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教育專題 ◎ 2005-03-11
教 育 專 題 深 入 報 導《2005-03-11》

◎ 要求爸爸顧小孩 瑞典有一套
◎ 台灣立報徵文啟事

要求爸爸顧小孩 瑞典有一套

平等紅利 鼓勵夫妻共同分擔照顧責任













Social democrats have long been discussing a way to encourage parents to balance their parental leave. According to recent re-ports in Aftonbladet, it seems a financial bonus might be the solution.

Tomas Eneroth, the chairman for the parliamentary social insurance committee, confirmed that a discussion is taking place within the Social Democratic party.

The new proposal would mean an increase in compensation from 80% of salary to 90% of salary if the leave is shared equally.

"I want it to be easier for mothers and fathers to be able to handle parental leave and their economic situation," said Eneroth. "An equality bonus can be an instrument just like quotas. I think we should discuss all the possibilities."

The government is not satisfied with the number of fathers who took their parental leave last year: only 18% of the total enti-tlement was used. In many cases, the family cannot afford the leave since it is usually the father who makes more money.

Speaking to Swedish Radio, Social minister Berit Andnor acknowledged that the current system favours those in the higher in-come groups. "We know that the parental leave take-up is rather unequal and that those who have the highest incomes divide their parental leave more equally than those parents who have low incomes," she said.

"This makes sense - if you have a low income every hundred kronor is worth so much more. From that perspective it could be interesting to see if by improving the economic opportunities we were able to increase the take-up of parental leave among fa-thers."

Karl-Petter Thorwaldsson is the government's appointed investigator for parental insurance. According to a recent Sifo survey, 86% of parents think that fathers should go on parental leave. But there is still clear opposition when it comes to legislation.

"I cannot say anything else even if this goes against what I personally think," said Thorwaldsson to TT.

The same survey also showed that 87% of parents think that it is a decision to be made by the family and not by the govern-ment. But there is also a risk that the child ends up in day-care before the age of one if the leave is divided.

Thorwaldsson pointed out that encouraging fathers to take more time off does not necessarily mean that the child will have a longer period of parental care."We think another important question is that the father should be on parental leave alone for a cer-tain time," he said.

"Today we see that much of fathers' parental leave is taken in connection with holidays and Christmas when the mother is also at home."

The proposal will be presented in the autumn.

(資料來源/瑞典英語報The Local,網址















育兒津貼不利父親 社會部擬改進










(資料來源/瑞典英語報The Local,網址

Fathers in Sweden are discriminated against while mothers cash in on child benefit says Berit Andnor, Swedish Minister for Social Affairs. And now it's high time to rewrite the rules.

Sweden's child benefit legislation dates from 1947 at a time when, according to Andnor, "one assumed that women should be at home taking care of the children".

Since then, Swedish mothers have been able to pocket the monthly sum - which now stands at 950 crowns per child - until the child's 16th birthday.

The matter was brought to the attention of the Swedish press this week by singer Wille Crafoord. In a column in Expressen on Tuesday, the twice-divorced father of two argued that he should receive an equal share of the family's child benefit entitlement - particularly since the children's mother earns more than he does.

"It has ALWAYS been like this - and unfortunately it will be a while before the stinking remains of the male society are com-pletely cleaned away," he said, adding some colour to the debate. "Partly because men, for some bizarre chivalrous (patronising?) reason don't want to muck about with hundred crown notes. Partly because women quite simply love money."

As reported in Thursday's newspapers, Andnor has asked the Swedish Social Insurance Office (Forsakringskassan) to investi-gate a change in the child benefit system and a report is expected in March this year.

"It's important that all legislation is equal between the sexes," she told Swedish news agency TT. "It's a matter of principle."

"We are of the opinion that both parents should take responsibility for their children," said Andnor. But the child benefit issue becomes problematic when parents decide to separate.

That may be one problem. But Berit Andnor pointed out that while she is in favour of equalising the system, she is aware of the difficulties involved.

"After a separation there are many children who don't see their fathers at all. So it's unreasonable that those who do not have any contact with their children get half of the child benefit," she said."And in cases where parents have joint custody it does not necessarily follow that they share the care of the child equally."

However, it is possible to notify the Social Insurance office that the benefit should be paid out to the father in such cases where the father has custody of a child after separation or divorce. In a bid to make Swedish family affairs fair, Andnor says she will wait for the conclusions of the Social Insurance Office inquiry before proposing new legislation.


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