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教育專題 ◎ 2005-09-16
教 育 專 題 深 入 報 導《2005-09-16》

  ◎肥肚子別來 加州學校向垃圾食物說不 
  ◎3成學童過重 肥胖成為流行病 

肥肚子別來 加州學校向垃圾食物說不
California says 'no' to junk-food sales in schools








「若是個別學校做出這樣決定我無話可說,但是是由州立法為所有人做下這個決定,可能會傷害到體育教育的收益。」卡托研究所(Cato Institute)公民自由與消費者選擇分析家雷德雷‧布爾柯這麼表示。








Junk food more available in middle schools












WASHINGTON --Candy, soda, pizza and other snacks compete with nutritious meals in nine out of 10 schools, a government survey found.

Already plentiful in high schools, junk food has become more available in middle schools over the past five years, according to the Government Ac-counting Office, the investigative arm of Congress.

"Parents should know that our schools are now one of the largest sources of unhealthy food for their kids," Sen. Tom Harkin, who asked for the study, said in an interview.

"Would anyone advocate that we take the fences off the playground for elementary schools and just let kids run around in the streets?" Harkin, D-Iowa, said. "By the same token, why would we allow schools to sort of poison our kids with junk food?"

Obesity among children and teenagers more than doubled in the past three decades, according to the government-chartered Institute of Medicine. Obese kids will become adults with chronic health prob-lems, said Harkin, the senior Democrat on the Sen-ate Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry Committee.

He and other lawmakers want the government to set nutrition standards for food throughout schools and not just in the cafeteria.

Giving kids healthier options "should not be a suggestion, it should be a requirement," said Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., another committee member. Kids are suffering from higher rates of diabetes, high blood pressure and other illnesses normally as-sociated with adults, said Rep. George Miller, D-Calif.

At issue are so-called competitive foods -- snacks such as candy, soda, pizza and popcorn available in a la carte lines in cafeterias, in vending machines and in school stores. Apples and milk are also com-petitive foods, but the GAO said candy and other junk food crowds out healthier stuff in vending ma-chines and school stores. Competitive foods are largely unregulated.

The Agriculture Department had restricted sales of competitive foods until a 1983 federal court rul-ing, in a lawsuit by the National Soft Drink Associa-tion, limited its regulation to food service areas such as cafeterias during mealtime.

Schools raise substantial dollars from selling competitive foods; 30 percent of high schools raised more than $125,000 annually. The GAO said it was unclear how much competitive food sales benefited school groups and how much benefited school food service.

Advocacy groups point to a government study of 17 schools and districts that improved the nutrition value of their foods. Revenue increased in 12 schools and did not change in four others, the study by the Agriculture Department and Centers for Dis-ease Control and Prevention found.

"Schools can make money without selling junk food," said Margo G. Wootan, director of nutrition policy for the Center for Science in the Public Inter-est.

The GAO sampled schools that participate in the Agriculture Department's federal school lunch pro-gram, which subsidizes school meals and regulates their nutritional content. Those meals have to follow the government's dietary guidelines, which call for eating more fruits, vegetables and whole grains and less calories, fat, added sugars and sodium.

The GAO reported that of 656 schools in its sam-ple, 51 percent of principals and school food direc-tors responded to a Web-based survey. Investigators also traveled to six school districts that have tried to substitute healthier choices for less nutritious foods. The survey's margin of error was plus or minus 15 percentage points.

The GAO report, scheduled for release Wednes-day, found:

-- Nine in 10 schools sell competitive foods from vending machines, cafeteria a la carte (snack) lines and school stores.

-- Vending machines were available in almost all high schools and middle schools but in less than half of elementary schools.

-- In one-third of schools, sweet baked goods, salty snacks and other less-nutritious foods were available in cafeteria snack lines.

-- Schools often sold competitive foods at lunchtime, in the cafeteria or nearby, allowing kids to buy them for lunch or to supplement their lunch-es.

-- Three-quarters of high schools have exclusive soft drink contracts. Sixty-five percent of middle schools have exclusive beverage contracts, up from 26 percent five years ago.

3成學童過重 肥胖成為流行病
Childhood Obesity Off the Scale in California













In California, renowned for lean bodies and active lifestyles, childhood obesity has reached epidemiclevels, with more than 40% of the schoolchildren in some commu-nities overweight, according to a new study.

Children in Southern California fare particularly badly: Of the state's 10 largest cities, Los Angeles, Santa Ana, and Anaheim top the scales, with 36%, 35% and 32% of their children overweight, respectively. By comparison, 24% of San Francisco's children are overweight and 26% of San Diego's are.Statewide, 28% of children are overweight, a 6% increase since 2001, according to the study by the Cali-fornia Center for Public Health Advocacy, a nonprofit orga-nization in Davis.

The report, based on public school fitness test scores for fifth-, seventh- and ninth-graders, is the first to look at the percentage of overweight children in specific communities.

Those extra pounds are a public health crisis poised to ex-plode into increased rates of debilitating illnesses, the report warns.

"We were shocked by the findings, especially when we looked at specific communities," said Harold Goldstein, the center's executive director. "We see regions with more than one-third of kids overweight. It really is scary when you look at the long-term costs in human suffering and the economy. Three-quarters of overweight teens will become obese adults. One-third of children born in 2000 can expect to de-velop diabetes."

The Central Valley town of Wasco has the highest per-centage of overweight children: 42%. In nearby Delano, more than 40% are. And 41% of the children in the Los An-geles community of Wilmington are overweight.

In Pacoima, El Monte, Huntington Park and North Holly-wood, well more than one-third of schoolchildren are over-weight, the study found.The rates were far lower in some ar-eas, including the foothill community of El Dorado Hills near Sacramento, with 9% of children overweight, and Man-hattan Beach, with 8%.The report's authors determined whether children were overweight by looking at their body fat.Experts say that whether a community's children tend to be fat or fit depends on demographics and socioeconomics.

"What is required to explain this in more detail is further study of what is going on in different communities," Gold-stein said. "Latinos, Pacific Islanders and blacks are more overweight than other groups. Low-income communities have a higher density of fast-food outlets, and it takes more effort for people to buy healthy foods. Los Angeles is de-signed for cars, and it doesn't help that schools often don't have physical education anymore. But the point is: The trend is worsening for everyone."

Researchers are most concerned with the growing threat to public health.

Francine R. Kaufman, director of the Center for En-docrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism at Childrens Hospital Los Angeles, said the diabetes program there is overflowing and can't meet the needs of the numbers of children referred to it."We are seeing kids who are morbidly obese," Kaufman said. "These kids have apnea when they go to sleep at night; they have to go on breathing devices just like adults. They have problems with their livers that we had never seen before in kids that eventually may lead to cirrhosis and the need for a transplant. We're seeing irregular periods and hormone im-balances that may impact fertility."

The growing levels of overweight children "reflect condi-tions in schools and communities that encourage children to eat and drink unhealthy foods and beverages and that limit their physical activity," the study asserted. Children and par-ents are enticed by supermarket displays, the convenience of fast food and mouth-watering television ads proffering fatty, sugary goodies. "We're looking at what could be an unending cycle of morbidity and disease," Kaufman said.

Families like that of Rafael and Maria Navarez and their four children are fighting to combat such harmful influences. Rafael, 55, said the family was stunned when oldest son Rafael, 14, was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, which is tied to being overweight. Neither he nor his wife has a family his-tory of obesity, Navarez said.But they knew the kids were ex-posed to poor food choices at school and got little exercise. They were reluctant to let them go out in their Boyle Heights neighborhood to play by themselves. The senior Rafael's part-time job as a grocery clerk did not allow for extrava-gances like fresh fruit and vegetables every day.

After doctors expressed concern about 8-year-old Sergio's weight and referred the family to the Childrens Hospital pro-gram, they got serious about improving their health.

"I don't want to blame the schools," Rafael said. "It's up to us as parents to stop letting kids eat bad food at school or out-side school, and now we make their lunch."



