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教育專題 ◎ 2007-01-05
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  ◎國際專題:Mexican Zapatistas commemorate 13th anniversary of uprising against government 墨西哥反抗軍慶起義13載 
  ◎THE OTHER EDUCATION working table 「另一波教育」研討會,用心為偏遠地區辦學 
  ◎First Encounter Between The Zapatistas And The Peoples Of The World 四海朋友與查巴達初見面 
  ◎吾思吾師 找回教師熱情與尊嚴徵文比賽 

國際專題:Mexican Zapatistas commemorate 13th anniversary of uprising against government 墨西哥反抗策劃、編譯■唐澄暐、侯美如
就在新年的第一天,上千名查巴達民族解放軍(EZLN)群集歡慶起義13週年。為了改善墨西哥南方省份恰巴斯(Chiapas)印地安人的生活,這些年來EZLN一直以豐富鮮活的歌舞、研討會和墨國政府「抗爭」。這場EZLN難得的大型活動同時也是跨年盛會,於12月31日晚在墨西哥以南735公里的奧文提克(Oventic)由總是戴著黑色面罩的EZLN傳奇領袖副總司令馬可士(Subcomandante Marcos)揭幕,場面盛大甚至吸引上百外國群眾與會,群眾向墨西哥及EZLN旗幟致敬,現場有大型舞蹈表演及墨西哥傳統料理玉米肉餅和咖啡可享用,熱鬧非常。

活動當日,馬可士以當地方言佐齊爾語(Tzotzil)講述查巴達成立的宗旨──為了終結印地安人的孤立慘境而費鬥,這是EZLN勢力浮上檯面以來馬可士首度出席組織週年慶,他的身旁並有多名同樣用滑雪面罩把真面目包得緊緊的成員隨侍。1994年1月1日,EZLN正式開始有大動作,以社會主義及印度安人權之名佔領聖克里斯托佛(San Cristobal de las Casas)等多個恰巴斯城鎮。然而,雖然名為反抗軍,查巴達的運動卻從來不主打流血衝突,就在他們揭竿起義後幾日,墨國政府很快地與他們達成停戰協議,從此之後雙方陷入緊張關係至今。





Thousands of Zapatista rebels on Monday celebrated the 13th anniversary of their brief uprising against the Mexican government with dances, songs and discussions aimed at improving the status of poor Indians in the southern state of Chiapas.

The ceremonies, which attracted hundreds of foreigners from numerous countries, began Sunday night under the stewardship of the ski-masked, pipe-smoking Zapatista leader and spokesman Subcomandante Marcos in the Zapatistas' base of Oventic, about 735 kilometers (460 miles) southeast of Mexico City.

Participants saluted the Mexican and Zapatista flags, and held a large dance and ate traditional tamales and coffee.

The Zapatistas seized the main city of San Cristobal de las Casas and other Chiapas communities in the name of socialism and Indian rights on Jan. 1, 1994. A cease-fire ended fighting between rebels and government forces after a few days, and the two sides have since maintained an uneasy truce.

Marcos, who has been identified by the government as a professor-turned-guerrilla, has continued to champion a quieter social revolution from the jungles of Chiapas, issuing missives harshly critical of Mexico's politicians and government policies.

Speaking in the Indian language of Tzotzil, Marcos recalled on Sunday night how the movement was founded with the intention of ending the isolation and misery of the Indians.

The Zapatistas have since formed autonomous governments in at least 38 villages in the highlands of Chiapas, as well as "good government committees" that promote their development.

It was the first time in many years that Marcos attended anniversary celebrations. He was escorted by several ski-masked members of the Zapatista National Liberation Army.

A year ago Monday, on the movement's 12th anniversary, Marcos launched a nationwide tour in an attempt to forge a national leftist movement. But his talks and tour appearances did not draw large crowds, and he has been criticized for straying from his principal cause of fighting for Indian rights after expressing support for violent anti-government protests by unrelated groups.


THE OTHER EDUCATION working table 「另一波教育」研討會,用心為偏遠地區辦學
活動第二天,奧文提克仍大霧瀰漫。EZLN這天的活動行程由自治教育「另一波教育」(other education)論壇開始。

首先是查巴達所設立的自治教育體系檢討座談會。自2000年公職教師被驅離恰巴斯各城鎮後,EZLN便四處成立自治教育系統,活動當天,5大重心城市──拉黎利達德(La Realidad)、奧文提克、拉加魯查(La Garrucha)、莫雷里雅(Morelia)與羅伯特巴羅斯(Roberto Barrios)──的「好政府委員會」代表們及其他自治市教育委員齊聚一堂,分享探討過去6年來推行自治教育的成果和困難。每個區域代表都有20分鐘的發言時間,之後並有短暫問答時段,最後由來自全墨西哥及世界各著角落的與會代表發言評論作結。



這場研討會並收到來自全球各地和平民權政治活動「另類運動」(Otra Campana)擁護者的熱烈回應:美國洛杉磯的「Xinaxcalmecac」、加州的「查巴達行動」(Accion Zapatista)和「查巴達之聲」(RadioZapatista)、以美國為基地的「墨西哥無國界」(Mexicanos Sin Fronteras)、以及來自西班牙馬德里的「La Platforma Mexicana」、義大利的「Ya Basta!」和墨西哥小鎮瓦哈卡(Oaxaca)教師聯盟第22分支及恰巴斯當地的「Normal Mactumatza」都一一拿起麥克風大方分享辦學經驗。




Today, the second day of the first meeting of the Zapatistas with the people of the world and with the grounds of Oventik still covered in mist, began the first work session on autonomous education - the 'other education'. The table began with a discussion of the autonomous education system that has been established in Zapatista communities since government teachers were run out of the communities in 2000. Members of the Good Government Councils representing the 5 caracoles - La Realidad, Oventik, La Garrucha, Morelia and Roberto Barrios - along with representatives from the education commissions of many of the autonomous municipalities spoke of both the gains and obstacles of the past 6 years constructing autonomous education. Following this period, which allowed each Council 20 minutes to speak to education in their region, was a short question and answer period and the table was closed with the commentaries and participation of delegates from throughout Mexico and the world.

It made clear the differences in the pace with which the schools and educational promoters are advancing, but also clear was the shared desire for the creation of an educational system of liberation rather than domination. All members addressed the history of education in their communities and the reasons for the rejection of government teachers. In addition to the facts that the teachers often came from the cities and therefore had little real commitment to the communities, couldn't communicate with the students in their native tongue and were often abusive towards the children, after the uprising in 1994 there were fears that teachers came to the communities as spies and the military was often involved in bringing supplies to the communities. Beyond these problems was the recognition that the material being taught, created by a government that is not only abusive but also ignorant of life in the communities, was not serving either the children or the community to address their own problems.

In 1999, after communities had been meeting to discuss this situation, it was decided in assembly that they would begin to name people from their own communities as educational promoters that would take the place of government teachers. The testimonies shed light on the difficulty of this process, which involves training educational promoters and constructing schools in a situation where resources are scarce, but nevertheless all Councilors demonstrated their commitment to the process as the only way to return dignity and respect to their schools. Although the process continues slowly, the hundreds of educational promoters that are currently providing thousands of Zapatista children with a bilingual education in the basic subjects of mathematics, history, language and natural sciences, as well as special focuses on the Zapatista demands, agroecology, and the integration of the theory of the classroom with the practice of community work and life.

Following this presentation and a brief question and answer period, Otra Campana adherents from throughout Mexico and the world took the microphone to speak of their own struggles for autonomy in education. Representatives from the autonomous schools of Xinaxcalmecac in Los Angeles, La Platforma Mexicana in Madrid joined members of Ya Basta! from Italy, Accion Zapatista and RadioZapatista from California, U.S.-based Mexicanos Sin Fronteras, the Normal Mactumatza in Chiapas and representatives of Section XXII of the Teachers Union in Oaxaca to speak to the various struggles that organized communities throughout the world are encountering in education.

Whether with the discourse of autonomy or popular power, there was general agreement that institutions of education only serve to educate within a certain, in this case capitalist, framework. As much in the city as in the countryside, there is a realization that it is only working against or outside of these systems that a truly liberatory and critical education can be achieved. Merely changing the content does not affect the relations of power exercised within the classroom and with that in mind, not only the Zapatistas in Chiapas, but people throughout the world are struggling to teach by learning, speak by listening, and govern by obeying.(Indymedia)

First Encounter Between The Zapatistas And The Peoples Of The World 四海朋友與查巴達初見面



當地Caracol La Realidad的政務會工作夥伴解釋說:「另一波政府最重要的挑戰,就是讓婦女能夠參予職權。當議會創建的時候,只有一位女性,但經過3年半的工作,我們可以說現在達到了較平等的狀況,但我們仍然有很長的路要走。」






代表Morelia 政府政務會的工作夥伴奧菲利亞和貝多指出,在這個區域「自治教育和健康系統必須公平發展。」在這個脈絡下,他們的責任是「推廣、發展、增進城鎮與自治單位的自治能力」,且政府政務會的另一功能是,「靠著墨西哥和世界各地人們的團結,經濟資源得以透過各種方式送到我們這邊,並公平地在此地分配。」


Roberto Barriosl的代表何西芬那和米蓋爾表示:「現在,我們查巴達正在拯救我們的文化。身為本地人,我們必須再次組織起來。我們適應自治,服務人群,自行抉擇與提議,而且發自於我們自己的思想。」


Roberto Barrios是最多準軍事單位出現的區域,來自當地的代表也發出譴責:「當地準軍事單位持續騷擾自治單位與區域,就樣政府其他的計劃一樣,基於資本家的考量,想將這裡的人分化,是一種非常低調的戰爭。」

代表La Garrucha的艾利亞斯、艾斯德發尼亞、瓦昆和伊莎貝爾也表示:「原住民有權在墨西哥國內自治。」他們也再次重申「我們都身為人,我們所維生的方式一致,但我們的語言、想法並不是。身為人類,我們以每天的行動練習自治,所以我們要求的就是我們本來的存在能獲得認可。但惡劣的政府不承認我們的自治,因為我們的自治妨礙他們接管剝奪我們的財富和自然資源。他們不能輕易為了自己的經濟計劃就剝奪我們的資源和利益。」




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