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教育專題 ◎ 2006-05-12
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  ◎吾思吾師 找回教師熱情與尊嚴徵文比賽 

歐洲社會論壇(European Social Forum,ESF)是以目標「另類全球化」的活動者組織而成的年度研討會,他們支持國際合作,但主張民主、環保、性別平等、經濟公義,且人權價值高於純粹商業利益。為了協調活動、分享點子,自2002年起,每年有許多社會運動組織、貿易協會、非政府組織、和平反帝國團體、反種族歧視運動者、環境保護運動及被社會忽略的聲音聚首,以國際議題商討歐洲的未來。然而,這樣一個以善意為出發點的會談,卻在上週六(5月6日)演變成一場暴動。




暴動當天甚至還有大人物出馬,根據當地媒體報導,歐洲議會(European Parliament)義大利籍成員卡塔尼亞(Giusto Catania)也在抗議者之列,卡塔尼亞是歐洲與其他國家關係代表的代理人,負責伊朗、馬格里布(北非沿地中海地區)及阿拉伯馬格里布聯盟間的關係協調;另外,左翼聯盟的希臘國會議員拉法詹尼斯(Panayiotis Lafazanis),以及人權鬥士名律師柯陀維克(Ioanna Kourtovik)都參加了這場暴動,領導ESF群眾闖入警局,試圖為了非法移民拘留地慘不忍睹的生活環境抗議;而這幾名領導者隨後並受到拘留羈押。


當然,阿爾巴尼亞及巴基斯坦籍移民們的與會,更煽起示威群眾的激動情緒,他們呼喊著口號「另一個歐洲」(Another Europe is Possible),在已經完整的政治的、經濟的、信仰的、文化的歐洲上,更要求一個「集體的」、所有歐洲人互相扶持一起發展的歐洲,期望一個不再因為部分人富有而導致另一部份人落入貧窮的歐洲。





EUROPEAN SOCIAL FORUM:A Cocktail of Anger Erupts

The two came together naturally at the European Social Forum (ESF) that began Thursday. ESF participants had planned a large demonstration through Athens for Saturday afternoon. The police were expecting trouble, but were still caught off guard.

The centre of Athens was cordoned off all afternoon by heavy police contingents. Government buildings and the em-bassies of the United States and Britain were under visibly heavy protection.

It was a small group from the demonstration, believed to be the Anarchists. The police said at the end of the day that two of their vehicles were damaged by petrol bombs. Petrol bombs also damaged a Citibank building, the police said.

The attacks had clearly been planned beforehand. Other groups emerged from the side streets on Ermou street, the most fashionable shopping centre in Athens. They attacked stores, particularly those of multinational chains such as McDonald's and Lacoste. Several glass panes were smashed along the street in hit and run attacks.

Anti-globalisation anarchists picked their predictable tar-gets, but the demonstrators' anger was clearly fuelled by the government's anti- immigration policies that keep close to a million people in a population of 10 million without rights and without status.

The majority of migrants who live in Greece without status are Albanians and Pakistanis. The demonstrators Saturday in-cluded large numbers of Albanians and clearly thousands of Pakistanis.

"We have not engaged in any violence," a Pakistani demon-strator said at the end of the rally. "We do not know who did this," he added. No one else in the group of Pakistanis around him was ready to discuss the violence.

Under Greek law -- or the lack of it -- almost no migrant is given citizenship, or even residence rights. Migrants have in effect become a cheap and vulnerable labour force for jobs that Greeks are either unable or unwilling to do.

"This economy cannot function without us," the Pakistani youth said. "But what are they giving us? Nothing."

The illegality issue had been waiting to surface at the Euro-pean Social Forum.

According to local reports, Italian Member of the European Parliament Giusto Catania, Synaspismos Left Coalition MP Panayiotis Lafazanis and prominent human rights lawyer Ioan-na Kourtovik were detained when they led a group of ESF supporters into a police station to protest against inhuman conditions in which illegal immigrants are detained.

At the European Social Forum centre, this has emerged as the dominant issue. Several civil society and left groups not di-rectly involved with immigration issues have been coming to-gether to back demands by migrant groups for justice at last for migrants who have lived without status for a generation, and for a new generation that has grown up without status.

The heavy Albanian and Pakistani presence among the demonstrators brought immediacy to calls for justice under the slogan 'Another Europe is Possible'.

"We have to get justice for migrants because none of the political parties are taking this up," said a young demonstrator. She held up a banner which she said meant 'It's late enough al-ready; time for justice now'.

Other demonstrators carried banners against U.S. President George W. Bush. Several demonstrators raised slogans against the Iraq war.

The anti-war sentiment also found natural support among the Pakistanis and Albanians among the demonstrators, both Muslim groups. Several among the demonstrators threw stones at the British embassy building in central Athens.

The ESF seems to have put together a cocktail of anger. Some of the anger was against the Greek, the U.S. and the British governments over the war in Iraq, some followed a tra-dition of anti-globalisation protests that began at a meeting of the G8 (leading eight industrialised nations - the United States, Canada, Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Russia and Japan), and some of it was over the denial of rights to migrants living in Greece.

But together it marked a change for the ESF where it was thought the like-minded gather to talk about what they al-ready agree on. The militancy that arose from this ESF could be a signal that the social forum movement is now prepared to go much further than talking - and not through Anarchists alone.


婦女團結工會(Femmes Solidaires)譴責伊斯蘭學者塔力克‧拉曼但的出席,此人的祖父發起穆斯林弟兄會運動(Muslim Brotherhood Movement);並表示這個反全球化的論壇冒著變成「立場與價值與女權對立的組織或講員」的平台。





吾思吾師 找回教師熱情與尊嚴徵文比賽


