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教 育 專 題 深 入 報 導《2005-03-18》 |
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◎ 國際專題打?不打? 的確是個問題! | |
◎ 台灣立報徵文啟事 |
國際專題打?不打? 的確是個問題! | |
策劃、編譯■李淑菁 | |
學校體罰問題已在校園爭論多時,日前教育部的一道「禁止體罰」禁令,算是為這個爭論定了調。英國也是規定非體罰的國家,但日前在學校老師與學生家長的要求下,4所私立天主教學校想恢復體罰,但這項要求已被英國上議院以人權為由駁回。 學校老師的掙扎是:不能體罰,那我們如何去教呢?馬來西亞政府最近也公布非鞭打校園措施,但配案是在學校設立規訓法庭。蘇格蘭地區的學校將讓一千名騎兵隊成員進入校園,協助教師壓制學生的乖張行為,讓教師可以專心於教學工作。 蘇格蘭騎兵入校協助管制學生乖張行為Scotland to send 'crowd control' cavalry into schools 據英國衛報指出,蘇格蘭地區的學校將讓一千名騎兵隊成員進入校園,協助教師壓制學生的乖張行為,讓教師可以專心於教學工作。 蘇格蘭教育部長皮卡克日前宣佈一項方案,將投入350萬英鎊於改善校園內的學生行為管理之上。他們希望在3年內解決學生缺乏紀律的情況,也讓老師們可以免於管理學生的沉重負擔,專心於教學工作。 這樣的行動計劃導因於去年10月一項針對老師的調查,其中顯示出有4分之3的老師曾在調查的前一週中,經歷過來自學生的惡言相向、67%曾遭口語暴力,大約有5分之1(17%)甚至遭受肢體上的暴力。 350萬英鎊將用在增加學生輔導人員身上。這些額外增加的人力將在正式教學活動之外,協助那些最有破壞力的學生改善他們的行為;他們的另一個工作是當正式教師的助理,給予毫無章法的學生更多一對一的個別協助。 皮卡克說:「我已經把改善學生的紀律列為我的第一工作要務,因此我將給予這些額外增加的人力更多的彈性,由他們自己決定用什麼方式來處理學生的挑釁行為,不管是增加教室支援的層級,或是在學校內發展支援學生的系統以及發展校外管理計劃。」 蘇格蘭執政當局也對校長的權限解除禁令,讓校長有更多自由度自行決定如何處理那些棘手或有困難的孩子。因此最近才會進行上述有關教室行為的年度性調查。 肯特是愛丁堡某中學的生物老師,即將卸下蘇格蘭教師聯盟主席的職務。他說:「我們歡迎這項政策,特別是額外人力的加入,雖然好像這些經費是從現有的教育預算中撥用的。」 「我們希望在新人員訓練方面投入更多的資金。學生的乖張行為真的讓許多老師很頭痛,有許多老師就因此離開他們喜愛的教育崗位。」 Scottish schools are to get a new 1,000-strong army of classroom assistants and support staff as part of a crackdown on bad behaviour, it was announced today. The Scottish education minister, Peter Peacock, today announced that £35m will be spent on improving behaviour management in schools over the next three years in a bid to tackle poor discipline and free up teachers from "crowd control" to concentrate on teaching. The moves follows a survey of teachers' experiences in the classroom last October which found that three quarters of teachers had experienced "cheeky or impertinent remarks" from pupils in the week before being surveyed, 67% had experienced verbal abuse towards themselves and nearly one in five (17%) had experienced physical violence. The cash will be spent on pupil support staff who work on specific programmes outside of formal teaching to help the most disruptive pupils improve their behaviour as well as more teaching assistants to help teachers in the classroom and give more one-on-one support to unruly chil-dren. Mr. Peacock said: "I have made improving discipline in our classrooms a clear priority and these extra support staff in schools will give them the flexibility to introduce a range of solutions for dealing with challenging behaviour - whether that is increasing levels of classroom support or developing pupil support bases in schools and out of school programmes." The Scottish Executive has also lifted a cap on exclusions to allow headteachers more freedom to decide what to do with difficult children and recently launched a new annual survey of behaviour in the classroom, as described by teachers and pupils. Tony Kent, a biology teacher at James Gillespies high school in Edinburgh, and immediate past chair of the Professional Association of Teachers' Scottish executive committee, said: "We welcome this announcement - especially the extra support staff - although it seems that there won't be additional funding as the £34.9m will come from existing budgets. "We hope that there will be investment in proper training for the new staff. Poor pupil behaviour is a major concern for teachers and we know that many have left the profession because of it." (資料來源/英國衛報) 大馬學校設規訓法庭School sets up special disciplinary court 對於調皮搗蛋的馬來西亞學生而言,最近有一項好消息,那就是老師,包括生教組長或校長在內,將不能打學生。但壞消息是他們可能被交給自己的父母親施以規訓管理。 配合「禁止打學生」的禁令,馬來西亞一些學校已經設立一種規訓學生的特別法庭。某校長表示,該法庭由各校生教組長統籌,成員將包括校長、級任老師、輔導老師以及家長。 一位校長說:「假如學生逃學、曠課或打架,家長將在這件事處理之前,被叫到學校。學生將在父母面前受到校方的審判或定其罰則。」 他補充說,一旦家長對於學生惡行的審理過程與報告感到滿意的話,接下來家長將從5種不同大小的打人器具裏面選出一樣。這5種打人器具都是由學校所提供。 「要不要打學生的決定權在於父母,然而,倘若學生第二次再犯,家長還有另外一個選擇,那就是幫學生轉校。」在正式公布這項方案之後,該校長說。假如家長決定不要打學生,校方也會尊重家長的看法,而且也不會對該生有後續的行動。 他認為這個審理過程已經足夠讓父母了解其孩子的不良行為,以及在學校的攻擊冒犯行為。因此在這方案開始實施之後,級任老師也就更忙了,他們要開始紀錄學生一些攻擊冒犯行為。在家長被叫到學校法庭之前,生活教育老師將把這報告交給輔導老師,以及校長。 該校長認為,這樣的方案將廣被家長、學校老師及學生所歡迎。 The good news for unruly students at Sekolah Kebangsaan Dato Abdul Hamid Satu here is that teachers, including the discipline teacher and headmaster, will no longer cane them. The bad news is they will be handed over to their parents for disciplining. A special court to try disciplinary cases has been set up by the school under its novel "Sekolah Tanpa Rotan" (No Caning School) programme. Headmaster Fauzi Che Mod said the special court would be chaired by the discipline teacher and would include the headmaster, class teacher, school counsellor and parents. "If the student commits truancy or is involved in fights, the parents will be called in before the offence is read out. The student will be tried in front of the parents before the sentence is given," he said. He added that once parents were satisfied with the report on their child's wrongdoing, they would be given the option of selecting one of five canes of various sizes provided by the school for caning. "It depends on the parents whether they want to cane their child or not. However, if the student commits the offence a second time, the parents will be given the option of selecting another school for their child," he said after the launch of the programme here today. Fauzi said there would be no follow-up action on the student if the parents refused to cane their child. He said it was enough for the parents to know about their child's misbehaviour and the offence committed in school. "From now on for disci-plinary cases which involve caning, the class teacher will record the offence. "The discipline teacher will then refer the report to the counsellor and headmaster before calling the parents to the special court." He said the programme had been well received by teachers, parents and students.(資料來源/馬來西亞新海峽時報) 天主教學校體罰要求被駁回 Faith schools lose smacking battle 不打不成器?當宗教自由的主張遇上兒童人權,又該如何定奪?英國4所私立天主教學校日前在學校老師與學生家長的要求下,想恢復體罰,但這項要求已被英國上議院以人權為由駁回。 這4所天主教學校的老師與家長在去年12月一次公聽會中表示,體罰禁令本身侵犯了他們的人權。他們認為天主教學校的設立,就是要提供一個以聖經為基礎的天主教教育,而在其教義中,有限度的體罰就是他們信仰的一部份。 上議院議員尼可勒斯認為天主教的這項信仰「包含對孩子在機構的場域中施以身體暴力」。他繼續說:「國會當然要尊重人民的信仰,但國會也有權力決定他們的信仰是否以孩童的利益為最大考量。」 尼可勒斯的看法得到另外4位議員的認同。高等法院及上訴法庭也搬出1996年教育法案中的一項規定:禁止鞭打學生、禁止違反家長與教師的宗教自由,以及維護其教育選擇權。 在相關的法律訴訟中,代表教師與家長的辯護律師曾引用聖經的詩篇,包括「不要吝惜於給小孩教訓」、「用鞭子處罰他,可拯救他的靈魂免於一死」、「省了棍子的家長是厭惡他的孩子,真正愛孩子的家庭會很小心的去處罰他的孩子」。 An attempt to bring back corporal punishment by teachers and parents of children at four independent Christian schools was rejected by the House of Lords today. The teachers and parents claimed at a hearing before five law lords in December that the ban on corporal punishment infringed their human rights. They said their schools were set up specifically to provide a Christian education based on Biblical observance and this meant the use of corporal punishment on a limited basis as part of their beliefs. Giving the lead ruling today, Lord Nicholls of Birkenhead said their beliefs "involve inflicting physical violence on children in an institutional setting". He went on: "Parliament was bound to respect the claimants' beliefs in this regard, but was entitled to decide that manifestation of these beliefs in practice was not in the best interests of children." His dismissal of the appeal was echoed by the other four law lords. Both the High Court and the Court of Appeal have already thrown out the argument that the 1996 Education Act, which prohibits smacking, infringes the parents' and teachers' religious freedoms and right to an education of their choice. During these earlier court challenges, lawyers representing the teachers and parents cited passages from the Bible, including Proverbs chapter 23:13 to14: "Do not withhold discipline from a child; if you punish him with the rod, he will not die. "Punish him with the rod and save his soul from death." And chapter 13: 24: "He who spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is careful to discipline him."(資料來源/英國衛報) |
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