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教 育 專 題 深 入 報 導《03/19/2004》 |
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◎ 千萬別在古巴坐牢 恐怖古巴 囚死異議人士 |
千萬別在古巴坐牢 恐怖古巴 囚死異議人士 | |
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古巴最近因為以非人道手段囚禁犯人而備受關注的監獄,可不只美軍的關達納摩基地而已,在強人卡斯楚的統治下,古巴沒有一處堪稱人道的監獄。前幾天,首都哈瓦納的街頭出現一群抱著丈夫照片的婦女,她們的先生因為反對古巴總統卡斯楚而於一年前被逮捕入獄,而在惡劣的監禁環境之下,他們的生命開始漸漸凋零。一心擔憂丈夫安危的這群古巴婦女,要求當局放他們的丈夫回家。 國際特赦組織也站出來,聲援這群婦女,要古巴當局放了這些政治犯,並且公佈一份調查,說明這些遭到囚禁的政治犯,處境艱難的情形。 其中一名丈夫需要進行腎臟移植的婦女克魯茲說:「我的先生正在牢裡,瀕臨死亡。我透過國際紅十字會的協助,要求當局將他釋放。」 去年 3月中旬時,古巴安全部隊於短短幾天內圍捕75名異議人士,其中還包括媒體記者,他們因為觸犯國家安全相關法律,而被判28年的監禁。古巴當局認為,這些人和美國勾結在一塊,目的是為了推翻卡斯楚。 由於古巴監獄的環境惡劣不堪,這幾十名異議人士的家人十分憂心他們的安全,而紛紛向國際間的人權組織尋求協助。而美國國務院為此呼籲各國,關注古巴卡斯楚政權迫害民主異議份子的殘酷措施,不要貸款給古巴,希望能藉此達到嚇阻的目的,但顯然效果並不是很好。 諷刺的是,當美國國務院正在為這些人權遭受踐踏者「仗義直言」之際,美軍位於古巴關達納摩灣的基地,卻傳出被監禁的囚犯人權也遭到美軍踐踏的新聞。儘管美軍在 16日又釋放了23名阿富汗及3名巴基斯坦囚犯,但還是有660名因為涉及塔利班政權或是蓋達組織的「恐怖份子」被關在關達納摩美軍基地,他們的情況也是岌岌可危。 Wives of Cuban dissidents jailed a year ago for opposing Cuban President Fidel Castro said on Tuesday their husbands were withering away under harsh prison conditions and demanded their release. Rights organization Amnesty International(國際特赦組織) added its voice to the calls for the release of Cuban prisoners of conscience(政治犯) issuing a report on cases of ill treatment, solitary confinement and inadequate medical care. "My husband is dying slowly," said Cruz Delia Aguilar, whose husband Julio Antonio Valdes, who needs a kidney transplant. "I ask for his release into the hands of the International Red Cross." Valdes was among 75 opposition activists and journalists arrested in March 2003 in the worst crackdown on dissents in Communist-run Cuba. The government accused them of conspiring with its arch-enemy, the United States, to overthrow Castro. In hasty one-day trials, the dissidents were handed prison terms ranging from six to 28 years. The arrests, along with the execution of three men who attempted to hijack a Havana ferry to reach the United States, triggered a storm of international condemnation and a diplomatic freeze with the European Union. In a report released on Tuesday, Amnesty International said: "The Cuban authorities must immediately and unconditionally release all prisoners of conscience." Western diplomats in Havana said there was little prospect for the prisoners release and said they did not expect any gesture of clemency from the government ahead of the annual review of Cuba's record by the U.N. Human Rights Commission. A human rights envoy appointed by the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights to probe alleged Cuban abuses, French magistrate Christine Chanet, said last month dozens of Cuban dissidents were being held in alarming physical and psychological conditions, in isolation cells or crammed together with "common criminals." Chanet's report, which will be presented to the annual session of the U.N. commission in Geneva, also criticized the United States for maintaining a 42-year trade embargo against Castro for worsening conditions in Cuba. Cuba has not allowed Chanet to visit the Caribbean island. Nor does it allow the Red Cross access to its jails. The wives said a dozen of the jailed dissidents, several of them over 60 years old, have been taken to the hospital for treatment, among them economist and former Cuban diplomat Oscar Espinosa Chepe, who suffers from cirrhosis. "They are killing him," said his wife Miriam Leyva. "I ask the government to set all 75 free because their only crime was to express their ideas." Poet and journalist Raul Rivero, who last month won a press freedom prize awarded by UNESCO, has been moved from solitary confinement to a cell with common criminals, his wife Blanca Reyes said. "He says conditions are better and he can watch TV," Reyes said. She took him 40 pens and blocks of paper on her last visit, but she said he is only allowed to write love poems. 惡質美國 剝奪戰俘人權 美國國務院日前公佈每年一度的人權報告說,去年,北京處死了 3千人,許多是未經正當程序就行刑。國務院對於中國北京政權使用酷刑、強迫認罪、將人民關押在精神病院、長期拘禁不准與家人或律師通訊等手段,大肆批評,卻忘了古巴的關達納摩灣,也就是美軍唯一在古巴設立的海軍基地,亦存在著人權問題等著解決。 目前關達納摩美軍基地仍有大約 660名涉及恐怖行動的嫌犯被無限期囚禁,已被釋放的不到1百人。這些疑似塔利班或是蓋達組織的囚犯,未經起訴,就依照模糊的「敵方戰士」法律名詞,拘禁在美國位於古巴東邊的關達納摩灣海軍基地。這些被監禁在關達納摩基地的囚犯,沒有管道可以找律師給予協助。這個情形一直到今年年初才獲得改善,美國聯邦第二及第九巡迴上訴法庭均裁定,被囚禁在關達納摩灣基地的犯人須獲准接觸律師,並接受美國法院體制審判。法官表示,即使是在國家緊急時期,司法有義務確保憲法價值,防止行政體系踐踏美國公民與外國人的權利,然而白宮方面卻藉故拖延實行。 而隨著兩年多前被拘禁在古巴關達納摩美軍基地的西班牙籍「塔利班份子」阿布德拉曼,在上個月被遣送回西班牙,還有 5名英籍的嫌犯於日前獲釋返英之後,美軍在關達納摩灣基地對待囚犯的情形,開始有了較高的能見度。 剛被釋放的英籍人士已透過律師,指控美國政府讓他們在關達那摩灣美軍基地被囚禁期間,受到不人道的待遇。他們要求美國當局做出解釋。他們的律師表示,將考慮在美國法院提出民事訴訟,向美國政府索取賠償。 A Briton flown home from U.S captivity in Guantanamo Bay says conditions were so inhuman that animals in the prison camp were given better treatment than the detainees, the Daily Mirror newspaper reported on Friday. Jamal al Harith, 35, was the first of five men to go free on Tuesday shortly after the group landed at RAF Northolt air base in west London having been handed over to British custody by the United States. The others were released on Wednesday. "They actually said that -- 'You have no rights here'," Harith, from the northern city of Manchester, told the Daily Mirror. "After a while, we stopped asking for human rights -- we wanted animal rights. "In Camp X-Ray my cage was right next to a kennel housing an Alsatian dog. He had a wooden house with air conditioning and green grass to exercise on. "I said to the guards, 'I want his rights' and they replied, "That dog is a member of the U.S army'." Held in captivity for two years, Harith also said he was assaulted with fists, feet, knees and batons after refusing a mystery injection. "One of them attacked me really hard and left me with a deep red mark from my backbone down to my knee," he told the Daily Mirror. "I thought I was bleeding, but it was just really bad bruising. "The whole point of Guantanamo was to get to you psychologically. The beatings were not nearly as bad as the psychological torture -- bruises heal after a week -- but the other stuff stays with you." A further four Britons remain at the Guantanamo prison in Cuba. Washington says they are more dangerous than the five it decided to send home, who have all been released without charge. 日內瓦公約小檔案 1864~1949年,由瑞士政府召集法國、義大利、西班牙等國在日內瓦,針對保護平民和戰爭受難者所訂定的一系列國際公約的總稱。在1864年的日內瓦公約基礎上,經過1906年、1929年和1949年先後幾次修訂和補充,發展為1949年的日內瓦四公約。 這次被拿來抨擊關達納摩美軍基地事件的是,《關於戰俘待遇的日內瓦公約》,也就是日內瓦第三公約。其主要內容是:戰俘係處在敵國國家權力管轄之下,而非處在俘獲他的個人或軍事單位的權力之下,故拘留國應對戰俘負責,並給予人道待遇和保護;戰俘的自用物品,除武器、馬匹、軍事裝備和軍事文件外,應仍歸戰俘保有;戰俘的住宿、飲食及衛生醫療照顧等應得到保障;對戰俘可以拘禁,但除適用刑事和紀律制裁外不得監禁;不得命令戰俘從事危險性和屈辱性的勞動;戰事停止後,應立即釋放或遣返戰俘,不得遲延;在任何情況下,戰俘均不得放棄公約所賦予的一部或全部權利;在對某人是否具有戰俘地位發生疑問的情況下,未經主管法庭作出決定之前,此人應享有本公約的保護。 古巴關達納摩美軍基地小檔案 1898年美西戰爭後,古巴被美國佔領。1902年5月2日,古巴共和國成立。1903年美國強行租用古巴兩處海軍基地,其中關達納摩美軍基地沿用至今。1994年7月,美國以古巴對海地進行勢力滲透為由,佔領了海地。在那次的軍事行動中,美國為了逃避國際社會的壓力,打算把那些拒絕和美國合作的異議人士關進美軍在古巴唯一的軍事基地──關達納摩灣。 關達納摩美軍基地內的監獄是出了名的恐怖,說這裡是地獄可不誇張。根據伊朗對外廣播電台華語台的報導,其駭人聽聞的程度,從美國國防部次長向五角大廈遞交的一份計畫,便可以清楚的知道,該計畫交代了美軍對關在此地的囚犯進行各種實驗的結果,包括核子武器和生化武器對人體的影響。聽了讓人不敢想像,這些被關在關達納摩美軍基地的囚犯,受到的是怎麼樣的殘酷折磨。 |
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