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教育專題 ◎ 國際專版 有人類文明,就沒有自然生態?





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教育專題         國際專版 有人類文明,就沒有自然生態?



  國際專版 有人類文明,就沒有自然生態?


















Once again there is loud and passionate debate in the US over opening Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge(阿拉斯加北極保護區) to oil companies. This issue should have been settled last year when a bipartisan group of lawmakers rejected a drilling(鑽孔開挖) proposal in the US Senate. The debate should have shifted to explore alternative ways of reducing US dependence on foreign oil, such as developing renewable energy and reducing oil consumption. But it has not.




Instead, the Bush administration seems interested in exploring only one avenue: finding new ways to open the reserve(保護區). Drilling proponents in Congress have included potential revenues from oil leases(租貸) in the refuge in this year's US budget resolution, a backdoor manoeuvre(後門政治行動) that would set the stage for opening the refuge to drilling without full and open debate in Congress.




This continued focus on developing domestic oil supplies is doing nothing to accomplish US energy independence, one of President Bush's stated policy goals. The reserves in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge cannot significantly contribute to this, nor provide relief to the current high price of oil. It would take at least ten years before the reserve's oil came on the market, and even then the estimated 3.2 billion barrels are only enough to meet US energy needs for six months.




Indeed, the US has only 2-3 percent of the world's known petroleum reserves, but consumes 25 percent of the world's annual oil production. Current predictions are that by 2025, US energy use - already the highest in the world - will rise by 40 percent, with a projected 70 percent of the oil imported from abroad.




Clearly, real solutions to address US dependence on foreign oil do not lie in developing Alaskan, or other domestic, oil sources. Instead, they lie in reducing the US addiction to energy, and oil in particular, and in shifting to alternative energy sources.




Here, the Bush administration has made few real commitments.




It's true that in his 2003 State of the Union address(國情咨文), President Bush announced a US$1.2 billion initiative to develop technology and infrastructure for commercially viable hydrogen-powered fuel cells(氫動力燃油電池). But this money comes at the expense of money for developing energy efficiency and other clean, renewable energy sources. On top of this, the president failed to mention that fossil fuels(石化燃料) would still be used to produce the hydrogen.




It's also true that President Bush has promised half the US$2.4 billion in oil lease sales from the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to research on solar, wind, geothermal(地熱的), and other alternative energy. But funds for alternative energy should not be linked to such a dirty deal. They should be allocated independently as part of dedicated commitment to developing cleaner, renewable energy.




There also has been no commitment to intermediate(中程的) solutions for reducing oil consumption. Effective measures for this have already been shown to work. The first President Bush implemented a US$36.6 million education campaign urging Americans to save energy, which helped cut oil use by approximately 100,000 barrels a day.




Raising fuel efficiency standards for new vehicles by 3 mph would save more oil than may be found in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Not only has the current administration made no attempt to do this, but its new economic stimulus plan includes tax incentives for small businesses to acquire sport utility vehicles (SUVs)(運動休旅車) effectively for free, a move that will only increase the number of petrol-guzzling(耗油) vehicles on the road. Tax incentives to encourage green buildings, hybrid-engine(混合能源引擎) cars, and other affordable innovations in energy efficiency - not to mention incentives to help renewable energy power plants compete against traditional power plants - are, however, conspicuously absent.




If the Bush administration is serious about achieving national security through energy independence, then it needs to adopt aggressive programs that reduce US oil consumption and give renewable energy a competitive jump start. Other countries have already done so, most notably Germany and the UK, demonstrating that such programs can begin if there is political will. The leaders of these countries also see that two goals can be achieved simultaneously by reducing dependence on oil: energy security and reduction of CO2 pollution, the main cause of global warming.




Drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is, and always has been, more about politics than energy issues. There is no need to develop one of America's last great wilderness areas when intermediate


solutions to US energy consumption are already available and renewable energy sources remain unharnessed - and especially not via a backdoor political tactic. Already cynical about the role of oil in US policy, the world will be interested to see how far American political leaders will go in sacrificing the natural environment and the development of renewable energy in pursuit of oil industry profit.












A lack of males is pushing the saiga antelope(賽加羚羊,如圖) in Russia to the brink of extinction, scientists said on Wednesday. A demand for male horns in traditional Chinese medicine has resulted in a shortage of males and although they have harems(女眷,在此指雌性羚羊) of 12-30 there are not enough males to mate with all the females.




"Until now, in polygamous(一夫多妻) systems, it has been assumed that even when males are in short supply their ability to inseminate(使受孕) many females secures the viability of the population," said Dr E.J. Milner-Gulland, of Imperial College London. "But our observations indicate that if the percentage of males in the population falls below one percent, reproductive collapse will result," he






The saiga antelope is already on the most endangered species list of the World Conservation Union. In a report in the science journal Nature, Milner-Gulland and his colleagues said the antelope population is halving each year and could soon be lost. Their numbers have dropped to 50,000 over the past decade -- five percent of what it was previously.




A strict hunting ban saved the saiga antelopes from a similar population crash about a century ago and the scientists suggested similar measures are needed now.




"There is only one viable herd in captivity and the species is difficult to breed because of their nomadic existence and diet in the wild. Efforts must be focused on involving rural people in conservation and providing resources to train and equip local law enforcement agents," Milner-Gulland added in a statement.












Iceland said on Wednesday it would submit plans to resume scientific whaling to the International Whaling Commission (IWC) later this month -- a key step towards restarting its controversial whale hunting. Iceland, which has not hunted the marine mammals since 1989, said after rejoining the IWC in October it planned to start hunting again. It said commercial whaling would not begin until 2006 but that whaling for scientific purposes could come sooner.




Stefan Asmundsson, the fishing ministry's whaling commissioner, said the government would submit a plan for scientific whaling to the IWC later in March."We have made no decision on when we will start scientific whaling," he added. He said the IWC, which requires member states to present detailed research plans before they can begin hunting for research purposes, would discuss Iceland's proposal at its annual meeting in June. No decision would be made before that.




A vast majority of Icelanders support the resumption of whaling, which has long traditions in the country, and advocates argue that a rising whale population in north Atlantic waters deprives fishermen of their catch.




Environmental groups disagree and tour operators fear whaling would put an unfavourable spotlight on Iceland, which has become a trendy destination. They say tourism revenues from whale-watching are twice what whaling yielded before Iceland began enforcing a ban in 1989.




Asmundsson said Iceland was investigating whether there would be a market for the whale products. He said scientific whaling would be very expensive if Icelanders could not sell those parts of their catch not earmarked for research labs.




Whale meat and other products are popular in Japan, which also carries out what it calls scientific research whaling. Iceland refused to sign up to the 1986 commercial whaling moratorium(暫停) and stormed out of the IWC a decade ago in anger over the ban, before rejoining last year. It stopped whaling in 1989 amid international pressure.














































