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教育專題 ◎ 2006-06-09
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  ◎國際專題:反世足賽 正式開踢 
  ◎韓公民團體 聯手反世足 
  ◎吾思吾師 找回教師熱情與尊嚴徵文比賽 

國際專題:反世足賽 正式開踢
這在全球足球熱的風潮之下或許顯得突兀──根據調查,少數的德國人不但不喜歡足球,他們甚至對世足賽的入侵忍無可忍。柏林有超過4分之3的餐廳和酒吧都打算在世足賽季播放賽事直播及重播,這代表著,一旦6月9日世界杯開踢之後,整整一個月,64場的巡迴錦標賽將入駐柏林大部分的餐廳,屆時想吃一頓「無賽」的餐點可難了。對此,柏林的克萊伍茲堡區(Kreuzberg district)有家餐廳玻璃窗上就貼著「我們不參與世界杯」,保證絕對的「無賽」──進門用餐的顧客絕不會受到世足賽轉播或任何宣傳的打擾。這在足球活動炒得沸沸揚揚的德國來說,絕對是稀少的特例。

如果世足賽不合胃口,你大可選擇穿上宣揚「世界杯之敵」或「我恨足球」的T恤,印有這樣標語的反世界杯商品現在不管柏林還是慕尼黑都買得到。或者,乾脆做得更徹底──例如跑到西藏或北印度拉達克區(Ladakh),這兩個地方和絲路沿途的各驛站都是馬可波羅旅行社推薦的行程,它們偏僻的地理位置是逃離世足喧囂的絕佳選擇:看藏民收割、聽喇嘛演講、喝喝酥油茶,多麼愜意又沒有足球蹤跡的一天;在那裡,人們談論巴西足球天才小羅納爾迪尼奧(Ronaldin-ho)體能狀態、或是英格蘭球星韋恩‧朗尼(Wayne Rooney)腿傷的機會,大概比西非的小共和國多哥(Togo)要贏得世足賽的機會要渺茫的多。

最近德國漢堡BAT民意調查(BAT polling institute)對2000民德國人作的問卷指出,34%的女性和21%的男性都對即將到來的世足賽興趣缺缺。而這便是促使劇場老闆史蒂芬‧巴巴里諾(Stephan Bar-barino)和出版商卡爾海因茲‧史奇韋格(Karl-Heinz Schwaiger)聯手打造「無球賽區」(Football-Free Zone)的開端。






They are in the minority but there are Germans who feel the World Cup invasion is not only over here, but over the top.

"We are not planning anything for the World Cup," says the sign in the window of "Zur kleinen Markthalle" restaurant in Berlin's lively Kreuzberg district, promising clients match-free meals.

Such establishments are few and far between.

Match-free meals

More than three-quarters of Berlin's bars and restaurants are planning to show not only the matches but also re-runs, meaning that once the 64-match tournament kicks off on June 9 it will be hard to eat out for the next month without at least passively following the game.

You could show your distaste by sporting one of the T-shirts proclaiming "World Cup Enemy" or simply "I hate football" that are on sale from Berlin to Munich.

Or you could go much further, to Tibet or India's northern Ladakh re-gion, for example.

These and stops along the historical Silk Road are some of the remote destinations the Marco Polo travel agency is proposing for the good reason that over there the chances of anybody mentioning Ronaldinho's form or Wayne Rooney's injured foot are slimmer than Togo's hopes of winning the World Cup.

A poll of 2 000 people conducted recently by Germany's BAT polling in-stitute found that 34 percent of women and 21 percent of men are not inter-ested in the world's biggest sporting event.

'World Cup enemy'

It has motivated Stephan Barbarino, a theatre director from Munich, to launch an initiative called "Football-Free Zone" with publisher Karl-Heinz Schwaiger.

Their website comes to the rescue of accidental World Cup tourists who just happen to be in the country during the June 9 to July 9 event.

It points to the joys of German cuisine and art as well as Bavaria's many castles and lakes under a logo of a no-parking sign posted over a black and white ball.

"It is an alternative to the overwhelming hype that the World Cup has become," Barbarino said.

"There are enough people out there who do not want to spend 24 hours a day sitting in front of a giant screen watching football."

The tourism authorities in Brandenburg state in the former communist East Germany has borrowed the concept.

Brandenburg, the region surrounding Berlin, is trying to turn the eco-nomic misfortune of not hosting a single World Cup match - though Ukraine's national side will be based here - into a marketing strategy aimed at people who want to get away from it all.

"Are you ready for a football-free region?" a brochure at their offices en-quires.

The state is offering spa weekends "away from the stress of football" in places they may never have heard of but could suddenly find appealing, like Prignitz.

It has also thought of time-out options for weary wives and girlfriends, suggesting they leave the boys in front of the television with their beers and head for a "girls' weekend" away in the verdant Spreewald region.

Tennis, anyone?

韓公民團體 聯手反世足






Civic Groups have launched a movement against the World Cup fever sweeping the country, criticizing one of the world's biggest sporting events for diverting public attention from urgent social and political agenda.

Culture Action, an alliance of about 100 civic groups, and other orga-nizations said on Sunday the World Cup has been distracting the public for months from vital social issues that should be tackled to improve lives of Korean people.

This week, they plan to put stickers on World Cup sculptures, bill-boards and other related properties in Seoul to warn the public of harmful effects on Korean society brought about by World Cup frenzy.

Some stickers read ``Doesn't South Korea have better things to do than cheer for World Cup?'' and ``I am against World Cup marketing that takes advantage of my passion for soccer.''

``We decided to launch this movement to inform the public that in-tense media coverage of the World Cup and reckless celebrations are distracting us from important issues that have significant impacts on our daily lives,'' a Culture Action spokesman said.

He said that unlike spontaneous voluntary outdoor celebrations and festivities during the 2002 World Cup, this year's events are mainly driven by private businesses looking to promote their brand images and generate profits.

``World Cup cheering and celebrations are being used commercially as well as politically by those who are seeking selfish gains. In the pro-cess, society has lost its course of action and neglected the underprivi-leged who desperately need our help,'' he noted.

The group also said it is unfortunate society has lost interest in im-portant issues such as the anti-U.S. base relocation protest, adding that posting stickers on public property is to help remind the public of the harsh reality we are living in.

They have been criticizing Seoul City for allowing a group of private companies to exclusively use the grass square in front of City Hall for marketing activities during World Cup.

The companies include SK Telecom, the country's biggest mo-bile-phone carrier, KBS, the biggest television station, and the Chosun Ilbo, the most-circulated daily newspaper.

Private companies competed to secure rights to access Seoul Plaza, planning massive programs to expose their brand image to large crowds gathered for live, World Cup broadcasts from Germany.

During the last World Cup, held in Korea and Japan in 2002, Seoul Plaza became the ``cheering mecca'' of the city, where thousands of fans gathered regularly for televised football games and cheered as the Ko-rean national team made an unexpected advance to the semifinals.

Companies paid the city a daily fee of 5.21 million won for their planned outdoor festivities during the World Cup.

Civic groups said that by allowing selected companies to organize Seoul Plaza festivities, the city government has sapped the strength and enjoyment of outdoor fan celebrations by reducing the gatherings to marketing events for businesses.


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