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教育專題 ◎ 2006-09-13
教 育 專 題 深 入 報 導《2006-09-13》

  ◎吾思吾師 找回教師熱情與尊嚴徵文比賽 

最近到美國舊金山和華盛頓走了一趟。老朋友們知道我從華府回到教育部國際文教處工作6年後,終又重拾教鞭,回到傳道、授業、解惑的老本行。他們為筆者一則以喜,一則以憂。喜的是英語教學與研究本來就是筆者的專長與最愛;憂的是台灣大學生在惡質社會風氣的影響下,已經被全球高等教育界歸類為逐漸喪失學術競優勢的世代(a generation gradually losing their aca-demic competitive edge)。難怪台灣各大學培養出來的畢業生說、寫的多是「菜」英文。甚至某一流國立大學研究所畢業的縣長出國訪問時,坦承外國人說英語時,他完全像「鴨子聽雷」,一句話也聽不懂。

然而,筆者的看法不同。台灣大學生不是英文學不好,而是我們的教育體制和教學策略之偏差所致。從過去筆者執教的師大英語系、台大外文系,到現在的世新大學英語系,筆者發現三校均有其獨具的學風與特質,但其中的共同點是英文表現優異、4年苦讀後終能出人頭地的學生,三校均大有人在。筆者在〈倫理、英語文與國際思維〉(台灣立報95. 6. 28)中所提及的世新94年畢業生,現執教於Central Michigan Unviersity的周時安小姐,即為一例。台灣大學生英文要歷練得精湛,「非不能也,是不為也。」

世新大學從去(2005)年起,傳承了美國耶魯大學校長雷文(Richard C. Levin)提供的提昇教學品質、培養現代菁英之「錦囊妙計」:重視大一新生的啟蒙,以及大學部學生的誘導與教學,尤其是名師均會自發性地開設大一課程。在牟校長宗燦以前瞻規劃與宏觀視野的積極回應下,立即動員全校教職員,推動了兩項台灣高等教育界前所未有的高教工程:「新生潛能開發暨鍛造營」,及「大一新生守護神」。兩項另類的教育計畫目標,在於以感性的誘導方式,讓甫自高中畢業進入大學的新鮮人,能瞭解高中與大學教育實質內涵的異同,並進一步體驗高等學府的治學方法與終極目標,從而認清自己在21世紀中應扮演的積極角色。在鍛造營中,筆者以「新生因應21世紀國際化教育的策略與挑戰」為題,為這些好奇的新鮮人分析未來的世界,以及他(她)們應秉持的人生態度,包括如何學好基本英語文。


寄件的大一新鮮人所寫的英文,雖然文法正確性有待加強,但比起時下台灣一般的大三、大四,甚至非英文系的研究生,這位大一新鮮人所寫的英文及展現的前瞻性內容,著實令人感到無比欣慰;高中才畢業,能寫出這種內容充實、思想成熟的英文,至為難得。在類似狄更斯(Charles Dickens)筆下的亂世中,此等新鮮人正是各大學校院應加以發掘與培養的任務。這也是落實「卓越教學」的重點大學教育目標。


Dear Prof. Li:

I am Nicole, is an SHU freshman this years, majoring in Japanese. I and was glad to listen to your excellent speech at the freshmen camp.

I love English very much, but I hope I can learn other lan-guages at a university, so I choice chose Japanese. Therefore I am afraid my English will degenarecy degenerate soon, so I want to ask for help from you. I hope you can give me some advice, OK?

1. I used to read advanced English and listen to the English radio broadcasts every day, but I think that is not enough , so I want professor you to recommend some good, famous and also suitable foreign magazines for me to my calibre's foreign magazine for me to read. I tried to read TIME before, but it's too hard for me, so can you give me some advice?

2. I and am also considering taking the TOEFL or IELTS during the next four years. Because many seniors tell me it's important to have TOEFL and IELTS certificates, and that it's useful whether I want to find a job or go abroad, so I want to listen your advice.

3. This is the final question >_< !! I always think now in Taiwan most of the people are very look consider it important to know about the 本土化(nativism) issue, but in my opinion, I think internationalization is more important than nativism, right, professor? I watched the interview of our graduate student(周時安). She told said that she had gone to MOFA to be a volunteer. It is really a good experience, and the question is I want to ask is what is your opinion about in-ternationalization, and how can I expand my understanding of internationalization?

Thanks, professor. I hope I can see receive your e-mail soon!!

Nicole Wu 2006/9/9


(1)I am an SHU freshman this year, majoring in Japanese.


(2)Because many seniors tell me it's important to have TOEFL and IELTS certificates, and that it's useful whether I want to find a job or go abroad, so I want to listen your advice.

文法虛詞it與後置「不定詞片語」(infinitive phrase)的正確應用,如:

(3)I always think now in Taiwan most of the people consider it important to know about the 本土化 (nativism) issue,

(4)It is really a good experience to learn, and the ques-tion I want to ask is what is your opinion about international-ization, and how can I expand my understanding of interna-tionalization?


在答覆Nicole的第一個問題中,筆者再三強調廣泛閱讀的重要性。其間,若在英文方面覺得TIME(《時代雜誌》) 或NEWSWEEK(《新聞週刊》)太難,則可考慮閱讀《讀者文摘》(Reader's Digest),或透過網路,嘗試閱讀《紐約時報》(The New York Times)、《華爾街日報》(The Wall Street Journal)、《華盛頓郵報》(The Washington Post)、《今日美國報》(USA Today)等報章中的精采小品,以便逐步培養起閱讀與理解能力。另一撇步,就是先看中文報紙,瞭解其重要內容,再來看英文報紙,則可增進英文報紙的閱讀能立之提昇。聯經出版社的《紐約時報英文解析》經典導讀系列,亦可參考。

Nicole所提到的「國際化、全球化」與「本土化」的內涵與培養特別重要。「國際化、全球化」與「本土化」本應相輔相成地推動。如此方能培養起青年人的 「國際視野」與「本土觀念」之結合。

Nicole 以一主修日文的大一新生,已經知道配合日文與英文的雙重學習(或「雙主修」)之重要性,同時又能開始認清、掌握國際化教育的趨勢,以及個人應認同的正確觀念與人生態度,著實難能可貴。

只要她持續保持此種主動、積極、進取與有疑必問的研究精神,則她的4年大學生活必可在世新老師的領航下,以國際視野與學術卓越為座標,然後努力、探索、研究、夢想,則4年,甚或20年後,必可開創多采多姿的燦爛人生。這種情懷,正是馬克吐溫(Mark Twain)對年輕大學生離開避風港、揚帆探索的期許。(原文為:Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Set away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discov-er.)


Dear Nicole,

What a great delight to hear from you, right after my lecture to the 2006 Freshmen of SHU on Sep. 8! I am glad that you are responding by asking three very important questions. Here is my answer for you.

1. As a Japanese major, it is good for you to learn English successfully as well. Your decision to take Japanese as your major is correct. Congratulations. As for the magazines easier to read than TIME or NEWSWEEK, I would suggest that you try Reader's Digest. Also, I suggest that you read online (1) USA Today; (2) The New York Times; (3) China Post. Choose the articles you are interested in to read, NOT all of them. Also, read the Chinese newspapers first, such as China Times and United Daily News. Understanding of the contents in the Chinese publications will enable you to capture the main ideas in the English newspapers and magazines.

2. TOEFL and IELTS are important, of course. However, do not worry about them now. What you should do at the present as a freshman is to focus on your study of Japanese and English. Then by 2009 when you are a junior, you can easily score high either in TOEFL and IELTS, based on your suc-cessful studies. In the meantime, read my weekly articles pub-lished on the SHU Web: The project was beautifully designed and posted by one of our great SHU teachers, Ms. Hsiu-fen Wang (王秀芬老師). I have to give her special credit for helping all of the SHU students as well as all of the browsers from all over the world to learn from this web.

3. Your third question on "internationalization" (國際化、全球化) and "nativism (本土化)" is very important. "Interna-tionalization" enables us to build up global views (國際視野) and broad minds (開放胸襟). "Nativism" helps to understand our own identity. However, "nativism" should aim at net-working with the global community, instead of "isolating" ourselves from the world. Unfortunately, there are some ig-norant people in Taiwan misinterpreting the close relation-ship between "internationalization" and "nativism". A sound education, however, should help young college students to avoid the trap. This is what President James B. Conant told all of the freshmen of Harvard College in the 1930s. Likewise, this is the view we are promoting here at Shih Hsin Universi-ty.

I hope I have clearly answered your three questions. Judg-ing from the nature of your questions, you are a brilliant, ma-ture student who can do well at SHU under the guidance of our president Dr. Paul Mu, Department Chair Prof. B.K. Chen (陳炳崑主任), and all of the teachers. Come to my of-fice to see me on Sep. 20, and I will give you a copy of my ar-ticle written and published about the commencement of Harvard University in 1986.

I wish you good luck and success in your studies at SHU.

Chen-ching Li

Sep. 9, 2006

吾思吾師 找回教師熱情與尊嚴徵文比賽


