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教 育 專 題 深 入 報 導《2004-04-02》 |
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◎ 一個小島 兩個國家 |
一個小島 兩個國家 | |
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統一夢想遙遙無期 曾經是聯絡歐亞非三大洲地理重要十字路口的賽普勒斯,最近因為聯合國秘書長安南(Kofi Annan)提出了賽普勒斯和平方案,而重獲世人的注意。 回首歷史,我們可以說,賽普勒斯分裂起因於1960年獨立後,土裔與希裔之間不斷發生的種族衝突。1974年,土耳其以保護土裔為由,派兵進佔賽島北部1/3的土地,往後長達30年的時間,原本居住在北塞普勒斯的希裔居民只好被迫遷往南賽普勒斯,就此生活在南北分裂的情境之下。面對被迫離家和財產的損失,這些被南遷的希裔居民選擇採取行動,向歐洲人權法庭控訴土耳其政府的蠻橫。 1998年,歐洲人權法庭針對類似案件做出第一樁判決,要求土耳其政府以90萬歐元左右的金額,賠償羅茲道女士無法返回目前在賽普勒斯北部被土耳其軍隊佔領的老家,所帶來的精神和財產損失。然而,土耳其政府卻以羅茲道一案應由所謂的「當事國」,即土耳其進佔賽島北部後扶植成立的「北賽普勒斯土耳其共和國」出面處理,而多次拒絕履行歐洲人權法庭的判決結果。 只是「局勢迫人低頭」,由於土耳其希望能夠儘快加入歐盟,以至於面對歐洲人權法庭的判決,土耳其政府終究無法置之不理,而於5年後,也就是2003年,以112萬歐元的金額賠償羅茲道女士的精神和財產損失。 事實上,類似羅茲道女士的案件層出不窮,是促使南北賽普勒斯的重要人士開始思考統一和解的原因之一。而在歷經30年分裂後,賽普勒斯統一談判於3月31日經進入最後關鍵時刻。居中斡旋的聯合國希望到31日晚能夠敲定一項雙贏的協議,結束希臘與土耳其兩國長期的敵對關係。 與會的四方代表,其中包括:希臘、土耳其政府代表以及希臘裔和土耳其裔的賽普勒斯代表,在31日舉行閉門會議,回應聯合國秘書長安南日前所宣布的提案。然而希臘方面的政府代表對於這次協議能夠和平達成的可能性,並未抱持太大的希望。尤其是土耳其的外交人士透露,讓出更多的領土,並不能成為協議的重點,如此沒有轉圜空間的態勢,確實讓賽普勒斯這次的和平進程蒙上陰影,甚難樂觀,終究以不了了之的結局暫時收場。 Greece believes the chances of agreeing a Cyprus peace deal on the last day of negotiations are poor, a government spokesman said on Wednesday. "With today's developments, the chances of an agreed settlement seem poor," Greek government spokesman Theodoris Rousopoulos told reporters in the Swiss Alpine resort of Buergenstock where talks are taking place with Turkish parties. It was not immediately clear what developments he was referring to. Later on Wednesday U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan is set to announce a plan to end the island's 30-year division. This will be put to separate referendums on both sides of the island even if the Greek, Turkish, Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot parties involved have not settled all their differences. Cyprus is due to join the European Union on 1 May, but if the peace plan is rejected in the April 20 referendums, only the internationally recognized Greek Cypriot government will join. This could cement the island's partition and harm Turkey's own hopes of becoming the first Muslim state to join the EU. The main disputes, which have been negotiated for a week, concern how many Greek and Turkish troops will remain on the island, rights to property and freedom of movement between the two sides as well as the rule of EU law. Turkish Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul made an 11th hour appeal to Secretary of State Colin Powell on Wednesday to help get a deal. "We want to have your help and support to achieve our expectations," a senior Turkish diplomat quoted Gul as telling Powell in the telephone conversation. "Gul told Powell that the Turkish side does not want present balances in the plan to change," the diplomat told Reuters. The United States has key strategic interests in settling the issue. British bases on the Greek Cypriot part of the island were important staging areas in the Iraq war while Turkey shares a border with Iraq, Iran and Syria. TERRITORY Cyprus has been split since 1974 when Turkey invaded the north of the island after a Greek Cypriot coup backed by Greece. About two-thirds of the east Mediterranean island's 800,000 population are Greek Cypriots who are far wealthier than Turkish Cypriots who control only one third of the territory in the north and are only recognized as a state by Turkey. NATO members Greece and Turkey, guarantor powers under 1960 arrangements inherited from former colonial power Britain, have on at least two occasions come to the brink of war over Cyprus. A source close to consultations said in the final hours Greek Cypriots were seeking more territory in return for giving in on the U.N.'s revised proposal that fewer of their people would be able to return to Turkish Cypriot administered areas. Some reports said Greek Cypriots had staked a claim to an enclave on the northeastern Karpas peninsula, bringing the Turkish Cypriot side's territory down to 25 percent from a UN proposed 29. The area boasts a stunning coastline and a tiny minority of ethnic Greek Cypriots who stayed there after the 1974 partition. It is also of significant religious importance for Greek Cypriots with an array of medieval Orthodox chapels. But Turkish diplomatic sources ruled out such an option. "Giving more territory cannot be a bargaining issue," one said. 聯合國的破冰之旅 賽普勒斯是聯合國最棘手的問題之一。聯合國在1964年首度派遣維和部隊至賽普勒斯,距1974年土耳其入侵導致該島分裂整整10年。聯合國秘書長安南正設法促使雙方根據其和平藍圖恢復談判,以期此一地中海小島在5月加入歐盟之前,結束其歷時30年的分裂。 根據安南的計畫,賽普勒斯將成為一個類似瑞士所採行的鬆散聯邦,行地方分權制,而「土耳其北塞普勒斯共和國」和位於南方由希裔組成的「賽普勒斯共和國」都能在5月1日以統一的身分加入歐盟。他希望最新回合談判在3月25日之前結束,4月間雙方針對最後協議同時進行公投,然而安南所期望的時間表並未獲得土耳其和希臘兩方的同意。 其中癥結在於,安南最新版本的統一方案,除了要求雙方解除武裝,也就是土耳其和希臘這兩個在背後搞鬼的政府必須撤軍之外,土裔和希裔兩方的土地必須重新規劃,土裔必須歸還土耳其於1974年所佔領的部份土地,而當年被迫南遷的希裔居民也有權返回北方的故土。 土裔領袖鄧克塔西聲稱,「土耳其北塞普勒斯共和國」乃主權獨立的國家,該國願意和希裔的「賽普勒斯共和國」共組「邦聯」,但拒絕在領土上做出任何讓步,也不願當年被迫離開家園的希裔居民重返家園。 安南介入賽普勒斯的和平統一計畫已達數年,然而礙於北塞領袖的態度強硬,始終無法做出重大的突破。聯合國秘書長安南已宣布,聯合國將把它修正過的賽普勒斯統一計畫分別交付賽普勒斯土裔和希裔人民表決。 聯合國賽普勒斯特使蘇鐸昨天說,預定4月24日舉行的賽普勒斯統一公民投票將是一場「非常艱苦的奮戰」。蘇鐸也暗示,如果這項計畫在公民投票中被拒絕,聯合國可能放棄統一賽普勒斯島的努力。 U.N. head Kofi Annan unveiled a revised Cyprus plan Monday that he said would "break the ice" in reunification talks stalled three days ahead of a deadline. Secretary-General Annan's new proposals, presented at high- pressure talks at the Swiss Alpine resort of Buergenstock, would give Greeks more land but allow fewer to return home to what after a 1974 partition became the Turkish zone of the island. "As the snowfall subsided, the fog lifted and the sun appeared in Buergenstock," Annan told the host of negotiators. The changed plan was the latest act in a long drama to unite the east Mediterranean island, riven by communal bloodshed n the 1960s, so that both Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots could join the European Union on May 1. The 9,000 page document, which sources involved in the talks said contained substantial changes, was given to Greek Cypriot, Turkish Cypriot, Greek and Turkish negotiators at a formal ceremony at Buergenstock on the shores of Lake Lucerne. Annan has taken personal charge of stalled talks which are racing a three day deadline for a deal which would allow a united Cyprus to enter the European Union on May 1. "I believe this (plan) is a win-win proposal," Annan said in handing out the document. "This is not a take it or leave it or a final text," Annan's chief negotiator Alvaro de Soto told reporters. No deal at Buergenstock would mean only the internationally recognized Greek Cypriot government in the south of the Mediterranean island joining the EU on May 1. This could cement the island's partition and harm Turkey's own hopes of becoming the first Muslim state to join the EU. It could also revive tensions between NATO partners Greece and Turkey which have on several occasions come to the brink of war over Cyprus, situated just 40 miles from the Turkish coast. HIGH STAKES De Soto said Annan expected the parties to give their views on the new plan by Tuesday morning and end negotiations by Wednesday which he described as the final day of the process. Annan has a mandate to fill in any disputed gaps if the sides fail to agree. The plan is then due to go to referendums on both sides of Cyprus on April 20. Sources who have seen the plan said revisions to a blueprint Annan first presented more than a year ago included a proposed five percent reduction in land held by Turkish Cypriots to 29 percent and a reduction in the number of Greek Cypriots allowed to settle in the Turkish part of northern Cyprus. But the main thrust for Cyprus to be governed under a loose federal system with large degrees of autonomy on domestic affairs for both communities, remains in place. Opinion polls show many Cypriots see economic attractions in a united Cyprus going into the EU, but that each side is wary of any deal that gives away too much to the other on issues such as freedom of movement on the island and property ownership. Turkish and Greek prime ministers, Tayyip Erdogan and Costas Karamanlis, now the main players, meet later Monday. Erdogan's authority to cut a deal in the teeth of nationalist opposition at home will be boosted by an overwhelming victory for his Justice and Development Party at weekend local polls. Cyprus has been highly militarised since a 1974 Greek Cypriot coup, aimed at union with Greece, triggered a Turkish invasion and the partition of the island. There is a precedent for Greece and Turkey stepping into deadlocked talks between Greek and Turkish Cypriots and agreeing a deal. The two communities were far from agreement over a constitution to see the island to independence in 1960 until Ankara and Athens stepped in at London talks. |
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