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教 育 專 題 深 入 報 導《2004-12-10》 |
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◎ 日本女人啊,請給我多生小孩! | |
◎ 台灣立報徵文啟事 |
日本女人啊,請給我多生小孩! | |
策劃、編譯/成怡夏 | |
新天使計劃 企圖扭轉低下生育率 根據上週五發布的白皮書顯示,日本政府必須針對20歲後期以及30歲初期的年輕夫妻採取有效措施,在5年之內扭轉日本日益下降的生育率。 這是日本內閣首次針對低生育率發表報告。 1971到1974年出生於日本第2次嬰兒潮的人,現在正值20歲晚期到30歲初期,到了2010年左右,25歲到34歲的女姓人數還會在800萬到900萬間。 報導指出,假如這個族群的每位女性都生2個孩子,日本的生育率就會翻轉為上升的局面。 日本的生育率已經有30年都呈現下降的局面,到2003年時達到歷史新低1.29。 為達到目標,日本政府計劃年底前更新「新天使計畫」──現行解決這個問題的計畫──並從明年4月開始執行這項新計畫。 更新的計劃包括了設計讓年輕人學習較佳的技能,以獲得永久的工作,並允許父母請較長的育嬰假,且提供改善過的學齡前兒童托育服務。 根據國家人口與社會安全機構統計指出,預估日本人口在2006年會達到1億2,774萬的高峰,並從2007年開始下降。假如這樣的趨勢繼續下去,2050年日本人口將下降到1億零59萬人或是更少。這將會對國家的經濟發展有負面影響。 Push 1970s boomers to breed: white paper By AKEMI NAKAMURA Staff writer The government should take effective measures targeting people in their late 20s and early 30s over the next five years to reverse Japan's falling birthrate, according to a white paper released Friday. The Cabinet Office compiled the nation's first report focusing on Japan's status as a society with a low birthrate. With those who were born during the nation's second baby boom period between 1971 and 1974 now in their late 20s and early 30s, the number of women in the 25-34 age bracket here will stay at 8 million to 9 million until around 2010, according to the report. If each woman in this group gives birth to two children, Japan's birthrate may turn upward, the report says. The nation's birthrate has been declining for nearly three decades and hit a record low of 1.29 in 2003. To achieve its goal, the government plans to update the New Angel Plan -- a current plan aimed at addressing the problem -- by the end of this year and start implementing programs proposed in the new plan from April, Cabinet Office officials said. The updated plan is expected to include measures designed to help more young people obtain permanent jobs by learning better skills, to allow parents to take longer childbearing leave and to provide improved nursing care for preschool children. Japan's population is predicted to peak at 127.74 million in 2006 and begin contracting in 2007. If this trend continues, the population may decrease to 100.59 million or fewer in 2050, according to the National Institute of Population and Social Security. This scenario could have a negative effect on the nation's economic development, the white paper says. |
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台灣立報徵文啟事 | |
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