懶人碎碎念。。
原來這麼簡單。Q
&
A就把不牢靠的泡泡戳破。感謝小搖的Q。感謝他的A。
是有難過又其實沒那麼難過。
什麼都可以來一點,但不要過量。過量就不好了。
但還是有無力耶.......先不想多說什麼。
聽點音樂吧。Death
cab
for
cutie
的
summer
skin很好........
Squeaky
swings
and
tall
grass
The
longest
shadows
ever
cast
The
water's
warm
and
children
swim
And
we
frolicked
about
in
our
summer
skin
don't
recall
a
single
care
Just
greenery
and
humid
air
Then
Labor
day
came
and
went
And
we
shed
what
was
left
of
our
summer
skin
On
the
night
you
left
came
over
And
we
peel
the
freckles
from
our
shoulders
Our
brand
new
coats
so
flushed
in
pink
And
knew
your
heart
couldn't
win
Cause
the
seasons
change
was
a
conduit
And
we
left
our
love
in
our
summer
skin
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