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教育專題 ◎ 2006-08-04
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2006年的「國際藝術與行動主義旅團」(Interna-tional Art and Activism Caravan)於6月初「出征」──他們從希臘出發,花3個月的時間,沿途參與不同的組織運動一邊慢慢越過馬其頓、阿爾巴尼亞、蒙特尼哥羅、塞爾維亞、波士尼亞與赫塞哥維納聯邦(Bosnia Herzegovina)、及匈牙利、最後抵達斯洛伐克,參與生態活動界的盛事──「生態樂土」(Ecotopia)。


而他們的歐洲出征行成果也如同那些藝術表演一樣豐富,每個活動點都有他們駐足的痕跡:首先在出發點希臘,他們於雅典和佔領校園(Politecnik University)的大學生們並肩作戰;越過希臘邊界,他們在馬其頓南端的比托拉(Bitola)以當地青年策劃的研討會開始為期一週的活動,並以熱鬧的音樂電影表演在露天劇場畫下旅團在馬其頓的句點;接著旅團在阿爾巴尼亞首都地拉那(Tirana)於內政部舉行清潔飲用水相關活動;到了蒙特尼哥羅他們在普拉夫(Plav)這個小地方舉辦大遊行,一週下來吸引了全村的居民;而旅團進入貝爾格勒當天,正好趕上波士尼亞大屠殺祈福會,活動者齊為1995年在斯雷布雷尼查(Srebrenica)躲避內戰烽火、卻被塞爾維亞趕盡殺絕的8萬1千名穆斯林哀悼,另外也有活動者與當地力量合流,加入抗議在當地一座小公園上興建屋舍的運動;他們在蒙特內哥羅塞爾維亞共和國境內諾維薩德(Novi Sad)度過既文藝又激進的一週,為當地青年文化中心出力,並支持塞爾維亞開放邊境。

而在這麼一連串的活動下來之後,他們也希望透過媒體將當地的消息傳出去,幾位在英國獨立媒體(UK In-dymedia)工作的活動者現下正草擬「塞爾維亞獨立媒體」(Serbia Indymedia)的成立。藝術與行動主義旅團向來以創意無限的運動型態聞名,不論是五顏六色的旗幟、各式各樣的扮相、人偶或是小丑表演、狂舞森巴、短片剪輯、T恤製作或是拼湊馬賽克作品,這個風格獨特的運動組織讓全世界看到,抗議活動不只是群集大馬路呼喊口號或蛋洗市政府而已,就算是激進的行動主義也能用創意包裝,讓它更有親和力更有趣。



Creative activist roadshow in east-west collaboration

The Art and Activism Caravan is a border crossing project, that started early June 2006, travelling for 3 months from Greece via Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro, Serbia, Bosnia Herzegovina and Hungary to the: eco-activist gathering Eco-topia in Slovakia.

Its aim is to support and connect youth, campaign, commu-nity and activist groups, their actions and campaigns with cre-ative forms of activism. The participants share skills in the field of video, creative writing, music and dance, sculpturing, street performance, drawing and painting, samba and screen printing. For more info and main objectives of the Caravan read: Creative activist roadshow in east-west collaboration.

In Athens the Caravan worked with students at the: occu-pied Politecnik University. Bitola, Macedonia saw a week of events organised by the local youth forum and ended in a large event with music and films at the local amphitheatre. In Tirana, Albania the workshops worked on an: action at the Ministery of Internal Affairs for clean drinking water and in the small community of Plav, Montenegro :: a big parade at the end of the week got most of the village onto the streets. In Belgrade a :: memorial vigil for the victims of the Srebrenica genocide was held the day the Caravan arrived and some workshops sup-ported a local campaign to save a small park from being build on. In Novi Sad the week was about campaigning for a cultural youth centre as well as for opening up Serbian borders. After much interest in the Indymedia project, some people from the Caravan who also work for: UK Indymedia have been dis-cussing the setting up of a Serbia Indymedia. The work of the Caravan consists of working on creative forms of activism. Whether this is making banners, costumes, large puppets or clowning about, playing samba, making short videos, printing t-shirts or making mosaics. It's acknowledging that activism can easily be made more creative and become more accessible and fun.

首先,運動藝術(Activist Art)的定義是什麼?

去年,歐洲青年行動(European youth for ac-tion)的一個團體忽然靈機一動,想到使用藝術在團體的計畫中,以更奇妙的方式完成各種任務。




Firstly, what do we mean by the term Activist Art?

It all started last year when a group of us in Eyfa were motivated it would seem by some creative feeling in the air to start using art more in our projects as an amazing way to do such a variety of things.

Activist art is more 'real world oriented', to contain a critique of society, the larger world and its conventions, criteria or val-ues. With art you can say any thing. Even if its a rude, witty joke! Rather than being strictly private, aesthetic, and we aim at transcending all boundary's.

We feel this form of creativity, used in a purposeful way be-comes not just an art piece but a continuous process. Beginning with its creation, action and living on through the reaction it provokes. It can be seen as direct action. A powerful response creating interaction with the spectators. Not only in consum-ing the messages and ideas but pushing themselves to go further in thought. (and for us to think of them)

As activists learning and creating more interactive forms of dissent is vital. It is a form of protest which can be accessible to all. Working well in communities of all sorts. It offers freedom of speech in public places. Something to be celebrated at all times. It is not only public due to its existence in a public sphere, but it is also public in its content and form. It celebrates and and the creativity and idealism, anger, action, rage frustra-tion, love.

Activist art should be environmentally sound. We have found it it to be wonderfully diverse using all sorts of materials and mediums, locally sourced. It is a sustainable tool due to the recycled, alternative materials used and in the skills it shares.

Using our creativity and passion which motivates us, can be seen as a way to make an effective and take a social, political or environmental stand.

Art can be reclaimed as an instrument of social change taking many forms. Visual Art, films, instillations, sculpting, painting, wall murals, street theatre, poetry, cartoons, drawings, photog-raphy, subvertizing,...





















而AA Caravan更是把這個彷彿拼拼湊湊完成的小鎮炒得熱烘烘的,活動者在那兒處處受歡迎,所有的人都全力為旅團在當地停留最後一天將要上場的大遊行準備,攝影工作團隊製作了當地影片,包括當地沉靜祥和的湖泊美景、普拉夫的垃圾處理過程、以及當地青年的剪輯;遊行中,軍樂隊當街演出森巴,越跳越逗趣;一群穿著戲服的頑皮小仙子在場上四處翩翩起舞;更有小丑豋場帶出活動的重點──廢物處理,演出以垃圾處理為主題的行動劇,還當街撿起垃圾說要幫它「物歸原主」。當地青年為一覽遊行的精采演出,並要求商家為足球場製作大型的看台座位,不然他們可能得坐在垃圾場上看表演了。活動呼應當地生活問題,並以藝術表演帶出表達主旨,這正是AA Caravan獨特的風格。

(URL: /07/345712.html)

In the small town of Plav...

Art and Activism IMC | 22.07.2006 15:26 | Art and Activism Caravan 2006 | Culture

Plav is a small town in the north east of Montene-gro. The 3.500+ inhabitants form a mixed community of Montenegrians, Serbs and Albanians. 80% is mus-lim, 14% orthodox, 2% catholic. Among the Mon-tenegrians there are both muslims and orthodox, a-mong the Albanians both muslims and catholics. Part of the population are refugees from the Bosnian war (1992-1995) and the Kosovo war (1998-1999). The town is very isolated, surrounded by mountains and six hours away from the capital Podgorica. In autumn last year, a small group of people set up an NGO, Pla-gus_M, with the aim to activate the local community and the youth culture.

The Art and Activism Caravan was guest in the town of Plav for a very special and hectic week. We were made very welcome by the people and every-body has worked very hard to make a big parade hap-pen on the final day. The samba practiced by marching through the town, getting many funny looks. The Mischief Makers build a giant football and stadium seat, to support the demand from local youth to get better seating in the local football stadium. At the mo-ment they have to sit on a rubbish dump to watch the matches... Another group of mischievious fairies made costumes and danced around during the parade. The video workshop produces films about the local lake and its safety, the management of waste and another one on local youth in Plav. The clowns worked on a performance about waste and collected some from the street in order to find its owners...

國際藝術與行動主義旅團(AA Caravan)在貝爾格勒度過的一週,和先前待過的普拉夫非常不同,雖然都是一樣的地廣人稀,一樣的受到當地人歡迎,但貝爾格勒的行程似乎知性多了。在那裡他們受到SPK(Stanipani Kolektiv)成員無微不至的照顧。SPK和AA Caravan性質相近,在塞爾維亞等地招集抱有共同理想的團體或活動者,幫助他們互相交換訊息與經驗談,這次SPK也相當活躍地在旅團行經貝爾格勒幾天時為他們提供活動方面的好點子。

AA Caravan抵達貝爾格勒當天,市中心正好在舉辦斯雷布雷尼查大屠殺哀悼紀念會,人們高舉自製旗幟和呼喊著「別讓悲劇再發生」、「永懷斯雷布雷尼查」的標語牌,為死於宗教種族衝突的伊斯蘭教徒哀悼。由於去年這個時候紀念會曾遭到國家主義者投擲催淚瓦斯攻擊,今年政府特別加強警力戒備。

最後AA Caravan在當地的活動並以佩堤公園(Peti Park)的蚊子電影院之夜作結。這個在小小的市內公園近來卻引發大衝突,財團法人克羅諾特拉法克(Crnotravac)一直想在公園目前佔地上興建5個倉庫高的商業中心,並在去年砍倒公園裡所有的綠樹,附近居民感到相當不滿並群起抗議,7月15日,他們走上街頭以明保護公園之心志,這麼重要的活動AA Caravan自然沒有缺席。

(URL: /07/345717.html)

Hands off! - struggle for a Belgrade park

Art and Activism IMC | 22.07.2006 16:04 | Art and Activism Caravan 2006

The week in Belgrade was very different from our stay in the small community of Plav. There it was, a big city once again. We were looked after by people from the Stanipani Kolektiv, who had got people in-terested in the workshops and helped generating ideas on a possible theme and action.

The day the Caravan arrived a memorial vigil took place in the centre of the city to commemorate the victims of the Srebrenica genocide in 1995. People held banners and placards saying 'never again' and 're-member Srebrenica'. Last year the same vigil was at-tacked by nationalist groups, some of who trew teargas in the crowd. The police guarded the protest heavily this time. The article 'Belgrade remembers Srebrenica - 11 years on...' contains various links and photos of the event.

The final outcome of the week was an evening of silk and film screening at Peti Park, a small park in Belgrade, where a corporation called Crnotravac wants to build a five storage high commercial centre. In June 2005, the company cut down all the trees in the park. The neighbourhood has started an impres-sive struggle to safe the park. Coen from the Art and Activism Caravan spoke with local campaigners...

In June 2005, a corporation called Crnotravac cut down all the trees in Peti Park, a small park in Bel-grade, with the aim to build a five storage high com-mercial centre. The neighbourhood doesn't accept this, and has started an impressive struggle to safe the park.

On July 15, the neighbours of Peti Park organised a street event to show their determination to keep de-fending their park. The event was supported by the Art and Activism Caravan. Dragan Djurosinovic, Jas-mina Dobric and Mirjana Zupunski, neighbours of the park, explain about the fight for the park.

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