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教育專題 ◎ 2005-01-28
教 育 專 題 深 入 報 導《2005-01-28》

◎ 國際專題:新加坡國立大學海外設分校
◎ 台灣立報徵文啟事





新加坡國立大學之前成立的3所海外分校每年共招收150名學生。新加坡國立大學海外發展部主任,也是該校副教授Teo Chee Leong說明選擇斯德哥爾摩作為第4所海外分校的原因在於,訓練新加坡年輕學子學習操作歐洲市場的迫切性。他說:「美國與中國大陸市場的發展或許令人興奮,但歐洲是一個我們無法去忽略的重要市場!」








NEXT destination for National University of Singapore students - Stockholm. They are part of the university's plan to nurture entrepreneurial spirit and develop global mindsets in its students.

The university is in the process of setting up its fourth overseas college in the Swedish capital, and some 30 students will head there to study in leading Swedish universities every year.They will also get to work in high-technology firms in the Kista Science Park, which is located just outside the city.

NUS' first three overseas colleges - in Silicon Valley, Philadelphia and Shanghai - together receive 150 students a year.

Associate Professor Teo Chee Leong, who heads NUS' overseas colleges, said the university decided on Europe, and Stockholm in particular, because there was a need to train young Singaporeans who can engage the European market.

'The US and China may be where the excitement is, but Europe is a significant market and we cannot afford to ignore it,' he said.

Prof Teo said Sweden was chosen because it is such a successful country. With a population of just under nine million, it is home to more multinational companies - such as Volvo, Saab, Electrolux, Ericsson and Ikea - per capita than almost any other nation. As well as these industrial heavyweights, Sweden has also much to offer in its universities, Prof Teo said.

NUS students going there will take up engineering, science or entrepreneurship courses in leading Swedish institutions such as the Royal Institute of Technology, a leading science and technology university; the Karolinska Institute, a renowned medical university; as well as the University College of Arts, Crafts and Design.

The arrangement is reciprocal.

Every year, about 30 Swedish students will come to study entrepreneurship courses at NUS and do work attachments in companies here.

Dr Lena Ramfelt of the Royal Institute of Technology said Singapore has always been a popular destination for Swedish exchange students.

She said the budding entrepreneurs among them also feel that Singapore will be a good place to learn about doing business in Asia and China.

NUS is already selecting students to go to Sweden.One of them, computer science student Jason Quek, 20, who has ambitions to set up a software company, hopes to learn technical and business know-how from the Swedes.Bioengineering student Tong Jing Yao, 23, wants to learn more about designing and building medical devices.

NUS has also plans to set up its fifth overseas college in India. Prof Teo said the five colleges each have a different focus and offer different programmes and experiences.

NUS' first overseas college in Silicon Valley aimed to nurture entrepreneurs in the IT and telecommunications industry while its college in Philadelphia, home to most of world's major drug companies, targets students interested in the biotechnology industry.

Its Shanghai college concentrates on business opportunities in manufacturing and services, while students going to India in the future will focus on IT.







但新加坡管理大學下一步該怎麼走呢? 一個有趣的觀察重點是:它接下來如何訂定學費標準?上個月,新加坡國立大學及南洋理工學院紛紛宣佈學費將調漲5%,然而一向同步調漲的新加坡管理大學,這一次可不是調漲5%而已。各種跡象顯示,該校的調漲幅度將更高。由於該校不受10%調漲上限規定限制,因此倘若各校學費持續上漲,新加坡管理大學學費將不受限制地自由調漲。



ON THURSDAY, a high-level government committee recommended that Singapore's two public universities should be remade into privately-run universities, much like the Singapore Management University (SMU).

The 13-member review team, which studied how the National University of Singapore (NUS) and the Nanyang Technological University (NTU) could be propelled to greater heights, held up the fledgling SMU as the model to follow.

It noted that SMU has used its autonomy as a privately-run university to its advantage, and in its relatively short four-year history, the American-styled institution has created a different model for university education.

SMU's provost Tan Chin Tiong agreed that the single factor most in SMU's favour was the autonomy it was given to break away from the practices set by NUS and NTU.

From the start, the university was set up as a not-for-profit corporation, and was allowed to set its own admission criteria, fees, and its own salary scale to woo top academic talent from around the world.

With no track record to show, the university chose to charge the same fees as the public universities when it started taking students in 2000.

But where it veered away from the well-trodden path set by NUS and NTU was the way it selected students.

Unlike the two institutions, which then admitted students based solely on their examination results, SMU decided to use a broad range of criteria, including A-level or polytechnic diploma results, Scholastic Assessment Test scores, a panel interview, a reflective essay, and a gauge of the applicant's other qualities and achievements outside class.

When it came to teaching, the university again chose to take a different path. Instead of the traditional lectures and tutorials, students were obliged to participate in their own learning, in small seminar groups or project work.

Five years on, the different admission criteria and teaching styles seem to have made all the difference to SMU.

The pioneer batch of 300 SMU students who have gone out into the job market are enjoying good prospects. One-third of them found jobs with big-name multinational corporations such as Citigroup, JP Morgan and ABN Amro.

The public in general has noted that SMU students are a distinct breed, earning a reputation for being articulate, confident and mature.

One of their guest lecturers, an occasional columnist for The Business Times and The Straits Times, praised their ability to engage in a range of topics outside of business. He attributed this to SMU's broad curriculum which requires students to go outside of their core disciplines and delve into fields such as creative thinking, art, politics and biology.

But what will be more exciting to watch, will be the university's move to set its own fees.

Last month, when NUS and NTU announced a 5 per cent tuition fee hike, SMU, which had always charged similar fees, did not follow suit.

It will not reveal what its new fees will be, but they are likely to be higher than the two more established universities.

As far as future fee increases go, again, SMU is free to go beyond the 10 per cent yearly cap that will be imposed on the two larger universities.

Now, the young university is ready to test if the SMU difference is for real by naming its own price. As SMU's provost, Professor Tan, said: 'This will be the test. If students and their parents feel that an SMU education is that much better, then they would be willing to pay a premium for it. 'We are confident that we provide quality education, and parents and students will pay the price difference.'

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