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發報時間: 2014-10-17 11:00:00 / 報主:田珍寶
Jesus is the Savior ——Holy Spirit Witness Newsletter Reflects on Its Ten Year Anniversary
Jesus is the Savior 耶穌是救主
Jesus is the Savior ——Holy Spirit Witness Newsletter Reflects on Its Ten Year Anniversary

Jesus is the Savior
——Holy Spirit Witness Newsletter Reflects on Its Ten Year Anniversary

By Angel Tien

      February 12, 2004 was the initial release of the first Holy Spirit Witness Newsletter. After 443 newsletters later, this is now the Tenth Year Anniversary. May God’s rich abundant grace and mercy be always with the readers of this newsletter who share with us the hope of Jesus Christ. Thank be to God!

      I recall the wonderful leading and guidance of the hand of God in the creation of this newsletter:

      In July, 1985, I attended the Taichung Teacher’s employment screening test. After the first day of exam, I felt I performed poorly and was very sorrowful. At night, I prayed hard to God, crying with tears of repentance. I was afraid that I will do poorly on tomorrow’s exam also. Then if I am not qualified, what can I do with my life? How do I face my parents? How can I follow my life path? Bitterly, I cried out to God, asking for Him to help me pass the employment exams. I vowed that I will repay God’s love by serving Him. The Holy Spirit touched me, “The call of the Macedonians! In the future, you will go abroad to preach the gospel and do holy work.” I was so grateful to God! I am willing to submit to the will of the Lord going forward.

      In January of 1997, I received a spiritual dream. I was standing in a large fish pond. Looking forward, I saw lines of schools of little fish all bee-lining toward me. These fish-lines were speedily coming at me from all directions, one after another. The quantity of fish is amazing. I caught a live fish with my bare hands; it was the size of my palm. Then I put the fish in my bucket and went home. I told my family, “Tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, I will continue to go catch fish!”

      In February, 2004, I started the Holy Spirit Witness Newsletter. Then in June, 2004, I started the Holy Spirit Witness Website. Then in 2006, when my mother went to America to share her testimonies abroad, she met four brothers and sisters at the churches there. Then in 2008, I started to contact them and shared with them the idea to set up a similar content website but hosted in United States so everything can be presented in different languages to different countries. They readily agreed to help me start a new mirror site of the Holy Spirit Witness. In 2009, five of us immediately launched the FaceJesus.org Website with one accord. Over the next months, the Holy Spirit touched my mother in prayer to let her know that the main purpose for God to arrange her to go to testify in America was so that she would be able to find and connect with the partners needed to help me with my website ministry.

      In 2007, I attended the Spiritual Convocation at a neighboring church. In the concluding prayer after the Holy Communion, I felt I was greatly filled with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit revealed to me: “When you were only six month old, the heavy water buffalo sat on you for over ten minutes and you had died. However, your father had one hundred percent faith in Me and dedicated you to me. He begged me to let you live and vowed that when you grow up, you would serve Me. I granted his wish, gave back your life, and resurrected you from the dead.” Tears covered my faith. So it was my father who had dedicated me to God already. No wonder while my father was still alive, he would often tell me, “Whenever I hear you doing holy work, I am delighted, joyful, and very satisfied.” For he had already presented my life to be used by the Lord.

      In 2011, when my mother was praying, the Holy Spirit inspired my mother, Angel’s older and younger brothers are “dedicated to God” but she is to “serve God, serve God, serve God.” God then continued inspiring, “Because Angel is not married, so I instructed her to work on the website.” My niece prayed to God on my behalf. Then the Holy Spirit inspired her to ask me, “If I (God) was to truly give you a family, will you still be willing to serve me? You must continue the holy work of the website ministry and you must never allow it to be interrupted…”

      On May 4, 2011, during the daybreak prayer, the Holy Spirit moved my mother, “The website contains a lot of spiritual treasures, which is just like Angel’s name.” Angel’s name in Chinese means treasure.

      In February, 2014, early morning prayer, God inspired my mother, “Even if Angel is married today, will she be as happy as she is now? She is very happy now because God is using her.”

      God’s inspiration must be taken with caution and discernment. Is it really from the Holy Spirit or not? We must be very careful and not speak anything out of line. In the articles I have written, I have always stated specifically, “God inspired, the Holy Spirit touched, spiritual dream or vision thus said…” These phrases punctuate that the messages that followed were not spoken out of a person’s own will (human’s will). Rather, each word is carefully and truthfully written down as instructed. We do not add any of our own words so it can be accurate. As to whether the messages are truly from God’s revelation? Divine inspiration? The person who testified and wrote must be accountable to God. Readers and friends, you are welcome to read other articles I have written. The more you read, the more your heart will naturally come to understand why God wants to make such inspiration, and why I want to write it down this way.

      May the Lord continue to guide us so that we may continue to abide with the Lord, working diligently for God. May God have mercy on us, give us His gracious help, and bless everyone!

Jesus is the Savior 耶穌是救主

Jesus is the Savior 耶穌是救主

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