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教 育 專 題 深 入 報 導《2007-03-23》 |
本期內容 | |
◎國際專題:Iran accuses Hollywood ofpsychological warfare好萊塢醜化波斯 惹火伊朗人 | |
◎Does Bush Resemble Leonidas or Xerxes?暴君還是烈士?血腥賣座片掀政治爭議 | |
◎吾思吾師 找回教師熱情與尊嚴徵文比賽 |
國際專題:Iran accuses Hollywood ofpsychological warfare好萊塢醜化波斯 惹火伊朗人 | |
策劃、編譯■唐澄暐、趙中麒、侯美如 | |
Hollywood is already firmly established as a source of cultural decadence in Iran's pantheon of hated western symbols. But now the country's Islamic leadership has accused it of "psychological warfare" over its depiction of the battle between the Greeks and Persians at Thermopylae in 480BC, regarded as a key event in the birth of western democracy by some historians. President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's government has joined MPs, bloggers and local media in denouncing the newly-released Warner Brothers epic, 300, as a calculated attempt to demonise Iran at a time of intensifying US pressure over the country's nuclear programme. Mr Ahmadinejad's spokesman branded the film "an insult to Iran" while four MPs have urged the foreign ministry to pressure other Muslim countries to ban it. The film, directed by Zack Snyder and based on a novel by Frank Miller, grossed nearly £40m in ticket sales in three days after opening in north American cinemas last week. It portrays the heroic endeavours of 300 Spartans, under King Leonidas, who are shown resisting an invading force of 120,000 Persian troops led by Emperor Xerxes. The plot depicts the tiny Spartan force repeatedly outmanoeuvring the invaders and being defeated after a three-day stand-off only through treachery. Iranians complain that it represents them as savage, murderous and warmongering. The film's availability in Iran has been limited so far to pirate DVDs, but that has not stopped an outpouring of official condemnation. The government spokesman, Gholamhossein Elham, described the film as "cultural intrusion" and an attack on Iran's ancient civilisation. "Such a fabrication of culture and insult to people is not acceptable by any nation or government," he told reporters. "[Iran] considers it as hostile behaviour which is the result of cultural and psychological warfare." The reformist newspaper, Ayandehno, accused the makers of trying to set international opinion against Iran to fit President George Bush's description of the country as belonging to an "axis of evil". "In the film Iranians are considered to be monsters devoid of any culture, humanity and wisdom who know nothing except attacking other lands, threatening peace and killing human beings. There is no option other than to confront, fight and destroy this wicked tribe so that the world can be saved from this axis of evil," the paper's film critic wrote. It is not the first Hollywood production to cause upset in Iran. There was widespread anger over the favourable portrayal of Alexander the Great in the 2004 film, Alexander. The Macedonian king is reviled in Iranian culture for destroying the seat of Persian imperial greatness at Persepolis after defeating Emperor Darius III in 330BC. (http://www.guardian.co.uk/iran/story/0,,2033628,00.html) 在伊朗,對於那些敵視西方文化的人來說,好萊塢已經被定位為伊斯蘭文化衰敗的原由。不過,當代的伊斯蘭領導人更進一步指摘好萊塢正在進行一場精神戰爭。 西元前480年,波斯王薛西斯(Xerxes)率12萬大軍征討希臘城邦,兩軍相遇於溫泉關(Thermopylae)。雖然波斯大軍攻破溫泉關,但斯巴達海軍卻在薩拉米斯灣擊潰波斯艦隊,迫使波斯軍隊退兵。後雙方在小亞細亞展開決戰,波斯大敗,從此被逐出歐洲,小亞細亞的希臘城邦也因而被逐一解放恢復自由。因此,某些歷史學者認為,溫泉關之戰是西方民主之所以誕生的關鍵事件。 這段歷史被美國漫畫家法蘭克‧米勒(Frank Miller)改編後,又被好萊塢拍成電影《300壯士:斯巴達的逆襲》於近日上映。對此,伊朗總統穆罕默德‧阿馬迪內賈德(Mahmoud Ahmadinejad)、內閣官員、部落客以及當地媒體不約而同斥責華納兄弟公司出品的最新電影,認為該部電影是經過精心計算的手段,企圖將伊朗妖魔化,以強化美國打擊伊朗核子計畫的正當性。 根據英國衛報報導,阿馬迪內賈德發言人將該部電影貼上「詆毀伊朗」的標籤,另有4名閣員敦促外交部對其他穆斯林國家施壓,希望共同抵制這部好萊塢的腐敗文化象徵。 電影則在北美上映3天內,創下7千8百萬美金的票房紀錄。該部片描寫斯巴達國王李奧尼達(Leonidas)率領3百名斯巴達勇士抵抗波斯軍隊入侵的故事。波斯人數雖遠超過斯巴達,但斯巴達佔據溫泉關天險,抵抗三晝夜,波斯軍隊仍難越雷池。最後,靠一位變節者帶路,波斯軍隊繞過溫泉關,才擊敗斯巴達。 伊朗人抱怨,這部片將他們的祖先描繪為野蠻的劊子手,以及好戰的侵略者。 目前,這部片在伊朗被禁演,僅能發行DVD;不過,仍然沒能讓伊朗官員停止批評美國的帝國心態。政府發言人葛蘭胡笙‧艾罕(Gholamhossein Elham)認為這部片攻擊古伊朗文明,是典型的「文化侵略」。「如此捏造文化,並侮辱一個民族,是不可能被任何政府與國家所接受的。伊朗認為,如此惡意的行為,不啻為文化與精神戰爭。」 改革派報紙Ayandehno向來與政府不同調,此次也與伊朗政府站在同一陣線,控訴該部電影企圖製造對抗伊朗的國際輿論,以讓國際社會相信布希所說的:伊朗是邪惡軸心。「在這部片中,伊朗被當成沒有文化與人性,也沒有智慧的野獸,除了侵略其他土地外,什麼都不會。片中的伊朗人只會威脅和平與殺戮。全片所宣揚的觀點只有一個,就是必須對抗並摧毀波斯,世界才能免於邪惡軸心之手。」 好萊塢的電影讓伊朗人感到不滿,這不是第一次。2004年的《亞歷山大大帝》也曾引起伊朗對好萊塢與美國的控訴。 |
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