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教育專題 ◎ 2004-12-24
教 育 專 題 深 入 報 導《2004-12-24》

◎ 國際專題:你走開,別理我。
◎ 台灣立報徵文啟事





究竟出了什麼狀況?為什麼連續兩個不同的政府──之前是保守黨,另一個是被認為對孩童較友善的自由黨政府──都選擇把6歲當成一道涇渭分明的界線?最簡單的解釋是單純的財務狀況造成的。安大略省估計有一萬個自閉症兒童,如果政府要做好醫療與教育照顧,每年得花上政府上億的經費。不過,上週兒童暨青年事務部長瑪麗亞‧邦楚吉安妮在接受訪問時否認了經費問題是爭議的重點。她認為關鍵在於對如何照顧自閉症兒童出現哲學上的爭議。她說:「自閉症的治療愈早開始愈好。一旦孩子到了學齡期,他們要上學,就需要練習透過密集行為介入(Intensive Behaviour Intervention,簡稱IBI)所建立的技巧,以適應學校環境。我們認為一名治療師在學校環境中仍亦步亦趨地與孩子互動,這樣的情境不夠真實。」



Undaunted by their recent loss at the Supreme Court of Canada, parents of autistic children are carrying their fight with the provincial government to another front.

The Supreme Court ruled last month that the provinces do not have an obligation to pay for treatment of autistic kids under public health care plans.

But a group of Ontario parents last week has launched a class-action suit claiming that the province is obliged to provide an education for autistic kids under both the Education Act, which guarantees access to public schools, and the Charter of Rights, which calls for equal treatment under the law.

It's a different line of attack and it may just succeed.

At issue is the government policy that cuts off public funding for intensive therapy for autistic children once they reach age 6, or school age.

When he was leader of the opposition, Dalton McGuinty called the age 6 cut-off "unfair and discriminatory" and promised to end it.

But now that he is Premier, the situation, as with so much in government, appears more complicated and the Liberal government has not exactly followed through on McGuinty's promise.

The Liberals have doubled spending on autism - from $40 million to $80 million. But for children age 6 and over, the new money will go toward hiring autism consultants whose job will be to train principals, teachers and educational assistants.

The government is not providing for the sort of one-on-one intervention in the classroom that many parents believe their children need.

Hence, these parents have taken their kids out of the schools and are paying more than $50,000 a year out of their own pockets for such instruction, either at home or in a private school.

What is going on here? Why have two successive governments - one Conservative, the other a supposedly more child-friendly Liberal regime - chosen to draw the line at age 6?

The easy assumption is that this is a purely financial issue. With an estimated 10,000 autistic kids in the province, it would cost the government hundreds of millions of dollars to provide intensive treatment for them all.

But in an interview last week, Marie Bountrogianni, Minister of Children and Youth Services, denied that money is at the root of the dispute. Rather, she suggested it is a philosophical dispute over the best way to deal with autistic children.

Bountrogianni, herself a former school psychologist who is knowledgeable about autism, said she appointed an expert panel and asked it to recommend the best approach, regardless of the cost.

"Their advice to me was that definitely IBI therapy is excellent therapy for some children with autism, not for all," she said. "The earlier the better.

"And then, once they are at school, they need to practise the skills that they established with IBI, those that qualified for it, and then they can apply it to a school situation, because it's an unreal situation to have a therapist constantly interacting with you while you are in school."

Bountrogianni noted that there are more than 8,000 autistic kids in the public school system right now.

But many parents of autistic children find the public school environment hostile. One parent says her son was kept in a broom closet all day. Others report that their kids are often being suspended for behavioural problems.

Len Levin, an American autism expert, tells an interesting story. He moved to Toronto in 2001 to try to bring a "state-of-the-art autism service" into our schools.

"I encountered obstacles every step of the way," he says. "The schools refused to work with my agency in any meaningful way, using arbitrary arguments such as treatment vs. education.

"We were optimistic with the change in provincial government last year, only to be stonewalled just as badly once the Liberals took office."

Levin has moved back to the United States, which, he says, offers much better support for autistic children in the schools.

"I had had enough," he explains. "I love Canada and Ontario and have great respect for the diversity and commitment to social principles that one sees on a daily basis, but the reality is that Ontario is the equivalent of a Third World country when it comes to special education in the schools, especially when it comes to educating students with autism."

But Bountrogianni is adamant. "All I know is that this is what I was told was the best way to tackle this challenge," she said.

To which the parents are saying: See you in court.













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