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教 育 專 題 深 入 報 導《2004-04-09》 |
本期內容 | |
◎ 國際專版 刺甘案 錯怪奧斯華 | |
◎ 動畫家的一顆子彈理論 |
國際專版 刺甘案 錯怪奧斯華 | |
策劃■實習記者林仲辰 編譯■賴明芝 實習記者林仲辰 實習記者黃琬婷 | |
1960年11月,約翰‧甘迺迪以麻州參議員身分參選美國總統,結果以10萬票的差距險勝尼克森,贏得美國史上最驚險的選舉。 1960年代,甘迺迪成了美國新自由民主的象徵。然而,就在美國社會引起一股風潮之際,甘迺迪卻在1963年11月22日於德州達拉斯遭到槍殺身亡。這起總統遭暗殺身亡的消息,對當時將甘迺迪視為偶像般崇拜的美國人而言,確實是個相當沉重的事件。對於歷史上沒有皇室存在的美國人而言,當年的甘迺迪家族多少帶有貴族般的色彩,彌補了一些想像。 話說案發當時,甘迺迪的座車上還有第一夫人賈桂琳以及德州州長那康立。甘迺迪坐在敞篷車內,向圍繞在迪里廣場的群眾揮手致意,而就在座車行經至轉彎處減速至11哩時,甘迺迪遭狙擊手直接命中頭部,同行的州長那康立也遭多處槍傷。甘迺迪隨後被送往距離現場40哩外的帕克蘭醫院,當天下午1時,院方宣告甘迺迪死亡。 整個遊行過程,被一名叫亞伯拉罕‧柴普德的路人所拍下。而在事發後不久,警方立即在德州戲院逮捕一名叫做李哈維‧奧斯華的兇手,但奧斯華堅持否認這項指控。兩天後,儘管有多名員警的保護,奧斯華仍在解押過程中被傑克‧魯比當場槍殺。此外,奧斯華在生前的聽證供詞沒有留下任何記錄,亦無任何律師的陪同。 在甘迺迪被槍殺身亡後,美國政府緊急成立了一個調查委員會,並在10個月後發表了「華倫報告」。其內容紀錄整個槍擊案過程,說明奧斯華確實是暗殺甘迺迪的兇手;他躲在迪里廣場旁的樓窗,向座車後方發射3枚子彈。報告中指出,奧斯華槍殺甘迺迪總統乃是個人行為,非牽涉任何陰謀。 雖然「華倫報告」做出這樣的結論,但大部份的美國人仍然以陰謀論看待甘迺迪案。有3位美國聯邦調查局射擊專家在報告中宣稱,曾在狙擊總統的樓窗使用相同的步槍進行測試,結果顯示,幾乎無法像在柴普德影片中在6秒內準確命中甘迺迪頭部,而奧斯華所使用的步槍還是三流貨。 事實上,許多證據指向美國國安局為內部操控者,奧斯華生前曾涉入反卡斯楚組織,該組織是美國政府在冷戰時期暗中成立推翻古巴共產,甘迺迪在知道這個組織存在後立即下令解散豬儸灣事件,甘迺迪拒絕給古巴流亡者空防,事後雖公開聲明願承擔所有的責任,但私下譴責國安局欺騙他,企圖操控他進攻古巴。1962年古巴危機的解除,華盛頓謠傳甘迺迪與赫魯雪夫密定條件,對共產世界採取軟化態度。甘迺迪對於越戰的態度傾向反對立場,但越戰卻能為美國帶來一筆雄厚的利潤。綜合所有的因素,似乎都在說明這場暗殺是利益與權力較勁之下的結果。 1998年美國的一份民意調查顯示,超過3/4的人相信,兇殺案的背後仍暗藏著玄機,而相信華倫報告內容的僅佔10%而已。 日前來台檢查319陳水扁總統遭槍擊案證據的魏區(Cyril Wecht),在美國素有「法醫界的福爾摩斯」之稱,他不僅揭曉貓王之死的懸案,更戳破甘迺迪總統遇刺的疑霧,1965年,他接受「美國法醫學學會」之請,對華倫報告進行覆核,經過將近30多年的追蹤調查後,提出精闢的結論,指出華倫報告中指兇手奧斯華一人單獨行刺,而且只開了一槍,完全是錯誤的判斷(相關部分見原文部分)。事實上,整起暗殺案,有蘇聯KGB陰謀涉入,槍手起碼有兩人,一共開了四槍,奧斯華只是代罪羔羊而已,此種結論最後獲得「眾院特別委員會」報告加以肯定。 美國的1960年代,可說是個暗殺的年代,多起暗殺事件如1963年總統甘迺迪遇剌、1965年黑人運動領袖麥爾坎遇刺、1968年黑人運動領袖金恩博士遇刺、1968年6月羅伯‧甘迺迪在選舉時遇刺等,都在這年代發生,突顯出當時美國內外處境窘困的情況,不僅對外有所謂的冷戰、古巴危機、越戰等等的國際糾紛,對內則是層出不窮的黑人平權運動、兩性平等運動,以及學生運動,而甘迺迪總統之死,便帶出了整個1960年代暗潮洶湧的現象。 原文 Question from Here2Day: Which agencies, if any, were able to interrogate Oswald before Ruby killed him... and is any of the interview available for viewing? Cyril Wecht: The Dallas DA and homicide captain. There were some FBI agents present and secret service agents present also. The interrogation went from Friday afternoon following his arrest through Saturday and into Sunday morning. And here is the absolutely incredible thing, that may get people to think that everything was on the up and up to reconsider: Oswald has been accused of the murder of a Dallas police officer, J.D. Tippett and the President -- that's a fairly important interrogation, would you not agree? And we are told, and this is just one more thing that the Warren Commission defenders have to accept, that there was not one word of a question or answer in that interrogration process, from Friday to Sunday that was either written down or recorded. There is not one single word of the entire interrogation by these eminent, experienced law enforcement agencies of this very important criminal. Question from inquiring: If Oswald was the lone assassin, why doesn't the government release all of the information? Why is some still locked away? Question from miya: Isnt there 'key' evidence that is still considered "classified" and has not yet been released to public? Cyril Wecht: Yes. Excellent question that gets right to the heart of the matter. If Oswald was a sole assassin, and further, according to the Warren Commission, did not conspire with anyone about anyone about the planning, the execution, or any other aspect of the assassination, then what is the reason, the need to keep anything sequestered. If it has nothing to do with national security, just a lone nut, a communist sympathizer, who orchestrated and perpetrated this entire scenario all by himself? We know, this is not conjectured, because there are documented records of various photographs, x-rays and some other reports that are either missing or being withheld. Let me tell you a very important item, extremely important: when I went into the National Archives on August 24 and 25th, 1972 and examined all of the autopsy materials that were available as the first non-government related forensic pathologist permitted to do so, I discovered something that various people in government knew but have never revealed. The President's brain was missing. Page one, New York Times, Sunday August 27th, 1972, major story by Fred Graham, he had the exclusive, it was disclosed then by me, through his story, that the President's brain was missing. It had been logged in at the National Archives in a memorandum of transfer, April of 1965. A year and a half later, Oct. 31, 1966, when they did an inventory on all the autopsy materials, as part of the so-called gift from Mrs. Kennedy, several things were no longer present -- the brain, photographs of the internal chest wounds, microscopic glass tissues slides of skin wound had been removed. Now, here we are from the time of my disclosure, August '72, 31 years ago, those items have never been officially accounted for. There again, something for the Warren Commission apologists and defenders to passively and blandly accept. Question from snug: Dr. Wecht, do you feel that Oswald actually DID kill Kennedy or he was just a fall guy? Cyril Wecht: I believe that Oswald was not a shooter. I believe he was a fall guy, the perfect patsy, because of his background. Keep in mind that in order for this conspiracy to be successful it was essential that the American public be given an assassin that fit the bill. It couldn't just be anybody. And keep in mind in 1963 the communist scare and intense feelings of distrust and outright hatred of the USSR were deeply ingrained in a huge percentage of Americans. I just want to say that it is not my objective, and it certainly is not my evidentiary burden, to posthumously exonerate Oswald. I don't care if he was a shooter. The whole point is that there were two shooters, and that this was a conspiracy to kill our president. So it's not especially important, since Oswald is dead, whether he was the shooter or not. But I just don't think he was the shooter. I don't know who the shooters were -- they were not Russians, or Chinese, or Cubans. There was no foreign government involved. This was a domestic plot, and it accomplished its goal. By assassinating the President, the conspirators for their political agendas, succeeded in overthrowing the government. Everywhere else in the world, when this happens, is labeled for what it is: a coup d'etat. And that's why this case was too hot to handle 40 years ago, and remains too hot to handle today. |
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動畫家的一顆子彈理論 | |
摘要 美國民眾亞伯拉罕‧柴普德使用8哩米的家用攝影機拍下甘迺迪被暗殺的全部過程,而這卷影片一直以來都被拿來當做陰謀論的最佳證據,並且證明兇手不只有奧斯華一人。此外,動畫家戴奧‧梅爾也利用3D電腦動畫,根據柴普德影片重建了1963年11月22日迪里廣場的現場。同時電腦模擬圖能精確地推算出彈道。 透過動畫可從現場的任何一個角度觀察現場模擬狀況,包括奧斯華埋伏狙擊的窗口,以及許多目擊證人聽到從綠丘柵欄後方傳出槍聲的地點,還原了柴普德影片中所看不到的死角。 梅爾的電腦動畫為甘迺迪謀殺案提供了一種全新的調查方式,也打破了40年來陰謀論之說。許多人相信甘迺迪與州長那康立所受的槍傷是來自不同的子彈,不同方位的狙擊手。梅爾根據他的模擬動畫推演,實際情形確實如華倫報告中宣稱兩人所受的槍傷為同顆子彈造成。 「魔術子彈理論」是華倫報告中最明顯的疑點。因為那康立身上佈滿的彈孔,絕不可能只有一顆子彈所造成。梅爾的動畫重繪了甘迺迪與那康立兩人在敞篷車上的姿勢建立了彈道模擬圖,結果顯示,任何一顆從甘迺迪背後右上方進入後從喉部冒出的子彈,必定會接著擊中那康立的右方腋下。而的確兩人在中槍後的同一秒都有大動作的反應。梅爾表示一切並不是外界所想像的所謂「魔術子彈理論」,而事實上一顆子彈就是事實。 如果兩人所受的傷來自同一顆子彈,那子彈又是從那兒來?梅爾分析兩人身上彈孔的所在位置,推測出子彈的方向來源。首先從州長那康立背上的彈孔連接至甘迺迪喉部的彈孔,然後反方向地連成一直線,即可發現子彈的來源即是華倫報告中所指奧斯華狙擊埋伏的書庫樓窗。許多目擊者指稱從書庫方向聽到槍聲,而這個書庫也是奧斯華工作的地方,並且有目擊者也看到從書庫6樓窗口伸出一根槍管。 原文(ABC) There is no other murder in history that has produced as much speculation as the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Forty years after Kennedy was fatally shot on Nov. 22, 1963, more than 70 percent of Americans still believe there was a conspiracy to kill him and that the assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald, did not act alone, according to a recent ABCNEWS poll. Even though the government concluded Oswald was the sole gunman, theories still flourish. "How could possibly someone as inconsequential as Oswald have killed someone as consequential as Kennedy? [There's] something out of whack about it," said Robert Dallek, author of An Unfinished Life: John F. Kennedy. At a time of tragedy in the country, conspiracy theories offer "purpose and meaning that make tragedy more than a simple twist of fate in the hands of, in this case, a lone gunman," said Robert Goldberg, author of a book about the Kennedy assassination, Enemies Within. Using his 8-millimeter movie camera, Abraham Zapruder recorded the moments when President Kennedy was murdered. The Zapruder film is the only film that recorded the shooting from start to finish. The film itself has been cited as evidence of a conspiracy, and some have claimed it shows that Oswald was not the only gunman. To advance the analysis of the crime Dale Myers, a computer animator who has been studying the assassination for more than 25 years, generated an exact computer simulation of the Zapruder film. Myers created a three-dimensional computer model of the plaza, reconstructed exactly the way it was on Nov. 22, 1963, then matched the model with the Zapruder film. The result allowed him to piece together various animated viewpoints of the shooting Myers' animation has introduced a new way of investigating the Kennedy assassination — and debunking the conspiracy theories which have flourished over the last 40 years. Many Americans believe Kennedy and Texas Gov. John Connally were hit by different bullets from separate guns, suggesting a conspiracy of more than one gunman. Myers' simulation, however, proves they were hit from behind by the same bullet. The animation shows, from the positions of the two men in the car, that any bullet that struck the president in the upper right back and emerged out of his throat, would have continued forward and hit Connally in the back near his right armpit — exactly where the governor was in fact hit. In addition, the fact that both men reacted at the same time clinches it, said Myers. "So it's not a magic bullet at all," said Myers. "It's not even a single bullet theory, in my opinion. It's a single bullet fact." If the two men were hit from behind by the same bullet, where did it come from? Using the men's body positions and the locations of their wounds, Myers isolated the source of the shot. We can start with, for instance, Governor Connally's entrance wound on his back, connect that with the point of exit on the president's throat, and then take that line and project it rearward," said Myers. "What we end up with is a line that goes right back through the sniper's nest window, the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository." Dozens of witnesses pointed to the School Book Depository, where Oswald had been working as a clerk, after hearing the shots. One witness reported seeing a gun in the sixth floor window. |
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