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教 育 專 題 深 入 報 導《2004-08-20》 |
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◎ 國際專題:你得了氣喘嗎??? |
國際專題:你得了氣喘嗎??? | |
策劃、編譯■成怡夏 | |
氣喘是兒童常見疾病,據了解,台灣約有1/5的兒童患有氣喘,面對這類慢性病,家長越早發現治療效果越好,只要求助專業診療,氣喘兒的運動、飲食與一般兒童無異。 研究也指出,6%到10%的幼兒,罹患異位性皮膚炎,根據臨床統計,這類疾病的小朋友,高達一半會有氣喘問題,但是部分家長卻不知道,只覺得小朋友為什麼老是咳嗽治不好,還以為是特別容易感冒,也錯失及早預防的機會。其實孩子有可能是罹患了因過敏引起的氣喘。 氣喘的症狀有可能是無預警的,因此建議家有異位性皮膚炎的小病童,要避免接觸過敏原及刺激物,少吃冰冷食物,運動前先做暖身等,都是平日預防的方法。 由於氣喘是長期慢性病,唯有做好環境控制,積極耐心與醫師配合治療,才能有效減少與控制氣喘病急性發作。氣喘診斷方式是依據患者臨床症狀、家族史來作診斷,並輔助作抽血檢查、過敏原皮膚測試、過敏原抽血檢測。滿5歲以上的小朋友,還可作肺功能檢查及支氣管激發測試。 (資料來源:中央社) 紙上診斷 做正確的診斷相當重要,若氣喘被正確地診斷,才能正確地治療。氣喘診斷有下列幾種方式: 1.詳細的病史:包括家族的氣喘史、過敏、枯草熱和濕疹(若有家族有過敏或氣喘的歷史,孩子特別容易有氣喘的問題)。 2.身體檢查:如用聽診器聆聽肺部的聲音,以及對呼吸道做檢查。 3.胸部X光檢查:一但排除氣喘以外其他呼吸疾病的可能時,就會使用肺部X光。 4.血液檢查和唾液研究:確定過敏原的種類。 5.過敏原皮膚檢查:皮膚試驗可以確認過敏原。 6.呼吸測驗:可以測量空氣通過呼吸道的量以及速率,假如呼吸道因為發炎變窄了,空氣就難以通過呼吸道,這樣會讓呼吸測驗的數值改變。因此這是一種相當可靠的診斷方式。任何困難或難搞的氣喘都要做呼吸測驗。 7.挑戰測驗:運動挑戰測驗和甲基丙烯酸脂吸入測驗,都多在臨床實驗室中用以評估呼吸道的反應。 8.鑑別性診斷:其他無法呼吸的現象如氣喘吁吁、咳嗽、胸腔緊繃等,可能是由心臟疾病會其他肺部狀況引起,這時需要作鑑別性診斷。 (資料來源:www.safss.com/ASTHAMA.html) Making a correct diagnosis is extremely important: if asthma is correctly diagnosed it can be treated appropriately. The diagnosis of asthma involves all of the following: 1. A detailed history which would include: family history of asthma, allergies, hay fever, eczema; (children in particular will have a greater chance of developing the above if there is a family history of allergies and asthma). 2. Physical examination: i.e. listening to the lungs with a stethoscope, examination of nasal passages etc. 3. Chest x-ray may be done once to exclude the possibility of breathing problems being caused by something other than asthma. 4. Blood tests and sputum studies may be done. 5. Allergy prick skin testing: Skin tests can confirm the presence or absence of allergies; they must, however, be correlated to the history of symptoms. 6. Spirometry is a breathing test which measures the amount and rate at which air can pass through airways; if the airways are narrowed because of inflammation it will be more difficult for air to pass through the airways. This will result in changes in spirometry values. This is a very dependable method of making a diagnosis. Any difficult or troublesome asthma should be confirmed objectively by performing spirometry. 7. Challenge tests: Exercise challenge tests and methacholine inhalation tests are procedures used most frequently in clinical laboratories to evaluate airway responsiveness. 8. Differential diagnosis: Other possible causes of shortness of breath, wheeze, cough and chest tightness must be investigated in order to rule these out. i.e. such as heart disease, other lung conditions. 環境控制 找出過敏原 環境控制應與適當用藥一起實施。假如能避免暴露在過敏原,也可以減少用藥。只要仔細回顧症狀史,現在其實很容易就可以分辨出是哪一種過敏原導致氣喘,因此對環境做控制對有過敏體質的人來說,是很重要的。 塵 |