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教育專題 ◎向尼爾.波斯曼致敬
教 育 專 題 深 入 報 導《10/24/2003》


策劃、編譯▓盧永山 實習記者朱明華







With the circus that was the California recall election dominating the news this week, the death of author and media critic Neil Postman didn't get the attention it deserved. But that wouldn't have surprised Postman one bit. He wrote one of the great books of media criticism of our time,

"Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business," which even when it was published in 1985 all but predicted Arnold Schwarzenegger's Hollywood-style gubernatorial(州長) campaign and the media frenzy that would accompany it. Postman understood better than anyone that television has inextricably changed the nature of debate, and that in politics entertainment now reigns supreme.

A professor at New York University known for his sense of humor, Postman founded the Steinhardt School of Education's program in Media Ecology at NYU in 1971. He was chair of the Department of Culture and Communication until 2002. During his career, he wrote 20 books on a wide range of subjects. "The Disappearance of Childhood" examined television's harmful effects on children through the onslaught of information. 'Technopoly' explored the tyranny of technology. Over the course of his career, in fact, Postman relentlessly questioned technology's impact on our lives.

It was a pursuit that didn't end at the university walls.

Colleague and friend Terrence Moran this week recalled Postman's skepticism the day he went shopping for a new car and found that every one had electric windows.

"He said, 'Why do I need electric windows? My arm and hand work. If I were paralyzed I could use an electric window,'" Moran recalled, chuckling.

"Neil would always take what he would call an ecological perspective, a balanced view."

In Postman's words, his book "Amusing Ourselves to Death" is "an inquiry into and a lamentation(哀歎) about the most significant American cultural fact of the second half of the twentieth century: the decline of the Age of Typography and the ascendancy of the Age of Television." The change didn't bode well for serious political discourse, Postman thought.

As he pointed out, the world of the printed word, by its very nature, demanded rigorous logic. Television, with its emphasis on flashy images, did not. The consequences were far-reaching, and the book explored them in detail.

"It's very difficult to discuss the impact of popular culture and television without in some way making reference to 'Amusing Ourselves to Death,'" said cultural critic Neal Gabler, author of "Life: The Movie."

"It's one of those foundation books that you have to refer to. You cannot write about American popular culture and its influence without addressing that book."

Given the timing of Postman's death on Oct. 5, just two days before the California recall election, it's tempting to think that Postman foresaw the outcome, had understood it all too well, and decided that sticking around for it would offer few surprises.

Indeed, much of what Postman feared about television and politics was being played out in the race.

Take political debates. In the book, Postman recalled the Lincoln-Douglas debates, in which the two politicians spoke extemporaneously(即席的)- and eloquently(滔滔雄辯地) - for hours. Postman found it noteworthy that the audience remained engaged, even after breaking for dinner. Vigorous debates used to be central to the elective process.

Fast forward to 2003. Schwarzenegger, a candidate to govern one of the most powerful states in the union, announces that he will participate in only one debate. It is a discussion in which the participants are apprised(告知) of the questions beforehand, giving them plenty of time to prepare their responses and memorize their lines.

Or take the increasingly fine line between show business and serious business. Postman wrote that television commercials were having a major influence on modern-day politics. Commercials relied on emotion for their impact, not reason. They played to the audience's needs. Product research wasn't required to make an effective commercial, Postman noted. What was important was market research.

In other words, increasingly in politics, the facts are taking a back seat.

Postman observed that in a culture in which television dominated the conversation, a candidate's ideas were trumped(廣為宣揚) in importance by his appearance. William Howard Taft, who weighed 300 pounds when he became the country's 27th president in a print-dominated culture, would not likely be elected to office in the Television Age, Postman observed.

"Indeed," he wrote, "we may have reached the point where cosmetics has replaced ideology as the field of expertise over which a politician must have competent control."

At the beginning of "Amusing Ourselves to Death," Postman pointed to two competing visions of the future. The first was George Orwell's "1984," in which a totalitarian(極權主義) government subverted a peoples' ability to think clearly through oppressive measures. The second was Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World," in which the people themselves stopped thinking clearly of their own accord(出於自願).

The year 1984 came and went in the U.S. without a great Orwellian transformation. But Postman feared that television was still creating our own "Brave New World."

"[Huxley] believed with H.G. Wells that we are in a race between education and disaster, and he wrote continuously about the necessity of our understanding the politics and epistemology(認識論) of media," Postman wrote at the conclusion of the book. "For in the end, he was trying to tell us that what afflicted the people in 'Brave New World' was not that they were laughing instead of thinking, but that they did not know what they were laughing about and why they had stopped thinking."

Postman, for his part, knew exactly why he was laughing. And he never stopped thinking.









Media Ecology Begun in 1970, the Media Ecology Program focuses on the study of transactions among people, their messages, and their message systems. More particularly, media ecology studies how media of communication affect human perception, feeling, understanding, and values. This program of study is concerned, therefore, with the question: what is communication?




1971年,尼爾.波斯曼擔任紐約大學教育學院文化暨傳播系主任(直至2002年才卸下系主任一職),並創設了「媒介生態學」(Media Eclolgy)(見名辭一點通)課程。1988至1989年,他榮膺哈佛大學甘迺迪學院媒體及公共政策勞倫斯朗巴德訪問學者。1993年,紐約大學任命他為「講座教授」(University Professor),這項榮譽是特別頒授給被認為是大學的無價資源,且有資格教授各種領域、不限於同一系所的學者,而尼爾.波斯曼是教育學院中唯一獲此殊榮的學者。


尼爾.波斯曼除了教學、研究和演說外,亦在紐約時報雜誌、哈潑雜誌、週六評論、哈佛教育評論、大西洋月刊、洛杉磯時報、法國世界日報等媒體撰寫專欄,他也擔任「國族雜誌」(The Nation)特約編輯,並編輯語意學刊物「Et Cetera」長達10年。



(The Disappearance of Childhood,中譯本:遠流出版社)內容簡介:人類的童年,正像恐龍一樣,也在邁向絕跡的命運。這是多麼有趣又令人憂心的觀點!本書作者透過敏銳的觀察力,舉證說明傳播科技的發展,如何讓西方文明中的童年概念逐漸消逝,尤其是美國近代社會,不管在語言、衣著、遊戲、品味、興趣、社會活動傾向、犯罪率與殘暴程度等方面,兒童的行為表現,事實上與成人日趨一致,兒童與成人的分野日漸模糊,這些與傳播科技的發展息息相關,社會上隨處可見成人模樣的兒童,人類似乎遺忘了社會需要兒童的存在,兒童也需要童年。《通往未來的過去》


內容簡介:尼爾.波斯曼從寫作《教學作為一種破壞性活動》(Teaching As a Subversive Activity)一書以來,持續不斷地批判電視及電視對人類的影響,他的一貫論點是,印刷文字的式微及電視影像的來臨,後者經常呈現殺戮、混亂、政治、天氣乃至娛樂,所產生的後果便是公共論述的萎縮,因為電視已貶低我們建構何者為新聞、政治辯論、藝術及宗教思想的見解。本書的前幾章追溯美國早期的印刷出版物,從殖民時期的小冊子到林肯-道格拉斯大辯論的出版。作者對電視商業廣告尤有一針見血的分析,認為電視商業廣告被視作一種「速成藥」,可以輕易解決人類的問題。尼爾.波斯曼更進一步的批判,電視經常帶有敵意地對讀寫文化進行攻擊。

