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教 育 專 題 深 入 報 導《2006-12-22》 |
國際專題:Street clashes flare in Copenhagen, 300 arrested 哥本哈根街頭衝突,3百人被捕 | |
策劃、編譯■唐澄暐 | |
上週六,丹麥警方與年輕人因為哥本哈根青年之家的關閉抗議事件而引發暴力衝突,超過3百位示威者被捕。 警方表示,上百位示威者對警察丟擲鵝卵石、瓶罐和煙火,並點燃耶誕樹、垃圾桶和腳踏車作為路障。「相當暴力。這裡簡直像戰場,我們已經好幾年沒在街頭使用催淚瓦斯了。」警方發言人佛萊明‧史亭‧孟克表示。警方以催淚瓦斯還擊,並用裝甲車將示威群眾分成數小群。部份示威者走向市中心,砸毀了店家玻璃。 青年之家的紛爭從2000年當地政府將建築物賣出開始。左翼運動者從1982年就開始使用這裏作為基地。目前的屋主持有法院命令以驅逐空屋佔領者,但年輕人誓言保護青年之家,並持續尋求政治解決。丹麥警方表示,至少4名員警與數位示威者在衝突中受傷。(路透社) More than 300 demonstrators were arrested in the Danish capital on Saturday after violent clashes between police and youths who were protesting against the planned closure of a youth center in the city. Several hundred demonstrators threw cobblestones, bottles and fireworks at police and erected blazing barricades made from Christmas trees, trash cans and bicycles, police said. "It was extremely violent. It looked like a war zone and it's been many years since we last had to use tear gas on the streets," police spokesman Flemming Steen Munch told reporters. Police responded with tear gas attacks and split the main crowd of demonstrators into several smaller ones using armored cars. Groups of demonstrators walked toward the city center smashing shop windows, leaving a trail of destruction. The conflict over the youth center has been brewing since 2000 when local government sold the building that houses the center. Left-wing activist have been using the center as a base since 1982. The current owners have a court order to have the squatters evicted but the youths have sworn to protect the house and have repeatedly called for a political solution. Danish media reported that at least four police officers and several demonstrators were injured in the clashes. |
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Denmark: Ungdomshuset collective space faces eviction 哥本哈根集體空間面臨驅逐 | |
青年之家的最後一戰終於開打。上週四,收購青年之家的宗教團體Faderhuset領袖魯斯‧艾文森拒絕了Jagtvej 69基金會的轉賣案。同時,警方也放話要驅逐所有使用者。死守青年之家的年輕人只能尋求政治人物協助,儘管政治人物就是當初使其定位不清的元兇。 1982年,由前任市長維德坎普領軍的政治人物將這棟位在Jagtvej 69的房子給了哥本哈根的年輕人,當時這些年輕人把它稱為Ungdomshuset,青年之家。接下來的24年,都是由這些年輕人維持青年之家的運作。他們創辦了音樂站,將空屋變成練習室或工作坊。再大一點的房間各有其不同用途,如電影放映或龐克樂演出。 然而,2000年,另一群政客迫使青年之家關門出售,由Human A/S公司和Faderhuset陸續接手。政客大可將房子早早賣給讓青年之家持續運作的基金會Jagtvej 69,但他們偏偏賣給專為收購這間房子成立的空頭公司Human A/S,然後再賣給Faderhuset的狂熱教徒,讓青年之家的未來一瞬間落入激進右翼份子的手中。 目前很難看出政客和Faderhuset到底是誰在利用誰。但很明顯地,青年之家的使用者絕對是失利的一方。多年來,他們用盡各種方式解決青年之家的所有權問題,包括透過法庭延緩驅逐行動,但2000年青年之家出售以來,他們一直遭到政客忽視,問題也無法解決,警方的驅逐行動自然無法避免。 外界有些壓力,認為這些死守青年之家的年輕人在警方前來時應該屈服配合;很多人也拿上一代的哥本哈根空屋佔據行動「外邦」來批評他們。「外邦」在遭遇驅逐時從一條隧道離開,只留下空屋和一句標語:「我們自己決定什麼時候要開戰」。這群佔領者因為選擇放棄而得到主流的讚美,然而,第二天房子就被拆了。 然而種戲劇化的結局,並不是空屋佔領行動的唯一出路。儘管政府現在的行為早就違背1982年的承諾「贈送」,現在的年輕人也不反對以基金會向政府買下房屋的雙贏方式,幫政府解套。青年之家的年輕人希望藉此闡明,為了保護青年之家的完整與將來,他們願意向政府讓步而邁向私人化,而不願採取「外邦」的徹底放棄。 因為青年之家這樣的地方有其存續必要。年輕人需要有一個環境來學習集體負責、共同創作;他們也可以這個環境跳脫常規思考,嘗試大人已無想像力完成的事情。這樣的地方在哥本哈根就叫做青年之家,別無分號。 政治人物有責任滿足這項要求,不是因為這是年輕人的呼籲,而是有其客觀益處。青年之家製造生活與歡樂,並為哥本哈根的文化生活帶來新穎、另類的思潮。有智慧的政治人物在1982年滿足了這樣的需求,將這棟房子給了城市的年輕人。這個贈禮現在卻要被新的政客賣出,無疑宣示這個空間的結束。然而這明顯是個錯誤決定;不管政客喜不喜歡,年輕人永遠需要一個這樣的空間。 死守青年之家的年輕人了解這樣的需求,也自認對青年之家的未來有責任,更希望政客能體會這樣的責任。然而事與願違,年輕人也不相信政客肯拿出一個新的場所讓他們重建青年之家。這也就是為何年輕人必須死守,不論警方如何威脅與懲戒,傳承上一代青年之家責任的年輕人,將盡全力為下一代青年之家的孩子守護這個空間。 (來源/infoshop) The final battle for Ungdomshuset is on. This Tuesday Ruth Evensen, leader of the religiuos sect Faderhuset, rejected a very generous offer from The Foundation Jagtvej 69. Therefore, we will have to look to the responsible politicians for a solution. In the end, it will also be fair that politicans solves the problem that was created by them in the first place. Tonight the City Coucil will have their last meeting of the year. And because the police have said that the house will be evicted after New Year, now is the time for the politicians to act. In 1982 the politicians led by former Mayor Weidekamp gave the house to the youth of Copenhagen, and we named it Ungdomshuset - The Youthhouse. In the past 24 years, we have been running Ungdomshuset. We have created a music venue recognized internationally, and used by thousands of youths. We have turned the empty rooms into rehearsalrooms and different workshops. The bigger rooms in Ungeren are used for different purposes, from cinemas to punk festivals. In 2000 the politicians decided that this had to end. Ungeren had to be sold and closed. And Human A/S and Faderhuset was to do the work. But already then, in 2000, the politicians had the choice to sell the house to a foundation formed to let Ungdomshuset continue its activities. But instead they sold it to Human A/S, a fictive company designed to buy the house, and then sell it on to the fanatic christians from Faderhuset. And suddenly the future of the house was in the hands of a rightwing fundamentalistic sect, who sees the crusade against Ungeren as a holy duty. Today it is hard to see who was used by who - the politicians or Faderhuset. On the contrary, it is easy to see who is the losing part in this conflict is: all the users of Ungdomshuset. We have for many years tried all options to achieve a political solution on this problem. But for six years we have been ignored by the politicians, while we through the legal courts has tried to postpone an eviction, until a reasonable solution could be found. But no solution has been found. If the politicians choose not to act today, we have to realize that an eviction is imminent. There is a need for places like Ungeren. Places where young people can learn to take a collective responsibility and create together. To think outside the normal boundaries and try the things that adults lack the fantasy to try. In Copenhagen, this place is Ungdomshuset, and there is no alternative to Ungdomshuset. It is the politicians responsibility to meet this demand. Not just because we say so, but because it is a genuinely good idea. Ungeren has created life and happiness, and passed on lots of new, weird and alternative waves to the cultural life in Copenhagen. In 1982 the politicians wisely fulfilled this need when they gave the house on Jagtvej 69 to the young people of our city. And there is without doubt room for, and need for an extra house. Still, one house is better than no house at all. When the politicians sold the house originally given away as a present, they admitted to work for a closing of this house. That was, and is, a wrong decision. Many many young people needs a place like this, no matter if the politicians like it or not. We who understands this need for places like Ungdomshuset has an obligation to the future users of Ungdomshuset that we cannot, nor will we, shy from. They should have the same posibility that we had, to step into Ungeren for the first time, and for the first time feel really at home. We don’t believe that the politicians will understand this need, and we don’t believe that they will give us room to create anything like Ungdomshuset again. Because of this, we will not leave the house. Not even when the police threatens us with violence and punishment. Exactly like the previous generations of Ungeren-kids has given us these opportunities, we we will do whatever we can to pass on this house to the future generations of Ungeren-kids. Some peole think we should bend over and leave the house when the police comes. Many people mentioned the old Copenhagen squat Allotria, where the occupants left through a tunnel during the eviction. The only thing they left was an empty house with a banner with the words "We decide when we want to fight". The squatters was praised because the chose to bow down. Later that day the house was demolished. There is a limit to how much you have to accept. We have definetely been willing to accept a lot of hard things. We have been in favor of a solution where a foundation would buy the house, which meant that the City, despite the promises from 1982, not be held responsible for anything. To say that we are in favour of the privatization that the foundation would be, is just an example on how far we have been willing to stretch our demands, to save the future for Ungdomshuset. And it has to be saved. Therefore, there is no tunnels beneath Jagtvej. The politicians created this problem, but have done nothing to solve it. The last meeting of the City Council this year will be held tonight. And with the police ready to evict the house from New Years Eve, now is the time for the politicians to act. http://www.infoshop.org/inews/article.php?story=20061214134918699 |
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A Short History of the Copenhagen Squatters Movement 哥本哈根空屋佔領簡史 | |
青年之家的獲得,其實是整個大規模空屋佔領運動的一部分;這個運動挑戰了財產權的概念,並從空屋中培養眾多生動的文化。 哥本哈根的空屋佔領運動約在1981年夏天,青年之家的前身「initiv-gruppen for et ungdomshus」誕生時展開。隨後數個類似的團體也在地方城鎮,如阿爾堡(Aalborg)、奧爾胡斯(Arhus)和埃斯比約(Esbjerg)等地成立。此時的西歐早有許多類似的青年團體成立,尤以荷蘭為大宗。 「initiv-gruppen for et ungdomshus」是企圖在哥本哈根Norrebro移民區創造獨立年輕人空間的運動,成員包括有龐克背景的年輕人、Child Power及隨後加入的左翼背景年輕人。一開始,initiv-gruppen希望能與哥本哈根協商以得到獨立空間,但市長維德坎普及市議會退回這個點子。1981年10月,廢棄麵包工廠Rutana及橡膠工廠Schionning & Arve也先後被佔領,然而兩者皆在市政府命令下,由警方使用暴力及催淚瓦斯驅散。 在Vesterbro區的「Abel-Cathrine Stiftelsen」則略有不同,這棟空屋被佔據了3個月,但因缺乏組織造成內鬨,讓警方兵不血刃拿下空屋。經過反省後BZ-brigaden(空屋攻佔旅)重整旗鼓,在1982年3月攻佔機械音樂博物館與Sorte Hest,這次有了活躍的組織運作,不會再發生未戰先降的情形。 1982年春天,許多房屋被陸續攻佔,分別被命名為den Lille Fjer(小羽毛)、「火箭炮」和「外邦」(Allotria)。「外邦」的過程足以在丹麥歷史留名;1983年,接近軍隊規模的警力企圖收復建築,卻發現所有的空屋佔領者全部無影無蹤。早在行動展開前,空屋佔領者就在馬路底下挖了一條通到外面的隧道。這些占領者一度成為英雄人物,而警方則淪為笑柄。 佔領空屋此時成為一種生活型態,人們拚命佔領空屋並使其成為兼容多元的社區。佔領空屋悄默行動的70年代,行動目的在於創造另類、反權力的生活風格,共同但尊重個人,與周圍的循規蹈矩與社會控制形成對比。一開始空屋佔領行動自認為是青年活動,並只打算往此相關方面發展;但幾年後,空屋向政治運動發展,許多政治壓制手段在過程中接受檢驗,並成為活動的基礎。空屋佔領行動參入左翼運動,反抗壓制的女性主義政治運動、反資本主義運動在此地進行,空屋藉此也在政治活動史寫下一章。 中產階級的宣傳,塑造了空屋佔領活動極為討厭且令人不滿的印象。部份左翼人士也參與塑造這個負面形象;他們對空屋佔領行動及其方式相當不滿,常批評這些空屋佔領者在示威活動中多半偽裝自己。空屋佔領者也對這些傳統的左翼人士保持距離,批評他們是守舊者,總是專注於權力而忽視青年問題。這樣的隔閡在1980年代尾聲終於消失,左翼人士與空屋占領者開始共同行動。 1983年社會民主黨以青年運動為由,決定送出一棟房子。他們選定哥本哈根Jagtvej的 Folkets hus(人民之屋),這棟1897年由工人運動興建的房子,曾是社會運動的中心與司令部。許多歷史上的重要會議在此建築舉行,也曾是許多勞工示威運動的基地,還舉行過不少舞會和拳擊賽。在二次世界大戰期間,這裡是反抗納粹德國的中心。如今這裡成為Ungdomshuset(青年之家),繼續為哥本哈根的反抗文化提供據點。 (來源/indymedia) The acquisition of Ungdomshuset was part of a large and radical squatting movement that challenged property rights and developed a vibrant culture based around these squatted houses. The squatting-movement emerged in Copenhagen in the summer of 1981 through the formation of "initiv-gruppen for et ungdomshus" (the initiative group for a youth house). Later on several similar groups started in provincial towns such as Aalborg, Arhus and Esbjerg. At this stage, youth groups like these had already been formed in many bigger cities in western Europe, especially in Holland. "Initiv gruppen for et ungdomshus" was a movement for the creation of a self managed free space for the youth of Norrebro. The group consisted of youths mainly from the punk-scene, Child Power and later on, youths from the left-wing scene. At first, "initiv-gruppen" tried to get a free space through negotiations with the municipality, but the city council, led by Mayor Weidekamp, rejected the idea. In October 1981, the derelict bread factory Rutana and later the derelict rubber factory Schionning & Arve, were squatted. On the request of the municipality of Copenhagen both were evicted by the police using beatings and teargas. It turned out a bit different with the squatting of "Abel-Cathrine Stiftelsen" on Vesterbro, which was kept for three months. A lack of internal organisation and responsibility broke down the house from inside and made it possible for the police to evict the house without resistance from the squatters. After a couple of months of soul-searching "BZ-brigaden" (the squatting brigade) emerged with renewed power and in March 1982 Mekanisk Musik Museum (Mechanical Music Museum) and its neighbour "Sorte Hest" (Black Horse) in Vesterbro were squatted, this time with the strategy that active organisation was necessary, and that the houses would not be given up without a fight. In the spring of 1982 more abandoned houses were squatted, occupied and named: "den Lille Fjer" (The Little Feather), "Bazooka" and "Allotria". "Allotria" made Danish history in 1983 when the police, in a military scale manoeuver tried to evict the house, only to find that all the squatters were gone. A long time before the eviction, they had dug a tunnel that led out of the house under the road. For a moment the squatters were heroes and the police were a laughing stock. To be a squatter had now become a life form; people's whole lives were focused on squatting a house and making it work as an all embracing community. As in the silent squatting movement in the '70s it was about creating alternative, antiauthoritarian living and life forms, collectively but with respect for the individual - in contrast to the surrounding conformist and controlling society. In the beginning the squatting movement was in its own understanding a youth-movement, and only wanted to relate to subjects concerning this segment, but after a couple of years it developed and turned in to a political movement in which several of the society's oppressive mechanisms were examined and used as a basis for actions. The squatting movement participated in parts of the left wing's activities and wrote its own political agenda with feminist political action that fought radically against women's oppression, with "take- it-yourself" actions, and many anti-capitalist actions. Bourgeois propaganda made a hateful and very critical image of the squatting movement. Parts of the left wing participated in the creation of this image and were very critical to the squatting movement and its methods. The critique was often directed to the movement's use of masks during demonstrations. Correspondingly, the squatting movement kept a critical distance to the traditional left wing, which was considered conformist, focused on gaining power and without interest in the problems of the youth. This distance gradually disappeared at the end of the 1980's, when the left wing and the squatting movement started to make common actions. In 1983 the Social Democrats decided on giving a house for the purposes of the youth movement. They chose the empty "Folkets hus" (the peoples house) on Jagtvej which had been built by the worker's movement in 1897 as a headquarters and social centre. It played host to many historic meetings and provided a base for the demonstrations of the worker's movement as well as hosting dances and boxing matches. During the second world war it was a centre of the resistance to the German occupation. It now became Ungdomshuset (the youth house) and has since provided a centre for the counter culture in Copenhagen. http://www.indymedia.ie/article/78192 |
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