"I believe that planting these oaks is necessary not only in biospheric terms, that is to say, in the context of matter and ecology, but in that it will raise ecological consciousness -- raise it increasingly in the course of the years to come, because we shall never stop planting." -- Joseph Beuys, 1982 1982年,波依斯在德國卡塞爾(Kassel)美術館前種下第一棵橡樹,立一塊玄武岩大石。追隨者眾,市民集體行動。五年後,七千棵橡樹在卡塞爾市內街旁。1986年,波依斯辭世,他的兒子在第一棵樹旁立下第七千棵樹,與第七千顆玄武岩大石。 Joseph Beuys and his 7000 Oaks〈給卡塞爾的七千株橡樹〉
Fluxus 激流派 二十世紀六零年代前期從歐美發展起來的無政府主義思潮,主張個人從生理的、精神的、政治的壓抑中解放出來,反對權威,反對把藝術家區別於一般人,反對把藝術分別為繪畫、雕塑等不同領域,認為藝術與生活應該沒有區別。Fluxus 是拉丁文「激流」(to flow)之意,用來指襲捲各國藝術家的新的藝術運動。 Fluxus from wikipedia There has never been a universally accepted definition of Fluxus. By its very nature, Fluxus tends to encourage the amorphous over the explicit, and boundary blurring over boundary definition. However, there are certain characteristics that are agreed on by most Fluxus scholars, and shared by most Fluxus art and artists:
1. Fluxus is an attitude. It
is not a movement or a style. To make people free is the aim of art, therefore art for me is the science of freedom." ---Joseph Beuys, 1921-1986