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教育專題 ◎ 2006-07-21
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  ◎國際專題:俄羅斯媒體自由 需要國際關注 
  ◎俄國革命發源地 無法孕育G8抗議潮 
  ◎成效不如預期 反高峰會議黯淡收場 
  ◎吾思吾師 找回教師熱情與尊嚴徵文比賽 

國際專題:俄羅斯媒體自由 需要國際關注
本月15至17日八大工業國(G8)群聚俄羅斯聖彼德堡舉行高峰會議,期間抗議活動不斷,而「國際新聞協會」(International Press Insti-tute,IPI)並於本週一(17日)批評指出,俄羅斯官方會在議期間頻頻防礙媒體自由。


IPI表示,就連當地記者也在報導G8會議及其期間的抗議活動上遇到不少困難。IPI並批評俄羅斯國會提出一項最高可處罰新聞媒體3年牢獄的條款,該條款目前正在等待總統弗拉基米爾‧蒲亭(Vladimir Putin)的簽署同意。

IPI秘書長約翰‧弗里茲(Johann Fritz)指出:「俄羅斯媒體所處的環境相當艱困。不但記者時有被攻擊之虞,報導內容也常需要經過一番嚴格審理才能發布。」IPI呼籲國際論壇能注意俄羅斯媒體的窘困現況,並為他們發聲,在當地記者們面對高層壓力而不得不自己對報導內容進行控管的同時,國家「需要國際在媒體自由及言論自由議題上和俄羅斯政府進行對談。」


俄國革命發源地 無法孕育G8抗議潮








Political dissent is not what it used to be in the city that cradled the Bolshevik revolution.

Would-be anti-globalization protesters in St Petersburg, Russia's second city, say they have been hampered at every turn by authorities seeking to keep the focus firmly on the official agenda of this weekend's summit of G8 leaders.

Since the Italian city of Genoa was overwhelmed by fierce clashes between an-ti-capitalist protesters and police in 2001, meetings of the Group of Eight industrialized nations have regularly attracted large numbers of demonstra-tors.

But not in Russia this year.

Activists say their supporters have been detained by police or harassed into staying away from the city.

The opposition Communist Party won permission to march in the city on Saturday, attracting about 300 people. Police arrested more than 20 people when scuffles broke out.

The rump of the anti-globalization protesters meanwhile were given permission to rally in a crum-bling suburban stadium, two islands and a world away from the lavish 18th century Constantine Palace where the G8 was holding its annual meeting.

About 100 protesters -- almost lost in a stadium designed to seat thousands -- decided to "break out".

They wanted to take to the streets, some calling for a march to the Aurora battleship, whose crew joined the Bolsheviks in 1917 and which is moored as a mu-seum ship in the city.

Chanting "Russia is not a prison", "freedom" and "no to the G8" the protesters made it as far as the locked stadium gates where a police officer told them through a loud hailer they would be arrested if they broke public order laws.

"They are scared that people will hear the truth about (President Vladimir) Putin's regime," said Lev Ponomarov, head of the All Russia Movement for Human Rights.

"Do you think we have freedom in Russia behind bars like these?" he told reporters crowding around the stadium gates.

Like other activists he said the reason for the tiny number of protesters was police action to stop people coming, although he said he had no hard and fast numbers of those detained.

A handful of protesters traveled from Western Eu-rope, while the rest were Russian Communists, anar-chists, anti-globalization activists, and even a few members of the Chinese Falun Gong spiritual group, who declined to interrupt their meditation to join the breakout attempt.

Sergei Tarasov, the city's vice mayor, attended the protest and repeated the government line: no one was stopped from coming and the authorities encouraged dialogue as long as everyone kept within the Russian law.

"We've given them the same conditions as in any country," he said. "They have food, tents, and plenty of fresh air."

成效不如預期 反高峰會議黯淡收場
正當本週一G8與印度、中國、南非、巴西、墨西哥以及哈薩克等受邀國大老們齊聚聖彼德堡迎接高峰會議尾聲的同時,原先預定為「反高峰會議」會場的足球場卻空蕩無人。「第二屆俄羅斯社會論壇」(the Second Russian Social Forum)由反全球化運動者與反政府力量組成,試圖發動抗議與G8抗衡,然而報導指出,在強大警力鎮壓之下,四處碰壁的「俄羅斯社會論壇」最後提早在高峰會結束前一天的16日鎩羽而歸。

上週五(14日)約有350名活動者群集基洛夫體育場(Kirov Stadium),準備召開所謂的「反高峰」會議。然而,這次的反高峰會議似乎只是雷聲大雨點小。不但參與人數比召集者們預想的少了3倍,比起去年上千人走上街頭為反全球化護航的大型抗議活動,這次規模更是遜色許多,身為「人權運動」(Movement For Human Rights)領袖與「第二屆俄羅斯社會論壇」人權組負責人的拉夫‧波諾梅佑夫(Lev Ponomaryov)對該抗議活動低迷的出席率感到相當失望。


「社會與勞動人權保護委員會」(Committee for the Pro-tection of People」s Social and Labor Rights)主席之一,同時也是這次抗議活動策劃者的葉夫根尼‧柯茲洛夫(Yevgeny Kozlov)透露,全國各地都有抗議者基於不同理由被警察逮捕羈押,警方羅織出的理由小至雞毛蒜皮的「在公眾場合小便」和「咒罵警察」到「非法持有爆裂物」等大罪名都有。據柯茲洛夫所言,聖彼德堡警方並試圖以「在錯誤的地點穿越馬路」這項罪名將某人權團體拘留10天:「他們應該慶幸自己還有機會打電話找個好律師,並因此逃過被扣上莫須有罪名的劫難。因為這個事件絕不只是違法過個馬路那麼單純。」

而位於俄羅斯歐洲部分中西部的韃靼斯坦共和國(Tatarstan)60位組織代表中,最後僅有4位成功來到聖彼德堡參加抗議活動,根據非政府組織「左翼陣線」(Left Front)領導人伊爾亞‧波諾梅佑夫(Ilya Ponomaryov)指出,其原因在於警方以「非法持有藥物」罪名在半路攔截前來助陣的活動者,另外他補充:「我們的人在赤塔市(Chi-ta)和克拉斯諾亞爾斯克(Krasnoyarsk)被指控攜帶爆裂品,類似這樣的謠言於是接連從各方傳來。」而對於這些反對者口中指控的警方暴力以及逮捕陰謀,G8高峰會籌備委員副會長維拉狄米爾‧克茲辛(Vladimir Kozhin)表示將會查辦到底。

「第二屆俄羅斯社會論壇」原先預定在上週六從體育場遊行至阿芙勒爾號巡洋艦(Avrora cruiser)前舉行抗議集會,同樣計畫遊行的還有一場共產主義集會,路線沿著聖彼德堡最繁華的納夫斯基大道(Nevsky Prospekt),兩者的遊行申請令都未受政府通過。而在活動聲浪不夠堅強的情況下,又到處踢到政府當局的鐵板,反G8高峰會議最後無功而返慘澹收場。


As heads-of-government from the Group of Eight nations and those from invited countries India, China, South Africa, Brazil, Mexico and Kazakhstan continued summit talks in St. Pe-tersburg on Monday, the soccer stadium where a counter-summit had been planned was empty.

The Second Russian Social Forum, a protest event organized by antiglobalists jointly with political opposition forces to coincide with the G8 summit, wound up Sunday with many of its aims left frustrated by an intense security clampdown in the city and across Russia.

Hundreds of activists detained by police, illegal arrests and persecution of participants on political grounds were just some of the accusations made by the event's partici-pants against the Russian authorities, activists said.

About 350 activists had gathered Friday at the Kirov Stadium for what they called a counter-summit.

This was about three times less than the organizers had expected, and a far cry from the grand scale of antiglobalist campaigns in the previous years, when thousands of ac-tivists took to the streets to raise their voices against the perceived purposes of the G8's agenda.

『Huddling together in small groups at the giant, nearly empty Kirov Stadium, the activists presented a view remi-niscent of a miniature version of civil society in Russia: scarce, desperate, lacking coordination and power, sur-rounded by a fence and besieged by the police," one of the activists said.

Lev Ponomaryov, the leader of the Movement For Human Rights and head of human rights section at the Second Russian Social Forum, expressed frustration about the low attendance of the gathering. The activist accused the police of orchestrating a campaign against the protesters on nationwide level.

『Russia has already become a police state," he said. "What is happening here cannot be described as an attack on human rights anymore. It is actually much worse. Au-thoritarian rule has been firmly set in Russia."

Yevgeny Kozlov, one of the leaders of the Committee for the Protection of People's Social and Labor Rights and one of the forum's organizers, said antiglobalists were be-ing detained and arrested across the country on various grounds, from the trivial ("urinating in a public place" and "swearing at the police") to the serious ("illegal possession of explosives.")

『The police in St. Petersburg have tried to give a group of human rights activists ten days in custody for al-legedly crossing a street in the wrong place," he said. "But they were lucky enough to have been able to call a good lawyer and escape. They weren't crossing any street, for that matter."

Ilya Ponomaryov, the leader of the Left Front non-governmental organization said only four delegates out of 60 members of a delegation from Tatarstan were able to make it to St. Petersburg.

『The police stopped them and they are now facing charges of illegal possession of drugs," he said. "In Chita and Krasnoyarsk our people are accused of having carried explosives on them. Horror stories are coming from all di-rections."

Vladimir Kozhin, deputy head of the G8's organizing committee, said the complaints of alleged police violence and a coordinated plot against the protesters will be thor-oughly investigated.

City Hall had refused to give permission to a march from the Kirov Stadium to a meeting outside the Avrora cruiser as well as a Communist march along Nevsky Prospekt on Saturday.

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