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教 育 專 題 深 入 報 導《2004-04-16》 |
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◎ 國際專題 伊拉克失控反撲 |
國際專題 伊拉克失控反撲 | |
策劃、編譯■賴明芝 | |
再傳2名日籍記者遭綁 伊拉克劫持人質事件頻傳,許多被劫持者至今仍下落不明。最先傳出有民眾在伊拉克遭到劫持的日本,昨天傳出又有2名記者遭到綁架的消息。 日本外務省發言人高島說:「此事是由媒體報導,我們將加以求證,我們仍然在求證中。」他不預期外務省將可很快宣布。 根據日本媒體發自巴格達的報導指出,兩名行蹤成謎的日本人,一人是為「東京新聞」工作的文字記者安田純平,另一人是非政府組織成員渡邊修孝。據了解,東京新聞前天深夜試圖以安田純平的手機取得連繫,但一直處於關機狀態。而兩人是在搭乘計程車前往拍攝被擊落的一架美國MH53直升機途中,於阿布賈里布被人綁架。據說計程車司機曾代為出面,並說這兩個東方臉孔的是中國人。不過,司機的說詞還是瞞不過綁匪,因為綁匪是從這兩人隨身攜帶的護照判明國籍。 其中為「東京新聞」工作的文字記者安田純平,乃日本民間反戰人士。日本反對黨「民主黨」國會議員藤田在安曼日本大使館聽取營救特使外務副大臣逢澤一郎簡報最新綁架後表示,安田是自由投稿記者,在美國領導的聯軍與海珊政權對峙時,安田曾志願前往巴格達充當「人肉盾牌」,協助伊拉克抗美。 之前被綁架的三名日本人分別是郡山總一郎、今井紀明和高遠菜穗子,他們在8日遭到綁架後,曾一度傳出被釋放的消息,但經過多方查證,最後證實是空歡喜一場。由於發動綁架這3名日本人的伊拉克回教「聖戰士旅」曾揚言,如果日本派駐當地的550名官兵不在期限內撤離伊拉克的話,將「活活燒死」他們,以至於期限後仍未見釋放的情形,讓肉票家屬和各界十分著急,深怕他們3人遭到不測。所幸昨日晚間終於證實他們已經獲釋。 Two more Japanese civilians have been kidnapped in Iraq in addition to three taken hostage by militants last week, Japanese media said on Thursday, as the hostage crisis dragged on with little sign of resolution. A Japanese Foreign Ministry spokesman said the government was still trying to confirm the media reports, which said a Japanese non-governmental organization had received an e-mail saying two Japanese had been kidnapped near Baghdad. In a development likely to raise tension in Japan, Italy said that one of four Italians taken captive had been killed. Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi was quoted by Italian state television as saying there would be no impact on Rome's refusal to withdraw from the U.S.-led force in Iraq. Italy, like Japan, has been a staunch supporter of the United States in Iraq. The two new Japanese hostages were tentatively identified by Kyodo news agency as freelance journalists Jumpei Yasuda and Nobutaka Watanabe. Kyodo said an Iraqi member of the non-governmental organization had said in an e-mail that the two were abducted before his eyes and that he almost died in the incident. An Iraqi militant group took three Japanese civilians hostage last week and threatened to kill them if Japan did not withdraw its troops from Iraq. Although the group later said the hostages would be released, their fate remains unknown. Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi has vowed not to pull out some 550 Japanese soldiers taking part in a non-combat mission in southern Iraq despite the militants' threat. But the worsening security situation in southern Iraq has sparked calls to withdraw the troops, whose activities are limited by law to "non-combat zones." Analysts say Koizumi's handling of the situation could affect the showing of his ruling coalition in Lower House by-elections later this month and a poll for parliament's Upper House in July. DEEPLY DIVIDED The outcome is also certain to affect debate over what role Japan -- now testing the limits of its pacifist constitution -- should play in global security matters. The three Japanese taken hostage last week are Noriaki Imai, 18, who wanted to look into the effects of depleted uranium weapons, freelance journalist Soichiro Koriyama, 32, and aid worker Nahoko Takato, 34. Up to 40 foreigners from at least a dozen countries are being held hostage in Iraq, where U.S. forces are locked in some of the fiercest fighting with Sunni and Shi'ite forces since the fall of Saddam Hussein a year ago. The Japanese public is deeply divided over whether its troops should be in Iraq, where they are doing reconstruction work. The deployment is Tokyo's riskiest military mission since World War II and a major step away from a purely defensive military posture. The media reports on the new Japanese hostages had little immediate impact on the Tokyo stock market, which was rattled last Friday by the first abductions but recovered this week. "Although that's a concern, investors have taken news from Iraq in their stride this week," said Masayoshi Okamoto, head of dealing at Jujiya Securities. 小泉純一郎堅決不撤兵 儘管上週有好幾千名日本人在東京進行示威抗議,要求政府趕快答應伊拉克反抗份子的要求,自伊撤軍,但是日本首相小泉純一郎仍然表示,他不會做此打算,因為這些日軍在當地係執行人道任務。 問題是,已經從綁架外籍人士當中嚐到甜頭的反抗份子,真的會把目光放在「人道」兩個字上嗎?事實上,最新傳出的人質中,其中一位自由撰稿者甚至為了反對美國攻打伊拉克,而自願到伊拉克當「人肉盾牌」。連抱持這樣立場的反戰人士都遭到挾持,有誰敢斷言,反抗份子最後不會殺紅了眼呢? 在伊拉克戰爭立場上與美國相左的中國和法國,其原來遭到綁架的民眾,都已經獲釋。很顯然,這些反抗份子的目的是希望藉由綁架行動,打擊美國自其他國家得到的支持力量。根據法新社日前報導,在伊國南部指揮近一萬名多國聯軍的波蘭,其總理米勒已排除派遣更多兵力至伊國的可能。而美國另一盟國捷克,則是把7名重建專家召回布拉格,並通知他們,除非獲得指示,否則不要再回到伊拉克。 根據外電消息,伊拉克回教學者委員會的教長庫拜希曾經表示,首相小泉堅稱日本政府絕不屈服的說法,將導致反抗份子重新考量打算釋放人質的決定。 日本內閣官房長官福田康夫對庫拜希的發言相當不以為然,甚至暗指這些被綁民眾為政府帶來麻煩,還要民眾多用點常識。但在傳出又有2名日本人遭到綁架的消息後,日本政府顯然得重新評估整個情勢。 基本上,人質危機已經使小泉身陷泥沼,不管人質能不能安全歸來,日本國內勢必要他為此負責,甚至質疑小泉派遣自衛隊的作法,根本是使日本冒著風險。人質安全與否對小泉政治生涯唯一的差別,只是難看的程度罷了! 防衛大學校的安全問題教授神谷萬丈認為,小泉除了對綁匪維持強硬態度之外,別無選擇,因為,日本是在明知有危險的情況下,作出派軍進駐伊拉克的決定。如今如果屈服於威脅之下,那麼極端份子和國際社會都會認為,日本對恐怖主義示弱。 As two more Japanese civilians have been abducted in Iraq in addition to three taken last week, the prime minister vowed not to give in to demands to withdraw Japan's troops. The families of the three taken hostage last week clung to hope that their loved ones would be released, even though the killing of an Italian captive raised new fears for their safety. "That doesn't mean they've lost hope," their spokesman said. Japan, like Italy, has been a staunch supporter of the United States in Iraq and both have resolved to stand firm. "It's sad," Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi said of the killing. "But we must not succumb to such a cowardly act." Japan's top government spokesman, Yasuo Fukuda, said the authorities were trying to confirm the media reports, which said a Japanese non-governmental organization had received an email saying two Japanese had been kidnapped near Baghdad. The two have been identified by Japanese media as freelance journalist Jumpei Yasuda, 30, and Nobutaka Watanabe, 36, a former member of the Japanese military with ties to a civic group. Kyodo news agency said an Iraqi member of the non-governmental organization had said in an e-mail that the two were abducted before his eyes. Kyodo, citing the e-mail and other information, said the two were traveling in a taxi to take photos of a U.S. military helicopter that crashed on Tuesday west of Baghdad when they were surrounded by several cars and seized by an armed group. Koizumi has repeatedly said he will not pull out the 550 Japanese soldiers engaged in a non-combat mission in Samawa, southern Iraq, despite the militants' threat. But the worsening security situation in southern Iraq has fueled calls to withdraw the troops, whose activities are limited by Japanese law to "non-combat zones." Analysts say Koizumi's handling of the situation could affect the showing of his ruling coalition in by-elections for parliament's Lower House later this month and a poll for the Upper House in July. Government spokesman Fukuda on Thursday expressed frustration that civilians remained in Iraq despite repeated government advisories to leave the increasingly violent country. "People who go there say they do so on their own responsibility, but they should think about how much trouble they cause when something like this happens," Fukuda said. "I wish they would use a little more common sense." Up to 40 foreigners from at least a dozen countries are being held hostage in Iraq, where U.S. forces are locked in some of the fiercest fighting with Sunni and Shi'ite forces since the fall of Saddam Hussein a year ago. The Japanese public is deeply divided over whether its troops should be in Iraq, where they are doing reconstruction work. The deployment is Tokyo's riskiest military mission since World War II and a major step away from a purely defensive military posture. 義大利人質慘遭殺害 卡達半島衛星電視台昨天引述伊拉克綁匪發布的聲明報導,4名在伊拉克被綁為人質的義大利人,其中之一已慘遭殺害。 半島電視台說,它接獲一捲錄影帶和一些照片,其中顯示這名義大利人質被殺的情形,不過半島電視台表示,它不想播出這些影帶、照片,以免驚嚇到觀眾。這4名義大利人質都是一家私人公司的員工,綁匪在稍早半島電視台播出的另一捲錄影帶中,曾要求義大利當局把派駐伊拉克的部隊撤走,義大利目前大約有3千名兵力駐紮在伊拉克。如今人質遇害的消息傳來,顯然是針對義大利總理強硬的態度予以反擊。 目前義大利新聞媒體幾乎整天都在關注人質危機。義大利總理貝魯斯柯尼面對此一危機指出,政府將盡一切可能援救這些人質平安歸來;但是他也強調,義大利部隊在伊拉克執行的和平任務是不能討價還價的。 Italy vowed on Thursday to keep its troops in Iraq even as the killing of an Italian hostage sent a chilling signal of the new risks foreigners face from insurgents battling the U.S.-led occupation. About 20 buses carrying Russian workers headed for the airport in an evacuation organized after the kidnapping and swift release of three Russians and five Ukrainians in Baghdad. Sunni rebels fought U.S. Marines overnight in the battered town of Falluja, where residents said air strikes had hit several districts. There was no word on casualties. A tense standoff remained unresolved in the holy city of Najaf, where U.S. forces are poised for action against a rebel Shi'ite cleric they have sworn to capture or kill. "They have destroyed a life. They have not cracked our values and our efforts for peace," Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi said after the killing of Fabrizio Quattrocchi. Al Jazeera television received a videotape of the private security guard's murder, which it said was too bloody to screen. The killing by a previously unheard of Iraqi group followed a kidnap spree that has snared foreigners from a dozen countries this month, Iraq's bloodiest period since Saddam Hussein was ousted a year ago. It was the first such publicized killing. Al Jazeera said the captors had threatened to kill three other Italian hostages, colleagues of Quattrocchi in a U.S. security firm, if Italian troops were not withdrawn. Italy's ambassador in Qatar identified Quattrocchi in the footage. NO TO "BLACKMAIL" Italy said earlier it would not give in to "blackmail" to save the hostages but was working with Iran and others for their release. After news of Quattrocchi's murder, Berlusconi sent a senior official to Iraq to coordinate the effort. Berlusconi, a loyal ally of President Bush, sent almost 3,000 troops to Iraq, where bloodshed and kidnapping have rattled nerves among other countries with troops there. Japan said it was checking reports that two more Japanese had been abducted. The captors of three seized last week say they will be killed unless Japanese troops leave Iraq. Kidnappers freed French journalist Alexandre Jourdanov on Wednesday, but more than a dozen foreigners remained captive. Saraya al-Mujahideen, the group holding the three Japanese, said in a statement broadcast on Al Arabiya television on Thursday that it was targeting Americans and nationals of other countries that have troops in Iraq or support the occupation. Saraya al-Mujahideen delivered the message in a handwritten letter given to Jourdanov, saying it had freed him after making sure he did "not represent the American occupation." |
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