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教 育 專 題 深 入 報 導《2004-06-11》 |
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◎ 國際專題 告別雷根 功過留與後人說 |
國際專題 告別雷根 功過留與後人說 | |
策劃、編譯■賴明芝 | |
四處插手 阿富汗遭殃 雷根當了8年的美國總統,辯才無礙、溝通能力一流,被稱為偉大的溝通者。在國際政治舞台上,雷根也相當活躍,甚至強硬。雖然被稱為是「偉大的溝通者」,但雷根過去任內卻也做出不少備受爭議的軍事行動抉擇。 現在,媒體上只出現聲聲讚美,還有誰記得,雷根曾在白宮接見後來變成蓋達組織同路人的阿富汗回教游擊隊?又有誰記得,當年雷根政府對尼加拉瓜叛軍展開支援,導致3萬人死於非命的悲劇?雷根對此的解釋是「尼加拉瓜圖謀入侵美國德州」,這個曾經被笑掉大牙的理由,大概也遭人遺忘了。至於「伊朗」事件,雷根先後反覆的態度,此刻也似乎從大眾的記憶中給刪除了;當年雷根先是矢口否認,然後又說是為了營救美國人質的交易,最後他根本否認有什麼交易。 雷根在任內對阿富汗反政府游擊隊提供財政與軍事援助,這個決定,和後來蓋達組織與阿富汗政權掛勾、進而壯大勢力,導致美國遭逢911恐怖攻擊事件,能否說成有必然關係,尚難斷言;但阿富汗肯定是當年美蘇角力賽的前哨戰區,至於後來的情勢變化,蝴蝶渾沌效應的可能也不是沒有的。這也就是為什麼關於雷根任內的眾多軍事行動或是外交決策,會深受各國學術界所吸引。 前任布希總統反恐顧問李察‧克拉克(Richard Clarke)在新書中也默認,任何有關阿拉伯軍事的涉入行動,包括賓拉登和1980年代阿富汗事件,都是雷根政府犯下的錯誤,而這些錯誤至今仍深深影響美國。 在蘇聯時代負責中情局有關阿富汗事務的伯頓卻表示,現在再去討論這些事情是會讓人產生誤解的,畢竟,有關阿拉伯整體的概念和阿富汗戰爭都已經是過去式了。柏頓認為,如果真的要挑出有什麼錯誤發生的話,迫使莫斯科撤離阿富汗所付出的代價大概就算是了,但每一場戰爭都有非預計中的結果發生啊! 另外,雷根奉行不悔的「邪惡帝國」概念,也深深地影響了美國後來的發展,不少人深信,布希有關「邪惡軸心」的說法,是脫胎於雷根的「邪惡帝國」概念。 Ronald Reagan's support for mujaheddin fighters helped oust the Soviet Union from Afghanistan in 1989, a defeat that ultimately contributed to the communist superpower's own collapse. But should Reagan, who died last Saturday at 93, carry some of the blame for the rise of extremists headed by Osama bin Laden and the current instability in Afghanistan? Like so much about America's 40th president, that is a matter of debate. Richard Clarke, former anti-terrorism adviser to President George W. Bush, wrote in a new book that acquiescing to the involvement of an "army of Arabs," including bin Laden, in Afghanistan in the 1980s was one of four Reagan administration "mistakes" that affect the United States today. Milton Beardon, who ran the CIA's covert aid program in Afghanistan during the Soviet period, thinks that argument is misleading. "The whole concept of the Arabs and the (Afghan) war has been overblown," he said. If mistakes occurred, it was the price of forcing Moscow to withdraw from Afghanistan, said Beardon, adding: "There is always an unintended consequence of war." Reagan was so committed to confronting the "evil empire" that he forged an aggressive policy of backing anti-communist insurgents in proxy wars worldwide. According to Clarke's book, "Against All Enemies," Afghanistan was Reagan's best opportunity to drain the Soviets because they were ill-equipped for such a major deployment. STINGERS AND MORE At first Reagan did not offer much financial aid to the Afghan resistance, but later he provided them with Stinger anti-aircraft missiles and boosted funding from $35 million in 1982 to $600 million in 1987, Clarke wrote. "The idea of trying to hit at what was perceived as the vulnerable underbelly of the Soviet Union had wide support among experts and in retrospect, it definitely contributed to the collapse of the Soviet Union," said Kenneth Katzman of the Library of Congress' Congressional Research Service. Some say bin Laden financed and recruited fundamentalists to fight alongside Afghan tribal leaders, but Beardon said most of the money went for orphanages and homes for widows. Bin Laden was in one important battle in 1987, but his military role was also minor. While Afghanistan did become a magnet for "Arab bad boys," Islamic extremists were already active before they arrived, Beardon said. Also, Reagan's administration did not give weapons to Arab "volunteers" but focused on Afghan factions, experts said. Nevertheless, Clarke said, when Washington engaged Saudi Arabia and other Arab states in the anti-Soviet fight, "America sought (or acquiesced in) the importation into Afghanistan and Pakistan of an army of 'Arabs' without considering who they were or what would happen to them after the Soviets left." Nobody predicted these tacit U.S. allies would later turn so threatening toward America. "I think it would have been very difficult to forsee," said Katzman. Critics complain the United States should have given its funding to moderate Afghan tribal groups and accuse Washington of being beholden to Pakistan's intelligence service, which channeled U.S. aid to the most extreme Afghan factions. More broadly, experts fault Reagan's successor, father of the current president, and President Bill Clinton, for "walking away" from Afghanistan and Pakistan after the Soviet departure, allowing extremists to find havens there. 15萬人瞻仰遺容 長年患有阿茲海默症的美國第40任總統雷根,於上週六因為肺炎併發症逝世家中,享年93歲。美國各地也降半旗表示哀悼之意。美國前總統雷根的遺體,目前已移靈華府國家大教堂。雷根是迄今為止壽命最長的美國總統。他自1994年確診患有阿茲海默症以來,始終未在公開場合露面。 待美東時間11日星期五中午,在華府國家大教堂舉行國喪之後,將運回加州的雷根紀念館安葬。雷根逝世後,他的家人將雷根的靈柩安排在洛杉磯雷根圖書館停靈,估計一天半之中,有超過10萬人前去瞻仰。為讓大排長龍的仰慕者如願送雷根最後一程,圖書館8日還特別延長開放4小時。這兩天在國會山莊,預計會有更多民眾前去。 前蘇聯總統戈巴契夫投書紐約時報追悼雷根。他表示,雷根是一位懂得傾聽的總統,在他的漫長人生中經歷過成就的高峰,卻也有浮有沉,並有幸能享有真愛的愉悅。 面對昔日共同結束美蘇冷戰關係的對手,戈巴契夫表示,那些年帶來的啟發是,對話是必要的,不論面對什麼樣的挑戰和錯綜複雜的問題,都不能讓對話中斷。隨後幾年裡與雷根會面時,他體會到雷根深刻了解,這就是他們留給新一代政治領袖的遺產。 雷根的國喪典禮,預計將有來自世界各地的現任以及卸任領袖參與,戈巴契夫也將代表俄羅斯參加喪禮。至於不管在國際外交舞台還是私交上,與雷根有良好關係的英國前首相柴契爾夫人,也將出席。華府已經將今日定為國殤日,政府機關和金融市場都將停止作業一天。 雷根是第10位遺體開放瞻仰並舉行國喪的美國總統。在此之前,美國歷史上只有詹森、艾森豪、胡佛、甘乃迪、塔虎特、哈定、麥金利、詹姆士賈菲德及林肯,死後遺體曾供民眾瞻仰,並舉行國喪。 The Secret Service, police and other law officers geared up on Tuesday for three days of ceremonies to honor Ronald Reagan, with 150,000 mourners expected to view the former president's casket as it lies in state in the U.S. Capitol Rotunda. Reagan's remains were expected to arrive at the Capitol late on Wednesday from California, where tens of thousands visited his flag-draped coffin at the presidential library that bears his name. The 40th president died on Saturday at age 93. The Washington observances will span three days, beginning with an arrival ceremony at Andrews Air Force Base outside the U.S. capital, the base that is home to the presidential aircraft Air Force One. Reagan's casket will go by motorcade to downtown Washington, and then be transferred to a horse-drawn caisson -- a traditional two-wheeled military wagon -- for the short journey to Capitol Hill. There it will be on display continuously from Wednesday evening until Friday morning. All observances in Washington are classified by the Department of Homeland Security as National Special Security Events, putting them in the same category as a State of the Union address or inauguration in terms of heightened security. Those who wish to file by Reagan's casket will go through metal detectors outside the Capitol building, according to Michael Lauer, a spokesman for the Capitol Hill police force, which is working with the Secret Service and other agencies. Precautions are likely to include thousands of police, federal agents and members of the Secret Service, in addition to bomb-sniffing dogs and other measures to check for weapons or other threats. 雷根小檔案 資料來源:美國國務院 雷根於1911年2月6日出生在伊利諾伊州的坦皮科市(Tampico),母親內爾‧雷根(Nelle Reagan),父親約翰‧雷根(John Reagan)。雷根在附近的迪克森(Dixon)上高中,後進入尤里卡學院(Eureka College)完成學業,1932年開始廣播員生涯。1937年,通過試鏡與好萊塢一家電影製片廠簽約。此後20年,他曾在53部影片中演出。 1966年,雷根當選為加州州長,1970年獲連任。 雷根於1980年獲共和黨提名成為總統候選人。雷根選定喬治‧布希(George H.W. Bush)為競選夥伴。喬治‧布希是現任總統布希之父,曾任德克薩斯州的國會眾議員和美國駐聯合國大使。雷根在競選中擊敗了當時在位的總統吉米‧卡特(Jimmy Carter)。1984年獲連任。 1980年11月4日,時年69歲的雷根成為美國有史以來當選時年紀最大的總統。1981年1月20日,雷根正式就職,69天後遇刺,受到槍傷。當他的夫人南茜問他當時發生了什麼情況時,雷根以慣有的幽默口吻回答說:「親愛的,我忘記躲開了。」他面對危險仍鎮定自若,詼諧風趣,聲望因此大增。 在外交政策方面,雷根尋求「以實力求和平」(peace through strength)。雷根在兩屆總統任期中,國防支出增加了35%,但同時試圖與前蘇聯改善關係。他曾與戈巴契夫舉行一系列重大會談,達成了銷毀中程核導彈的協定。雷根還向國際恐怖主義宣戰,在查明利比亞參與在西柏林一家夜總會襲擊美國士兵的事件後,曾下令派美國轟炸機對利比亞實施打擊。 雷根還下令海軍前往波斯灣護航,在兩伊戰爭期間保證石油運輸通暢無阻。根據雷根主義(The Reagan Doctrine)的原則,他還支持中美洲、亞洲及非洲的反共活動。 |
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