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教 育 專 題 深 入 報 導《2006-09-01》 |
本期內容 | |
◎國際專題﹕瓦哈卡民眾遭攻擊 電視台被毀 | |
◎墨西哥政治情勢緊張 小鎮休市抗議 | |
◎瓦哈卡一團亂 店家關門求安寧 | |
◎吾思吾師 找回教師熱情與尊嚴徵文比賽 |
國際專題﹕瓦哈卡民眾遭攻擊 電視台被毀 | |
策劃﹑編譯■唐澄暐﹑成怡夏﹑侯美如 | |
墨西哥瓦哈卡州的民兵與警察發起了暴力行動﹐關閉所有反對革命建制黨(PRI)州長烏利塞斯‧魯伊斯媒體的運作﹐以封鎖人民接管該州的行動訊息。 瓦哈卡人民集會(APPO)在7月5日早晨宣稱其成為瓦哈卡州的政府。該政府的立即決議包括﹕7月10日起返校兩週﹐以免學生錯過學年﹔將索卡洛廣場的帳棚聚落交由替代政府管理﹔加強驅逐州長魯伊斯的戰鬥﹐並杯葛為觀光客舉辦的圭拉圭查慶典﹐以利於免費的民眾慶典。然而﹐APPO中的教師聯盟與社會組織產生了分歧。 7月22日﹐當多數瓦哈卡居民在索卡洛廣場參加「人民圭拉圭查」的時候﹐「大學電台」遭到攻擊。這間電台被當作全國各地參與抗爭的圭拉圭查人指導者之食物用品收集所。當時﹐建築內多數都是年長婦女和孩童。他們抵抗攻擊並呼叫支援者前來保衛電台。播報員也持續呼籲﹐企圖殺害抗議者的魯伊斯和州政府必須遭到放逐。 8月1 日﹐大群瓦哈卡婦女向瓦哈卡市電視台前進﹐並為APPO接管了州立電視台第9頻道。他們開始連續廣播節目﹐要求州長下台。第二天早上他們播報沒有任何電視台敢播出的6月14日警察攻擊事件影像。6月14日﹐瓦哈卡市中心Planton廣播電台的傳送器和運動指導者的聲音都遭到了毀滅。而大學電台及其他社會運動電台都在8月初被滲透者毀壞了。 8月7日﹐瓦哈卡原住民人權組織發佈了紅色警戒。他們尋求援軍﹐在警察攻擊下協助他們封堵各級政府建築以及第9頻道。總統福克斯的同意證實﹐在魯伊斯請求派遣凶狠的聯邦防警的情形下﹐右派激進份子與州政府曾在瓦哈卡合謀。 開車槍擊事件在大學電台和第9頻道都逐漸上升﹐8月10日幾位遊行者被一棟屋子射出的子彈擊中﹐一位支持者被殺﹐兩人受傷。APPO抓到數名嫌犯﹐並交給聯邦執法單位。 8月14日那週﹐4位APPO成員遭到致命槍擊﹐警方還使用催淚瓦斯和警棍衝散示威者。超過50位民間運動者遭到拘捕。一份報導宣稱﹐瓦哈卡的起義現在與全墨西哥的選舉舞弊抗議有所聯結。 8月21日清晨﹐第9頻道天線附近的營地遭到攻擊﹐使得設施無法使用。幾分鐘後APPO的聲援者接管了瓦哈卡多數的商用頻道並呼籲瓦哈卡民眾佔據街頭﹐保衛城中抗議者的營地。人們在一家商業電台外的抗議因為不明的飛車槍擊而平息﹐但人民持續要求魯伊斯下台。 在8月22日晚間﹐一位教師在瓦哈卡的武裝警察開始任意開火後遭殺害。瓦哈卡民眾從廣播得知侵略正在發生﹐上百人湧上街頭提供支援﹐並試圖牽制侵略者。該城各地用來保護教師營地的5百個路障都獲得補強。瓦哈卡開始呼籲國際團結﹕「在你們當地的墨西哥領事館組織抗議或聯絡……有責任心的個別人士讓他們知道世界都在看。」 一個在美國奧斯丁獨立媒體的報導指出﹕「身分不明的人在http://oaxacaenpaz.org.mx/上發表一些社運領袖的圖片及地址﹐敦促瀏覽者尋找他們並拘留他們。該網頁也有一個已經被拘留的社運領袖的計數表﹐註明『這些人已落網』。此外﹐最近應該是遭政府軍殺害的抗議者﹐荷西‧西米尼斯‧哥美納雷﹐他的照片臉上有一個古怪的紅色X記號。」 (http://www.indymedia.org/or/2006/08/ 845336.shtml) |
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墨西哥政治情勢緊張 小鎮休市抗議 | |
墨西哥南部瓦哈卡省(Oaxaca)近來暴動抗議不斷,當地觀光業大受打擊,為了對治安無能的聯邦政府表示抗議,許多餐飲業、飯店及商店決定在29日休市一天。 瓦哈卡原本是個美麗的西班牙殖民小鎮,卻在左翼激進人士推翻政府的戰鬥中傷痕累累,到處是塗鴉、燒毀的車輛和煙霧瀰漫的垃圾。許多商家在上週五同意本週的休市抗議活動,而不少抗議者群聚市中心的佐卡洛廣場(Zocalo square),揚言要腐敗專制的州長魯伊斯(Ulises Ruiz)下台。 當地商會表示,至少有6人在過去長達3個月的抗議活動中喪生,當地的觀光業幾近停歇,造成1億多元損失。根據領導人指出,20幾家公司受抗議活動波及被迫歇業,更有8百多人因此失業。瓦哈卡旅舍聯盟總長阿爾坎塔拉(Fredy Alcantara)上週五指出,「若政府依然無視事情的重要性,我們下一波行動便是拒絕繳納稅款,而現在看來這很可能下星期就會發生。」 雖然內政部長阿巴斯卡爾(Carlos Abascal)曾出面斡旋政營間的會談,截至目前為止聯邦政府都沒有對這波抗議作出官方回應。 墨西哥早已因總統大選爭議而情勢緊張,自左翼民主革命黨總統候選人阿布拉多(Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador)在7月2日以些微差距敗選後,就再三指控保守黨候選人凱爾德龍(Felipe Calderon)作票,引發爭議,到處都有因抗議活動而封鎖的道路,商界領袖表示已對墨西哥經濟造成莫大破壞,現任總統福克斯(Vicente Fox)也跳出來表示譴責;墨西哥選舉法庭並將在9月6日前作出裁決,決定誰能坐上總統的位子。近日4萬教師為了薪資問題走上街頭靜坐,揭開這場抗議活動序幕,更為墨西哥增添火藥味,衝突一觸即發。 而就在選舉爭議尚未在法院有個結果之時,街頭的抗議活動卻擦槍走火了。當時有一名活動份子死於據稱是失職警察的槍下,於是憤怒的抗議群眾開始像脫韁野馬般失去秩序,組成分子多來自市外貧困地區的他們,挾持當地廣播電台、到處築柵設路障、並焚燒巴士,嚇壞了當地居民及少數未離開的遊客。街上商店餐飲小館門可羅雀,原先充滿旅人足跡及歡騰喧嘩的夜晚街頭,現在只剩下武裝棒棍的抗議活動者,他們帶著輪胎,到處放火焚燒;國際紅十字並在上週五到當地視察狀況。 (來源/路透社) Scores of restaurants, hotels and shops in the Mexican city of Oaxaca will close for a day next week to protest the federal government's failure to halt violent protests that have slashed tourist numbers. Business owners in Oaxaca, a pretty colonial city now sprayed with graffiti and full of burned cars and smoking garbage as left-wing radicals try to topple the state governor, agreed on Friday to close their doors on Tuesday. Protesters, who have set up camps in the central Zocalo square, say Oaxaca state Gov. Ulises Ruiz is corrupt and oppressive and they want him to resign. The three-month crisis in Oaxaca has seen half-a-dozen people killed and has driv-en away all but a handful of tourists, costing local businesses some $100 million in lost revenue, according to a local business chamber. Some two dozen businesses have had to close and some 800 jobs have been lost, business leaders said on Friday. "If they don't take any notice, the next action will be to stop paying taxes, and it's likely this will happen next week," said Fredy Alcantara, head of a local hotels association. The federal government has kept its distance from the crisis, al-though it recently offered to send Interior Minister Carlos Abascal to mediate in talks between the two camps. The protest, which started out as a peaceful sit-in strike by some 40,000 teachers demanding higher pay, has heightened tensions as Mexi-co is already being buffeted by a political crisis over a contested presi-dential election. Protests against Ruiz spun out of control this week when gunmen believed to be off-duty police opened fire on protesters, killing one person. Demonstrators, many from poor areas outside the city, have seized local radio stations, barricaded roads and burned buses, scaring resi-dents and the few remaining tourists. Shops and cafes are empty, and at night streets normally buzzing with bar-hopping backpackers are silent but for groups of activists armed with sticks and carrying tires to burn. On Friday, members of the International Red Cross arrived in the city to evaluate the situation. The national election crisis has seen leftist Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador launch peaceful sit-in protests in Mexico City to push his demand that conservative Felipe Calderon's narrow victory in the July 2 vote be ruled fraudulent. A court will decide in the next two weeks which of the two is pres-ident-elect. |
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瓦哈卡一團亂 店家關門求安寧 | |
本週二,瓦哈卡這座廣受歡迎的觀光城市的商店、餐館和其他營業機構整整罷市了24小時,要求正在嘗試和抗議份子進行和平談判的政府,終止道路封鎖與暴動。 上週有位一般咸信具警察身分的持槍者兩度開火射擊抗議者,造成一人喪生,目前這場為期3個月之久的示威活動把矛頭指向瓦哈卡州長魯伊斯,要他下台以示負責。這個月已有5人在暴動中喪生。 一向令人嘆為觀止的殖民地建築外觀受到塗污毀壞,憤怒的運動份子拿著棍棒和燃燒的輪胎佔據了過去位在中央廣場、色彩繽紛的原住民市集,這座以觀光業為經濟命脈的城市受到嚴重的損傷。 為了對這個不斷惡化的危機有回應,當地商人本週二在門戶深鎖的超級市場、銀行和餐館前掛上白旗,並請求總統福克斯(Vi-cente Fox)和魯伊斯恢復秩序。 「我們要求經濟和社會活動的安全,若沒有這些保障,瓦哈卡就無法回歸成長的道路上。」他們在全國報紙刊登廣告,抱怨罷工教師的抗議活動讓許多人失去工作、商家失去銷售量,也讓數千家學校被迫停課。 近幾個月,到瓦哈卡暢飲該地Mezcal烈酒,並讓自己浸潤在當地鮮明生動藝術景緻的成群旅客,已逐漸減少。 許多民眾在罷市前夕為了囤積生活基本用品,大排長龍在商家和加油站門口排隊採購。週二,原本熱鬧異常的街道上彷彿被遺棄般荒涼,就連當地人都待在自己家中不出門。 根據瓦拉卡商會會長莫瑞諾的資料,商家的罷市牽涉到2萬名勞工,並造成國家稅收將近6百萬美元的損失。 許多居民希望一天的罷市,透過這個刺激聯邦政府的行動,有助於終止目前的暴動。 在墨西哥市,瓦哈卡人民公民大會(Oax-acan People's Popular Assembly)與教師聯盟在週二與州代表及聯邦政府調停者會面,嘗試達成中止抗議活動的共識。 經過幾個小時的協商後,談話暫時中止,直到週四再恢復談話。福克斯的發言人阿貴勒表示協商內容包括針對要求魯伊斯下台的討論。 評論家認為,州長對批評他的人殘暴無情,使用鎮暴警察解決衝突。 (http://www.alertnet.org/thenews/ newsdesk/N29457884.htm) Stores, restaurants and other businesses in this popular tourist city went on a 24-hour strike on Tuesday to demand an end to blockades and violence, as the government tried to kick-start peace negotiations. Three months of demonstrations aimed at toppling Oaxaca state Gov. Ulises Ruiz spiraled out of control last week when gunmen believed to be off-duty police twice opened fire on protesters, killing one person. Five people have been killed this month. The city's tourism-based economy has greatly suffered, as normally stunning colonial facades are defaced with graffiti and angry activists armed with sticks and burning tires have replaced colorful Indian markets in the central plaza. In response to the deteriorating crisis, businessmen hung white flags over the locked doors of supermarkets, banks and restaurants on Tuesday, and called on President Vicente Fox and Ruiz to restore order. "We demand security for our economic and social activities, without which Oaxaca will not return to the path of growth," they said in national newspaper ads, complaining protests by striking teachers were costing jobs and sales and shutting thousands of schools. The flocks of travelers who come to Oaxaca to drink the region's fiery Mezcal liquor and soak up the city's lively art scene have dwindled in recent months. Long queues formed at stores and gas stations on the eve of the strike as people stocked up on basic items. On Tuesday, the streets, normally buzzing with activity, were deserted as even locals stayed in their homes. The businessmen's strike involves 20,000 workers and a loss of nearly $6 million in revenue, according to Eduardo Garcia Moreno, head of Oaxaca's chamber of commerce. Many residents hope the one-day strike will help bring an end to the current may-hem by prompting action from federal au-thorities. In Mexico City, leaders of the Oaxacan People's Popular Assembly and the teachers union met on Tuesday with state repre-sentatives and federal government media-tors to try to reach agreement to end the protests. After several hours, talks were called off until Thursday. Fox's spokesman, Ruben Aguilar, said the negotiations included dis-cussion of demands that Ruiz step down. Critics say the governor has ridden roughshod over his critics, using riot police to resolve conflicts. The protests began as a peaceful sit-in strike by about 40,000 teachers demanding higher pay, but have escalated in recent weeks with anti-Ruiz demonstrators seiz-ing local radio stations, barricading roads and burning buses. The violence has heightened tensions as Mexico is already embroiled in a crisis over fraud allegations in last month's presidential election. |
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吾思吾師 找回教師熱情與尊嚴徵文比賽 | |
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