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教育專題 ◎ 2006-05-19
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  ◎國際專題:利比亞觀光業秘密配方:碧海 藍天 再加一點神秘感 
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國際專題:利比亞觀光業秘密配方:碧海 藍天 再加一點神秘感
中世紀建築摩洛哥、艷陽沙灘突尼西亞,以及神秘金字塔埃及,一提到北非旅遊,這3個國家可是度假客心中的首選。然而,同樣處於地中海南岸的利比亞,其命運卻與那些熱門景點大相逕庭──想到利比亞,外人總把它和反西方世界以及恐怖主義連結。而現在,這個非洲第4大的國家正要擺脫過去的「恐怖」陰影,重建觀光新形象,和西方世界重修舊好,軍事領導強人格達費(Muammar Gaddafi)也軟化對美國的態度,並於本週一(15日)與美恢復全面外交關係。

旅遊達人的智慧告訴我們,探訪異國的最佳時機就是「搶在大家發現它之前」。法國來的旅行家柯麗娜(Corinna)就很高興她這次拔得了頭籌:「現在來這裡玩景色正美。」讓柯麗娜心醉不已的是利比亞首都的黎波里(Tripoli)Al-Saraya al-Hamra博物館前的羅馬雕像,該館雖然不如埃及開羅博物館熱門,甚至名聲也不比利比亞的國家博物館(Jamahiriya Mu-seum),鮮為歐人所知,但也是世界遺產中的一顆明珠。其實,利比亞國內的古蹟美景絕對不輸歐洲國家,的黎波里甚至還有「地中海寶石」的美名,被譽為地中海沿岸最美麗的都市,它融合傳統利比亞、土耳其及阿拉伯之美,展現傳統與現代的交會。

全世界都以為利比亞還是過去的觀光禁區,但其實現在它已展開雙臂歡迎各路遊客,解除了外交凍結的利比亞,正以其特有魅力登上國際舞台:如果希臘羅馬遺跡不吸引你,這裡還有史前古老沙漠、以及沿著1,250哩碧海沙攤的簡單潛水運動可供選擇;看膩了豔陽下白牆建築也沒關係,盡可走進博物館享受一場文化歷史的洗禮。全球著名的企業經營策略諮詢公司摩立特集團(Monitor Group)及劍橋能源研究會(Cambridge Energy Research Associates,CERA)針對日前利比亞的經濟作評估報告,其中一位學者辛格‧莫烈厄斯(Rajeev Singh-Molares)表示:「如果利比亞善用這些資源採取行動,它將擊敗群芳成為世界旅遊大國。」






另外,即使國外旅客都順利進到國內了,利比亞的內部觀光產業卻是漏洞百出:飯店旅館嚴重缺乏專業訓練人士及精通外語的服務員,甚至全國所有旅館裡,只有一家符合Monitor和CERA認可具有國際標準的服務。在撒哈拉最古城格達梅斯(Ghadames)經營企業的耶德爾(Abdurrahman Yedder),也認為缺乏服務經驗的接待員會阻礙國家觀光業的發展,他更點出民族性可能造成的問題:利比亞人不願意從事服務生等或許具有奴僕性質的工作。他表示:「我們國內勤於建造新的公共建設,觀光業的前景無限美好。但利比亞人只想對下面發號施令、不想聽命令動作,因此你很難看到利比亞服務生在擦桌子或清掃洗手間,那些工作永遠都是埃及等外勞的責任。」


Most vacationers seeking a north African break tend to think of Morocco's exquisite medieval cities or the beaches of sun-kissed Tunisia.

And that's usually only after ticking Egypt and its an-cient wonders off their "Seen That" list.

But Libya? Africa's fourth-largest country remains an unusual destination: Outsiders still tend to associate it with defiance of the West and international disputes about ter-rorism.

However, the country on the Mediterranean's southern shores is expecting steady growth in tourism as a thaw in ties between the West and leader Muammar Gaddafi erodes years of isolation.

Conventional travelers' wisdom says the best time to visit exotic places is before everyone discovers them.

Corinna, a French visitor, was glad she beat the crowds.

"It is beautiful to come here now," she said, gazing in awe at a Roman statue in Tripoli's Al-Saraya al-Hamra museum, one of the jewels of a heritage as little known to European travelers as Egypt's is familiar.

"The people (in Europe) think that this country is really closed. But now it is open for all people."

If ancient Roman and Greek ruins do not appeal, there are prehistoric desert sites and a fledgling scuba diving sector along Libya's unspoiled 1,250-mile coastline.

"If Libya got its act together, it could be a tourism world beater," said Rajeev Singh-Molares, one of the authors of a report on the Libyan economy by Monitor Group con-sultants and Cambridge Energy Research Associates (CERA).

"Libya has extraordinary assets, and by that I mean not only the Roman and Greek ruins but also the beach and desert."


Tourism has begun stirring thanks to politics: Libya cast off more than a decade of international ostracism in 2003 when it accepted responsibility and began paying compensation for the bombing of airliners over Scotland and Niger in 1988 and 1989.

Progress will not be rapid, however. The Soviet-style econ-omy is hampered by stifling bureaucracy, archaic banks, a weak private sector and a reluctance to issue visas rapidly.

Oil-dependent Libya receives just 300,000 visitors annually, just 0.5 percent of the total number of tourists visiting Middle East and North African countries, the Monitor/CERA report said.

That compares poorly to the almost 6 million people who visit Morocco and Tunisia each year. And it may be generations before Libya can compete seriously with world tourism heavy-weight Egypt, which gets 8.5 million visitors annually.

But the potential is there.

Libya showed a little of what it can do in March when it wel-comed 7,000 mostly Western visitors from 53 nationalities to view a solar eclipse.

The event was meant to stir interest in Libya, which hopes its isolation during almost two decades of sanctions for alleged past support of terrorism may have given it a touch of mystery.

It also hopes tourism can help tackle unemployment, running at up to 30 percent according to unofficial estimates.


The country plans to build a series of tourism complexes on the coast, having won investment commitments of $3 billion in 2005 alone, according to the authorities.

But many suspect red tape may make most investors wary.

"The fundamental problem that Libya has today is getting things to work," Singh-Molares said. "That's where the focus has to be in terms of modernizing the economy."

"It has to be on administrative reform, it has to be on educa-tion reform, monetary policy reform, banking system reform -- the kind of nuts-and-bolts fundamentals."

"It's so difficult to get visas to go into the country: there's no point talking about reform if it takes 45 days to approve a tourist visa. That's got to change."

Some "fast track" processing has been started for large groups of tourists traveling with approved operators.

But experts say visa curbs will continue to handicap Libya in a region where rivals Morocco and Tunisia issue visas to Euro-pean Union member nationals on arrival.

Training and language skills are sorely lacking in hotels, and the Monitor/CERA report identified only one international standard hotel in the entire country.

Entrepreneur Abdurrahman Yedder, who is based in Ghadames, one of the Sahara's oldest cities, said tourism was be-ing held back by a lack of experience in service industries and a reluctance among Libyans to do menial work.

"The future of tourism is bright: we are concentrating on the infrastructure," he said. "But Libyans want to give orders to oth-er people," he added, referring to foreign guest workers from nearby countries such as Egypt.

"It's very rare to see a waitress come to clean the table and the toilets. Always others -- Egyptians -- must do it."





Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, whose socialist course has won him the opprobrium of Washington, will visit Tripoli on Tuesday for talks with the Libyan leader who once bore the brunt of United States disapproval.

Muammar Gaddafi, whose country like Venezuela is a major oil pro-ducer, has in recent years toned down fiery anti-American rhetoric and opened its industry to Western investment.

Chavez, a self-styled socialist rev-olutionary, has by contrast led a campaign to tighten state control over the energy sector.

Libyan officials said Chavez would arrive in Tripoli after a stop-over in close ally and fellow Opec member Algeria, where he is due to arrive late on Monday before meeting President Abdelaziz Bouteflika on Tuesday morning.

Analysts said the Libyan talks were likely to focus on energy industry knowledge sharing but that, with oil producers pumping as much as they can and oil prices near records, collaboration on output quotas was unlikely to top the agenda.

Venezuela is the world's fifth largest oil exporter and relies on crude for about half of state revenues.

High oil prices have helped Chavez pour billions into projects for the poor as part of his proclaimed so-cialist revolution.

Libyan officials had said earlier that Chavez was due to arrive on Monday. They gave no reason for the change.

He earlier visited Vienna - where he attended an EU-Latin Ameri-can summit - Rome and London.




Illegal Ghanaian immigrants ar-rested in Libya have appealed to their government to intervene and free them from what they de-scribe as abuse at the hands of the authorities in the north African country.

They made several calls to vari-ous radio stations, claiming that they are being kept in a prison yard at the outskirts of Tripoli.

They said that they had been living in appalling conditions, but that Ghana's diplomatic mission in Libya has not done anything to help them.

"The Ghana embassy in Libya here asked us to come down here to a town called Sabbah to be deport-ed to Ghana. Unfortunately when we arrived here, they divided us into two and carried the other half to an unknown place. Right now we don't know their whereabouts. The remaining too we are still in prison. Four people are wounded; they were shot in their hands and legs. We don't know where our brothers have been taken to so we are appealing to our government and Ghanaians to do something about it", one of the immigrants who called Joynews said.


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