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教育專題 ◎ 2004-10-15
教 育 專 題 深 入 報 導《2004-10-15》

◎ 伊拉克人命市場
◎ 台灣立報徵文啟事

導讀:週日一個在網路上流傳的錄影帶顯示了在伊拉克被綁架的英國人質肯尼士.比格利對英國政府所做的最後懇求,他祈求英國政府能夠在他被斬首前答應綁架他的人所開的交換條件,即釋放關在Abu Ghraib監獄裡的女囚犯。


A video tape posted on the Internet Sunday showed British hostage Kenneth Bigley making a final appeal to the British government to meet his captors' demands before he was beheaded by a militant group in Iraq.
"Here I am again Mr (Tony) Blair and your government, very, very close to the end of my life. You don't appear to have done anything to help me. I'm not a difficult person. I am a simple man who just wants to live a simple life with his family," the 62-year-old engineer said before masked men beheaded him.
"These people, their patience is wearing very, very thin and they are very serious people. Please, please give them what they require, the freedom of the women in Abu Ghraib prison. If you do this the problem is solved," said Bigley, who was sitting on the floor with militants standing behind him.
Insurgent sources in Iraq had said the Briton escaped briefly from his captors shortly before they killed him in a town southwest of Baghdad Thursday.
He was kidnapped on Sept. 16 along with two Americans who were beheaded soon after the abductions by the Tawhid and Jihad group led by al Qaeda ally Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, which demanded the release of women prisoners from U.S. jails in Iraq.
Washington says it holds only two women in Iraq, both top weapons scientists from the days of Saddam Hussein. The British say they are not holding any women.
"To the British people, more than ever I need your help, more than ever I need your voices, to go out into the streets and demand a better life for the females and women who are in prison in Abu Ghraib," said Bigley who was wearing an orange jump suit like those worn by detainees in U.S. prisons.
"I can't say a great deal more. I've said so many things to you at so many different times. All I can tell you now is that I have very short time left," he said.
The four-minute tape, posted on Web sites often used by Islamists, showed militants holding up the Briton's severed head and then placing it on top of the corpse.
The title shown at the beginning of the video issued by the group read: "The slaughter of the British hostage who was not helped by Blair or his people despite being given enough time."
"The heads of the infidel Western governments pretend to care about their citizens, but they are liars and hypocrites," said a statement read out by one of the militants on the tape.
"We extended the deadline to kill the British hostage to see if our sisters in Abu Ghraib prison would be freed but the tyrannical British government lied and claimed there was no way to contact Tawhid and Jihad Group when in fact there was a clear source of contact," the man said, vowing the group would continue to behead "infidels" until women prisoners are freed.
Blair's government, which for three weeks refused to bargain with Bigley's kidnappers, revealed Friday that it had opened secret contact with them in the days before his death.


這個遊行是由數個團體共同推動的。包括了「現即和平」(Peace Now)、天主教勞工團體等。參與者包括不只是反布希政府外交政策或是反戰者,軍人家庭成員、資深老兵也是主要參與者。他們要求立即從伊拉克撤退,他們把美國在伊拉克的出現與以色列人佔領巴勒斯坦相提並論,並指出戰後的伊拉克更加不安定,境內的外國軍隊也面臨更大的困境。他們更指出所謂的解放,根本就「只是戰爭」。

On October 2 several hundred (perhaps a couple thousand in attendence by the end) people marched from Arlington National Cemetery to The Ellipse, south of the White House. They carried many of the hundreds of cardboard coffins (the rest laid out on The Ellipse by volunteers ahead of the march) from the cemetery, across the Memorial Bridge, past the Lincoln memorial and down Constitution Avenue.
The coffins represent the American military deaths, in excess of 1,000 (, includes 56 afghan casualties, but Iraq sum still well exceed 1k and climbs ) in the Iraq war alone; without including Afghanistan, mercenaries, contractors, and those unaffiliated with the occupation but killed in war-zones with American involvement. The minority of flag-draped coffins represents the proportion of American military dead to all the other losses -- Iraqi, non-military, other military, etc, in Iraq.
The event was coordinated by several groups including the Iraq Pledge of Resistance, Peace Now, Catholic Worker groups, Military Families Speak Out, Veterans for Peace and Iraq Veterans for Peace. The speakers included Gordon Clark (the originator of the Iraq Pledge), Phyllis Bennis (of the Institute for Policy Studies), and Arun Ghandi, the grandson of Mahatma Ghandi.
Participants included more than just contrarians to the Bush administration's foreign policy facilitated by a complicit congress or "mere" objectors to the concept of war. Military families and veterans were key participants. Among those bearing the symbolic coffins were veterans of the war still being waged.
They called for a quick withdrawal from Iraq, an end to what 90% of Iraqis, said Bennis, considered an occupation. They compared the U.S. presence in Iraq to the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories and noted that since the war Iraqis have had less security and hae both been threatened more on a daily basis by the chaos as well as more reasons to rise up against the foreign forces in their country.
In addition to objecting to how the U.S. military was being used, and the danger many of their loved one were in, their messages criticized the methods by which the U.S. is "bringing democracy" to Iraq, as well as the falsehoods that were presented to justify the war (Weapons of Mass Destruction, "Imminent Threat", all things discounted by both intelligence reports and publicly available fact before the invasion, and cited after the invasion by many an "enlightened" politician), and the apparent hypocrisy regarding publicly stated principles of "liberation" that might be the foundation for a "just war" anywhere.


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