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教 育 專 題 深 入 報 導《2004-11-19》 |
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◎ 搶救鐵達尼殘骸 | |
◎ 台灣立報徵文啟事 |
搶救鐵達尼殘骸 | |
策劃、編譯■成怡夏 | |
發現者巴納德擔心鐵達尼號嚴重瓦解 20年前發現世界上最大沉船遺骸──鐵達尼號──的探險家巴伯.巴納德近來表示,海底旅遊團和紀念品蒐集者都加速了鐵達尼號的腐壞速度,值得大家注意。今年6月再度造訪鐵達尼沉沒地點──他首度造訪鐵達尼號是在1985年──巴納德被殘骸腐朽的驚人速度震驚,他要求美國國會通過法案,給這艘沉船更多的保護。 鐵達尼號在西元1912年4月14日在北大西洋撞到冰山後沉沒,它是在4月10日自英國處女首航前往紐約。巴納德說,受損最嚴重處為讓潛水艇登陸的甲板。「這就有點像是一輛推土機進入巴黎的博物館。」巴納德這麼形容潛水艇登陸在一度豪華的郵輪上所造成的破壞。 巴納德本週在華盛頓,遊說國會議員贊成6月間由州的相關部門所簽署的法案,目的在於保護鐵達尼號的遺骸。他也希望法國和俄羅斯──這些地方有許多觀光業主舉辦鐵達尼號活動──也一起簽署這項法案。英國已在2003年11月簽下國際協定同意此事。 在他2004年再度前往鐵達尼探訪,巴納德使用了遠距操作儀器拍下該船數千張的數位影像,並與他在1985年所拍攝的照片對照。最值得注意的是,潛水艇登陸的散步甲板有嚴重損壞情況──2001年時,有一對美國夫婦在甲板上的潛水艇舉行結婚儀式。 巴納德新書《重返鐵達尼號》中的照片顯示了這些改變,這本書是由國家地理協會出版,巴納德是駐會探險家。 此外,船桅上的鐘被偷走,黃銅製的燈也遺失了;船首部分過去有「鐵達尼號」標誌處,還有一道最近新增的深切傷痕,而支撐船隻木製輪軸的銅製支撐架也扭曲了。至於生物性毀壞則比巴納德所預期的來得少,雖然這艘船大部分是覆蓋著鏽。 自巴納德發現這艘在北大西洋海面下1萬3千英尺深的沉船以來,有大約6千件藝術品從鐵達尼號和遺骸散落分佈區域中遭到盜取。 自從鐵達尼號被發現後,對於如何處置鐵達尼號出現兩派不同看法,一派認為鐵達尼號應該被打撈;另一派則如巴納德所認為的,應該保存鐵達尼號的原貌,做為對1,523名葬身深海墓地者的紀念與敬意。 「地球上最大的博物館是在大海中,我們的科技可以到達那裏。問題是,我們該去那裡欣賞這段歷史,還是去打劫它呢?」巴納德問。 他能夠了解人們想要靠近鐵達尼號一窺究竟。1997年出品的電影《鐵達尼號》,只讓這種好奇心更加灼熱。但是巴納德說,新的科技可以把鐵達尼號轉換成一個真正的博物館,好過潛水公司派人到那裡打撈、打劫它。鐵達尼號的資訊可以傳到人們家中的電腦。 「我們在火星上有機器人,我們也曾把人們帶去月球,因此,要在鐵達尼號上有即時的轉播並不困難。」巴納德擔心假如鐵達尼號沒有受到保護,要人們善意對待其他更鮮為人知的船隻,恐怕是渺無希望的。 「假如我們不保護鐵達尼號,我們就什麼也保護不了。鐵達尼號是我談論古代歷史這類更大的議題肥皂箱。」他說。他評估有超過百萬艘古董船沉沒在深海中,就像鐵達尼號一樣,它們可以提供我們關於人類歷史的資料。 Undersea tourists and souvenir hunters are hastening the decay of the Titanic, says U.S. explorer Bob Ballard who discovered the world's most famous shipwreck nearly 20 years ago. In a visit last June to the site of the Titanic -- his first since 1985 -- Ballard was shocked at how fast the wreckage had deteriorated and he wants Congress to pass legislation giving greater protection to the sunken vessel. Most alarming, he said, was damage caused by submersibles landing on the deck of the Titanic, which hit an iceberg and sank in the North Atlantic on April 14, 1912, on its maiden voyage from Southampton, England to New York. "It's sort of like going into the Louvre (Museum in Paris) with a bulldozer," said Ballard of the submersibles landing on the deck of the once-luxury liner. Ballard will be in Washington this week, lobbying for Congress to approve a treaty signed by the State Department in June aimed at protecting the wreck of the Titanic. He hopes France and Russia -- from where many tour operators to the Titanic operate -- will sign the treaty. Britain signed the accord in November 2003. In his 2004 expedition to the Titanic, Ballard used a remote operated vehicle to take thousands of digital images of the ship and compared them against pictures taken in 1985. Most notable was a deterioration of the promenade deck where submersibles had bumped or landed on the ship. In 2001, an American couple got married in a submersible on the deck. Pictures showing these changes are in Ballard's glossy new book "Return to Titanic" published by National Geographic, where Ballard is an Explorer-In-Residence. In addition, the mast has been stripped of its bell and its brass light is missing. There was a recent gash on the bow section where the name Titanic used to be and part of the brass telemotor which once held the ship's wooden wheel is twisted. There was less biological decay than Ballard expected although much of the ship was covered in icicles of rust. About 6,000 artifacts have been removed from the Titanic and its debris field since Ballard found the ship 13,000 feet below the surface of the North Atlantic. There are two schools of thought on the Titanic -- one that it should be salvaged and the other, like Ballard, that it should be preserved as a mark of respect for the 1,523 people who are buried in the deep sea grave. "The greatest museum on earth is beneath the sea and we have the technology to go there. The question is, are we going there to appreciate this history or plunder it?" said Ballard. He understands the fascination people have in wanting to get close to the vessel. Movies such as the 1997 blockbuster "Titanic" have only boosted this curiosity. But Ballard says new technology could turn the Titanic into a virtual museum rather than have diving companies take clients down there and salvagers plunder it. The Titanic could be "wired up" to beam out information to people's home computers. "We have robots on Mars, we have put humans on the moon, it's not a big deal to have live access to the Titanic." He fears if the Titanic is not protected then other lesser-known ships have no hope of being respected. "If we can't protect the Titanic, we can't protect anything. The Titanic is my soap box to talk about this larger issue about ancient history," he said. He estimates there are more than a million ships of antiquity lost in the deep sea and like the Titanic, these could provide important information about our history. 英國打撈公司將開始沉船打撈工作 一家計劃尋回沉沒船隻裡高價值金屬的英國公司,本週在英國股票市場上市,預計開發這塊價值超過10億美元、潛力無窮的打撈市場。這家叫做「海底資源」的公司,成立目的是打撈船隻遺失在深海中的貨物,已經參與超過70個商業打撈計劃。 它以20個主要的商船作為目標,其中貨物價值超過4億5千萬美元,他們表示,歷史性的船隻遺骸價值,超過這些已鎖定的目標船隻價值兩倍以上。 海底資源表示,集資動作應該能夠在未來3年支持6個船隻貨物的打撈工作,它也計畫從2005年春夏季起,開始第一個商業的打撈計畫。它們所有鎖定的目標都在國際公海的海域中,將會透過與合法業主的契約取得酬庸。 它們主要的焦點將在於尋回高價、非氧化鐵、沒有生鏽的金屬,主要來自第一次世界大戰與二次世界大戰的沉沒的船隻。 這家公司表示,它們有1萬2千筆船隻遺骸的資料庫,而超過1千公尺深的地方,只有一些遺骸可以被打撈。但是,最近由近海石油和瓦斯公司研發出的新科技,意味著全世界海洋有超過90%是可以接近的。它說,現在的技術可以到達6千公尺深的海底,鐵達尼號深約4千公尺,1985年被發現,只有極有限的部分被打撈起來。 A British company planning to retrieve valuable metals from shipwrecks will float on the London share market this week as it seeks to tap into a potential deep-sea salvage market worth over $1 billion. SubSea Resources Plc said on Tuesday it had raised 11 million pounds ($20 million) in an initial public offering on London's junior AIM market at 20 pence per share, valuing the company at just over 21 million pounds. The shares start trading on Thursday. The company, formed to salvage cargoes from ships lost in deep water, has identified over 70 commercial salvage targets. It has targeted 20 major commercial vessels, which contain cargoes worth over $450 million, and says the value of historic shipwrecks more than doubles the potential value of the targets. SubSea said the fundraising should enable it to raise six cargoes in the next three years, and it plans to begin its first commercial salvage in spring/summer 2005. All its targets are in international waters and will be recovered through contracts with their legal owners. Canaccord Capital is adviser for the listing. SubSea's main focus will be retrieving high-value non-ferrous metals, which do not rust, mainly from ships that were lost in the First and Second World Wars. The company said it has a database of 12,000 wrecks and that only a handful of wrecks have been salvaged at depths exceeding 1,000 meters. New technology from the offshore oil and gas industry means that over 90 percent of the world's oceans are now accessible, it said. It said salvages are now possible to a depth of 6,000 metres. The Titanic, at a depth of about 4,000 metres, was surveyed in 1985 and minor salvage undertaken. 海底遺產公約 據考古學家推算,目前全球有近3百萬艘尚未打撈的沉船待世人探索。然而,有關海底寶藏的爭論,一直就是人們注意的焦點。以前處理此類糾紛,按習慣是誰先發現誰先擁有,但2000年1月在一場財寶糾紛中,沉船的原屬國得到了財寶的所有權,這個先例使同類糾紛變得更加複雜。 根據現行的聯合國海洋公約,任何主權國均擁有該國24海哩範圍內的海底遺產管轄權,但涉及範圍以外的仍是灰色地帶。目前,任何國家或私人的船隻都可隨意打撈海底遺產,而尋寶者往往只顧打撈值錢古物,不理會物主應有權利,挖掘時也沒有利用正確的科學和考古手法,因此對海底遺產造成無可修補的損害。 為避免珍貴文物遭破壞,聯合國教科文組織(UNESCO)2001年草擬了旨在保護水底古城和沉船的文物公約,但至今仍未獲得188個成員國的一致支持。 海底遺產公約旨在保護不同水域裏的歷史文物,其中包括:被海水淹沒的古代城市,以及沉沒超過一百年的船隻。各國專家在草擬公約的過程中,亦需處理一些敏感項目,例如:如何保護具有宗教意義的海底遺產?如何保護成為戰爭墳墓的沉沒戰船?此外,協議亦提到尊重沉船死難者的重要性。 (資料來源:人民網、香港浸信會大學) 誰破壞了海底遺產? UNESCO理事普羅蒂表示:「保護海底遺產非常重要,而且已刻不容緩,因為科技進步已令尋寶者可到達以前未有人能到達的深海,挖掘沉船和遺骸。40年前,他們根本無法接觸這些埋藏在深海的遺產。」她指出,新科技令搜索沉船比以前容易,而且挖掘的成本也愈來愈便宜。 事實上,早於1950年代,聯合國已開始計劃保護海底文物。不過,由於當時大部分海底文物對尋寶者來說,都是難以接觸的,故此尋寶者對文物的實際威脅不大。然而,隨潛水器材的發明和改進,打撈海底遺產已變得愈來愈容易,導致擅自打撈活動大增,不少商業開發活動均視尋找海底寶藏為投機發財的生意,有違保護和管理文物的基本原則。 此外,漁業、沿海工程、鋪設海底管道或其他海洋活動等,常會導致水流改變,製造沉積物,形成污染,損害海底遺產。而且,近年流行的潛水觀光,亦令很多人擅自闖入海底遺產,把文物當紀念品帶走。 較早前,曾有人建議把位於埃及海底的法老王遺產列為世界遺產。可是,世界遺產委員會以往從未接受水底遺產的登記,因為委員會擔心要實際界定海底遺產的範圍會有困難。而且,如何監察海底遺產,及如何制定適當的管理計劃,也是令人頭痛的問題。由於被列為世界遺產的地方,往往會吸引大量遊客,因此若沒有確立保護遺產的措施,遺產便很易受到破壞。若海底遺產公約獲得通過,便可以解決這些難題。 (資料來源:人民網、香港浸信會大學) 砣電影《鐵達尼號》的空前賣座,間接對深眠海底4千公尺的鐵達尼號殘骸造成傷害。(圖/派拉蒙影業) 砬A view of the bow of the Titanic from a camera mounted on the outside of the Mir I submersible. (圖/http://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov) 砢Rusticle hanging from the stern section of the RMS Titanic showing secondary growths during maturation. (圖/http://oceanexplorer.noaa.go) |
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