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《 教育專題 》什麼是光明節?猶太人的重要慶典
教 育 專 題 深 入 報 導《12/26/2003》



每年到了 12月,幾乎所有人都在想著要怎麼過聖誕佳節。街道上店家精心佈置的聖誕樹、店員喬裝成聖誕老公公,到處都可以看到或聽到「耶誕快樂」的祝賀。聖誕節這個原本是慶祝基督誕生的宗教節日,超乎想像地跨越了文化與國籍,帶給人們無限的歡樂和祝福。對猶太人而言,每年的12月也是過節的時刻,但他們慶祝的是「光明節」(Hanukkah)。 

根據猶太曆,每年的光明節是從「基斯流月」( Kislev)的第25日(以今年而言,是西曆的12月19日)開始延續8天。在這段時間,猶太人會依照傳統相互交換禮物,和家人聚在一起享受大餐。在希伯來文裡頭,「Hanukkah」原本的意思是「奉獻」。而光明節也是是猶太人的節日中,唯一沒被記載於聖經的。其由來可以追溯至西元前165年,亞歷山大征服整個中東,在他死後把帝國分給4個將領,而當時的猶大地(Judea,也就是現在的以色列),由暴君安地亞可四世(tyrant Antiochus IV)所統治,他強迫猶太人放棄自己原本的信仰,接受希臘文化,改信希臘的神明,並且在耶路撒冷聖殿中供奉希臘的神像。

後來有一名叫做馬加比( Maccabee)的人率領猶太人,以寡擊眾,把外族趕走,並收復聖殿。為了慶祝勝利,猶太人特地在聖殿裡舉行慶典。不巧當時供應聖殿金燈台的燈油只能夠燒一天,在別無選擇的情況下,他們還是把金燈台點燃起來,沒想到,燈油竟然奇蹟地燃燒了8天。為了感謝神賜給猶太人的勝利與奇蹟,猶太人每年此時都會點蠟燭紀念。

光明節的燭台( Menorah)共有9盞,其中8盞燭台的意義是,紀念燈油燃燒8天的典故,而第9盞的用途是,點燃其他分支,它有個特別的名稱叫做「Shamash」。在光明節的第1晚,每個猶太家庭都會用「Shamash」燃點第1支蠟燭,第2晚點2支蠟燭,以此類推直到第8天。到了第8天,約傍晚時分,全家會團聚一起,在祈禱文聲中點亮蠟燭,於是乎,全家人就在一大片燭光中,一塊享用大餐與特製的馬鈴薯餅(latkas)。可想而知,尤其到了第8天夜晚,滿屋子的燭光,更加引人入勝。

猶太人雖被稱為「神的選民」,但他們的歷史命運幾乎是在災難中度過的, 2千年來經歷了異族的壓迫、種族的離散,尤其是二次世界大戰納粹對猶太人的屠殺,使得猶太人比其他族群更具民族情感。光明節在乎的「感恩」與「奉獻」精神對他們而言,更具深刻意義。

當然啦!隨著生活型態的變遷,有的猶太人會選擇在光明節犒賞自己心愛的寵物,對沒有生兒育女的人來說,飼養的寵物就好比家人一般珍貴。以 2003年為例,美國人就花了310億美元在寵物身上。引發的商機威力,不可小覷。


據「美國寵物產品製造協會」( APPMA)統計,62%美國家庭都飼養寵物,有的家庭寵物還不只一隻呢!有4百萬的美國人於耶誕假期採買禮物時,除了替家人挑選禮物之外,也會為寵物添購禮品。

以美國的消費市場來說,寵物商品內容千奇百怪,光是狗餅乾和寵物身上穿的衣服花樣,就多到讓人眼珠子看得快掉下來。更別提寵物用的指甲油和專屬沙發了。嫌一般寵物店賣的衣服和配件不夠稱頭的人,還可以到一些名牌服飾店為心愛的寵物添行頭。知名服裝品牌 Bubbery每年都會推出狗狗穿的雨衣、夾克和衣服,和狗狗主人同享奢侈的消費。

Chad is receiving 8 different presents every night of Hanukkah this year.

"He's our son. We didn't want to give each other Hanukkah presents, but not give Chad a present," said Sarah Gerber, a technical writer in New York, who spent about $60 on holiday gifts for Chad this year.

Chad, though, is not Gerber's son -- he's her dog.

Americans will spend a whopping $31 billion in 2003 on their pampered pets, up 5 percent from a year earlier, according to the American Pet Products Manufacturers Association (APPMA), a trade group.

Indeed, this holiday season has gone to the dogs, and the cats and other pets.

According to the APPMA, 62 percent of American households own a pet, and almost half of those have more than one. Forty million Americans will be shopping not only for the family this holiday season, but also for their pets as well.


Consumers can now find chic and unique pet holiday gifts not only at pet supplies stores, but also some clothiers, as well as luxury retailers.

Petsmart Inc. said some of the hottest presents for the four-legged family members include the "canine holiday party tray," which has colorful dog treats -- such as frosted shortbread cookies and dipped bone biscuits, for about $12.

Another unique gift Petsmart offers is the Pawlish Nail Polish, a line of pet-safe nail polish for cats and dogs, made by human cosmetics maker OPI Products Inc.

"A lot of our products are actually mimicking what's going on in the human world," said Alisa Bartmess, Petsmart's category manager.

Pet lovers can also find everything from a $600 deluxe fur-covered pet sofa bed to a $35 sterling-silver dog charm bracelet for humans on the Web site of upscale retailer Neiman Marcus Group Inc.

Neiman also offers a little jewelry for our canine friends. A variety of jade and amber dog collars are available, which cost about $70 each.

"This (dog collar) looks like something which can easily be a bracelet for women to wear ... something you can wear for the day," said Ginger Reeder, vice president of public relations of Neiman Marcus Direct. "The dogs are catching up the rest of us, I guess."




基督教慶祝耶誕節通常在耶誕夜,時間是指 12月24日晚至25日晨。慶祝方式大致可說分三個部分。在平安夜時,教徒們會聚集在教會虔誠禮拜和讚頌詩歌,來肯定耶穌誕生對人類的意義,整個教會儀式是簡單而隆重的。等到半夜時,則有另一個重頭戲,教會組織一些聖詩班(或由信徒自發地組成)會出外報佳音,挨家挨戶地在門口唱耶誕頌歌,意思是要再現當年天使向伯利恆郊外的牧羊人報告耶穌降生的喜訊。而這麼有意義的活動往往要進行到天亮,人數也會聚集越來越多。最後到耶誕節當天早上,教徒們會再上一次教堂作禮拜,然後大家聚在一起吃頓飯。


對於駐守在伊拉克提克里克的 3萬名美軍而言,今年的耶誕節算是提早來了,因為前伊拉克總統海珊被逮到了。慶祝之餘,大兵們還大開海珊的玩笑,將海珊的肖像包裝成耶誕老人的模樣,成了耶誕卡的主角。「Santa Claus」成了「Saddam Claus」!








在 12月24日晚上的「子夜彌撒」是天主教期待耶穌誕生的重頭戲,在傳統中,子夜彌撒前會舉行「迎聖嬰禮」,因耶穌誕生於一馬棚中,藉由隆重地將聖嬰像迎接到教會擺置的馬棚中,配合聖經頌禱,做為紀念耶穌及子夜彌撒的前戲,陳神父說,彌撒也叫做基督最後晚餐,其意義在於紀念耶穌的苦難,彌撒做為最後晚餐的一份禮來紀念祂,而子夜彌撒就在於教徒們一起以虔敬的心來紀念及迎接天主誕生。


Pope John Paul led Roman Catholics into Christmas on Thursday, calling on a world caught up in conflict to heed the message of peace from Jesus's birth.

"Too much blood is still being shed on earth," the ailing 83-year-old pontiff said at a Christmas midnight mass in St Peter's Basilica that once again tested his strength.

The mass at Christendom's largest church marked the Polish pope's 26th Christmas as leader of the world's one billion Catholics and was broadcast live to nearly 50 countries.

"Too much violence and too many conflicts trouble the peaceful coexistence of nations," he said, speaking slowly in Italian and reading a homily in a relatively clear voice.

The pope, who has Parkinson's disease that makes it difficult for him to talk, also seemed alert during the Mass, smiling as he blessed children from around the world who brought him symbolic gifts for the celebration in the packed basilica.

"You come to bring us peace. You are our peace," the pope said in his homily recalling the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem.


"May the radiance of your birth light up the night of world. May the power of your message of love thwart the proud snare of the evil one. May the gift of your life make us understand ever more clearly the worth of the life of each human being."

The pope opposed the war in Iraq and has expressed deep frustration in the past year over endless violence in the Holy Land and sorrow over acts of terrorism around the world.

During the ceremony, a prayer read by a woman in Arabic urged Christians, Jews and Muslims to put aside "sentiments and acts of hate, vendetta and oppression."

As the voices of the Sistine Chapel choir filled the basilica with singing, the pope, resplendent in gold and white vestments, was wheeled up the center aisle to applause.

The pope, who has leg and hip ailments that limit his ability to walk or stand, celebrated the mass sitting on a special chair that rises to allow him to reach the altar without standing.

Aides said he insisted on celebrating the mass himself on the second-most holy day of the Christian liturgical calendar after Easter.

