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教 育 專 題 深 入 報 導《2006-06-30》 |
本期內容 | |
◎國際專題:達拉克島 生機盎然 | |
◎厄利垂亞教會出面 向兵役說不 | |
◎是托斯卡尼還是非洲?阿斯馬拉的矛盾 | |
◎吾思吾師 找回教師熱情與尊嚴徵文比賽 |
國際專題:達拉克島 生機盎然 | |
策劃、編譯■唐澄暐、蔡孟玲 | |
當潛泳的觀光客吐著氣泡經過時,整群的小梭魚和鯛魚,從陰暗鏽蝕的戰艦殘骸中竄出。不遠處,神仙魚和石鱸在珊瑚的上方滑翔,海龜划過海面下,海豚追著載滿著迷觀光客的小船。 「太難以置信了,太狀觀了。」參與歐盟委員會的外交官,也是厄利垂亞達拉克島的普通觀光客,在潛水之後不禁讚嘆。「一開始先是兩尾魟,然後是一尾鯊魚,接著就是上千尾的雀鯛,上千的小梭子魚,然後5尾巨大的鮨魚圍著我們跳舞。」儘管海洋生態如此迷人,厄利垂亞海案與海中的研究發展卻一直因為數十年的紛爭而停滯不前。 在內陸海「達拉克‧凱比爾」的入口,老舊的火箭發射器堆積在尖銳的火山岩上,據說還有前蘇聯製的坦克躺在海床上。乾燥的達拉克群島上,炙熱的海砂和鋸齒狀的岩石和海底豐沛的生態形成強烈的對比。 這片散佈在厄利垂亞主要港口馬沙瓦外20至160公里、近350個小島和礁岩間的海底風景,獲得了潛水者的頌讚。聯合國贊助的研究發現,海豚、儒艮還有世界上7種海龜中的5種、都在厄利垂亞的海中棲息,甚至偶爾還會出現鯨魚。 在這個瀕臨紅海的國家所進行的首度調查,就帶來令人振奮的發現。2005年5月,科學家發現了一隻瀕臨絕種的欖蠵龜,是紅海的首例。「我們會發現牠,只是因為我們終於開始調查。」厄利垂亞沿海與島嶼生物多樣性計畫的國家計畫負責人卡力布‧尼古西對路透社表示。「這只是個開始而已。」 和平為厄利垂亞的沿海帶來日益增加的活動。來自厄利垂亞、葉門和埃及的漁民每個月在群島上駐留一回。埃及的消息指出,去年厄國政府與埃及商人簽約,允許40艘埃及漁船每年在厄利垂亞海域捕撈14萬噸漁撈。雖然消息尚未被證實,但將會比原來IMF資料中2000年到2005年的每年漁獲交易量、6千5百至1萬3千0噸來的高。 在漁業可能成長的同時,儘管政府有意推廣,但觀光收入依舊有限。某些旅行業者表示,緊張的邊界問題使厄國旅遊裹足不前,政府的控制也限制了私營單位的發展。一家旅遊公司「厄利垂亞潛水者」被迫關門,網站寫著:「國內的情勢讓我們目前別無選擇,請各位多多原諒。」 在觀光客和漁民之外,這些島嶼上,尤其是達拉克‧凱比爾,還有1千5百位亞法和底格雷人,對於野生動物充滿了虔敬。他們說,殺害動物將導致乾旱。「他們相信上帝是為了野生動物才降下甘霖。」農業部的野生動物保育顧問哈哥斯‧尤哈尼斯表示。 他說,獨立戰爭期間,衣索比亞和前蘇聯的軍隊在80年代駐守該島並殺害動物。「這使當地社區陷入極大的痛苦,他們寧願送出自己的山羊、綿羊來代替瞪羚被殺。」到了現在,「如果我們能努力,並重保育和發展,我相信我們會成功的。」他補充道。(路透社) Shoals of jackfish and snapper emerge from the gloom of the scuttled, rusting warship as visitors snorkel past. A short distance away, angelfish and sweetlips glide above the coral, a turtle slips beneath the surface, and dolphins chase a small boat carrying captivated tourists. "Unbelievable, spectacular," said Alessandro Palmero, a diplomat with the European Commission and regular visitor to the Dahlak Islands off Eritrea, after a dive. "First, two rays, then a shark, then thousands of snapper, thousands of jackfish, and five giant groupers dancing around us." Despite the mesmerising sea life, research and development of Eritrea's coast and waters has been inhibited by decades of conflict. Eritrea fought a long and bloody war for independence from Ethiopia between 1961 and 1991, and another war between the two countries from 1998 to 2000 killed 70 000 people. Border tensions remain high. At the entrance to the inland sea of Dahlak Kebir, old rocket launchers litter the sharp, volcanic rock and Soviet-made tanks are rumoured to lie on the seabed. The blisteringly hot sand and jagged rock of the arid Dahlak archipelago are a striking contrast to the myriad sealife. Divers sing the praises of the waters around the 350 or so islands and rock outcrops scattered from 20km to 160km from Eritrea's main port of Massawa. Five of the world's seven species of sea turtles, dolphins, dugongs and occasionally whales are found in Eritrean waters, a United Nations-supported survey found last year. The survey was the first in the Red Sea state's waters and brought exciting discoveries. In May 2005, scientists found an Olive Ridley turtle - an endangered species - the first recorded in the Red Sea. "We discovered it because we started investigating," Kaleab Negussie, the national project manager for Eritrea's Coastal Marine and Island Biodiversity Project, told Reuters. "This is the beginning." Peace has brought an increase in activity in Eritrea's coastal waters. Fishermen from Eritrea, Yemen and Egypt base themselves on the islands for months at a time. The government made a deal with an Egyptian businessman last year to allow 40 Egyptian ships to catch 140 000 tons of fish annually in Eritrea's waters, an Egyptian source said. The information could not be confirmed, but would be a large increase from the 6 500 to 13 000 tons which, according to International Monetary Fund data, were caught and sold annually from 2000 to 2005. While income from fishing could increase, money from tourism remains limited despite the government's best intentions. Some travel agents say continued border tensions discourage travel to Eritrea, and government controls also inhibit development of an efficient private sector. One travel company, Eritrea Divers, has been forced to close. "We have to apologise that the situation in the country gives us no other choice for now," its website explains. Most visitors prefer to camp on the 21 islands open to tourists, sleeping under starry skies. Away from the tourists and fishermen, the 1 500 Afar and Tigray people who live on the islands - mostly on Dahlak Kebir - are deeply respectful of the wildlife. Killing animals will lead to drought, they say. "(They believe that) it is for the sake of wildlife, that God gives them rain," said Hagos Yohannes, a wildlife conservation adviser at the Ministry of Agriculture. Ethiopian and Soviet soldiers, based on the island in the 1980s during Eritrea's war for independence, used to kill the animals, he said. "The community was so distressed that they offered their own goats and sheep instead of gazelles," he said. "If we work hard and give equal priority to conservation and development in general, I am sure we will succeed," he added. REUTERS |
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厄利垂亞教會出面 向兵役說不 | |
基於衣索比亞的邊界可能爆發的暴力衝突,厄利垂亞政府號召神職人員和神學校學生服兵役。根據allafrica.com報導,厄國國內天主教的主教們已兩度寫信給政府,要求免除40歲以下的神職人員服役義務,並表示在軍中服役與神職人員所扮演的角色並不相符。但根據羅馬教廷下的國際天主教慈善團體「援助教會需要(ACN)」指出,厄利垂亞政府直至目前仍不理會3位主教的來信。 雖然厄利垂亞在東正教和伊斯蘭教的統治下,天主教徒占極少數,但他們在教育和社會救助中扮演的角色,讓主教們有勇氣發聲,尤其在得知政府沿著衣索匹亞邊境增加軍力後更為明顯。自從2000年厄利垂亞和衣索比亞間的戰爭結束,聯合國維和部隊就控管兩國邊境,但是由於聯合國最近撤除部分軍力,引起對於未來安定的憂慮。 一位因安全考量而不願具名的厄利垂亞牧師表示:「政府再三寫信給我們,表示40歲以下的牧師和神學院學生將必須服役,面對政府每次的徵召,我們雖抱怨,但仍被告知必須要這樣做,也只能服從。」 Eritrea has called on priests and seminar-ians to serve in the army, amidst con-tinued fears that the border dispute with Ethiopia will erupt into violence. Catholic bishops from the Horn of Africa nation have written twice to the government demanding that clergy be ex-empt from compulsory national service for men aged under 40. According to reports from Aid to the Church in Need (ACN), an international Catholic charity under the Holy See, the Eritrean government has so far ignored letters from the country's three Catholic bishops who have explained that service in the armed forces is not in accordance with the role of the clergy. Though Catholics are a small minority in a country dominated by the Eritrean Orthodox Church and Islam, their role in education and social support has given the bishops courage to speak out, amidst re-ports of the authorities boosting troop numbers along the Ethiopian border. United Nations' peacekeepers have been controlling the border since the war between Eritrea and Ethiopia ended in 2000, but now the UN is due to withdraw some of its 3,000 troops, causing concern about future stability. In an interview with ACN, a priest from Eritrea who preferred anonymity for rea-sons of safety, said: "The government has repeatedly written to us saying that priests and seminarians under the age of 40 will have to do military service. We have complained but we have been told that the priests and seminarians will have to do it - and do so at a time of the government's choosing." http://allafrica.com/sto-ries/200606210001.html |
(回目錄) |
是托斯卡尼還是非洲?阿斯馬拉的矛盾 | |
在眩目的陽光裡步下寬廣、椰樹成列的大道,在最擁擠的路邊咖啡Cafe Moderna來杯卡布奇諾,跨過巨大羅馬天主教教堂的宏偉螺旋塔。 用義大利文與穿著乾淨、拿著手杖的的老紳士聊天之後,閒晃到外面的大陽台享用蛤蠣義大利麵。 幾個鐘頭之後,順便走進平靜的冰淇淋屋來客咖啡冰淇淋,向外看去是茂密的山丘。托斯卡尼豔陽下?還是棕櫚樹讓人想起西西里城市? 差的遠了。這裡是阿斯馬拉,非洲東北方「非洲之角」上厄利垂亞的首都。難怪某些日子裡,這裡可以和早昔的義大利之間,有種令人困惑的相符之處。 儘管許多非洲國家極力欲將令人憶起過去殖民時代的東西丟掉,但厄利垂亞似乎對義大利有種眷戀,儘管殖民者早已遠去。 在厄利垂亞還有許多栩栩如生的景物令人想起義大利,使這個城市的美輪美奐在非洲大陸數一數二。 其中還包括了許多粉彩色的現代派建築,和其他許多墨索里尼粗糙、令人痛恨的法西斯規範相比,這是比較溫和的殖民進口。 羅馬飯店被深情地以義大利大理石修復,使其如同身在羅馬市中心一般。 日落時分,優雅的年輕婦女手臂互挽,走下大道參加passeggiata,典型的義大利式晚間散步。 相較肯亞奈洛比,肯亞的勞工總騎著沉重的中國腳踏車,厄利垂亞的腳踏車騎士才是真本事。穿著萊克拉騎在光滑的自行車上,他們看起來更像義大利鄉間小路上的人。 儘管電力短缺讓許多街道在夜晚一片漆黑,阿斯馬拉幾乎沒有什麼犯罪,你可以享有實質的豁免權在街上亂晃。 一位重要的中東大使的小女兒,從離家到冰淇淋店一路上都不需要任何護衛。 但這樣的景象無法表達這整個複雜社會的完整形象,在這裡,也許令人震驚的事物混合了這個城市2千3百公尺的海拔,許多矛盾的事物讓觀光客目眩而失去判斷力。 一個比較可信的象徵,是阿斯馬拉市郊,某個遠看是一個巨大的金屬碎片垃圾堆的東西。 靠近一點看,就可以看出這不是一個尋常的廢車和廢家具堆,而是成堆的生鏽卡車、防空砲,甚至是前蘇聯的坦克。 這個不尋常的紀念碑,代表了一個重要事件,這件事決定了全厄利垂亞對外國世界的思維和態度:厄利垂亞獨立於鄰近大國衣索比亞的30年戰爭,直到1991年才獲勝。 多數高階官員,都是擁有鋼鐵般自尊,並在強敵壓境下培養了堅定信仰的前游擊隊員。 他們的態度帶領他們不屈不撓地參與1998年到2000年和衣索比亞的邊境戰爭,卻也導致了雙方7萬人的喪命。 直到今日,邊界依舊緊繃,厄利垂亞依舊維持高度軍事化,儘管人口僅有360萬,卻有30萬大軍。 由於長期受虐的歷史,培養了厄利垂亞對外國勢力的猜忌。國際無法使衣索比亞遵守2002年的邊界規定,使厄利垂亞再次感到被世界背叛,又加深了對外界的不信任。 (路透社) |
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吾思吾師 找回教師熱情與尊嚴徵文比賽 | |
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