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教 育 專 題 深 入 報 導《2006-07-14》 |
本期內容 | |
◎國際專題:祝融肆虐 菲貧窟遭殃 | |
◎貧童擠破頭 塞爆菲小學 | |
◎母親,菲律賓貧民區最大潛在危機 | |
◎吾思吾師 找回教師熱情與尊嚴徵文比賽 |
國際專題:祝融肆虐 菲貧窟遭殃 | |
策劃、編譯■唐澄暐、侯美如 | |
7月10日,菲律賓首都馬尼拉最大的貧民社區之一遭大火肆虐,造成1人死亡6人受傷,以及5千多人無家可歸。 當地時間清晨4點半發生的大火持續了3小時,摧毀了首都北方沿海衛星城市馬拉本的整片陋屋窄巷。「這是一場災難」,市長提托˙歐瑞塔表示,有許多家庭失去住所。「現在的困難是為這些家庭設立臨時庇護所,因為通常作為臨時避難中心的學校現在有課。」 市長表示,狹窄的巷道使消防隊員無法接近火源,由於多數建築物由夾板或鐵皮製成,火勢蔓延迅速。消防單位表示有一人被困在自家喪生,另有6人在逃離火場時灼傷、嗆傷或割傷。(路透社) Around 5,000 people were left homeless after a huge blaze swept through one of the biggest slum colonies in the Philippine capital on Monday, killing one man and injuring six, fire and local officials said. The three-hour fire, sparked at 4:30 a.m. by still unknown causes, ripped through the shanty town's narrow streets in Malabon, a coastal area in the capital's northern suburb. "It is a disaster," Mayor Tito Oreta said, adding about 150 to 200 families lost their homes. "Our problem now is setting up temporary shelters for the families because there were classes in schools normally used as evacuation centers during calamities." Narrow alleys prevented firefighters from getting close to the source of the fire which spread rapidly because most of the structures were made of light materials, such as plywood and galvanized iron sheets, said Oreta. Fire officials said a man was killed after he was trapped inside his burning house while six others suffered burns, smoke inhalation and deep cuts while escaping from the inferno. |
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貧童擠破頭 塞爆菲小學 | |
菲律賓首都馬尼拉公立的國民小學(Common-wealth Elementary School)夾在垃圾場和該市最大的貧民窟之間,是全世界最擁擠的小學之一。光今年就有1萬1千9百位學生入學,教師們不得不把學生塞進走廊、廁所和倉庫,每一吋可用的空間都塞滿了學生。這個人滿為患的場景,是整個菲律賓教育系統的象徵:太少的資源,得在太短的時間內教育太多孩子。 菲律賓有8千7百萬人口,每年增加1.95%,多數人信仰天主教,宗教壓力阻礙了菲律賓生育控制的推廣。根據法新社報導,菲律賓教育局今年估計,該國需要1萬549間新教室、122萬張書桌、6,703萬本課本和增加1萬2,131位老師,以抒解目前的極度擁塞。有些在奎松市立小學的班級甚至一班超過70人。在某些地方,幾個孩子得共用一張桌子,5個學生共用一本課本。 現在的國民小學有7棟建築物、85間教室,還包括改裝成教室的一間浴室,甚至在倉庫裡上課。許多教室通風極為惡劣,有些教室的桌椅太靠近窗邊,一下雨,學童就渾身溼透。 學校的圖書館是個比公司隔間大一點的小角落。實驗室已經關閉,科學教具只能留下來展示,自然也不會有視聽教室之類的。老師們困中求變,在樓梯上放映教學錄影帶,把一層層台階當做孩子們的座椅。為了容納更多的學生,學校進行輪班制,二、四、六年級從早上6點上課到中午,三、五年級從下午12點半到6點,迫使7歲的孩子為了上早班,得在破曉前起床。副校長威利‧卡卡爾承認,國民小學學生的考試成績,是該區的第二低。「這是班上太多學生的結果。」他表示。 諷刺的是,儘管該區其他學校抱怨招不到學生,許多家長依舊搶著把小孩送入國民小學,因為它靠近工作的公共市場。上個月的入學登記日,儘管學校已經爆滿,許多家長仍私下來求校方讓孩子入學。「看看這間裝了80個小孩的教室。你覺得你的小孩在這裡能學到什麼?」一個老師說。「但我另一個孩子已經在這邊念了」,母親懇求著。 國民小學之所以具吸引力,一個原因是安全因素,旁邊就有一個警察局,也因為學齡前兒童有供應點心,多數的兒童沒有錢買吃的。該校勉強還能讓學生用電腦,甚至設置了學齡前班級和特教班,以及穆斯林孩童的伊斯蘭班級。薩爾瓦多表示,儘管問題這麼多,國民小學依舊是國內較為完善的公立小學之一。 校長亞維利那‧薩爾瓦多表示,多數的小孩來自周圍的貧民窟,在那裡,上千位非正式定居者擠在鐵皮和木板拼成的小屋裡。菲律賓政府提供學童的初等教育幾乎是免費的,但是公立學校的水準,通常比那昂貴的私立學校低太多;只有最貧窮的人才會把學生送到國立學校。鄰近由教會經營的Claret School,每年學費是6萬披索,約等於馬尼拉最低薪者6個多月的所得。卡卡爾說,孩子的家長太忙碌,沒有時間支持學校教育。「有些沒有足夠的零用金。有些做家庭作業得不到幫助。有些孩子根本就沒洗澡。」他說。 菲律賓總統雅羅育曾表示,教育為第一優先,並已要求蓋有更多教室的建築,以及僱用更多老師來緩和學生人數爆炸的情形。等到市政府在國民小學的校園蓋好新的多層建築後,校方應該可以稍微紓解一下。 至於政府能否在其他地區的學校完成同樣的承諾,那就很難保證了。「如果政府能將資源投注在教育那是再好不過。全世界教育預算占總支出的標準比例為8%,然而菲律賓只有1.3%」,聖托瑪大學教育研究發展中心的亞倫‧迪‧古茲曼表示。 不過建設的計畫,恐怕緩不濟急。國民小學去年還有252位教職員,今年就掉到230人。「太多學生在班上了,我實在沒辦法關注每個學生的學業表現,尤其是他們的閱讀技巧。」一年級的英文老師可拉松‧柏木迪斯表示。古茲曼表示:「我認為如果一個班已經超過60個學生,一個老師就沒有辦法管理了。他已經不是一個老師,而只能當一個放羊人。」他也表示的學生與教科書比如此之低,「我們根本無法保證每個人最後都能夠成為閱讀者。」 AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE |
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母親,菲律賓貧民區最大潛在危機 | |
根據菲律賓宿霧省《晨星報》(Sun.Star Cebu)報導,貧民區的生存危機雖然大多來自受污染的骯髒環境,對孩童而言,最大的潛在威脅卻可能是他們的母親。 且看伊美黛(Imelda)的例子:伊美黛不擅算術。她不記得自己的歲數,當別人問起她的孩子,也沒辦法一一叫出小孩的名字。她努力回想每個孩子的出生日期,直到不小心被第4個孩子絆倒。膝上兩個哭哭啼啼的孩子似乎終於喚醒伊美黛的記憶和母愛。他們滿頭疥癬、光著屁股、腿上污痕斑欄。在年幼孩子斷斷續續的哭鬧中,伊美黛不禁迸出髒話,小孩突然拉肚子了,伊美黛見狀又是一陣吐口水和咒罵。飢餓骯髒的孩子讓母親的身影更顯得無助,但他們還不能回家,就像其他貧民區的居民一樣,他們在等待一位商婦到來,從她手中他們可以買到超市不要的半腐爛食品。 這裡是瑪哈雅黑(Mahayahay),被菲律賓北開墾區(North Reclamation Area)購物中心、貨棧及商業大樓團團圍住的貧民區,在這裡,連回憶都是一種奢侈。其實就在一週前,這兒才爆出有人因食用混著用過衛生棉的黑心過期肉品而送醫的報導,但伊美黛對這種聳動新聞不置可否,只認為是其他零售商惡性競爭下散播的謠言。 在瑪哈雅黑這樣缺乏教育及維護環境衛生動機的都市社區,骯髒總是一切的常態。今年1月23日《晨星報》才報導美國羅德島布朗大學經濟學教授丹尼爾‧班尼特(Daniel Bennett)的研究,這項針對宿霧省供水及衛生習慣的調查指出,該區居民早已對髒污習以為常,「骯髒」是社會可接受的環境,而「清潔」在他們眼裡是昂貴的奢侈。班尼特教授表示,不少當地人不想為了使用公用廁所付錢,而情願就地「隨便」,而這造成的環境污染提高了2歲以下兒童罹患腹瀉的機率。瑪哈雅黑的居民習慣直接在住處木屋下的小池方便、或是丟棄如廁紙張,池塘裡漂滿不時散發惡臭的半固體穢物。 衛生部長弗蘭希斯‧杜給(Francis Duque)同時也表示,菲律賓有超過560萬戶家中沒有任何衛浴或衛生設備,而這驚人的數量已是全國戶口的3分之1。而《菲律賓每日問訊報》(Philippine Daily Inquirer)也在7月時引用2002年的調查指出,全國共有72.8%戶有廁所,而這遠低於聯合國千禧年發展目標的86.8%;根據身為美國共和黨員、同時也是提出著名「清水法案」(Clean Water Act)的奧加斯圖‧巴古里歐(Augusto Baculio)在7月菲律賓衛生高峰會議的發言表示,這個數據並讓菲律賓背負亞洲衛生表現最糟的第3名,連「污名」響叮噹的孟加拉、斯里蘭卡、及柬埔寨的狀況都還較佳。 資料顯示,菲政府為處理污水已投下33億菲幣。而污水不但花費不貲,更讓菲律賓人賠上寶貴的健康──不潔的水質已讓下痢和肺炎、麻疹、及瘧疾名列兒童四大死因。世界銀行(WB)在2001年11月發表宿霧省5歲以下兒童在1981到91年間的死因,死亡的孩子中其中12%便是為下痢奪走性命。另外,污水不但常是傷寒等疾病的元兇,受髒水污染的食物及飲水同時也會引起霍亂和A型肝炎等。世界衛生組織指出,缺乏清潔水源及衛生的環境,將導致皮膚及眼睛感染、營養失調、免疫系統及認知功能發展不全,而這些不良影響甚至會伴隨患者至成年。 在這樣惡劣的環境中,厄米塔(Barangay Ermita)的成功是相當令人振奮的。納札瑞斯與宿霧厄米塔基金會(Nazareth and the Cebu Ermita Founda-tion)和Perhoa這兩個非政府組織,一起為瑪哈雅黑打造了3間公廁。 世界銀行並強調母親身教的重要,表示家庭教育通常較能確保孩童生存率,杜絕腹瀉這種雖然致命但也不難預防的疾病。然而,北卡羅來納大學(University of North Carolina)公共衛生系的傳染病研究小組卻指出,他們針對宿霧省社區及家庭所做的調查顯示,母親教育只在家境較好的家庭才有重要影響力,而在弱勢環境裡,女人則需要各方團體提供物資服務,以幫助她們自助。否則她們將會和伊美黛一樣,本身就是孩童們最大的潛在威脅,影響深遠甚至超過缺乏飲水的惡劣環境所能造成的。 (資料來源:http://www.sunstar.com.ph/static/ceb/2006/07/10/oped/edi-torial.html) IMELDA does not have a head for numbers. She can't remember her age. Asked about her children, she does not name them, reciting their birth dates instead until she stumbles on the fourth child and gives up trying to recall at all. Memory or sentiment is barely helped along by the two squalling children riding both of Imelda's hips. Scabs cover their heads. Their bottoms are bare; down one leg, a brown line oozes. Among the residents of Mahayahay, an "inner city" towered over by malls, warehouses and commercial buildings at the North Reclamation Area, remi-niscence is an indulgence. Hungry or needing to be cleaned, the toddlers goad Imelda into a stream of invectives as unbroken as their wailing. She cannot go home yet as, like sev-eral others, she is waiting for a business woman that buys the half-rotten merchandise discarded by a supermarket and resells this to the slum settlers. The week before, stories circulated about someone being rushed to the hospital after eating a package of expired meat found mixed with a used sani-tary napkin. Imelda shrugs off the story, saying that it's just a rumor spread by a vengeful sari-sari owner whose sales of noodles and sardines dipped because of competition. One of the tots passes out more brown-colored fluid. It wails. Imelda spits curses on its scabbed head. Clean is costly Dirty, not clean, is the preferred state of things among urban communities that lack the education or incentive to improve and maintain good sanitation. Last Jan. 23, 2006, Sun.Star Cebu reported these findings of Daniel Ben-nett, an economics professor of Brown University in Rhode Island, United States. In his study on water supply and sanitation behavior in Metro Cebu, Ben-nett concluded that being dirty is "socially acceptable" in communities that view cleanliness as a costly luxury. According to Bennett, many of the poor prefer not to pay for the use of communal or public toilets, resorting to open-air defecation, which accounts for more cases of diarrhea among infants aged under two years. In Mahaya-hay, for instance, settlers defecate directly or "wrap-and-throw" into the se-mi-solid pond of refuse lying turgidly under the shanties. According to Health Secretary Francis Duque, more than 5.6 million homes, representing one-third of the national total, have no toilets or facili-ties for proper sanitation. The July 7, 2006 Philippine Daily Inquirer report cited a 2002 survey showing that the 72.8 percent of the population with access to sanitary toilets is less than the 86.8 percent target set under the United Nations' Millenium Development Goals. Most foul These statistics make the country the third worst performer in sanitation in Asia, with nations of "foul reputations" like Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Cam-bodia faring better. This is according to Rep. Augusto Baculio, author of the Clean Water Act, as quoted in a July 6, 2006 report of the Philippine Daily Inquirer on the first Philippine Sanitation Summit. Not only does dirty water cost Filipinos dearly (P3.3 billion in the health sector alone), it keeps diarrhea up there among the four top killers of children in the country, along with pneumonia, measles and malaria. According to a November 2001 World Bank (WB) study of deaths among children under five in Cebu over the period 1981-91, diarrhea accounts for 12 percent of the mortality rate. Where water and sanitation is poor, diarrhea and other diseases can be traced to contaminated water (such as typhoid) or contaminated food and water (such as cholera and hepatitis A). According to the World Health Or-ganization, lack of clean water and sanitation cause skin and eye infections, malnutrition, and impaired immune system and cognitive functioning even until adulthood. Children's hope For every Mahayahay, there is an uplifting success like Barangay Ermita, which has three communal restrooms run by two nongovernment organiza-tions, the Nazareth and the Cebu Ermita Foundation and Perhoa, a home-owner's association. In several studies, the WB has emphasized the importance of maternal ed-ucation to guarantee children's survival, specially in curbing preventable but often fatal diseases like diarrhea. However, aowevHo team of epidemiologists from the School of Public Health in the University of North Carolina concluded that, after studying different households and communities in Cebu, the education of mothers is only a significant factor in economically better-off families. In disadvantaged communities, women have to be given better access to resources and basic services, as well as involvement in self-help support or-ganizations. Unless these preconditions are met, women like Imelda will present the biggest threat to their children, even much worse than lack of water and poor sanitation. |
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吾思吾師 找回教師熱情與尊嚴徵文比賽 | |
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