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教育專題 ◎ 2006-03-24
教 育 專 題 深 入 報 導《2006-03-24》

  ◎被誤為絕種 老撾岩鼠現身 
  ◎各謀其利 外資赴寮國建水壩 
  ◎吾思吾師 找回教師熱情與尊嚴徵文比賽 


根據世界銀行統計,目前全球最富有的國家每人國民所得(Per capita income)已超過4萬美元;但同時,地球上卻還有53億的人口平均每人所得僅1,280元,兩者相差30倍,其中23億人甚至收入只有區區440美元,平均每天只靠1.2美元維生。而寮國現在境內原先為法國殖民地及越南戰爭戰場的地區,平均每人一年所得就只有4百美元,不管是放在亞洲或是全世界的格局來看,都是經濟狀況急需改進的地區。

有鑑於此,寮國共產政權年事已高且久與時勢隔絕的領袖們帶領5百位黨員,於本月18日召開黨會議,在會議室深鎖的大門後決定寮國未來5年的經濟走向,希望提昇這個位居亞洲第二窮國家人民的生活。寮國總理本南‧沃拉芝(Boungnang Vorachit)上週表示,寮國將努力達到「聯合國千禧年發展目標」(UN Millennium Development Goal,MDG)設下在2015年之前將貧窮減半的計畫:使遭受飢餓恐懼的人口比例減半、以及每日靠不到1美元維生的人口比例減半。另外,寮國每年國家預算80%都花在尋求國際援助上,對此寮國總理表示將來會向外尋求更多的幫助。


就像其他共產政權一樣,執政的寮國人民革命黨(the Lao People's Revolutionary Party,LPDR)為活化國內經濟,在1980年代進行市場改革──售出6百多家國家企業,並對外大開門戶尋求外資進駐及金援。另外,寮國也致力融入亞洲區域發展計畫,1997年寮國加入東南亞國協(Association of Southeast Asian Nations)並主辦過2場大型會議。寮國共產政權指出,仰賴國內的觀光業和礦業,過去10年來經濟已經有所提升,每年平均成長6%,雖然起跑點很低,但總是好消息。至於通貨膨脹率,已降到個位數,比起過去跑一趟銀行就得提著裝滿破爛紙鈔洗衣籃的日子實在好太多了。


而雖然許多國際組織都對寮國的經濟改革行動伸出援手,寮國的共產體質卻成為經濟改革的一大絆腳石,批評家認為問題出在上層,執政多年的LPDR習慣了可以輕鬆獲利的安逸政經系統,看不出整個國家體質多麼需要新的改變。聯合國代表費恩‧瑞斯基‧尼爾森(Finn Reske-Nielsen)表示:「我們希望促進寮國體制的透明度及可靠度。」可望政府願意釋出更多權力讓國際有機會參與協助;但在長久以來的貪污文化下,寮國經濟已殘破不堪,關說、行賄已是做生意的基本常識,而社會上隨處可見低薪的公共服務性職業,其實和從中獲利的腐敗上層互為問題的一體兩面。

澳洲大學教授馬丁‧史都華‧法克斯(Martin Stu-art-Fox﹚也認為,在LPDR政權之下,政經密不可分:「除了掌握經濟大權之外,執政黨更在意維持其獨權政治的力量。因此,外界普遍擔心激進的經濟改革會引發激進的政治改革,揭竿起義的反對黨屆時必會積極削弱LPDR力量,分割寮國政治版圖成為多黨政治。」看來在寮國政經相互箝制的體制下,要推動這攤亞洲死水的活動絕非輕鬆事。

(轉載自 1469261.htm)

In Southeast Asia, which has seen rapid economic growth, the Lao communist regime starting its party congress Saturday faces the sad distinction of ruling one of the world's poorest na-tions.

When the ageing and isolated leaders meet some 500 party del-egates behind closed doors they will decide on the next five-year economic plan aiming to improve life in Asia's lowest-income country after East Timor.

Sandwiched between population giant China, dynamic Thai-land and up-and-coming Vietnam, the landlocked and rural na-tion remains a sleepy backwater among Asia's tigers and the mighty dragon to the north.

Per capita income in the former French colony and Vietnam War battleground is around 400 dollars a year.

Premier Boungnang Vorachit said this week Laos would strive to achieve the UN Millennium Development Goals on halving poverty by 2015 and asked for more foreign aid, which already makes up around 80 per cent of the state budget.

With no industry to speak of, Laos has a population of just 5.6 million, 80 per cent of whom live of rice and other farming.

Aid projects, tourism, mining, logging and, until recently, opi-um growing have made up the bulk of economic activity.

In a country where many villages still have no electricity, the single biggest economic hope is a controversial French-backed hydroelectric project, the Nam Theun II dam, which will feed power mainly to Thailand from 2009.

The dam, the largest in Southeast Asia, will cost 1.2 billion dol-lars, half of the country's gross domestic product of 2.4 billion dollar in 2004.

The regime points to other economic achievements. The econ-omy has grown at about six per cent a year for most of the past decade, albeit from a low base, thanks largely to tourism and min-ing.

Inflation is now in the single digits, a change from the days when a trip to the bank meant taking a laundry basket for the stacks of tattered kip notes.

Like other communist regimes, the Lao People's Revolutionary Party introduced market reforms from the late 1980s, sold most of its 600-odd state enterprises and opened its doors to foreign in-vestment and aid.

In an effort to integrate into the regional economy, Laos in 1997 joined the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and has even hosted two large meetings.

But a plethora of problems -- from primitive infrastructure to close-to-zero income tax revenue -- have kept most of Laos in the pre-industrial age, where only a narrow and well-connected ur-ban elite has seen rising prosperity.

International organizations have struggled to help Laos re-form.

"There's a push towards achieving more transparency, more accountability of the system," said UN representative Finn Reske-Nielsen.

Central to the malaise is an entrenched culture of corruption, where connections and bribes are key to doing business and low-paid public service jobs are widely seen as tickets to profit from corruption.

"It is impossible to separate out economics and politics in the LPDR (Lao People's Democratic Republic)," writes Australian a-cademic Martin Stuart-Fox.

The problem, say Lao watchers, is that the rot starts at the top, a regime that has profited from the system and sees no reason for change.

"Despite the legitimacy to be gained by presiding over a flour-ishing economy, the party is most concerned to maintain its monopoly of political power," wrote Stuart-Fox.

"There is widespread fear that radical economic reforms would open the way for radical political reforms by weakening the party to the point where it could not resist the introduction of multiparty democracy."

被誤為絕種 老撾岩鼠現身
去年,西方科學家在寮國中部靠近湄公河的肉舖發現了一種原本認為絕跡的動物。過去科學家都以為這種「老撾岩鼠」(Laonastes aenegmamus)所屬的科在1千1百萬年前就絕跡了,然而看樣子在寮國還活得好端端,還有個當地俗稱叫「kha-nyou」。而寮國境內人跡未至的地區,也許還會有更多意外的發現。

老撾岩鼠大小如花栗鼠,有一撮如狐狸般的尾巴和長長的頭顱,加上兩雙伶俐的爪子,足以在峭壁岩堆間快速移動。根據新華網報導,科學家將老撾岩鼠的頭骨、牙齒、脊椎骨與中國科學院古脊椎所研究員李傳夔1974年發現的「山東山旺硅藻鼠」(Diatomys shan-tungensis)化石進行120多處仔細比較,確認老撾岩鼠是1千1百萬年前山東硅藻鼠的孑遺。過去這一科鼠類因為沒有發現更晚近的化石或後代,而被認為絕種。

這樣的發現是標準的「拉薩魯斯效應」(Lazarus effect):一種被認為已滅絕的生物發現生存的後代。當初芝加哥大學的大衛‧傑布倫斯基在1980年提出此一概念。拉薩魯斯效應最有名的例子就是1938年在印度洋發現的腔棘魚,原本都以為腔棘魚目和恐龍一起在6千5百萬年前絕種。





It was thought to have gone extinct 11 million years ago--a chipmunk-sized, brush-tailed rodent with a long head and quick paws well-suit-ed for scooting across the rock escarpments of an-cient China and Pakistan.

Then last year in central Laos, western scien-tists spotted an unusual animal carcass in a meat market near the Mekong River. So unusual, in fact, that it turned out to represent a new rodent family --the first new mammal family to be an-nounced in 30 years. The researchers called it Laonastes aenegmamus--the Laotian 'rock rat.' Local people call it 'kha-nyou.'

As turned out, it is a textbook example of a phe-nomenon known as the 'Lazarus effect.' A crea-ture, thought to have died out deep in the prehis-toric past, suddenly reappears. According to re-searchers, Kha-nyou is a modern member of an ancient rodent family last seen as an 11 mil-lion-year-old fossil which paleobiologists call Di-atomys shantungensis.

『Laonastes didn't rise from the dead," ex-plained Carnegie Museum of Natural History pa-leontologist Mary Dawson. "You're doing the re-search, and then you find a gap in the fossil record." What happened to Diatomys between 11 million years ago and now is unknown, but not because it went extinct. Scientists simply have not found more fossils.

The Lazarus effect has been observed before, most notably with the re-emergence in the Indian Ocean in 1938 of the coelacanth, a Paleozoic fish believed to have gone extinct along with the di-nosaurs 65 million years ago. But the phe-nomenon is extremely rare among mammals, said Dawson, lead author of an article in a recent issue of the journal Science that links the modern-day kha-nyou with the Diatomys of yore.

Dawson said kha-nyu is not exactly the same animal as its ancestor, but it exemplifies the evo-lutionary uncertainties that prompted University of Chicago paleobiologist David Jablonski in the 1980s to come up with the concept of the Lazarus effect as a cautionary tool in evaluating the fossil record.

He noted that coelacanths have "a whopping Lazarus effect in terms of time - (because) they're found in deep water and don't have an easily ac-cessible fossil record on land."

The Lazarus effect doesn't happen to some species: scallops have "robust shells very resistant to physical and chemical destruction" while ele-phants, with "huge skulls and big ivory tusks," can also be easily tracked through geologic time, Jablonski said. 『The fossil record for other groups, like rock rats, are going to have a spottier record."

What was perhaps not unusual about kha-nyou was its presence in central Laos. After a half-cen-tury of war and isolation, Southeast Asia in the last decade has emerged as a zoological treasure trove, with large swaths of rain forest, tropical dry forest, mountains and river valley compressed into a rel-atively small space that few scientists have sur-veyed.

Western and local naturalists, braving the minefields of Cambodia and the unexploded ord-nance of Vietnam and Laos' Ho Chi Minh trail, have in the past several years documented several "new" mammals besides kha-nyou, including a striped rabbit and a 200-pound ox-like animal called a saola.

各謀其利 外資赴寮國建水壩

據國際前鋒論壇報報導,南屯2號(Nam Theun 2)水力發電計畫預計在湄公河支流上蓋一座水壩與水力發電廠,以提供10億7千萬瓦的電力,此項計畫將花費美金13億。這項計劃不僅是外國在寮國最大的投資,該水壩一但啟動,也將是東南亞最大的水壩。


南屯二號水力發電計畫的水壩,面積450平方公里,那凱高原(Nakai Plateau)的40%都將因此而淹沒。居住在那凱高原上的6千名原住民以及10萬名依賴湄公河支流謝邦非河(Xe Bang Fai)的村民都必須遷村。




「只有寮國政府有權力,強制法國電力公司與泰國的民營電力公司,依照經營許可上的協議施工。做為電廠的經營夥伴,寮國政府也沒有任何動機,去詳細說明賠償要求與仔細監督其他夥伴的環境評估。因為,這將會引起不必要的爭執,進而可能減少自己的歲入。」國際探測(Probe Interna-tional)的政策執行長格拉尼‧萊德(Grainne Ryder)說:「對寮國政府來說,如何不讓這項計畫背負赤字,並且最大化可能的利潤才是他們關注的事情。」 國際探測是一個獨立的環保組織。


對世銀的角色,法國環保人士塞巴斯坦‧古帝諾(Se-bastien Godinot)說:「只要寮國政府不拖欠任何款項,世銀根本不會有任何動作。他們根本沒有任何動機去處理這項計畫的環境與社會上影響議題。」


世銀高級能源專員莫鑫德‧古拉帝(Mohinder Gu-lati)說:「我們需要證明我們有能力做好這個計畫。如果這項計畫的經費出了問題,不僅幫助寮國的能力會受到影響,我們幫助其他國家的能力也會大打折扣。」

法國國家電力公司的環境永續發展顧問奧利佛‧沙里納(Olivier Salignat)說:「我們站在第一線,我們有絕對的動機要該計畫順利完成。」法國國家電力公司分擔計畫總經費的35%,是承擔最多經費風險的投資者。





吾思吾師 找回教師熱情與尊嚴徵文比賽


