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═══════════════════════《2003/10/17》═════ |
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國際時事 | ◎ 2003諾貝爾和平獎 |
◎ 諾貝爾大賭局? | |
◎ 呼籲伊朗尊重人權 | |
◎ 鞠躬盡瘁 死而後已 |
◎ 2003諾貝爾和平獎 | |
編譯 | 賴明芝 |
回教世界疑為政治決定2003年諾貝爾和平獎在台灣時間10月11日下午5點正式揭曉,得獎者是致力於改善婦女及兒童人權的伊朗律師艾巴迪,她也是第11位獲得諾貝爾和平獎的女性。 1947年出生於伊朗的艾巴迪,德黑蘭大學畢業,並於1975年成為伊朗史上第一位女性法官,可惜後來因為爆發革命而下台。目前的艾巴迪除了擔任律師工作之外,也在母校德黑蘭大學教書。 艾巴迪認為,一個不尊重婦女及小孩的社會,就不能稱為文明的社會,她主張「教育和對話」是解決衝突的最佳方式。對艾巴迪而言,回教與基本人權並不衝突。重要的是世界不同文化與宗教之間的對話,自始就應做為它們的共同價值。諾貝爾和平獎委員會對艾巴迪為基本人權奮鬥的堅持,十分讚揚。 艾巴迪是第一位獲得諾貝爾和平獎的回教婦女,她在接獲得獎的消息後表示,感到相當訝異,但自己的生活並不會有太大改變,儘管如此,就她對伊朗人權與人民的努力而言,這次獲獎相當重要。 將諾貝爾和平獎頒給一個伊朗婦女運動者,也許能夠對中東地區的女權帶來刺激與鼓勵,但是,有些回教人士擔心,這會是另一個西方對伊斯蘭文化價值的攻擊。 很多中東人士對於911恐怖攻擊事件發生後,西方對回教所抱持的偏見態度感到傷害,而且認為,中東地區常常被貼以錯誤的標籤,好像女權的落後就是回教文化害的。 殊榮?在西方媒體報導下,艾巴迪這次獲頒2003年諾貝爾和平獎只剩下讚美之詞。但在回教國家的媒體觀點下,政治目的反而成為關注焦點。在宗教相當保守的沙烏地阿拉伯,一家日報媒體《al-Watan》將這份榮耀視為「政治決定」,而且是西方世界對伊斯蘭世界的某種施壓手段,別有用心。 看伊朗政府對艾巴迪獲獎的反應,就可以窺見其中詭譎的氣氛。當得獎名單公布之際,伊朗改革派政府對於該國人權鬥士艾巴迪獲得諾貝爾和平獎初則表示「高興」,繼而又改變態度。 伊朗政府發言人拉馬桑札德原本說:「我們很高興,一名伊朗回教女性能因致力和平而得到全世界注目。我們希望,伊朗能進一步借重她的專業觀點。」但拉馬桑札德稍後收回了這番談話,並稱,他先前只是表達個人態度而已。 原文 CAIRO (Reuters) - Awarding the Nobel peace prize to an Iranian woman campaigner may spur on others in the Middle East fighting for women's rights, but some in the region fear it could be used in a fresh Western assault on Islamic values. Many in the region feel stung by what they see as a rise in Western prejudice toward Muslims since the September 11, 2001 attacks on U.S. cities, and say the Middle East is often wrongly branded as a backwater for women's rights because of Islam. They say the region that stretches from the Atlantic coast into Asia includes secular states where women share many of the same freedoms and obstacles as in the West, alongside strict Muslim countries where women battle with more restrictions. Some Middle East women say they may face more discrimination than in the West, but blame that on simple male chauvinism or misinterpretation of Islam not genuine religious precepts. ULTERIOR MOTIVES Elsewhere, others saw Ebadi's prize as helping women's rights campaigners but were also wary of outside meddling. "It is an encouragement, but I just hope it will not mean you are fighting Muslim tradition because in the same way you have to have the right to become a more secular woman, you have to have the right to become a more religious-type of Muslim woman too," Egyptian columnist Randa Ashmawi told Reuters. Ashmawi, who does not wear the Islamic veil, said such freedom included not stigmatizing women who choose to cover their heads, a Muslim tradition practiced by many but which has stoked controversy about where it can be worn in Europe. Many Egyptian women say they are fighting for equality, an issue Egypt's President Hosni Mubarak raised last month with a call for children of Egyptian mothers and foreign fathers to have the right to Egyptian nationality. Egyptian fathers already pass on nationality. Similar laws exist in other Arab states. Women's rights is moving up the regional agenda elsewhere. Morocco's king has unveiled reforms to give women greater rights in marriage and divorce, while in Kuwait a draft law proposes giving women the right to run and vote in municipal elections. Kuwaiti liberal commentator Ahmed Rubaie wrote that the Nobel committee sent a "clear message" when it said it hoped the prize would inspire those struggling for human rights in Iran and the Muslim world. Tunisian rights activist Nejib Hosni said of Ebadi's prize: "It is of great comfort to all Muslims, women and men alike...at a time when Islam is linked to terrorism by some circles in the West." (Additional reporting from Souhail Karam in Morocco, Lamine Chikhi in Algeria, Haitham Haddadin in Kuwait and Ghaida Ghantous and Heba Kandil in Dubai) |
(回目錄) |
◎ 諾貝爾大賭局? | |||
今年諾貝爾和平獎的提名總數,多達165人,可以說是創下空前紀錄。頒獎前,有諾貝爾獎觀察家表示,今年的情況比較不一樣,今年沒有一個候選人明顯的獲得推崇。不過,猜猜看遊戲還是照玩不誤,教宗、捷克總統哈維和巴西總統魯拉,都是熱門人選。 根據外電消息指出,這次諾貝爾和平獎猜猜看活動,甚至在澳洲引來賭徒下注。最熱門,獎金最低的是天主教教宗若望保祿二世;而最冷門,也就是彩頭最大的是澳洲總理霍華德,他的獎金最高,高達1賠500,是教宗的250倍。捷克前總統哈維爾與出身勞工的巴西現任總統魯拉為第二及第三熱門人選,賠率分別為1賠8與1賠14。 奧斯陸諾貝爾和平研究所所長湯尼森就公開說,他押寶在教宗身上。湯尼森表示,這主要因為教宗在反對出兵伊拉克事上,直言無諱,他以宗教領袖身分表態反對,大大有助於化解基督教與回教之間的嫌隙,可能因此避免讓討伐伊拉克之戰演變成「十字軍」再現的局面。 不過,湯尼森這回押錯寶了!沒想到最後出爐的結果是伊朗人權女律師艾巴迪獲獎。已經83高齡的若望保祿二世,歷年來在許多場合獲得褒獎提名,許多人都猜測,或許這是他獲得今年諾貝爾委員會青睞的原因之一。沒想到教宗還是和諾貝爾和平獎無緣!「意外的結果」,引來各方論戰,紛紛討論究竟應該把諾貝爾和平獎頒給誰?艾巴迪真的有實至名歸嗎? 前波蘭總統,也是諾貝爾和平獎得主華勒沙對本屆得獎結果發表感想,他說,今年諾貝爾和平獎捨棄教宗若望保祿二世而選擇伊朗女性主義者和人權律師艾巴迪是個大錯。 1983年諾貝爾和平獎得主的華勒沙在格丹斯克家中,從電視上得知和平獎得主。他認為奧斯陸的選擇「令人無法置信」,他重複地說:「無法令人相信。」 25年前的今天,波蘭籍的瓦蒂拉樞機主教被選為新任教宗,聖名若望保祿二世。1/4的世紀以來,教宗足跡遍布全球,到處宣揚天主教義,儘管身體健康狀況不甚理想,但是教宗表示,將奉獻至死。教宗的祖國波蘭已經開始舉行一連串慶祝活動,其中包括多場流行音樂會、慈善義賣,為教宗祈禱的特別慶祝彌撒等。 教廷國務卿索達諾(Angelo Sodano)樞機主教說,教宗沒有因未獲諾貝爾和平獎而失望。在教廷中地位僅次於教宗的索達諾說:「如果某個組織想要認同他,那是件好事。不過教宗已超越這些事情了。」不過,梵蒂岡方面開始擔憂,教宗駕崩後,可能會使教會分裂的更為嚴重。包括墮胎、單身不婚、飲酒等議題,會是繼任教宗更難的挑戰。 原文 PARIS (Reuters) - In his quarter-century at the head of the world's billion Roman Catholics, Pope John Paul II has led an unflagging campaign to assert Vatican orthodoxy amid cheers from traditionalists and groans from church liberals. The Polish pontiff has filled almost all the seats in the College of Cardinals with like-minded men, stacking the odds in favor of another staunch conservative following him. As the fourth-longest papacy in history nears its end, the passion that marked the clashes with his critics has calmed considerably but the divisions remain. Unfinished business will have to wait for the next man to resolve. At the Vatican, some even wonder whether John Paul's long papacy may have helped the church ride out the storm that his reemphasis on orthodoxy whipped up after the reformist phase launched by the 1962-1965 Second Vatican Council. "I think the church would have been left more divided if he had died 10 or 15 years ago," one Vatican source said. "I wonder if he has not worn them all out. There is a new generation of people who look at things in a different way." Traditionalists, including 20-something Catholics in the West who reject the more liberal views their baby-boomer parents have, want to continue on the orthodox path. Sidelined from most church posts, the voice of liberal reform has grown fainter. But even a moderate like German Cardinal Walter Kasper, head of the Vatican's office for relations with other Christian churches, sees a gap between the church and the faithful. "It will not be very easy for the next pope," he told the British Catholic weekly The Tablet last year. He noted a "tension in many points between the official doctrines of the church and what is received and lived within the church." Following are several main issues facing the next pope. |
(回目錄) |
◎ 呼籲伊朗尊重人權 | |||
獲今年諾貝爾和平獎殊榮的伊朗人權鬥士希琳.艾巴迪已離開巴黎寓所,搭機飛回德黑蘭,而伊朗當局已對她新獲得的響亮名氣表達不悅。伊朗總統哈塔米也打破連日來的沉默,呼應伊朗強硬派的評論指稱,諾貝爾委員會決定頒獎給艾巴迪,背後存在政治考量。他警告艾巴迪要小心留意伊斯蘭世界以及伊朗的利益,勿讓她的成功遭任何人利用。 今年諾貝爾和平獎得主艾巴迪接受德國「明鏡」週刊專訪時指出,她希望伊朗政府能尊重人權。但是,爭取人權的奮鬥應該是一個國家本身自發性的行動。外力的干預只有使得奮鬥的過程更困難。任何一個國家都沒有權利強迫他國接受它的意旨。 OSLO (Reuters) - Iranian human rights lawyer Shirin Ebadi became the first Muslim woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize on Friday in an award intended to foster wider democracy in the Islamic world. The Norwegian Nobel Committee praised Ebadi -- Iran's first female judge before the 1979 Islamic revolution forced her to step aside in favor of men -- for fighting for children and women and for taking on cases others were too afraid to touch. Ebadi, 56, won from a record field of 165 candidates including Pope John Paul and former Czech President Vaclav Havel. She said she was shocked but proud to learn she had won the $1.3 million prize, to be handed out in Oslo on December 10. |
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◎ 鞠躬盡瘁 死而後已 | |||
適逢教宗就任25週年,未來一週教宗的活動頻繁,教宗16日將在伯多祿廣場與樞機主教共祭,主持特別感恩彌撒。日前教宗在教廷接見到訪的烏拉圭總統巴特列率領的訪問團時,從頭到尾未發一語,他的健康狀況依舊讓人十分憂心。 儘管教宗曾經表示,將繼續留在崗位上,直至生命結束,但是,梵蒂岡已經避免不了外界的壓力,開始討論教宗死亡後的諸多事項。依照規定,教宗一職要由紅衣主教票選,可是,紅衣主教卻無權撤換教宗。因此,只要教宗還有一口氣,就算已經神智不清,依然可以坐在掌管教廷的位子上。除非教宗自己想辭職不幹,不然沒人能攔住他。不過,這個例子只發生在7百年前。 VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Ailing Pope John Paul, who has a busy week ahead of him marking his 25th anniversary, was unusually quiet at an audience Monday. The 83-year-old pontiff, who has had difficulty speaking in recent weeks, held a private 15-minute meeting with Uruguay's President, Jorge Batlle Ibanez. In the photo session afterwards, which was open to a few reporters, the pope did not speak. At times, he appeared to want to say something but did not, according
to a pool report. In the public parts of most past audiences, he has always
made small talk, such as wishing his guest's country well. |
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