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教 育 專 題 深 入 報 導《2006-09-22》 |
本期內容 | |
◎國際專題:抗議團體打成績 富裕國家教育援助不及格 | |
◎大會未落幕 抗議活動先喊停 | |
◎年會成為新加坡公共關係的災難 | |
◎吾思吾師 找回教師熱情與尊嚴徵文比賽 |
國際專題:抗議團體打成績 富裕國家教育援助不及格 | |
策劃、編譯■唐澄暐、侯美如 | |
國際貨幣基金(IMF,International Monetary Fund)與世界銀行於9月11至20日在新加坡舉行年度大會,期間抗議活動不斷。17日便有來自抗議團體「全球教育活動」(Global Campaign for Educa-tion)的社運人士群集,抗議富有國家在孩童教育上支出太少,美國、德國、日本與義大利在此的表現都被大扣分。「教育活動」並指出就支援貧窮地區孩子就學方面,美國還是富有國家中最吝嗇的鐵公雞。 據了解,由於新加坡政府只為抗議者安排了壁球場大小的活動空間,10多名「教育活動」成員便在有限的空間裡進行20分鐘的示威,高舉自製成績單,在上頭給那些吝於援助貧窮國家教育的富裕國打上退步的成績。小小的場地僅有8公尺見方,並用繩索圍起,紙捲做成的長柱上貼著剪裁整齊的「抗議區」告示牌;然而,大會場區的安檢就沒有這麼馬虎了,每個抗議者及其配戴的徽章入場都必須經過嚴密的審查;另外,木條或金屬棒亦屬室內外活動會場違禁品,故當局僅提供塑膠板讓抗議者在上頭寫下活動標語:其中一塊標語牌寫著「一億孩童失學」,另一個標上「10億成人都是文盲」,其他的則呼喊「94國孩童為上學付出多少代價」。 部分抗議者並上演行動劇,諧謔地戴上美國總統布希、德國總理梅克爾、義大利總理普羅迪及日本首相小泉的面具,並由另外一位扮演教師的成員為各國領袖一一頒布成績:「布希,你真是太令人意外了!這堂課你只拿了E!希望你能再接再厲。」另外3位元首也只拿到D的成績。「你們對各國教育承諾的失信正代表著世界孩童們夢想的破碎」,那位假老師大喊著,因為大聲公和擴音器在抗議會場也是被禁止的。 飾演教師的弗萊(Lucia Fry)指出,目前全球1億失學孩童中有55%都來自亞洲,她並提醒,若世界銀行將目標設定在2015年前讓全世界的年輕人都能完成小學學業,他們得趕在2009開始實施計畫:「老實說這可真是場和時間的競賽。雖然計畫的確有少數進展,但要達成目標,還早得很。」弗萊補充,「照現在的速度看來,光是要讓非洲地區的孩子能讀完小學就得花上150年。」 (URL:http://www.thepeninsulaqatar.com/Display_news.asp?section=World_News &subsection=Rest+of+ the+World&month= September2006&file=World_News2006091835828.xml) Protesters gave a failing grade yesterday to the United States, Germany, Japan and I-taly for the amount they spend on educating children. The United States is the stingiest of the world's richest nations in terms of giving aid for education in poor countries, the Campaign for Education alleged on the sidelines of the IMF and World Bank meetings here. Germany, Japan and Italy - among the world's most industrialised nations - also re-ceived failing grades in a report card drawn up by the group. About 10 Campaign for Education members held a 20-minute demonstration at a roped-off indoor area at the convention centre where International Monetary Fund and World Bank meetings are being held. The protesters, whose badges were scanned as they entered the "protest area", held up neatly-cut placards hoisted on long paper rolls. Singapore police have banned wooden or metal poles from the convention centre and provided plastic placards for protesters to write their slogans as part of strict security mea-sures. Outdoor protests are also forbidden. 『100 million children are out of school", one placard said. Other signs said, "One billion adults cannot read" and "In 94 countries, children pay for school." Some of the protesters donned masks (pictured above) bearing the faces of US President George W Bush, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi and Italian President Romano Prodi. Another demonstrator, Lucia Fry, acted as a teacher and gave them their marks. 『George Bush, you have earned a grade of E in this class which is deeply shocking," said Fry, of the Global Campaign for Education. "We hope you can turn this situation around." The three other leaders each got a D grade. 『We feel that these broken promises represent broken dreams for children worldwide," Fry said, speaking loudly because bullhorns and sound amplifiers are also banned from the protest area. Of the 100 million children out of school, 55 per cent are from Asia, Fry said, adding that if the World Bank aims to have all the world's youngsters finish primary school by 2015, they would have to start by 2009. 『So really, the sand is running through the hour glass for progress to be made," she said. 『Although there is some modest progress, it is inching forward and it's not certainly going at the rate it needs to go to achieve that target." At the current pace, it will take 150 years before every child in Africa completes primary education, Fry said. |
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大會未落幕 抗議活動先喊停 | |
離國際貨幣基金(IMF)世銀大會閉幕還有一天,抗議活動在本週二(19日)就已經先畫下句點,為期3天的活動裡,示威者盡其所能為新加坡言論及集會自由發聲。 由於新加坡嚴令禁止戶外超過4人以上未獲准的集會,公開示威活動在當地相當少見,然而,這次卻有6到10位新加坡民眾公然向法律挑戰,自上週六起在鬧區公園一處搭帳棚進行抗議。年會期間當地警方持續戒備,以防抗議份子遊行到國會或是大會中心;19日示威者曾經兩度試圖朝國會大樓移動遊行,都被警方排出的人肉防衛線阻擋。抗議組織首領,同時也是反對黨民主黨秘書長的徐順全表示:「現在世界知道新加坡對言論打壓的程度,我們希望這能成唯一股迫使政府革新力量。我們的活動、我們的民主運動其氣勢力量都將會茁壯。」 雖然新加坡一再強調國內政治制度為民主取向,但它卻極力避免任何可能引發緊張甚至動亂的西式自由民主;官方對於言論及集會自由下了嚴格規定,還美言是增進社會安定以求新加坡有朝一日能成為世界經濟核心。而在大會期間,當局也有意趁機向成千上百的國際觀光客宣揚新加坡的清潔自治、自由經濟及其展望。但更引人注目的是新加坡對抗議活動的控制。上週甚至有20幾位獲准的海外活動者被擋在新加坡境外,直到與IMF與世界銀行批評之後當局才准許入境。 新加坡總理李顯龍同時也在19日到場致辭,表示謹慎規劃的全球化將能改善世界人口的生命,而制度上的多邊管理則是促進福利的核心。 (URL:http://www.iht.com/articles/ap/2006/09/19/ asi-a/AS_GEN_Singapore_Protest.php) Activists ended a three-day protest against the government on Tuesday, saying they had highlighted restrictions on freedom of speech and assembly as Singapore hosts the annual meetings of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. The Singaporean activists, who have numbered between six and 10, had camped out at a downtown park since Saturday, in defiance of laws that ban outdoor gatherings of more than four people without a police permit. Public protests are rare in Sin-gapore. Police had prevented them from marching to Parliament and the convention center where the IMF and World Bank were holding meetings. On Tuesday, the small group twice started to march in the direction of Parliament House, but were blocked by a row of police officers. "The world now knows the extent of the repression in Singapore, and hopefully this will translate into pressure on the Singapore government to reform the system," said protest leader Chee Soon Juan, head of the opposition Sin-gapore Democratic Party. "Our movement, our campaign for democracy, will grow and gain momentum and strength." Singapore says its political system has democratic fea-tures, including elections, but that it does not seek a free-wheeling, Western-style democracy that could foment tension and even chaos. Authorities tightly restrict speech and assembly, saying such controls provide the stability that has helped turn Singapore into a global economic power-house. As host of the IMF-World Bank meetings, Singapore has sought to showcase itself to thousands of international visitors as a model of clean and efficient governance with a prosperous, open economy. Chee's protest drew less local and international attention than Singapore's decision last week to bar two dozen for-eign activists from entering the country to attend the meetings even though they were accredited. Singapore lat-er reversed the decision after criticism from the IMF and the World Bank. The end of Chee's protest coincided with a speech by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong at the IMF and World Bank meetings. Lee said carefully managed globalization can improve the lives of the world's population, and that good governance and effective multilateral institutions were vital to its welfare. |
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年會成為新加坡公共關係的災難 | |
新加坡爭取到主辦IMF與世銀年會來「耀武揚威」,卻因為過度迎合國際財經領袖,反讓其公共關係付出噩夢般的代價。 新加坡政府希望在年會這一週內,藉著眾多財政首長、中央銀行總裁與全球財政菁英的到來,將其觀光與投資優勢發揚光大。但這個富裕而高壓的國家持續打壓異議,強硬對待受刑人與社會議題,這個陰暗面也在年會期間,藉著非政府組織控管問題而「發揚光大」。 這個年會是新加坡有史以來舉行的最大型國際會議,估計有1萬6千人參加。總理李顯龍上個月表示,這場會議「賭上我們的名聲」。因此新加坡提出「4百萬微笑」的計畫,要求民眾提供快樂表情的數位照片,大量拼貼在牆上或製成報紙廣告以歡迎外賓。 但在少數非政府組織與代表團人員的揭露下,新加坡另一個面貌逐漸浮現。新加坡迷信「恐怖主義」的危害,開始阻止部份社運人士前來,甚至激怒IMF與世銀的高層單位。同時,新加坡強力維持固有的禁止示威,連外國人也不例外,警方甚至駁回會場內的抗議。反全球化組織只好決定在附近的印尼巴丹島聚會,那裡有一個由新加坡政府成立的工業特區,從新加坡搭船需一小時。 眾多批評指責,將27位年會邀請的社運人士列入黑名單的新加坡政府,根本是個與國際社會不同調的「警察國家」。在IMF與世銀的施壓之下,新加坡最後同意准許其中22人入境,但損害已無法修復,新加坡政府這個決定也無法安撫非政府組織的眾怒。 「怎麼可能在成為金融中心、全球樞紐的同時還這麼高壓?」週六遭警方阻止發動小型抗議的反對黨領袖徐順全表示。一位歐洲公司的資深市場執行長也表示,新加坡「不怎麼習慣這個自由表達的國際標準」。他說:「他們的標準是:按我說的做,不然滾蛋。」 這個前英國殖民地企圖阻擋國外社運人士,並粉碎任何抗議活動,其實並不令人意外。自從1959年保守的人民行動黨執政以來,當地媒體一直遭到強力約束,反對黨和外國刊物的發行都因「批評新加坡領袖」的罪名,遭到昂貴的訴訟所打擊。 諷刺的是,新加坡的強硬態度還是由被抗議的對象──世界銀行總裁,美國的右翼大老保羅‧沃夫威茲來緩和,他表示主辦國對自己的國家名聲「造成明顯的損害」。前五角大廈二號人物沃夫威茲,公開批評當地主辦者違背稍早之前的協議;在該備忘錄裡,雙方同意讓公認許可的社運人士入境,並要求新加坡撤銷社運人士黑名單。 但IMF與世銀一開始選擇新加坡作為主辦國,也遭到嚴厲地批評。「這兩個機構有責任解釋,在過去兩周令人震驚的事件中,他們扮演什麼樣的角色。」社運組織「聚焦南方」的成員表示。 Singapore's moment in the spotlight as host of the IMF and World Bank meetings has turned into a public- relations nightmare for a city-state that had invested so much in the prestigious gathering. Critics denounced Singapore as a "police state" out of step with the international community after it blacklisted 27 foreign activists accredited by the International Monetary Fund and the Bank. After intense pressure from the two institutions, Singa-pore agreed to admit 22 of them but the damage had been done and the last-minute gesture failed to appease non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Singapore was hoping to exploit the week-long meet-ings attended by finance ministers, central bank governors and other members of the global financial elite to market itself as a vibrant tourism and investment haven. Instead, Singapore's grimmer reputation as a rich but politically regimented society that suppresses dissent, hangs criminals and canes social troublemakers may have been reinforced by its handling of the NGO issue. "How do you expect to become a financial centre, a global hub ... and yet be so repressive?" said Chee Soon Juan, an opposition politician prevented by police from staging a tiny protest march Saturday to the conference venue. A senior marketing executive with a leading European company told AFP that Singapore is "not really used to these kinds of international standards when it comes to freedom of expression." "Their standard is that it's their way or the highway," he said. The IMF-World Bank conference, expected to draw 16,000 people, is the biggest international conference ever held in Singapore and Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said last month that "our reputation is on the line" during the gathering. It launched a "Four Million Smiles" campaign, asking the population to contribute cheery digital photos which were stitched together into murals and newspaper adver-tisements welcoming all visitors. But as delegates and a few NGO representatives began trickling in, a different face emerged. Singapore, invoking the danger of "terrorism", began stopping and deporting a number of activists, triggering indignation in the highest ranks of the IMF and World Bank. It also stood firm on a longstanding ban on outdoor demonstrations, saying no exceptions would be made for foreigners. Police set aside a section for indoor protests in the conference venue. Anti-globalisation activists decided to meet instead in the nearby Indonesian island of Batam, an hour away by ferry and part of a special industrial zone funded by Singa-porean capital. Enormous damage to its reputation This former British colony's attempt to ban foreign ac-tivists and quash protests came as no surprise. It has been ruled by the conservative People's Action Party since 1959. Local media are closely regulated and opposition politi-cians and foreign publications have been hit by costly defamation suits for criticizing Singaporean leaders. Ironically, it took World Bank president Paul Wol-fowitz, a prominent American right-wing figure, to force Singapore to relax its hardline stance, saying the host country had caused "enormous damage" to its own repu-tation. Wolfowitz, the former Pentagon number two, publicly criticized the local organizers for allegedly reneging on an earlier commitment to let in activists accredited by both groups, and asked Singapore leaders to scrap the blacklist. But the IMF and World Bank also came under wither-ing criticism for deciding to hold their meetings in Singa-pore in the first place. "The two institutions must be held accountable for their roles in the shocking events of the past two weeks," said activist group Focus on the Global South, accusing the or-ganizations of hypocrisy. (http://www.antara.co.id/en/seenws/?id=20140) |
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吾思吾師 找回教師熱情與尊嚴徵文比賽 | |
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