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教育專題 ◎ 2007-02-09
教 育 專 題 深 入 報 導《2007-02-09》

  ◎國際專題:Someone's watching you加拿大監視器密布,民間反應兩極 
  ◎Who watches the watchers in surveillance society? 

國際專題:Someone's watching you加拿大監視器密布,民間反應兩極
Children in Saskatoon's public schools are being watched.

More than 200 video cameras are tracking the movements and actions of students in the city's public elementary and high schools.

Some cameras are located outdoors and some are inside the schools -Others are focused on entrances -The division also has a mobile three-camera system available for deployment on request.

"People who have nothing to hide welcome them -People who have something to hide fear them," said Saskatoon Public Schools general manager of facilities Stan Laba.

This is just one example of the rapid proliferation of video surveillance in Saskatchewan.

Most people know their image will be captured at the bank, the convenience store or the airport.

But the exploding popularity of these electronic eyes means that in Saskatoon, you could now be monitored if you ride the bus, watch a hockey game, take a university class or are admitted to hospital.

Some welcome the presence of cameras, saying it makes them feel safer. Others resent them as an unnecessary invasion of privacy ripe for all kinds of abuses.

"In Saskatchewan, we are seeing more and more of this. It's taking us toward a surveillance society," said Gary Dickson, Saskatchewan's privacy and information commissioner.

"It builds on fear. It causes us to assume the worst in our fellow citizens. Surveillance tends to rob us of our freedom and individuality and privacy." With the exception of the University of Regina and a handful of other places, Saskatchewan's public bodies are ignoring the privacy guidelines set by Dickson's office. That means no rules on where the cameras can be installed, on parental consent for filming young children, on who gets to watch the tapes and where they're stored or when they're destroyed.

"It's not enough just to install the cameras. There is a real need for a policy," Dickson said.

Dickson travels to schools, hospitals and other public institutions throughout the province, investigating the use -- or misuse -- of security cameras. He said there are appropriate uses for cameras to prevent repeated thefts or violent crimes, but the technology should be a last resort. In most cases, officials can't explain the reason for their cameras.

"It's clear people haven't thought this through," he said.

A few officials, such as those with the public school division or the University of Saskatchewan, say they're working on a formal policy and hope to have something in place soon.

Laba said there is "absolutely" a need for a policy, and conceded cameras are no magic solution.

"I think there's a misguided faith in cameras. I think they have improved behaviour in some cases, but the problems are not going to just go away," Laba said.

Mark Putnam, president of Washington-based Character Training Inc., is all for camera surveillance in schools.

"It's perfectly appropriate for a principal to use a hallway surveillance camera to make sure Johnny is not hanging out in the bathroom at 9:15 during biology class. I don't know any parent who wouldn't welcome cameras," Putnam said.

Over at the University of Saskatchewan Campus Safety office, director Bob Ferguson demonstrates the power of its security video system. From his computer, Ferguson manipulates a camera mounted on the rooftop of a campus apartment building.

The camera zooms in on a car about 500 metres away, and Ferguson can read the licence number.

"It's the beauty of the new technology," he said.

The university hasn't seen a decrease in crime since the current system, which now includes more than 350 cameras, was installed two years ago. But the cameras have helped to catch and prosecute many of the offenders, he said.

For example, one student had an important assignment stored on a computer memory card, which was stolen from a campus lab. Security cameras led to the apprehension of the thief, and the student got her assignment back.

"For a legitimate person coming to school, it's likely nobody will ever look at (their image)," he said.

That argument doesn't sit well with privacy advocates. This is especially true when children are the subject of the surveillance.

"Children are vulnerable. This information can fall into the wrong hands," said lawyer Robert Ellis Smith, publisher of the U.S.-based Privacy Journal.

"It's extremely threatening and I don't know why a parent would consent to it." The one point the experts all agree on is the need for clear policies on the use of security cameras, something most Saskatchewan institutions lack.

"There is a real risk, with this technology, of creating a culture of voyeurism, where people sit behind the monitors in peeping Tom-fashion and spy on everybody," said Mark Rotenberg, a law professor at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., and executive director of the Electronic Privacy Information Centre.

"There is good reason to establish guidelines and to limit the use of these cameras."


- The University of Saskatchewan has more than 350 cameras in computer labs, parking lots, hallways, entrances and other locations.

- Saskatoon Public Schools has more than 200 cameras in high schools and elementary schools, as well as a three-camera mobile unit.

- Saskatoon Catholic Schools has a total of eight cameras in one high school and two elementary schools.

- The City of Saskatoon has cameras in leisure centres, TCU Place, Credit Union Centre, the bus mall, on a bus, at the intersection of Avenue C and Circle Drive and in various other facilities.

- The Saskatoon Police Service has cameras in the lobby, the detention area, the ramp into the basement and other locations.

- The Saskatoon Health Region has a total of 32 cameras -- 24 indoors and eight in parking lots.

- SIAST's four campuses, including Kelsey in Saskatoon, have a total of 155 cameras.




在過去,人們已習慣在銀行、便利商店或機場等地方看到攝影機的身影。但薩斯卡通的電眼大普及改變了這種想法,現在,不管是搭乘公車、到體育館觀戰曲棍球、到大學教室上課或是進出醫院,任何人的一舉一動都受監視。「坐得正行得正的人大呼歡迎,心裡有鬼的傢伙則害怕它們。」當地公立學校總務部部長拉巴(Stan Laba)如是說。


薩克斯其萬省隱私及情報資訊官員狄克森(Gary Dickson)認為,那些攝影機將把當地轉變為監視社會:「它們製造恐怖氣氛,讓我們假定身邊每一個都是壞人。監視攝影機奪走我們的自由、特徵和隱私。」他並舉出瑞吉納大學(University of Regina)及一票地點為例,指出當地的公立機構完全無視隱私及情報資訊部的規定,它們到處亂設監視器、未徵求父母同意便拍攝那些孩子、也未按照條文安排適當的監視帶過目者、甚至非法保存或銷毀那些母帶。「光是安裝攝影機是不夠的。我們還需要完整政策。」狄克森指出。



華盛頓職業道德培訓企業Character Training Inc總裁普特南(Mark Putnam)就舉雙手贊成監視攝影機,「在走廊裝設閉路攝影機是非常恰當的,這樣校長才能確保強尼不會蹺了早上9點15分的生物課到廁所去遛達。」薩克斯其萬大學校園安全室負責人也非常同意,佛格森(Bob Ferguson)沾沾自喜地展示攝影機的神通廣大,只要點點自己的電腦滑鼠,佛格森能遙控校舍屋頂上的監視器,看到5百哩以外的汽車,甚至還能拉近瞧清楚它的車牌,「這真是新科技之美」,他讚歎。


這位保安負責人認為,「對那些來到學校的清白人來說,這跟沒有人在監視的感覺沒兩樣。」然而,這種論調並不受歡迎,尤其是當它牽扯到學童的隱私權。「兒童容易受害,而這些影像資訊很可能落入不當用途。」發行美國《隱私期刊》的史密斯(Robert Ellis Smith)律師表示,「這真的很危險,我真不懂為什麼還有父母同意學校裝設攝影機。」

目前所有專家唯一達成的共識便是「薩克斯其萬省需要明確的政策」。華盛頓喬治城大學法學教授、同時也擔任電子個人隱私資料中心執行長的羅坦伯格(Mark Rotenberg)指出:「這種科技有其實質風險,它可能會創造出偷窺文化,讓有心人隱身攝影機後刺探所有人的隱私。這就是建立指導方針去限制監視器使用的最好的理由。」

(來源/The Star Phoenix)

Who watches the watchers in surveillance society?







在芝加哥陰暗、無窗的監視中心,維拉斯奎茲則是滿心期待著使用這種新技術,畢竟這在其他地方有過成功經驗。根據「觀物」(ObjectView)公司的發言人指出,在美國佛羅里達州的傑克森維港,當地藉著將警報和即時畫面自動送到最近的巡警之PDA手上,而省下監看攝影機的人力。「觀物」是致力於智慧錄影的數十家公司之一,根據全球顧問公司Frost & Sullivan的估計,這項產業的銷售量將在5年內從6千萬美金飆漲至4億。








