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《 教育專題 》東方電影夢工廠第八藝術 印巴和解催化劑
教 育 專 題 深 入 報 導《01.16.2004》

 歌舞昇平 寶萊塢再現

東方電影夢工廠第八藝術 印巴和解催化劑


印度與巴基斯坦之間的關係向來備受國際矚目, 3年前,兩國各以核武試爆威嚇對方,多年來,更因喀什米爾地位問題互相開火,但兩國領袖本月初卻在巴基斯坦首都伊斯蘭馬巴德舉行的南亞區域合作高峰會上握手和談,為印巴關係解凍,跨出了重要的一步。



In 1999 there were fears of all-out war between India and Pakistan when fighting broke out in the Kargil sector of Indian-administered Kashmir. Now, for the first time, a Bollywood blockbuster(耗費巨資拍攝的電影) on the conflict has opened to Indian audiences.

The film is called LOC: Kargil, referring to the Line of Control, the de facto border that divides Kashmir, the region claimed by each of the nuclear rivals.

The movie takes audiences to the snowy heights of Kargil district, where soldiers from both nations fought and died.

Unsurprisingly, it taps into a surging vein of Indian patriotism, although the director, JP Dutta, denies he is cashing in on(利用) patriotic fervor.

"My job is to reflect my times and my times tell me that my neighbour's problem is the biggest problem we have. My country is disturbed all the time because of him. His country is disturbed all the time because of us".

But like most of the 40-odd actors in the film, Suneil Shetty says the film is an act of patriotism. "It's a tribute to the soldiers who laid down their lives for our country," he says.

However, he insists it is "not an anti-Pakistan film". He says it is "an attempt to make people realize a brother killed his brother. The war shouldn't have happened."

──── Caught off-guard

Bollywood films remain extremely popular across the border in Pakistan, which raises fears about audience reactions there to LOC.

However, Abhishek Bachhan, another of the film's actors and the son of Bollywood's legendary star Amitabh Bachhan, says Pakistanis will probably appreciate the film.

"They'll respect what soldiers have done. This film has nothing to do with just unduepatriotism," he says.

The movie portrays the life of soldiers and their commitment to their country, whether India or Pakistan, he adds.

"We witnessed it ourselves," says Abhishek. "When we interacted with army personnel during the film shoot, we saw them showing a great amount of respect for whoever they were fighting."

The film covers the hardship of the Indian army as it is caught off-guard(遭趁虛而入)in the initial phase of the conflict and suffers heavy losses.

India believes Pakistani soldiers entered its territory in an act of betrayal during a period of peace negotiations.

JP Dutta says he wanted to convey the remarkable victory achieved by the Indian soldiers in the worst of circumstances.

He says Kargil, at 18,000 feet above sea level, was the world's highest battlefield, where the thin air made it hard to breathe.

"It was a unique battlefield. The two new nuclear powers were involved in hand-to-hand combat. It was like fighting in mediaeval times."

──── No certain formula

Two of Dutta's recent offerings, Refugee and Border, have also glorified the Indian soldier.

Many believe that patriotism may be Bollywood's salvation at a time of falling box office sales. Recent blockbusters, such as Lagaan and Ghadar, were unashamedly patriotic, but were set during British rule.

However, industry analyst Amod Mehra warns that the formula does not always work.

"After Ghadar, Anil Sharma made a film called The Hero. It was supposed to be another patriotic film but it failed miserably. "Even when we made films on the legend Bhagat Singh, they failed. There is a very big risk as far as patriotic films are concerned. You don't have a formula of success. Even in Hollywood, The Longest Day (電影「最長的一日」)was made with the biggest star cast and it didn't work." Just like The Longest Day, LOC: Kargil has an unusually long cast. There are more than 30 major male actors and 13 of Bollywood's most popular women actors.

Esha Deol, one of the heroines in the film, says she is proud to be part of it. "I would have worked on the film even if Mr Dutta had given me a two-minute role," she says.


歌舞昇平 寶萊塢再現

自從第一支短片在 1899年公開上映,印度電影重鎮寶萊塢由此誕生。就如同好萊塢發展史一般,寶萊塢起步於默片時期,至1930年代,才有有聲片出現。

寶萊塢名字的來源,非常明顯的,是取自好萊塢的諧音,而至於為何第一個字母是 B,則是借用其所在地──印度最大城市孟買(Bombay)。

寶萊塢電影工業十分巨大,每年必須生產近 8百部影片,以滿足印度每天約1千4百萬的觀影人潮,而這數字,是年產4百部影片的好萊塢的2倍之多。而這樣大量的生產,經常導致幾部電影在同一場景開拍,使用同樣的演員,有時緊急到連劇本都來不及印製,只有手寫稿。

由於殖民歷史的緣故,現今寶萊塢電影最大的國外市場,就是英國。在英國,不僅寶萊塢電影銷售成績好,四處也都可見相關文宣廣告。此外,在美國,寶萊塢電影也開始受到重視, Lagaan一片便受奧斯卡提名。寶萊塢不再只侷限於印度。


寶萊塢電影也培育了許多明星,例如最有名的動作明星安比塔布.巴切錢,影齡超過 30年,被比喻為寶萊塢的勞勃迪尼諾。

至今寶萊塢面臨的最大困境,是猖獗的盜版,盜版者複製後免費發送給親朋好友,這導致許多寶萊塢製片賠錢。儘管印度擁有超過 10億的觀影人口,電影卻也無法賺錢。另一個困境,則是現在印度新世代年輕人,開始覺得這些寶萊塢電影有點無聊,也太過老套。


─ What is Bollywood?

Bollywood is the nickname given to the Indian film industry - it's a play on the word Hollywood.

The B comes from Bombay (also known as Mumbai), a big city in India.

Bollywood is massive. It makes up to 800 films a year - twice as many as Hollywood and about 14 million Indian people go to the cinema everyday

Films are made so fast that sometimes actors on set shoot scenes for four different films at a time - using the same actors and the same backgrounds. And sometimes the scripts are even hand-written!

── Where did it all start?

In 1899 the first Indian short film was screened, and Bollywood was born.

Just like in Hollywood the films were silent to begin with, then in the 1930s the films became 'talkies'.

Many Indians came to live and work in Britain around fifty years ago, and they brought their culture with them.

Now, Bollywood's biggest audience outside India is in Britain.

─ Why is Bollywood so big now?

2002 was the year it all kicked off for Bollywood in Britain.

A season of Indian films was shown on TV when India and England played in a big cricket tournament.

A department store devoted a summer to Indian fashion, and shops everywhere were full of colourful clothes, bindis, bangles(手鐲), saris(卷布) and henna(指甲花).

Bombay Dreams, a new West End musical, was a sell out. Special cinemas also showed Bollywood classic films and had exhibitions featuring Bollywood film posters.

Lagaan, a huge Bollywood hit, was nominated for an Oscar.

The charts were full of Bhangra, with Timbaland, Dr Dre and the Neptunes sampling Indian beats and Punjabi MC having big hits. India was even featured in cool car adverts.

Bollywood films have managed to cross over and now it's not just Indian families watching them - they're being shown in big cinemas across the UK.

─ What makes Bollywood films unusual?

Bollywood films are really colourful and crammed with singing, dancing, loads of costume changes.

They also used to stick to a formula of boy meets girl, they fall in love and they struggle for family approval.

There's also always a hero, a heroine, a vamp(蕩婦) and a comedy sidekick. Romance is big but there's no snogging(接吻)!

Arjun Rampal is a Bollywood heart-throb. He's been making films for four or five years, and famously starred in Pyar Ishq Aur Mohabbat.

One of the biggest Bollywood actors is Amitabh Bhachan. He's been starring Indian films for over 30 years and has been compared to Hollywood's Robert De Niro. Salman Khan is also very popular and got his big break playing in Maine Pyar Kiya.

─ What problems does Bollywood face?

Bollywood's biggest problem is piracy - where people copy the films and either sell them or show them to other people for free.

At the moment not all films made make more money than they cost to make, even though they can be seen by around one billion people.

If everyone paid to see the film legally the industry would make lots more money.

At the moment Bollywood film producers are trying to work out a way to stop this happening.

Another problem is that younger generations sometimes find the stories a bit predictable and are get bored of the similar tales.

Film-makers are trying to solve this by changing storylines to reflect real life - like the fact that children of Indian families now study abroad.

The future looks even brighter for Bollywood. Big US film companies such as Warner Bros and Twentieth Century Fox are setting up offices in India.

Where Indian film makers have found it difficult to compete with Hollywood's special effects, this is seen as the next big area for Bollywood to develop.



印度知名導演媚拉.娜兒(Mira Nair)的著名作品,曾獲得2001年威尼斯影展金獅獎。內容描述一個住在紐約的南亞移民媽媽在911發生後,遍尋不著兒子的下落,當隨著兒子可能是恐怖份子的揣測出現後,各種排斥也如排山倒海而來。結果真相大白,他的兒子確實在這天死了,但不是攻擊雙子星大樓,而是為了救人而殞命。這並不算快樂的結局,如果這個兒子的事蹟沒被發覺呢?難道母親就得一輩子抱著污名與歧視?媚拉.娜兒藉此要反駁自911以來,世界對伊斯蘭民族的恐懼。


印度導演 Sanjay Leela Bhansali的作品。本片是印度最耳熟能詳、並不斷被重新賦予新生命的銀幕愛情經典,而且這次的製作更是印度電影工業有史以來斥資最鉅的一部,成就出這部連奢華都難以形容、令人目不暇給的豪門景觀,及令人如癡如醉的歌舞場面,相形之下連華麗的「紅磨坊」也都要黯然失色。本片榮膺2003年金馬獎國際影展的開幕片。




媚拉.娜兒的另一部知名影片,片中毫不避諱地展現了男女交歡的場面,但隨著男女雙方感情的不同和變化,做愛時而是激情,時而是武器,時而是報復。每一次肉體交歡的場面都是男女關係最直接的體現, Kama Sutra中做愛的技術,已不單單是追求肉體快感的指導,而是一種男女之間特殊的語言,成為那個時代女性生活中最重要的部分。

