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教 育 專 題 深 入 報 導《2004-10-22》 |
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◎ 國際專題:禁止同性婚姻入憲 布希凱瑞不同調 | |
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國際專題:禁止同性婚姻入憲 布希凱瑞不同調 | |
策劃、編譯■成怡夏 | |
在麻薩諸塞州法庭同意同性戀婚姻在該州合法化後,同性戀婚姻的議題在今年美國總統選戰中扮演了一個重要角色。布希總統和民主黨總統候選人凱瑞都反對同性戀婚姻,但對於這個議題應否留給各州決定持不同意見。 在第三場電視辯論中,主要是以國內議題為主,麻塞諸塞州的參議員凱瑞引述副總統錢尼的女同性戀女兒瑪莉的例子,辯論說同性戀取向不是個人的選擇問題,他也表示各州已經顯示出他們有能力處理她們自己的婚姻法律。他說:「各州都有能力自行處理這方面的法律問題。」 布希則支持憲法修正禁止同性戀婚姻,表示修正案需要確定婚姻議題不會結束在「被各州法院來定義」。布希認為應該在憲法修正案中禁止同性戀婚姻,不過這個提案今年在參眾兩院都遭到否決。 布希說,他關心現存反對同性戀婚姻的聯邦立法將會在法庭中被推翻。「我擔心由激進派法官定義婚姻,因此最確實可以保護一男一女婚姻形式的方法,就是修正憲法。」他說。 聖公會禁止同志婚姻及同志出任主教 聖公會的領袖們為阻止原本寬鬆的教會組織分崩離析,週一催促北美聖公會的自由主義者禁止同性婚姻,以及同性戀主教的任命儀式。他們表示,由於自由主義者贊成同性戀團體,並任命有兩個孩子的離婚父親、一名美國同性戀者魯賓遜為主教,已經「破壞了凝聚彼此的聯繫」。 因此,他們要求以加拿大和美國為主的自由主義者為自己的行為道歉,並且承諾這樣的事情不再發生。堅持聖公會等級制度的保守派份子也提議訂定一個聖公會契約,即一份信仰的宣言,旨在強調共通的認同,和分享全世界7千萬聖公會會友的共同信仰。 身為美國聖公會230萬會友領袖的法蘭克.格林斯沃爾德則對英國聖公會這樣的態度反應冷淡,並指這份報告顯然是為「圍堵差異性」而努力。「不管如何,除非我們可以超越圍堵政策,否則將會對我們的使命有所損害。」他說。 南美洲南部保守派領袖、大主教葛瑞格.維納保斯則表示,這份報告「給我們最少的工具,卻能讓事情回歸正軌。不過,究竟我們是否能夠單刀直入地對話,則要看美國和加拿大方面是否準備好接受這項提案。」他說。 非洲聖公會會友對教會做出斥責自由主義者的聲明鼓掌喝采。「任命同性戀為主教是異端的行為,不符合聖經教誨,根本就不應該出現,應該被修正才是。」非洲教會最嚴厲的反同性戀聲音、奈及利亞聖公會聯盟秘書長歐杜巴根這麼說。奈及利亞教會是繼英國後第二大的聖公會聯盟。 英國的同性戀權利擁護者,對於這份報告中反對同性戀主教的任命和同性婚姻感到沮喪。男女同志人權組織表示,聖公會創造了「『邪惡』的同性戀的幻想」,英國爭取同性戀權益的領袖人物彼得.泰區爾形容這個禁令有如「坦然承認有同性戀恐懼症,儼然是個最典型的法西斯黨派,而非基督教團體應有的行為」。 去年當加拿大投票贊成同性婚姻、美國聖公會成員接受公開出櫃的魯賓遜為主教後,聖公會分裂的危機就檯面化了。無論是加拿大或是美國兩方面,都提出對非洲、拉丁美洲和亞洲保守份子的強烈抗議,不過,在這些地方聖公會的信徒數目都更多,且比西方社會更為傳統。 發表這篇報告的愛爾蘭聖公會領袖羅賓.艾瑪斯否認聯盟「已處在快速熔毀的狀態,並將會以分裂為收場」。但是南美洲保守派維納保斯表示,聖公會內保守派份子和自由主義者間仍有相當大的歧異,這就不是要自由主義者道個歉就可以解決的。「他們已經表示他們對於所造成的痛苦感到遺憾了,但是這就像是一個通姦的丈夫乾脆妻子說『很抱歉傷害了妳』一樣於事無補,對真正的問題一點幫助也沒有。」他說。 Anglican leaders, striving to stop their loose association of churches falling apart, urged North American liberals Monday to ban same-sex marriages and the consecration of gay bishops. They said the liberals had "broken the bonds of communion" by approving gay unions and by ordaining American Gene Robinson, a homosexual divorced father of two, as a bishop. They asked the liberals, based in Canada and the United States, to apologize for their actions and to promise it would not happen again -- at least for now. In a further filip to church conservatives, the Anglican hierarchy proposed an Anglican Covenant, a statement of faith which would stress the common identity and shared beliefs of the world's 70 million Anglicans. Frank Griswold, leader of the 2.3 million U.S. Anglicans, gave the report a cool welcome, noting that it strove for "a containment of differences." "However," he added in a statement: "unless we go beyond containment ... we will do disservice to our mission." Archbishop Greg Venables, the conservative leader of Anglicans in southern South America, said the report "gives us the minimum tools to be able to get things on track." "But whether or not we can get to the point of dialogue will depend on whether the churches in the U.S. and Canada are prepared to accept its proposals," he said. "DEVIANT, UNBIBLICAL, UN-CHRISTIAN AND UNNATURAL" African Anglicans applauded the church for its decision to reprimand the liberals. "Ordaining homosexuals is heresy, unbiblical, should never have been done and should be reversed," said Archdeacon Oluranti Odubogun, Secretary General of the Church of Nigeria Anglican Communion, the African church's most strident anti-gay voice. "Homosexual behavior is deviant, unbiblical, un-Christian and unnatural," said Odubogun, whose Nigerian church is the second-largest Anglican community after Britain's. British gay rights campaigners were dismayed by the report's proposal for a moratorium on gay bishops and same-sex marriages. The Gay and Lesbian Humanist Association said the Anglicans were creating "a fantasy world of 'evil' gays" while Peter Tatchell, Britain's leading gay rights campaigner, described the ban as "undisguised homophobia more typical of a fascist party than a supposedly Christian organization." The crisis erupted last year when Canadians voted to approve same-sex marriages and U.S. Anglicans, known as Episcopalians, pressed ahead with Robinson's consecration. Both moves drew strong protest from conservatives in Africa, Latin America and Asia, where Anglican worshipers are more numerous and tend to be more traditional than in the West. 凱瑞評論錢尼同志女兒引發戰火 對於民主黨候選人凱瑞在總統辯論中,舉出美國副總統錢尼之女為同性戀,錢尼表示是「超越界線」的談話。但是凱瑞則表示,他只是在讚美錢尼的家庭是個「堅固的家庭」罷了。不過這卻引發了敏感的同志婚姻話題。 在布希表示他不清楚是否一個人可以「選擇」成為同性戀後,凱瑞提到錢尼在布希陣營工作的同性戀女兒瑪莉,他說:「我認為,假如你去和錢尼身為女同性戀的女兒談話,她將會告訴你她就是她自己,且她生來就是如此。你去和任何人談這個問題,都會得到這並非『選擇』的答案。」 錢尼在辯論結束後很快地做出回應:「凱瑞把我的女兒拉入戰局是超過了界線,我認為這一點也不適當。」錢尼在佛羅里達的集會中稱自己為一個「憤怒的父親」,他的妻子琳恩稱凱瑞的評論為「便宜賣乖又俗氣的政治伎倆」。 凱瑞在聲明中表示,他和錢尼的家庭分享了對他們女兒的愛:「我想要傳達的是正面的東西,關於一個堅固的家庭如何處理這樣的議題。」 錢尼對女兒瑪莉的性取向問題一改過去謹慎的態度,他宣稱婚姻是各州可以決定議題,與布希的行政政策出現罕見的歧異。錢尼在他的副總統辯論中重申他支持同性戀婚姻的立場,民主黨副總統候選人艾德華則以對錢尼致敬作為回應,並表示有意願和他的女兒對談,並「擁抱她」。但是私底下,布希陣營官員卻對錢尼的發言惱怒。 艾德華的妻子伊莉莎白表示,她對錢尼夫人感到驚訝:「我認為她(錢尼夫人)反應中的含蓄,是因為對討論感到羞恥……這讓我憂傷,坦白說。」同性戀團體圓木屋共和黨員(LCR)指責凱瑞在辯論中提到副總統的女兒,並批評布希把同志家庭當成選戰議題。「你有道德上的義務去終止利用同性戀議題打這場選戰。」圓木屋共和黨員執行長派屈克.葛瑞若說。 Vice President Dick Cheney called Democrat John Kerry "out of line" for citing Cheney's lesbian daughter in a presidential debate, but Kerry said he was just praising "strong families," in a flare-up on Thursday rooted in an election-year battle over gay marriage. President Bush's call for a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage, favored by conservatives at the heart of Bush's political base, was a topic of Wednesday's final televised debate between Bush and Kerry. Kerry had mentioned Cheney's lesbian daughter, Mary, who works for the Bush campaign, after Bush said he did not know whether a person could choose to be homosexual. "I think if you were to talk to Dick Cheney's daughter, who is a lesbian, she would tell you that she's being who she was, she's being who she was born as. I think if you talk to anybody, it's not choice," Kerry said. Cheney reacted quickly in a post-debate interview with Des Moines television station WHO. "I would have said Sen. Kerry was out of line to bring my daughter into it. I thought it was totally inappropriate," he said. Cheney called himself "an angry father" at a Florida rally, and his wife, Lynne, called Kerry's comment a "cheap and tawdry political trick." Kerry said in a statement that he and the Cheney family shared a love for their daughters. "I was trying to say something positive about the way strong families deal with this issue," he said. Kerry said in the debate that he shared Bush's opposition to gay marriage, but thought states could manage the issue. Kerry opposes a constitutional ban on gay marriage, unlike Bush, whose amendment proposal was rejected by Congress. The president has said an amendment was necessary after a Massachusetts court ruling paved the way for legalized gay marriage in Kerry's home state. Ballot initiatives in several states would ban gay marriage, and analysts say the measures could benefit Bush by drawing conservative voters to the polls on Nov. 2. 'ENORMOUS PRIDE' The vice president had broken with his earlier circumspection regarding Mary Cheney's sexual orientation when he addressed the gay-marriage issue in a meeting with voters in August. Cheney said marriage should be a state issue, a rare disagreement with Bush administration policy. "Lynne and I have a gay daughter, we have two daughters, and we have enormous pride in both of them," Cheney said then. |
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