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──────────────────────────────── 標題:英美戰爭罪行對伊拉克公衛體系的破壞 (U.S. and British War Crimes Ravage Public Health in Iraq) 作者:Wim De Ceukelaire(國際解放行動–第三世界醫療援助) (International Action for Liberation-Medical Aid for the Third World,Intal-MATW) 2003.4.30 譯者:陳真、王怡靜、李鑑慧 本文責任編輯:陳豐偉 ────────────────────────────────
Al Numan 醫院在民眾保護下,幸運地完好無損,不過,醫院裡雖然 有外科醫療人員留守,但由於普遍存在的安全問題,病人仍然很難到 醫院求診。至於 Ibn Al Haythem 眼科醫院和 Abduker 軍醫院在歷 經劫掠後已經關閉。 Rashad 和 Ibn Rushad 兩家精神病院也無法再 收治病患。[70]
[1] Beth Osborne Daponte, M.A. "A Case Study in Estimating Casualties from War and Its Aftermath: The 1991 Persian Gulf War" 1993.
[2] World Health Report 2002, p. 227-228.
[3] "The human costs of war in Iraq" Center for Economic and Social Rights, 2003.
[4] MEDACT and International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW) " Collateral Damage: The health and environmental costs of war on Iraq" November 2002.
[5] Campaign Against Sanctions on Iraq "Confidential UN Document Predicts Humanitarian Emergency in Event of War on Iraq" Press Release, 7 January 2003.
[6] "The human costs of war in Iraq" Center for Economic and Social Rights, 2003.
[7] Bradley Graham and Dan Morgan "U.S. Has No Plans to Count Civilian Casualties" Washington Post, 15 April 2003.
[8] "Red Cross horrified by number of dead civilians" CTV, 3 April 2003.
[10] "Weary Iraq counts human cost of war" The Observer, 20 April 2003.
[11] "At the gates of Baghdad" The Economist, 5 April, 2003.
[12] Bradley Graham and Dan Morgan "U.S. Has No Plans to Count Civilian Casualties" Washington Post, 15 April 2003.
[13] Amnesty International "Iraq. Civilians under fire" April 2003, AI Index: MDE14/071/2003.
[14] "'Many dead after Baghdad shops hit" BBC News, 26 March 2003.
[15] 在巴格達蘇拉區(Shula)Al-Noor 醫院工作的 Amany Haroon 醫師,提到最後總共有 67 名平民死亡,46 人受傷。 "From a hospital in the al-Shu'la district" 28 April 2003 (http://electroniciraq.net/news/716.shtml).
[16] Robert Fisk "In Baghdad, blood and bandages for the innocent" The Independent, 30 March 2003; Cahal Milmo "The proof: marketplace deaths were caused by a US missile" The Independent, 2 April 2003.
[17] Mark Franchetti "US Marines Turn Fire on Civilians at the Bridge of Death" The Times, 30 March 2003.
[18] Amnesty International "Iraq. Civilians under fire" April 2003, AI Index: MDE14/071/2003.
[19] William Branigin "A Gruesome Scene on Highway 9: 10 Dead After Vehicle Shelled at Checkpoint" Washington Post, 1 April 2003.
[20] 醫院的傷亡影像,經常因為太過於殘忍恐怖而不被報導。如以 下的目擊報告:Robert Fisk and Justin Huggler "Children killed and maimed in bomb attack on town" The Independent, 2 April 2003; Robert Fisk"Wailing children, the wounded, the dead: victims of the day cluster bombs rained on Babylon" The Independent, 3 April 2003.
[21] "Bombings kill 48 more civilians south of Baghdad" AFP, 2 April 2003.
[22] "J'ai vu directement une quinzaine de civils tues en deux jours. Je connais assez la guerre pour savoir qu'elle est toujours sale, que les civils sont les premieres victimes. Mais comme ca, c'est absurde." Michel Guerrin "J'ai vu des marines americains tuer des civils" Le Monde, April 13, 2003.
[23] Essam Al-Ghalib "Mounting Iraqi civilian casualties. Is it war against the Iraqi people?" Arab News, 8 April 2003.
[24] Robert Fisk "We're here to fight the regime, not civilians, but I had to save my men" The Independent, 11 April 2003.
[25] Paul Eedle "The marines shot anything they considered a threat" The Financial Times, 10 April 2003.
[26] "US marines kill two children in checkpoint error" ABC News, 11 April 2003 (http://www.abc.net.au/news/newsitems/s830487.htm).
[27] "US admits killing `at least seven' in Mosul" The Times, 16 April 2003.
[28] "U.S. soldiers fire on Iraqi protesters; hospital chief says 13 Iraqis are dead" Associated Press, 29 April 2003.
[29] Human Rights Watch "U.S. Misleading on Cluster Munitions" 25 April 2003.
[30] "US drops new high tech cluster bomb in Iraq" (http://www.abc.net.au/news/newsitems/s823003.htm).
[31] Mark Odell "Widespread Use of Cluster Bombs Sparks Outrage" Financial Times, 4 April 2003.
[32] Human Rights Watch "U.S. Use of Clusters in Baghdad Condemned" 16 April 2003; 英國民間組織「地雷行動」 (Landmine Action)證實使用於希拉的叢集飛彈是 BLU97。
[33] 有些資料來源指出,叢集飛彈之未爆率甚至高達 15-20%,如義 大利的退休軍官 Fernando Termentini 就是這麼說,參見 "Anti-landmine group slams antipersonnel mines, cluster bombs" AFP, 7 April 2003.
[34] Amnesty International "Iraq: Use of cluster bombs -- Civilians pay the price" 2 April 2003, AI Index: MDE 14/065/2003.
[35] Thomas Frank "Grisly Results of U.S. Cluster Bombs" Newsday, 15 April 2003; Rosalind Russell "Cluster bombs - a hidden enemy for Iraqi children" Reuters, 18 April 2003; Mark Baker "Hundreds are dying who should not die" The Age, 21 April 2003 (http://www.theage.com.au/articles/2003/04/20/1050777165468.html).
[36] "US cluster bombing leaves Iraqi city angry over dead, maimed" AFP, 29 April 2003.
[37] Roger Normand "Special Report: Water Under Siege In Iraq. US/UK Military Forces Risk Committing War Crimes by Depriving Civilians of Safe Water" The Center for Economic and Social Rights, April 2003.
[38] Beth Osborne Daponte, M.A. "A Case Study in Estimating Casualties from War and Its Aftermath: The 1991 Persian Gulf War" 1993.
[39] Campaign Against Sanctions on Iraq "Confidential UN Document Predicts Humanitarian Emergency in Event of War on Iraq" Press Release, 7 January 2003.
[40] Roger Normand "Special Report: Water Under Siege In Iraq. US/UK Military Forces Risk Committing War Crimes by Depriving Civilians of Safe Water" The Center for Economic and Social Rights, April 2003.
[41] International Committee of the Red Cross "ICRC: Iraq is at a crucial stage" 20 April 2003.
[42] "Iraq: Basra's pivotal issue water" UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Integrated Regional Information Network, 18 April 2003.
[43] ICRC, Daily Bulletin, 2 April 2003.
[44] UNICEF Iraq briefing note 20 Apr 2003.
[45] Anthony Shadid "Blackout Increases Foreboding, Darkness Stills City Bracing for Chaos" Washington Post, 4 April 2003
[46] International Committee of the Red Cross "ICRC: The medical system of Baghdad totally disrupted by insecurity and looting" 12 April 2003.
[47] "Iraq at risk of cholera epidemic" AFP, 7 April 2003.
[48] United Nations "UN relief agencies praised Iraqi health workers" 21 April 2003.
[49] United Nations "UN relief agencies report slow improvement in Iraq, but situation still `precarious'" 22 April 2003.
[50] "Basra utilities `were not bombed'" BBC News, 17 April 2003 (http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/2955623.stm).
[51] Michael McDonough "U.K.: Structure Damage Won't Cripple Iraq" Associated Press, 15 April 2003.
[52] "US troops fire on ambulance, two killed" AFP, 10 April 2003; 此外,法新社 4 月 29 日的一篇報導也引述一位納亞當地居 民的談話:「為什麼美軍要攻擊平民?他們甚至攻擊正在搶救傷患的 救護車,而且還打死了五名醫護人員。」請見:"US cluster bombing leaves Iraqi city angry over dead, maimed" AFP, 29 April 2003.
[53] "Des soldats, desempares, disent : "Je ne suis pas prepare a ca, je ne suis pas venu ici pour tirer sur des civils." Le colonel oppose que les Irakiens utilisent les habitants pour tuer des marines, que "des soldats sont deguises en civils, que des ambulances commettent des attentats." Michel Guerrin "J'ai vu des marines americains tuer des civils" Le Monde, April 13, 2003.
[54] IFRC "Red Crescent maternity hospital damaged in attack" 3 April 2003.
[55] Simon Jeffery "Baghdad hospital bombed" The Guardian, 2 April 2003.
[58] Amnesty International "An overview of Amnesty International's concerns and position on the conflict in Iraq" 17 April 2003.
[59] Suleiman al-Khalidi "Agencies: US-Led Troops Must Rein in Iraq Looters" Reuters, 10 April 2003.
[60] Brian Whitaker "Free to do bad things" The Guardian, 12 April 2003.
[61] White House Daily Briefing, 11 April 2003.
[62] Human Rights Watch "Coalition Forces Must Stop Iraqi Looting" 12 April 2003.
[63] Ravi Nessman "Franks: U.S. stays until free gov't forms" Associated Press, 11 April 2003.
[64] "Sensing Foul Play, Iraqis Take Arms To Stop Looting" in Islamonline, 11 April, 2003 (http://islamonline.net/english/news/2003-04/11/article13.shtml).
[65] Ole Rothenborg "US Forces deliberately encouraged the Looting" 原文為瑞典文,見 Dagens Nyheter, 11 April 2003.
[66] Robert Fisk "For the people on the streets, this is not liberation but a new colonial oppression" The Independent, 17 April 2003.
[67] International Committee of the Red Cross "The medical system in Baghdad has virtually collapsed" 11 April 2003.
[68] International Committee of the Red Cross "ICRC: The medical system of Baghdad totally disrupted by insecurity and looting" 12 April 2003.
[69] ICRC "Baghdad Yarmouk hospital: one hundred patients an hour" 6 April 2003.
[70] International Committee of the Red Cross "Yarmouk hospital: Corpses were piled in the entrance hall before being buried in the hospital grounds" 13 April 2003.
[71] International Committee of the Red Cross "ICRC: Dire situation in hospitals" 17 April 2003.
[72] Mark Baker "Hundreds are dying who should not die" The Age, 21 April 2003.
[73] UNICEF, Iraq briefing note, 21 Apr 2003.
[74] Mark Baker "Hundreds are dying who should not die" The Age, 21 April 2003.
[75] United Nations "UN relief agencies report slow improvement in Iraq, but situation still `precarious'" 22 April 2003.
[76] Amnesty International "Iraq: Looting, lawlessness and humanitarian consequences" 11 April 2003, AI Index: MDE14/085/2003.
[77] "U.S. soldiers fire on Iraqi protesters; hospital chief says 13 Iraqis are dead" Associated Press, 29 April 2003.
[78] 基督教科學箴言報(Christian Science Monitor)報導指出, 當小孩子仍因為無法獲得乾淨飲水而死於傳染病時,美軍卻在 Umm Qasr 建造了一座「非常上鏡頭」(“very photogenic”)的遊樂場, 請見 Sarah Kenyon Lischer "Humanitarian aid is not a military business" Christian Science Monitor, 15 April 2003; 約旦時報(Jordan Times)擔心軍方的人道救援可能是無效的,因為 「伊拉克人民都很清楚,要不是因為英美聯軍的關係,他們根本不需 要援助,甚至不會發現他們最需要的竟然是食物、飲水和醫療。」, 請見“The militarization of humanitarian aid" The Jordan Times, 31 March 2003.
[79] Roger Normand "Special Report: Water Under Siege In Iraq. US/UK Military Forces Risk Committing War Crimes by Depriving Civilians of Safe Water" The Center for Economic and Social Rights, April 2003.
[80] Burhan Wazir "Jubilation turns to hate as aid arrives" The Guardian, 27 March 2003.
[81] Essam Al-Ghalib "Mounting Iraqi civilian casualties, Is it war against the Iraqi people?" Arab News, 8 April 2003.
[82] Carol Giacomo "Aid groups oppose Pentagon control of aid effort" Reuters, 2 April 2003; Shanta Bryant Gyan "Statement on Military Control of Iraq Relief; Reconstruction" InterAction, 3 April 2003.
[83] Sarah Kenyon Lischer "Humanitarian aid is not a military business" Christian Science Monitor, 15 April 2003.
[84] United Nations "UN relief agencies praised Iraqi health workers" 21 April 2003.
[85] "Iraq: Conditions in Basra's main hospital still dire" UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Integrated Regional Information Network, 17 April 2003.
[86] Robert Fisk "Final proof that war is about the failure of the human spirit" The Independent, 10 April 2003.