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教育專題 ◎ 2007-03-02
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  ◎國際專題:Poland faces court over motorway through protected wetlands沼澤保衛戰,波蘭保育團體目標雙贏 
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國際專題:Poland faces court over motorway through protected wetlands沼澤保衛戰,波蘭保育團體目標雙警此滿B編譯■唐澄暐、侯美如
As hundreds of campaigners stayed put in tents pitched on snowy ground in Eastern Poland this week, EU environment commissioner Stavros Dimas personally warned Polish environment minister Jan Szyszko that Europe can seek to stop the project through a court order, and sent a letter to Warsaw asking ministers to put the construction on hold.

With peat bogs that formed over 10,000 years and rare species of plants and animals, the Rospuda valley is protected under EU law as a Natura 2000 conservation site. Despite this, the Polish government has so far been intent on letting the motorway plans to go ahead, but now seems to be reconsidering following the EU warnings.

"If we do not have a positive reaction from the Polish government to the letter that I am going to send today, then we shall start the accelerated procedure. It should be done as soon as possible in order to avoid and avert the irreparable destruction of the habitats in that area of Poland," Stavros Dimas said.

Polish Prime Minister Jaroslaw Kaczynski has since said his government may reconsider the route. He had previously warned that giving in to the EU on Rospuda would set a dangerous precedent that could harm the development of the country.

The controversial section of motorway would provide a bypass for the town of Augustow in the Polish lake district. While environmental campaigners agree the bypass is necessary, they are proposing an alternative route which would come at a lower financial as well as environmental cost (see related story).

"The option we are proposing is maybe 3km longer, and much cheaper because it sidesteps the need to plough through these wetlands," Jacek Winiarski of Greenpeace Poland, one of the groups campaigning on Rospuda, told edie.

With the entry of bulldozers into the valley imminent, protests have spread across Poland. Thousands took to the streets of 13 Polish cities on Sunday and 450 protesters continue their sit-in protests at a camp in the snow-covered valley itself. Last summer, 150,000 holiday-goers signed a petition against the plans, reflecting the area's status as a national symbol of wild nature for many people.

Campaigners say the construction of a 500m flyover across the peat land would lead to the extinction of species and destroy a unique European ecosystem.

"If this road is built through Rospuda valley, then the last peat lands of this kind West of the Ural mountains will be destroyed," said Maciej Muskat of Greenpeace Poland.

The road would modify the water balance of the wetlands, cut across the migration routes of animals including big mammals like lynx and wolves, as well as causing noise which would disturb the entire ecosystem.

The construction work itself would cause even greater damage as 100-year old pines are chopped down and heavy machinery is brought in.

The Augustow bypass is part of Via Baltica, a mega-motorway that is to connect Western countries with Finland via Poland and Estonia and crosses numerous national parks. In the face of growing urgency campaigners decided to concentrate their efforts on saving Rospuda valley as the most unique of the natural areas.

They chose to focus on Rospuda "for emotional as well as scientific reasons," Jacek Winarski said - Rospuda valley is both a popular holiday destination whose wild nature many Poles remember from childhood holidays and a unique peat land home to endemic species of plants and rare and protected birds and mammals.

Local people in the Augustow region are divided on the issue. While some oppose the road and say it would bring destruction of their natural heritage, others believe it would bring jobs, easing the area's high unemployment, as well as stopping the stream of lorries currently tearing through the town centre.

Environmentalists said their opposition was targeted at the chosen route and acknowledged the need for a bypass.

"We hope that work on an alternative route for a bypass for the Augostow bypass, which is essential for the town's residents, begin as soon as possible," said a spokesman for Greenpeace Poland.

波蘭一項高速公路工程因為穿過保育溼地引發各界紛爭,上百名環境保育活動者進駐工程預定地搭建帳棚準備長期抗戰,歐盟方面也公開發出警告,必要時將訴諸法律途徑阻止工程進行。歐盟環境執委狄瑪斯(Stavros Dimas)20日並致函華沙要求暫緩計畫,並親自向波蘭環境與資源部長什史科(Jan Szyszko)挑明,為阻止該公路興建,歐盟不惜鬧上法院。

這塊備受爭議的泥煤沼澤溼地「羅斯普達溪谷」(Rospuda valley)位於東波蘭,超過1萬年的歲月下來已孕育無數稀有物種及珍奇花草,並在泛歐盟保育計畫「自然2000」(Natura 2000)中受規劃為保育地;然而,波蘭政府明知如此卻仍同意工程計畫進行,直至近日引發歐盟注意才發現事情的嚴重性。

「若波蘭政府無法對我的信函作出正面回應,那我們應該採取緊急行動,盡可能及早阻止波蘭那片生物棲息地受到無法挽回的破壞。」狄瑪斯表示。對此,雖然先前還揚言在羅斯普達一案上對歐盟讓步將會開不良先例,阻礙波蘭建設發展,波蘭總理卡欽斯基(Jaroslaw Kaczynski)目前已表明政府願意重審路線安排問題。

話題中的高速公路通過羅斯普達,將為湖區奧葛斯多夫(Augustow)小鎮居民提供對外便道,環境保護者也認為這條公路有其存在必要,但不能穿越破壞保育地,因此提出另外一條更經濟實惠、同時環境成本也較低的參考路線。「我們的提案或許是距離長了點,多了3公里,但它不需要開挖沼澤溼地,因此也便宜多了。」波蘭綠色和平組織維尼亞斯基(Jacek Winiarski)指出。


活動者指出,這條穿過濕地的高架道路將會導致物種滅絕、破壞這塊歐洲獨一無二的生態圈。「如果這條路建在羅斯普達溪谷上,那麼烏拉山脈(Ural mountain)以東(意指全歐洲)最後一塊溼地將消失在世界上。」波蘭綠色和平成員馬斯蓋特(Maciej Muskat)指出,人為入侵將改變當地的水平衡,切斷包括山貓或野狼等大型哺乳類動物的遷徙路線,同時道路帶來的噪音也會打擾整個生態環境;不止如此,光是建築工程就已經對溼地造成致命傷害,裡頭的百年老松都會面臨被腰斬的命運,好讓大型機器能進入施工。

這條奧葛斯多夫便道屬於波羅的海公路(Via Baltica)的一部分,波羅的海公路目的在透過波蘭和愛沙尼亞等國連接芬蘭和西方諸國,路徑上穿過數個國家公園,保育團體便針對其中最稀有的自然區域羅斯普達溪谷大開砲火。他們表示,將抗議重心放在這裡是基於「情感及科學研究」之因,維尼亞斯基認為,羅斯普達一直是個假日旅遊的熱門景點,是不少波蘭人共同擁有的童年回憶,同時那裡也是孕育特殊物種及保育類禽鳥、哺乳類動物的稀有泥煤地。


















