回應讀者關於伊拉克報導的問題。透過他的論述,讀者能以較簡明清晰的方式了解這些情報消息相關報導的複雜性。


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