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教 育 專 題 深 入 報 導《2006-07-07》 |
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◎國際專題:移民面臨遣返 法國小家庭出面庇護 | |
◎RESF為孩子張開保護傘 | |
◎新規定上路 非法移民居留有望 | |
◎吾思吾師 找回教師熱情與尊嚴徵文比賽 |
國際專題:移民面臨遣返 法國小家庭出面庇護 | |
策劃、編譯■唐澄暐 | |
法國和周圍的國家一樣,都面臨了類似的移民壓力。法國希望在今年內驅逐2萬6千名移民,而且已經通過了一項在非法移民身上強加嚴格居留條件的法律。夏天,學校紛紛結業,使得本來暫停的強迫驅逐令再次啟動。就在此時,RESF(無邊界學習組織)發起了一項類似第二次世界大戰時期庇護猶太人的活動;他們將這些孩子分散到志願者的家庭中避難。在整個法國,以中產階級家庭為多數的家長為那些稱為「sans papiers」,也就是沒有居留文件的孩童提供庇護所。 12歲的愛迪是厄瓜多人,但講得一口好法文。他喜愛幾何學、歷史、藝術,並把11歲的瓦倫丁視為最親密的朋友。這兩個男孩,在瓦倫丁母親的口中「就像兄弟一樣」,他們接下來兩週更常見面。為了避免被驅逐出境,愛迪搬到他朋友在里昂郊外的鄉村家園。 艾迪住在法國已經5年了。他的「保護者」是59歲的尚‧里歐‧沙西,是一位資深教員,以及他的太太珊德琳。「他會和我們度過兩個月的暑假,成為我們的家人。」珊德琳表示。「我們要逼迫法國尊重其理性與人道價值。」他聲稱,如果艾迪和他的兄弟姐妹被遣返厄瓜多,他們可能會被綁去強迫勞動甚至非法人體器官交易。 里昂的RESF支持者在學期後的假日庇護了許多孩子。在整個法國,可能有上千人的規模。44歲的女演員瓦雷里收容了一個10歲的男孩,她表示,如果亞塞拜然裔的亞力士被帶離她家並遣送回國,她的3個小孩會非常震驚且氣憤。 亞力士的母親莎米拉,將和兩個孩子被遣送到德國,也就是他們進入法國的所在,也是他們上一個申請居留的地方。RESF表示,這樣的過程將不可避免地使這一家人經過俄羅斯被送回亞塞拜然,但因為他們的亞美尼亞血統,他們有被迫害的風險。 這個活動的力量正在增強。支持活動的左翼市長主持象徵性的「收養」典禮,典禮上家長承諾為面臨驅逐出境的孩子提供庇護,同時每天幾乎都在進行示威抗議。機場員工也威脅將瓦解強迫驅逐出境的航班。社運者控訴壓迫的幕後黑手內政部長沙柯吉發動「獵童」以討好明年總統選舉中反移民的選票。他們打算推動一條反制法律,堅持驅逐非法移民必須以全家庭作為單位,來封堵沙柯吉驅逐孩童的計畫。 「我們和戰爭時期藏匿猶太人的行為有相似的地方,儘管我們的結果不會那麼嚴重。」尚表示。儘管他並沒有被起訴藏匿幼童的危險,但他知道如果他下個月繼續收容一位成年人的話,有可能會被罰鍰甚至入獄。瓦雷里也表示:「我的舉動不是被政治或知識所驅使,而是一種本能。現在這樣的情形根本不對。亞力士在我們家裡面很安全,但我擔心他一走出去就可能被抓走。」 Twelve-year-old Edi is Ecuadorian but speaks good French. He enjoys geometry, history and art and re-gards 11-year-old Valentin as his closest friend. The two boys - "like two brothers", according to Valentin's mother - will be seeing even more of each other in the coming weeks. As one of the symbols of an emotive campaign to save the children of illegal immigrants from being deported from France, Edi has moved in with his friend's family in a village outside Lyons. Throughout France, scores of mostly middle-class par-ents are giving refuge to children of the so-called sans pa-piers - foreigners with no legal right to stay. France, facing the same immigration pressures as neigh-bouring countries, wants to expel 26,000 immigrants this year and has passed a law imposing strict residency require-ments. With schools about to break up for summer, an official pause on enforcing expulsion orders is coming to an end. But in a highly organised operation that has been likened by some to the French Resistance's concealment of Jews in the Second World War, the Reseau Education Sans Frontieres (RESF) pressure group is dispersing children to the homes of volunteers. Activists accuse the interior minister behind the crack-down, Nicolas Sarkozy, of mounting a "child hunt" to court the anti-immigration vote in next year's presidential elec-tions. They hope to block his plans by exploiting a law in-sisting that families can be deported only as a whole. The campaign is gathering strength. Sympathetic Left-wing mayors are holding symbolic "adoption" cere-monies, in which parents promise shelter to children facing expulsion, while protest marches are staged almost daily. Airport workers have also threatened to disrupt forced de-portations. Edi, one of six children, has lived in France for five years. His "protectors" are Jean Riot-Sarcey, 59, who has a senior job in education, and his wife Sandrine, 34. "He will spend the two months of the summer holidays with us as part of our family," said Mr Riot-Sarcey. "We want to force France to respect its philosophical and hu-manitarian values." He claims that Edi and his siblings would be in danger of being kidnapped for forced labour or the illicit human or-gans trade if they were returned to Ecuador. "There are comparisons to be made between us and the people who hid Jews during the war, even if the consequences are not so grave," Mr Riot-Sarcey said. While he did not risk prosecution for harbouring a child, he knows that he will be liable to fines or even imprison-ment if he proceeds with plans to take in an adult next month. Mr Sarkozy has said regional administrators will act "firmly but humanely" in examining each case for residency on merit. Applicants must have been settled in France for at least two years. At least one child must be attending a French school and have no link with the country of his or her par-ents. In the Lyons area alone, RESF supporters expect to be sheltering dozens of children during the school holidays. Across France, the figure may run into thousands. Valerie, 44, an actress who has taken in a 10-year-old boy, said her three children would be shocked and upset if Alex, one of two sons of an illegal immigrant from Azerbaijan, were tak-en from their home and expelled. Alex's mother, Samira, and her children would be de-ported to Germany, the country from which they arrived in France and where they previously applied for residency. RESF says this would inevitably lead to them being sent back via Russia to Azerbaijan where they risked persecution because of their Armenian origins. Valerie said: "My gesture is not intellectually or politi-cally driven, but a matter of instinct. What is happening is wrong. Alex is safe while he is in my house but I worry that he might be picked up when he is outside." (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2006/07/03/wfrance03.xml&sSheet=/news/2006/07/03/ixnews.html) |
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RESF為孩子張開保護傘 | |
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目標下一任總統的法國內政部長沙柯吉,在移民議題上正面對新的挑戰,而必須中止將2萬6千個非法移民驅逐出境的計畫。因為許多家長與老師試圖保護這些被稱為「沒文件」(sans-papiers)的非法移民和他們的孩子。 去年10月,面對全法國增長的示威與罷課,以及反對警察在校內逮捕孩童的抗議,沙柯吉不得不做出行政命令,讓這些學生與他們的家庭可以待到學期結束。7月大限將至,移民家庭間的憂慮逐漸蔓延,但大眾對這種殘酷驅逐的不滿,也藉著一個稱為「無邊界學習」(Reseau Education Sans Frontieres,RESF)的網路傳開,並在法國各地開始活躍,引發多種抗議。 RESF尋求志願者在家中暫時收容這些可能會被逮捕遣返的移民之子。這項抗議活動逐漸累積小規模的勝利,並獲得更多認可。一項全國的非暴力抵抗請願書聲稱,「我們不會讓他們帶走那些孩子,我們將保護他們,我們會把他們藏起來讓警察找不到」,目前為止獲得了6萬2千人的連署。 這是一個小但值得注意的勝利,而且許多媒體也在頭版提到這個議題。沙柯吉想要發動一個選舉議題,以移民為代價討好貝當主義的法國人,但現在反而是以沙柯吉自己為代價,形成核心議題的爭辯。整個來說,這個活動足以使抵抗「歐洲堡壘」力量的再次復甦。 Over the last year, the French Ministry of Interior and running candidate for the next presidential election in France, Nicolas Sarkozy has had to back-pedal on its de-portation plans in face of a new form of resistance: that of parents and teachers trying to protect children or "illegal" immigrants called "sans-papiers" (without papers). In October last year, in face of growing demonstrations and strikes in schools around France, protests against police arresting children in school, Sarkozy had to send instructions so that pupils and their families could stay until the end of the school term. As this deadline approaches (J-4), fear has been mounting among immigrant families, but also popular dis-content channelled through a network called RESF or "Reseau Education Sans Frontieres" (Learning Without Borders) that is now active in all regions in France and stag-ing various protests and symbolic actions like "parrainage republicains" (Republican patronage). RESF has gained recognition as small victories have ac-cumulated over time, one of the latest being the return of Mariam Sylla and her two children from Mali as Sarkozy was embarking on a controversial tour to Mali and other African countries. A national petition of civil disobedience, claiming "we will not let them take those children, we will protect them, we will hide them from the police" has gathered over 62,000 signatures so far. Nicolas Sarkozy has managed to have his new anti-immigrant law pass with approval of "As-semblee Nationale" (Parliament) and "Senat", but has had to issue new instructions, which have been heavily criticized, allowing some immigrant families to stay. This is a small but notable victory and many media have had to mention the issue on their front page. Sarkozy wanted to raise an electoral debate, courting Petainist France at the expense of immigrants, but this is now becoming a central opinion debate at his expense. This could spark a revival of the struggles against "fortress Europe" at large. (http://www.indymedia.org/or/2006/06/841491.shtml) |
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新規定上路 非法移民居留有望 | |
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儘管延緩期限已經到期,一位居中斡旋的律師表示,法國政府將不會立刻展開驅逐學齡非法移民的行動。據法新社報導,在關於非法移民的新規定實行後,上千位家長開始在政府單位前列隊申請。這條新規定,允許法國許多有年幼子女的非法移民獲得居留文件。 「家庭必須在8月13日之前提供文件,不會有所謂的獵捕孩童……今年夏天不會有驅逐出境的行動。」律師柯拉斯菲表示。柯拉斯菲是知名法國反納粹人士克拉斯菲夫婦的兒子,本週稍早被內政部長任命,來為上千位可能被驅逐出境者進行逐案的複審協商。 委任柯拉斯菲,是對全國抗議驅逐行動所做出的回應。眾多抗議響應者將移民孩子藏在自己的家中,以免他們被驅逐出境。這些孩子跟著非法入境的家人一起來到法國,通常也應該和家人一起遣返,但抗議者表示,他們多數對其他國家一無所知,使驅逐出境極為不人道。屈服於壓力之下,沙柯吉告訴官派的各省省長,在處理相關遣送情形時,必須基於新的尺度考慮這些案例,例如說「該孩童是否與法國有強烈羈絆」。 「部長的公告是仁慈的。沙柯吉告訴議會,將那些與法國有強烈羈絆的孩童遣送回國將會如同流放和滅絕般痛苦。」克拉斯菲表示。「家人住在法國超過2年的孩童、生在法國的孩童或在13歲以前來到法國並在2005年9月以來都有就學的孩童,就能有居留文件。」他表示。「另一方面,帶了15歲以上孩童前來的人,如果馬上將其送入中學,然後跟官方開始玩紅綠燈的人,無法拿到文件。那就等於把邊界開放給所有人了。」 依照法律,法國學校接受所有境內孩童,不管是否合法入境。政府的支持者表示,沒有居留文件的家庭學童的全面就地合法,將鼓勵更多非法移民。而協調抗議行動的RESF網路表示他們無法信任政府的新措施,並會在巴黎展開新的示威活動。 France will not immediately begin deporting school-age illegal im-migrants despite the expiration yesterday of a moratorium on ex-pulsions, a lawyer mediating the dispute said. Thousands of parents have been queuing outside government offices in recent days to take advantage of new regulations that would allow many illegal immigrants with young children who have attended school in France to obtain residency papers. "Families have till August 13 to lodge a dossier, there will be no child hunt ... there will be no expulsions this summer," Arno Klarsfeld told Sud radio. Klarsfeld - the son of Nazi-hunter Serge Klarsfeld - was named by Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy earlier this week to co-ordinate case-by-case reviews of thousands of potential deportees. The appointment was in reaction to a nationwide protest movement to stop expulsions slated to begin after the end of the academic year yesterday, with campaigners vowing to hide foreign schoolchildren in their homes. The children are from families who entered France illegally and who would normally be expelled along with their parents, but campaigners say that most of them know no other country and that deportation would be inhumane. Bowing to pressure last week, Sarkozy told prefects - state-appointed local governors - to reconsider cases on the basis of new criteria, such as whether a child has "strong ties" to France. 『The minister's circular is generous. Nicolas Sarkozy has told the Senate that sending back children with strong ties (to France) would be suffered as an expatriation, an uprooting," said Klarsfeld. 『Children whose parents have lived in France for at least two years, who were born in France or those who came before the age of 13 and have been at school here since September 2005 - these can be given residence papers," he said. 『On the other hand someone who arrives with a child of 15, puts him straight away into a lycee and then plays a game of tag with the authorities saying you cannot touch me - these cannot be given papers. Otherwise you open the borders to everyone," he said. French schools are obliged to take in children regardless of whether they are in the country legally. Government support-ers say that blanket regularisation of all pupils from "paperless" families will encourage illegal immigration. In Paris this week thousands of parents - mainly Chinese - have queued up outside four processing centres in the hope of qualifying for residence papers under Sarkozy's new criteria. The Education Without Borders Network (RESF), which has co-ordinated the protest campaign, said it mistrusts the government's latest moves and has organised a demonstration in Paris for today. (AFP) |
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吾思吾師 找回教師熱情與尊嚴徵文比賽 | |
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