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教 育 專 題 深 入 報 導《2005-02-25》 |
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◎ 國際專題:家長們 讓孩子冒點險吧! | |
◎ 台灣立報徵文啟事 |
國際專題:家長們 讓孩子冒點險吧! | |
策劃、編譯■李淑菁 | |
台灣中小學的戶外教學有一個特色:避免上山下海,因為一旦學童安全發生問題,沒有任何一個老師或校長,擔負得了人命安全的重責大任。因此,許多學校戶外教學的場所往往是遊樂區、博物館、植物園等「安全性」高的地方,這樣的限制無形中也縮小了學生探索自然環境的機會。 英國中小學這幾年來,因為一些意外的發生,讓許多教師不但減少學生戶外教學的機會,連地點的選擇也以安全為第一考量。英國教育當局注意到了這個問題的嚴重性,日前教育部秘書長凱利(Kelly)宣誓鼓勵學校多多進行學生戶外教學活動,他也宣稱將於今年9月公告相關的法令,只要校方或教師能確保戶外教學執行過程無誤,一旦意外發生,將可免其刑責。 戶外教學意外 教師將免責 英國教育技能部秘書長凱利日前宣佈一項新的戶外教學活動聲明,保證讓每一個學童都有戶外教學的機會;同時,這項聲明也解決了老師們的憂心,因為以前在戶外教學活動中一旦發生意外,可能遭到起訴。 有關這項聲明的完整細節內容將在今年9月正式公布,其中也將包括給教師參考修正過的行動綱領。 行動綱領將保證未來每一個學童在學時,至少有一次近距離的戶外教學活動;鼓勵學校與其他學校或社區活動中心合作辦理活動,以簡化申請流程;此外,綱領中將設定安全行動準則,也確保每一次的戶外教學都具教育意義。 其中最重要的是有關教師刑責的規定。綱領中將規定,倘若教師依循著行動綱領,一旦學生發生意外事故,老師將可免除責任。 在幾個月不斷地與教師工會仔細協商之後,這項聲明也受到大部份原本反對戶外教學者的歡迎。教師工會擔心一旦戶外教學活動有任何差池,會員太容易遭受法院任何可能的法律行動戕害。 凱利說:「大部份學校是有提供一系列的戶外教學活動,藉此來豐富課程內容、建立學童信心,也增加孩子的技能。然而,據我們了解,還有一些學校太看重校方對學生的責任,對戶外教學顯得過度小心。」 她接著說:「我們想要確保兩件事,第一,所有的老師都有信心繼續提供戶外教學的機會;第二,有關課外教學活動的每一個人,包括家長在內,都要瞭解到他們自己的權利與責任。」 全國女性教師聯合會秘書長吉特士表示,她希望這項聲明能引發法令上的轉變,確保教師免於法院的審判。政府這項措施也將使得該聯合會放棄原本抵制戶外教學的既定政策。 吉特士說:「這聲明聽起來像是在正確的方向上跨出真實的一步。我很高興這項聲明不但解決了聯合會一直關注的一個問題,也是為我們的關懷點,但卻一直被政府忽略作一個有效的辯護。」原來就在上一週,英國一位下議院議員就曾批評女性教師聯合會抵制戶外教學的立場。 吉特士補充說,全國女性教師聯合會一直希望在組織戶外教學活動這個事情上,地方政府能在公文流程處理上多負點責任。 政府的這項聲明也受到全國校長聯合會秘書長大衛哈特的支持。他說:「我們必須去除一種想法,不要以為一有戶外教學,就擔心可能隨時收到法律信函。只要遵守一定的處理程序,老師們沒什麼好怕的。我們無法承擔起讓戶外教學消失的遺憾,就因一些本身不公義的理由!」 據統計,英國每年約有7百萬名學生參加過戶外教學活動。 (資料來源/英國衛報) The education secretary, Ruth Kelly, today announced a new outdoor learning manifesto, which promises every child a school trip and aims to tackle teachers' concerns about getting sued if something goes wrong. The full details of the manifesto will be announced in September, along with revised guidelines for teachers. It will promise every child a residential school trip while they are at school and encourage schools to work in partnership with other schools and residential centres to make the process easier. It will set out safety guidelines and moves to ensure that every trip has an educational content. Crucially, it will also promise that teachers will not be liable should an accident occur, if they have followed all the guidelines. The manifesto was welcomed by the most vocal opponents of school trips, and followed months of careful negotiations with teaching unions, which fear their members are too open to court action should something go wrong on a trip. Ms Kelly said: "The majority of schools already offer a range of outdoor learning, including school trips, that enrich the curriculum, build confidence and increase skills. "However, we know that some schools and staff would like reassurance about their responsibility for pupil safety. "We want to make sure that all teachers have the confidence to continue offering these experiences and that everyone involved in a school trip, including parents, are aware of their rights and responsibilities." The general secretary of the National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers, Chris Keates, said she hoped today's announcement would lead to a change in the law to ensure teachers won indemnity against prosecution. Such a move would most likely lead to her union dropping its policy of advising against school trips, she said. "It sounds like a real step in the right direction. I'm pleased not just that they are addressing our concerns, but it's also a vindication of our concerns, which were ignored," she said. Last week, a House of Commons education select committee report criticised the union for its stance on schools trips. Ms Keates added that the union was hoping local authorities would take on more responsibility for the paperwork involved in organising trips. The general secretary of the National Association of Head Teachers, David Hart, added his support to Ms Kelly's proposals. He said: "We must get away from the totally unfounded belief that a solicitor's letter is always waiting around the corner whenever a school visit takes place. Teachers who follow the good advice that already exists, and who use their commonsense, have nothing to fear. We cannot afford to allow valuable school visits to disappear for reasons that are largely unjustified." Some 7 million pupils go on school trips every year. (The Guardian) 英教育部鼓勵學校戶外教學 依英國教育部日前宣佈的計劃,戶外教學將成為每一位學童教育過程中很重要的一部份。總督學長因此勸告家長要讓學生冒一些險,不要把對學生安全的憂心置於戶外教學的重要性之上,冒險也應是教育的一個環節。 英國教育官員公布提高戶外教學活動次數的計劃是因前一週國會議員提出一個批判性的評論報告,文中點出戶外教學活動次數已逐年遞減的現況。 國會議員也不滿英國第二大教師工會──全國女性教師聯合會──勸阻會員參與戶外教學的行動。 據了解,在這聲明之前,英國教育部已就如何滿足全國女性教師聯合會的要求,內部討論數月之久。該聯合會秘書長吉特士也趁機在與政府官員多次會談中,提出政府應修改現存法令的要求。 另一方面,站在教師的立場,總督學長貝爾也勸父母們要「信賴老師的專業判斷」,家長應放手讓他們的孩子參與一些有冒險性的課程及其他的戶外活動。 貝爾強調,絕大部份的戶外教學都平安度過,連一點小意外也沒有,因此:「我們所有的人,整個社會,必須接受一個事實,那就是在戶外及冒險性的活動中,生命不可能毫無風險。倘若意外發生了,我們也不要汲汲於找人責罵!」 研究發現,學童戶外活動機會在降低中,部份起因於法令問題。不但校方傾向於避免不必要的戶外教學或踏青活動,較沒有經驗的老師也為了明哲保身,乾脆提供學生一些比較簡易、較沒挑戰性的活動,很難激發出學生的能力。 (資料來源/英國衛報) School trips will become an essential part of every child's education under government plans announced today. Parents must put aside wariness over safety on school trips and accept that risk should be part of every child's education, the chief inspector of schools says today. The announcement follows a critical report last week in which MPs said that although outdoor education was vital, the number of school trips was in decline. MPs were also critical of the second-largest teaching union, the NASUWT, which has advised members not to take part in school visits. It is thought the announcement follows months of discussions within the Department for Education and Skills focusing on how to satisfy the NASUWT. In a series of meetings with officials, the union's general secretary, Chris Keates, set out steps that the government would have to take for them to reverse their policy. Writing in the Guardian, David Bell urges parents to "trust the teachers' professional judgment" and allow their children to take part in adventure courses and other outdoor activities. Stressing that the overwhelming majority of school trips pass without even a minor accident, Mr Bell says: "All of us - society in general - must accept that life, especially outdoor and adventurous activities, can never be totally risk free. We must all be less keen to look for someone to blame if something goes wrong. Outdoor opportunities for pupils are declining, partly as a result of litigation concerns, the study finds. Schools are not only more likely to avoid trips, but in schools less experienced teachers are also offering less challenging outdoor activities which do not test pupils' abilities. (The Guardian) 英國教育當局呼籲,讓學童在戶外冒點險,有助於開發他們的能力。 |
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台灣立報徵文啟事 | |
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