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教 育 專 題 深 入 報 導《2005-04-08》 |
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◎ 學生乖違 教師難為 | |
◎ 台灣立報徵文啟事 |
學生乖違 教師難為 | |
策劃、編譯■李淑菁 | |
日前北市中山國小教師體罰學生案,北市教育局長曾語重心長的表示:「我們體諒老師,誰來體諒學生?」但沒有快樂的老師,何來快樂學習的學生?老師與學生的快樂與福祉是截然二分的選擇嗎?倘若再這樣發展下去,我們可能看到如英國有幾乎一半的老師都要服用抗憂慮藥、卻還要繼續超時工作;情況繼續惡化的結果,校園就如監獄一樣,隨時用監視器來監視所有人的一言一行,防制學生的暴力行為。當校園師生關係敵對化,「愛與信任」消失,它可能也慢慢失去了校園本身的教育意義。 壓力大 近半教師為心理疾病困惱 一項調查顯示,因為現代學生的行為愈來愈乖張,導致幾乎一半的英國中學教師有心理方面的問題。 該研究是由英國教師及講師協會,針對3百位中學教師所作。研究發現,出於學生之手的虐待行為已經讓46%的老師開始服抗憂鬱藥,或因為太大的壓力而面臨被學校解僱的命運。 一位老師告訴研究人員說,在18年教學生涯中,曾被學生施以暴力10次,有兩次幾乎崩潰,結果至今他已經吃了抗憂鬱藥超過3年了。 調查也顯示,72%的教師曾考慮過辭職,因為他們已經被學生的破壞性行為搞的七葷八素,像脅迫、發誓、把老師鎖在教室外、蓄意破壞學校財產、把老師的車放氣、偷鑰匙、蛋洗職員,或向他們吐痰等。有14%的老師表示,他們曾經遭受來自學生身體上的戕害。 雖然如此,在許多情況下,校方總是對此坐視不管,也無法有效的把這些行為乖違的學生隔離開來。 工會秘書長布思泰德表示,要討論「嚴懲」學生的破壞性行為,如教育部秘書長凱莉所做的,那是不夠的,「那需要針對嚴懲代表的意義做個反思」。 「那應該意味著給予老師們更多的支持,也給學生更多正式課程外的輔導課程。這些青少年必須到其他地方去;但作為一個社會的一份子,我們不能放任他們流連在街頭上。」 日前研討會上要求制定學生行為準則,規定可接受學生行為的尺度、要求對於有攻擊紀錄的學生,做危機評估。 布思泰德博士說:「教學工作是非常繁重、壓力很大的工作。教師們應該要知道一些可尋求協助的資源;當他/她們覺得壓力很大的時候,沒有任何事是羞於讓別人知道的,因此他/她們要主動尋求協助。」 同時,與會代表也一致通過要求政府放棄成立200私校網的計劃。按照政府的規劃,該計劃目的是要裁撤市內有問題的公立中學,以私校型式運作。 從Swindon地方來的貝克說:「這計劃只是個『特洛伊木馬』,是英國教育體系私有化的前奏曲而已。」他說許多的學校,包括獨立學校在內,都沒有處理學生反社會行為的經驗。對前面公立學校而言,他們唯一處理學生挑釁行為的經驗,也僅限於處理一些在課堂中大喊大叫以獲得更多注意的行為而已。 (資料來源/英國獨立報) Nearly half of teachers have suffered from mental illness Nearly half of the country's secondary school teachers have suffered mental health problems due to worsening pupil behaviour, a survey has revealed. The research, by the Association of Teachers and Lecturers, on 300 secondary school teachers, showed that abuse at the hands of pupils had left 46 per cent taking antidepressants or facing long lay-offs from school through stress. One teacher told researchers he had been assaulted 10 times during 18 years in the profession and had suffered two breakdowns. He said he had been on antidepressants for more than three years as a result. The survey also revealed that 72 per cent of teachers had considered quitting their jobs because they were worn out by some pupils' persistent disruptive behaviour, such as threats, swearing, locking teachers out of classrooms, vandalising school property, letting down car tyres, stealing keys, throwing eggs at staff and spitting at them. One in seven (14 per cent) said they had suffered actually bodily harm from pupils. However, in many of the cases, the school had turned a blind eye to abuse and failed to exclude the pupils involved. Mary Bousted, general secretary of the 160,000-strong union, said it was not enough to talk about "zero tolerance" for disruptive behaviour as Ms Kelly had done. "There needs to be a reflection about what zero tolerance means," she added. "It should mean much better support for teachers and more pupil referral units - 'sin-bins'. These youngsters have to go somewhere. What we can't do as a society is leave them to roam the streets." Yesterday the conference demanded a code of conduct to outline acceptable pupil behaviour and called for risk assessments to be prepared on all pupils with a history of aggression. Doctor Bousted said: "Teaching is a highly intensive, highly stressful job. Teachers need to understand there are forms of help available to them and when they are feeling stressed they need to know this is not something that's shameful and they should seek help." Meanwhile, delegates voted unanimously to urge the Government to abandon its plans to set up a network of 200 privately sponsored academies to replace struggling secondary schools in inner-city areas. Phil Baker, from Swindon, claimed they were a "Trojan Horse", pioneering the way for privatisation of the entire education system. He said many of the sponsors - who included top independent schools - had little experience of tackling pupil disruption. "Top public schools could run them [the academies],'' he said. "The only experience they've had of managing challenging behaviour is dealing with Hooray Henrys." 教師名列超時工作排行榜之首 日前英國貿易工會會議(TUC)發表的數據指出,教師與講師無酬超時工作時間比任何專業都要長。 貿易工會會議在第二屆「有適當的工作時間日」前夕,發表這樣一個無酬超時工作的比較表。該會表示,教師與講師每週要額外工作11小時又36分鐘,假設一般平均每週工作時數是40小時的話。 但因為這份調查中,老師的工作時數是由自己通報,而且他們的工作契約裏面也沒有載明他們必須要工作多久,TUC相信教師與講師們的無酬超時工作時間可能被低估了。 教師與講師們無酬超時工作時間比公司行號的經理、總經理、資深官員要多。後者每一週額外工作時間平均是9小時又48分鐘,然而他們卻享有比老師多出幾乎兩倍的加班費。公司行號付給經理的加班費平均每人每週約407.97英鎊,教師卻只有215.06英鎊。 在資訊科技部門、行銷、銷售及公關部門的加班費總合也和教師差不多,不過他們加班費用卻是比教師要高的多。他們每週加班總數規定之外的無酬額外工作時數是9小時又12分鐘。 講師工會納特菲表示,雖然他們希望有較少的工作時間,但許多講師還是接受較長的工作時數,以取得還可以的薪資、退休金等。雖然如此,講師們表示,他們的平均平均薪水還比教師低了5%至10%,因此日前在英國發起講師罷工抗議活動。 貿易工會會議以前挑選出2月25日這天作為英國的工作文化抗議日,要求假如受雇者在年初就把所有未支薪的加班時間都作完的話,他們在2月25日這天都應該先拿到所有的加班費。然而,思想上的轉變似乎也慢慢在發生之中,今年的抗議日已經比去年提前兩天。(譯註:表示不支薪加班時間已有減少趨勢) (資料來源/英國衛報) Teachers and lecturers top overtime table Teachers and lecturers work more unpaid overtime than any other profession, according to data published today by the Trades Union Congress. Launching a league table of unpaid overtime on the eve of its second Work Your Proper Hours day, the TUC said teachers and lecturers work 11 hours and 36 minutes unpaid each week, assuming an average working week of 40 hours. But as the data for teachers is self-reported and their contracts do not specify the hours they must work, the TUC believes this may be an underestimate of their unpaid hours. Teachers work more overtime than corporate managers, chief executives and senior civil servants, who do an extra nine hours and 48 minutes a week, but whose unclaimed overtime pay is valued at nearly twice that of teachers. Corporate managers' unpaid weekly time is valued at £407.97, compared with £215.06 for teachers. Managers in IT, marketing, sales and PR also lose out on a similar amount of weekly pay to teachers, but their time is valued more highly and they work an extra nine hours and 12 minutes. The lecturers' union Natfhe said that while fewer hours would be desirable, many lecturers accept long hours in return for fair pay, a healthy pension and an even pay scale across the teaching profession. However, lecturers say they are paid 5% to10% less on average than teachers, and are striking today in protest. The TUC picked February 25 as the focus of its campaign against the UK's working culture to represent the day on which the average long hours employee would first be paid if they did all their unpaid overtime at the start of the year. But a shift in mindset is gradually taking place - this year's campaign day is two days earlier than last year. 防止學生暴力行為 教師支持錄影監控 教師們要求在校園中加設錄影監視器、金屬探測器及警告標語,以防制學生把空氣槍、刀片等違禁品帶到校園裏引發的暴力行為。 一位理科教師描述,他跟太太去年曾在家中被一群惡少學生團團圍住,他年輕的女兒房間窗戶遭人丟擲磚塊。 英國全國女性教師協會呼籲應在校門口設置標語,警告家長及學生,假如他們亂來或攻擊教職員的話,他們將面對警方的行動處置。參加女性教師協會年會的代表支持在校園中採取更嚴格安全措施的呼籲。 雖然如此,有人在年會上說,那些被逐出校園的惡少可能轉移焦點到老師們的住家。貝爾是個理科老師,就在會中描述他和太太在家裡如何被學校學生圍毆的情況。 圍毆的起因是,貝爾的太太蘇珊在校車中教訓兩個有暴力行為的學生。蘇珊與貝爾先生在同一個學校任教,她是一位英文老師,現年44歲。這兩位學生後來休學。不過,接著他們看到的是門外的一群惡少。 51歲的貝爾說:「我們當時正坐著吃晚餐,突然間開始有石頭打在用餐室的窗戶上。」「一個週六,他們在門外等著我太太出門,她過馬路找鄰居聊天,然後就打電話告訴我說:他們在這裡!」「當她回來的時候,我出去就看到一個女孩向我太太的頭打過去!」 各種攻擊行為一直沒有間斷,包括用腳重踢、丟石頭、大力把磚頭丟到11歲女兒的臥室窗戶,已經一年多了。他說「事情發生幾個月了,警方才開始有所行動,那很累人。我們都因為壓力浪費了好多時間。」 雖然如此,貝爾與太太還是決定不能因此就被迫離開自己的房子:「基本上地方警長要我們搬家,但我們不要,這是我們的家,為什麼是我們搬?我女兒應該是要轉校了,她可能會失去朋友,我們一直不想讓她因此受害!」 另一個老師達維斯也在年會上說,他曾看過兩個學生在科學課上,拿著空氣槍互相射擊,最初他以為那只是「黃色糖果」,達維斯老師說,「但當我正在黑板上寫字的時候,我往上看,然後就看到兩個學生在課堂上對著彼此射擊。」 對於提出更嚴格安全措施的提議,達維斯說:「嚴重的暴力行為在增加之中,僥倖的是非常嚴重意外事件的數目還是少數。但倘若學校再不下定決心好好去處理所謂比較輕微的破壞行為,他們未來將可能面對非常危險的情況!」 他的提議──要求「對政府進行遊說活動,要求強制性把金屬探測裝置引進校園,以改善校園安全問題」──毫無異議的通過。 達維斯說,他已經從學生那裡沒收4支雷射筆,因為雷射光如果照進他們眼睛的話,將造成永久性的傷害。他說:「學校當然是要開放,也必須是一個友善的地方,但底線是在裡面的職員跟學生都要安全無虞。」 (資料來源/英國衛報) Teachers vote for action against violent pupils Teachers demanded CCTV, metal detectors and warning signs in schools today to stop violence from pupils armed with air guns and knives. One science teacher described how he and his wife have been besieged by gangs of pupils at home for the past year, while his young step-daughter had a brick thrown through her window. The National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers called for signs to be placed in school entrances warning parents and pupils that they will face police action if they abuse or attack staff. Delegates at the union's annual conference in Brighton voted in favour of a motion calling for tighter security in school grounds. But the conference heard that thugs who were thrown out of school would simply turn their violence on teachers' homes. Anthony Bell, a science teacher from Bedfordshire, described how he and his wife, Susan, were assaulted in their home by a gang of teenagers from his school. The attacks started when Mrs Bell, 44, an English teacher at the same school, disciplined two pupils for abusive behaviour while she was on bus duty. The pair were suspended, but then appeared with a group of others outside the couple's home. "We were sitting having our evening meal and stones started hitting the dining room window," said Mr Bell, 51. "One Saturday they waited outside our gate for my wife to come out. When she came out to go over the road to talk to a neighbour, she called back to me: 'They're here'. "When she came back I went outside to see this girl punching my wife in the head." The attacks, including kicking, stone-throwing and a brick being hurled through their 11-year-old daughter's bedroom window, are still going on now, nearly a year later, he said. "It was several months before any definite police action was taken. It's very wearing. We both had time off with stress." But Mr Bell said he and his wife were determined not to be forced to move house. "The police inspector basically said move. We said no. Why should we? It's our home. "My daughter would have to move schools. She would lose her friends. We have always refused to be victimised on this." Paul Howard Davies, from Wrexham, told the conference he found two pupils shooting each other with air guns during a science lesson. Initially he thought the pellets were "yellow sweets", he said. "As I was writing on the blackboard I looked up and saw two pupils shooting at each other across the class," he said. Proposing the motion calling for tighter security measures, Mr Davies said: "Serious violence is on the rise, but the number of extreme incidents is mercifully small. "However, if schools do not tackle with determination so-called low level disruption they face possible behaviour meltdown." His motion, which was passed unanimously, demanded a "campaign for improved security in educational establishments by seeking the compulsory introduction of metal detection devices". Mr Davies said he had confiscated four laser pens from pupils, adding that teachers were concerned these lasers would cause permanent damage if shone into their eyes. "Schools have got to be open and they have got to be welcoming places," he said. "But the bottom line is that staff and pupils have to be safe and secure." |
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