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教育專題 ◎ 2006-10-20
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  ◎國際專題:小銀行大功績!孟加拉銀行家 造福千萬窮人 
  ◎吾思吾師 找回教師熱情與尊嚴徵文比賽 

國際專題:小銀行大功績!孟加拉銀行家 造福千萬窮人
今年的諾貝爾和平獎竟然頒給一位經濟學家和他的銀行?是的,你沒有聽錯,穆罕默德‧尤努斯(Muhammad Yunus)並不是一位著眼營利的銀行家,對以巧思加惠千萬貧民、被尊稱為「窮人的銀行家」的他來說,這個大獎受之無愧。

尤努斯於1976年創立「鄉村銀行」(Grameen Bank),為窮困的民眾提供信貸,當初成本僅27美元的鄉村銀行,現在透過微型貸款而釋出的金額已高達57億,不但改善上百萬人生活,更成為成功的銀行模範,從美國到烏干達100多個國家競相仿效。尤努斯創辦銀行目的不在累積自己財富,而在消滅貧窮,他的人生哲學在於幫助窮人自助:給一個人一條魚你只能餵飽他一天,但教會他釣魚你就能餵飽他一輩子。因此,當殘障或盲眼的乞丐、甚至懷裡抱著嬰兒的母親向他伸手要錢時,他從來沒有讓他們如願。「當我拒絕他們時感覺真痛苦──有時候感覺糟透了──但我努力抑制自己,我從不施捨任何東西給他們。」兩年前尤努斯在鄉村銀行總部接受《路透社》專訪時這麼說,「我寧願試著幫他們解決問題,而非只能在那天拉他們一把。」


尤努斯在1940年生於吉大港,當時東孟加拉的商業重城,在其父親為金匠的家中共有14個孩子,其中5個死於難產。1974年,一場駭人饑荒橫掃孟加拉,帶走成千上萬條生命,從此改變了他的人生觀;同年一次大學的田野調查更讓他體會,現代經濟理論永遠無法給予窮人社會正義:「當人們在街頭相繼餓死時,我卻在這裡教導高貴的經濟學理論。」尤努斯向為他撰寫傳記《好銀行家」作者之一的喬利斯(Alan Jolis)這麼說,「我開始恨我自己,以及我那自以為知道所有問題答案的高傲。我們這些大學教授都是知識份子,卻沒一個人意識到身邊的貧窮問題。所以我決定讓窮人來當我的老師。」











Banesa Khatun says the microcredit scheme Nobel Peace Prize laureate Muhammad Yunus introduced in Bangladesh 30 years ago lifted her from the poorest of the poor to a re-spectable, self-dependent woman.

Married 10 years ago, Banesa, was plunged into despair when her husband couldn't find work and financial problems piled up.

"I saw my life turning even more miserable," she told Reuters at Basta village, 45 km (30 miles) north of the Bangladesh capital Dhaka, on Sunday.

"My dream for a sweet, loving life was almost shattered," she said.

But then came a ray of hope.

She heard of Yunus' microfinance campaign from women in nearby villages and within a month borrowed 2,000 taka ($30) from the nearest branch of Grameen Bank.

With the money the bank loaned her, she bought a rick-shaw for her husband and started a very small poultry busi-ness,

After a decade, Banesa now is now rich by Bangladesh rural standards. "I have 27 rickshaws, a poultry firm of 3,000 chickens, a pond for fisheries" she said.

"That 2,000 taka from the Grameen Bank made all the difference."

Yunus and his Grameen Bank, which offers tiny loans to the poorest to help them become self-employed, were jointly awarded the Nobel Peace Prize on Friday.

"We are delighted that the man who brought us hope and gave us a new life has been recognized globally," Banesa said.

"It was Dr. Yunus who ... gave us money so we could survive."

Julekha Begum earns a living selling milk from a cow she bought with Grameen loan. Her neighbor, Samiran Bibi, runs a small shop she started with hers.

They both now have their own homes, cattle and land to grow rice and vegetables.

Similar stories were told by Rabeya Begum, Razia Begum and other villagers at Basta, where they gathered on Sunday to pay back instalments of their loans.

Residents of Basta and villages across Bangladesh have been celebrating Yunus' Nobel prize by distributing sweets, singing and dancing.

Abul Kalam Azad, Grameen Bank branch manager at Basta, said they had 80 borrowers -- all women -- in this village.

"They all have been able to change their lives in a few years through using microcredit," he told Reuters.









Nobel Peace Prizes are not supposed to go to those who believe the poor can fend for themselves.

Yet, this year's worthy winner, the Grameen Bank of Bangladesh, is essentially a commercial operation and its founder, Muhammad Yunus, has clearly spelled out politi-cally incorrect views regarding poverty: "Grameen believes that charity is not an answer to poverty. . . . It creates depen-dency. . . . Unleashing of energy and creativity in each hu-man being is the answer to poverty." The bank lends tiny amounts to village dwellers so they can start small businesses. The scale can be so modest as to involve the purchase of a cow in order to sell milk. No collateral or credit history is required, the system works on trust and peer pressure: Lenders are placed in groups of five, with part of the group guaranteeing the loans of the rest. If a loan is not repaid, the community shuns the borrower.

More than six million people have borrowed money from Grameen; the bank makes millions in profit. It charges higher interest rates than most banks, but since the principal is repaid before the interest -- and interest is calculated on the basis of diminishing principal -- borrowers end up paying less than they would pay other banks. Thanks to these loans, which very poor and uneducated Bangladeshis have put to entrepreneurial use, many people have been able to pull themselves out of extreme poverty.

At its inception, Grameen Bank was partly owned by the government because the founders figured that was the only way to channel foreign loans from outside sources. Today, it is a totally private and profit-oriented operation in which borrowers themselves own shares.

For half a century, wealthy nations -- and rock stars -- have focused on foreign aid as the way to spur development. Foreign aid started with U.S. president Harry Truman's Point Four Program at the end of the 1940s, partly to pre-empt the spread of communism. To judge by ever-increasing budgets and last year's call at the UN for a doubling of aid by 2015, it continues to be the fundamental focus of efforts to bring about prosperity in poor countries. No attention is paid to the fact that in sub-Saharan Africa, the region to which most of the foreign aid has gone in the past quarter of a century, per capita income has dropped by 11 per cent.

Numerous government programs involving handouts and training also have failed to do the trick in many countries. What the poor really want is an environment in which un-dertaking a profitable venture is not a bureaucratic and legal nightmare. The world is full of examples of poor and uned-ucated communities that have been able to create wealth, thanks to entrepreneurship. After looking at cases of en-trepreneurial success around the world for the past year, the conclusion is overwhelming: The best way to fight poverty is to eliminate barriers that currently hold back private enter-prise among the poor.

Half a century ago, William Mangin, an American an-thropologist, went to live in one of the shantytowns that had sprung up around Lima. He found the poor were en-trepreneurial and that through voluntary co-operation, they were able to provide many of the services the government was not delivering, including the adjudication of disputes. He wrote a number of scholarly papers concluding that these urban, poor Peruvians were "not the problem but the solu-tion." A few years later, anthropologist Keith Hart reached the same conclusion in Kenya. If the world had listened to them, half a century of misguided ideas about development, of useless fund transfers that often ended up in Swiss bank accounts of dictators and their cronies, and of schemes that entrenched dependency might have been avoided.

Nobel prizes tend to go to those who think wealth is a ze-ro-sum game whereby rich nations are rich because poor nations are poor.

The Nobel award to Muhammad Yunus and Grameen Bank is a good occasion to reflect on the colossal error of judgment the rich have made about the poor and a reminder that enterprise, not aid, is the real answer to poverty. Comment/home

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