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教 育 專 題 深 入 報 導《2007-04-06》 |
本期內容 | |
◎國際專題:印度紅火蔓延 重創部落Tribals in crossfire as India's Maoist war spreads | |
◎毛主義與印度毛派 |
國際專題:印度紅火蔓延 重創部落Tribals in crossfire as India's Maoist war spreads | |
策劃、編譯■唐澄暐、侯美如 | |
路邊焚燒著屍體,滿是淚痕的親人在一旁收拾屍骨,這是近日政府與毛澤東主義成員間的激鬥帶給印度的新街景。這裡火化的只有8具軀體,然而這場戰爭卻已奪走上萬條部落村民的生命。 「警察都跑到那裡去了?他們全都醉茫茫的、抱著武器躲起來!」在這場激戰中失去愛子的烏德西(Gopal Ran Udhe)放聲叫著。原本該是保衛人民安全的警察局,如今卻成為毛派成員襲擊的目標,在這場數十年來最嚴重的內亂中,55名員警和部落民兵喪生。 火化的骨灰甚至都堆到腳踝,部落村民在一旁焚香、撿骨拋入河裡,這是傳統印度教為逝者舉行的儀式。他們回憶著那場槍戰,5百多名毛派成員團團圍住基地,持續以手榴彈和自製的便當炸彈轟炸,手上只有幾把80高齡老槍的村民,很快就彈盡援絕。其中喪命的多是政府雇用的部落民兵,批評者指出這些缺乏作戰資源的「特殊警官」頻頻被送上前線當炮灰,顯示印度高層在反抗軍攻擊下已走向窮途末路。 這40年來,印度共產主義成員在暗處棲息遊走,近來卻加緊腳步連連高調攻擊,查提斯加部落(Chhattisgarh)中區上千名部落子女親眼看到代代祖先捍衛的家園,一夜間淪為地雷、埋伏和難民營點綴的戰場。當地警方指出,查提斯加已成了4千名毛派成員的要塞,他們佔據南區的查提斯加森林,當地人則稱那裡為「紅區」。 這些人稱「納薩爾派」(Naxalite)的毛派成員,控制印度這個國家一半的城邦。然而他們殺害社區首領、壓迫當地宗教、甚至劫掠食物,雖然不少部落支持他們,大部分的人民都轉而反抗納薩爾。「納薩爾搶走我們的食物,警察也不時來關照騷擾我們。」同樣在叛軍攻擊中喪子的寇沙(Madvi Kosa)說:「我們想維持中立,但中立是不可能的。」寇沙站在自己的小屋前,不遠處剛發生過軍火衝突的警察局已成灰燼,無言象徵著該區的動盪不安全。 2年前,印度政府為平息衝突而在安柏里(Ambeli)成立「和平行動」(Salwa Judum),並迫使5萬多村民從原先的部落遷徙到官方搭建的難民帳篷。然而,至今「和平行動」沒有帶來任何祥和的跡象,被批評為無能政府強迫村民加入的行動。 這次發生激戰的查提斯加是印度警力最稀薄的一邦,遍地的地雷和埋伏更讓多數警員不敢踏出警局。難民營外圍起鐵柵,但至今仍有上百居民在此喪生,當地一家報社總編輯舍貞(Lalit Surjan)指出:「一開始幾個月,和平行動由民間主持,還頗受民眾歡迎的,但政府接管後卻失去原先立意。我們一直在要求終止這樣的『和平行動』,因為這樣根本不是在保護部落。」另社區首領曼德維(Narayan Mandvi)也表示:「和平行動並沒有帶來和平。」至今他仍拒絕搬入政府強制規劃的難民營。 有些人認為難民營的生活比較有安全感,多數居民卻抱怨,先前在部落裡還能自給自足,到了這裡卻得向別人乞討食物和工作。為了維持最基本的生活,這裡的女性也得充當水泥工、或向市集兜售柴薪,以賺取微薄生活費。「我們寧願回去,但我們沒有選擇,如果我們回到部落一定會被毛軍殺的。」住在難民帳篷的戴維(Lalit Surjan)道出這裡大部分居民兩難的心聲。 現在大家擔心的是,毛軍能拿到新銳武器,而政府卻只願意發給部落村民老舊的步槍,甚至每個人分到的子彈都不到12發。但「和平行動」創辦人兼首長、同時也是印度國大黨(Congress party)立法委員的卡爾瑪(Mahendra Karma)信誓旦旦地斷言那些毛軍「將在幾個月內被殲滅」。他們以1千5百盧比(美金33元)的月薪僱請部落村民加入民兵擔任守衛工作,這樣的薪水在印度算是很高的。 保安官指出「和平行動」和那些民兵是消弭戰亂的關鍵,「他們是另一種武器─情報資訊的利器。」資深反恐官員龐瓦(Brigadier B.K. Ponwar)表示。但前一場警察局血戰卻證明了政府的策略一敗塗地,情報前哨對於毛軍的來襲似乎一無所知;不過,事後有6位民兵失蹤,警方懷疑他們是毛軍派來的臥底。 雖然政府的「和平行動」炒得沸沸揚揚,查提斯加的生活情況卻沒有因此改善,甚至現在都還沒有半條柏油路,毛軍經常經由各條小徑便道「拜訪」這裡,每每都揚言要殺掉不合作的部落村民。「毛派已經和部落攤牌,」當地一位刑事偵查員說:「回到你們的部落,不然就會和你們的守衛們一般下場。」 http://www.reuters.com/article/worldNews/idUSDEL5364020070327 Wailing parents scooped up the bones of loved ones as eight cremated corpses smoldered by the road, the latest victims of a Maoist rebel war that has put tens of thousands of tribal people in the crossfire. "Where were the police? They were drunk, hiding with their weapons," shouted Gopal Ran Udhe, who lost his son in a Maoist attack on a nearby police post that killed 55 police and tribal militia members in one of India's worst rebel attacks in decades. The ashes spread out over the grass were ankle deep. Tribal people burned incense and picked a few remaining bones to throw to the river in a traditional Hindu ritual. Villagers recounted how tribesmen, surrounded by up to 500 rebels, quickly ran out of bullets for their 80-year-old rifles as Maoists bombarded the base with grenades and homemade bombs made from lunch boxes. The majority of victims were government-hired tribal militia, "Special Police Officers", who critics say are an example of how ill-equipped tribal people are increasingly put in the front line by authorities desperately looking for ways to beat the rebels. Thousands of tribal people in this central state of Chhattisgarh have seen ancestral lands turned into a war zone of landmines, ambushes and refugee camps as a 40-year-old Maoist insurgency in India gathers momentum. The region is now a stronghold of up to 4,000 well-armed Maoists, police say, who freely roam the forests of southern Chhattisgarh in what locals call the "red zone". Known as Naxalites, the rebels operate in nearly half of India's states. "The Naxalites take away our food. The police come and harass us," said Madvi Kosa, a villager whose son was one of the 55 killed in the post. "We want to be neutral but being neutral is becoming impossible," he said in his hut near the burnt-out base. While many tribal people at first gave support to Maoists, most have turned against rebels who they say killed community leaders, suppressed their religion and stole food. Over the last two years, an anti-Maoist movement among tribal people known as "Salwa Judum" (Campaign for Peace) has surfaced, and some 50,000 villagers have been pushed into refugee camps in a controversial plan to defend them. But with little sign of the Salwa Judum making inroads against the rebels, criticism has grown that the movement was forced on villagers by a government unable to defend its own people. The state is one of the most thinly policed in India. Many police keep to their bases, afraid of landmines and ambushes. Surrounded by wire fences, the refugee camps have forced villagers off their lands and emptied villages. But hundreds of tribals have still been killed in the last two years. "For the first few months Salwa Judum was home-grown, and welcomed," said Lalit Surjan, chief editor of a group of newspapers in Chhattisgarh. "It has since been taken over by the government and grown beyond its means. We have been asking them to call off Salwa Judum because the state just can't protect them." CAMPS A SAFE HAVEN? Some villagers say they feel safer in camps, but many inhabitants complain formerly self-sufficient villagers have been left begging for food and work. Many village women make a meager living working as bricklayers or selling firewood to markets. "We'd prefer to go back. But we don't have much choice. If we go back they will kill us," said Janaki Devi, who lives in one of the camps. Worried modern weapons could fall into Maoist hands, authorities have so far refused to give the militia new rifles. And they often get no more than a dozen bullets each for the old ones. Mahendra Karma, the founder and head of Salwa Judum and a lawmaker for the Congress party, claimed the Maoists would "be eliminated in a few months." Some tribal people have been willing to join the militia for what is a relatively good wage of 1,500 rupees ($33) a month, often acting as guides. Security officials say Salwa Judum and the militias are crucial. "They are another weapon --- of intelligence and information," said Brigadier B.K. Ponwar, a senior counter-terrorism official. But the strategy failed at the police post, where there was no warning of the attack. Six militia members disappeared after the attack and police suspect they were Maoist spies. "The Salwa Judum has not brought any peace," said Narayan Mandvi, a community leader at Ambeli, the village where the peace movement was founded in 2005. Mandvi has refused to move to a refugee camp. Despite sparking off Salwa Judum, the village still has no paved road. Maoists often visit and threaten to kill uncooperative villagers. Mandvi spoke a few miles from the destroyed police post, which has become a symbol of a lack of security in the region. "The Maoists have left their calling cards for the tribals," said one police investigator, who asked to remain anonymous. "Come back to the villages or face the same fate as your protectors." |
(回目錄) |
毛主義與印度毛派 | |
毛派(Maoist)是毛澤東思想在中國以外的稱呼。比起馬列主義,毛澤東思想更重視發動農民甚於工人,主張革命必須以農民為主力,以農村包圍城市;並制定游擊戰的戰略指導,發動農民進行「人民戰爭」。為了動員農民,必須奪取土地分配給農民,其順序為發動土地改革、組織農民,建立革命武裝根據地,農村包圍城市,直到進行正規戰爭奪取政權。 毛澤東思想主張不斷革命論,認為階級鬥爭會長期存在。即使無產階級建立政權後,資產階級還有復辟的企圖,共產黨的領導人也有可能成為走資本主義道路的「走資派」。 世界各地至今仍有不少1960年代和70年代在毛澤東思想的指導下成立的左派政黨,至今仍堅持理念,在中蘇共黨分裂後與中國同一陣線,並自稱為毛派或毛主義者,如挪威的「工人共產黨」,德國的「馬列黨」,土耳其庫德人的「毛主義共產黨」,和希臘的「共產組織」、阿根廷的「革命共產黨」、秘魯的「光明之路」、菲律賓的「菲律賓共產黨」,以及近日在尼泊爾得以參政的「尼泊爾共產黨(尼泊爾毛派)」。 印度的毛派則起始於1967年,在西孟加拉邦的納薩爾巴裏村起義。前印度共產黨(馬列主義)總書記瑪瞿穆達在1968年說過:「中國的主席就是我們的主席。」起義發生後,中共黨報《人民日報》發表社論肯定了這個起義事件。 1969年,以武裝起義為鬥爭手段的印共(馬列主義)成立,但不到兩年,這個政黨就被迫分裂。1970年代,印度毛派支離破碎,而在1971年的孟加拉戰爭中,因為中國和巴基斯坦的良好關係,一部份的印度毛派在這場戰爭中站在巴基斯坦一方,因而在民族情感上被印度民眾所否定。 此後印度毛派陷於沉寂,直到1990年代。1992年,印度前總理拉奧向民眾道歉,坦承政府沒有做好獨立前就承諾的土地改革。然而這樣的道歉也無法改善印度貧困農民的生活,近年印度農民的高自殺率更是一再出現於媒體。土地問題正是毛派的最大資本,印度綿延的貧困山區為毛派提供了舞台,他們的勢力也從原來的4個邦擴展到印度28個邦中的13個邦。 印度的情報人員估計,目前的毛派武裝人員大概有2萬人之多,僅去年一年就造成了將近一千人喪生,他們毀壞鐵路、搶銀行、劫獄,常常出現在印度報紙的頭版。印度研究毛派的專家Talik Gupta說,印度媒體總將毛派稱為毫無群眾基礎的「幼稚恐怖主義組織」,卻忽略了他們一直為窮人戰鬥,並已經發展出遊擊戰爭和根據地。 短短時間內,從尼泊爾邊境到印度東部,毛派得以形成一條漫長的陣線。這裡是印度最窮困的地方,山脈險峻、叢林連綿,遊擊隊在許多地方面對的,是缺員多達35%的印度警察和落後的武器。 在這些地區,毛派遊擊隊取代政府管理當地,並依靠稅收來維持自己的生存。當政府帶領軍隊前來「剿匪」的時候,當地的農民會保護他們。印度毛派的成功之處就在於建立了嚴密的地下組織,這使得不了解當地情況的軍隊和警察陷入劣勢。 然而,隨著印度經濟起飛,不接受毛派這種的極端組織的人越來越多。去年夏天開始,恰蒂斯加爾邦當地政府組織了反毛派運動,稱為和平行動(Salwa Judum)。政府將民眾從叢林中的村落遷出,讓他們住進官方興建的帳篷,由警察、民兵和當地武裝人士所保護。一些被懷疑是毛派同夥的村民紛紛被捕。 毛派沒有屈服,但在雙方的對峙中,受苦的卻是村民。去年夏天,和平行動組織了一次會議,人們威脅一位村民,如果他不說出毛派分子的名字就將被打,心懷恐懼的他只好說出一些人名。兩天後,毛派也召集村民開會,他又因洩密被毆打一次。他指著遠處被毀壞的房子說,一棟是毛派所毀,因為他們懷疑房子的主人是警方情報員;而另外一棟被毀的房子,則是因為被懷疑為毛派分子居住。 印度政府也已切實感受到毛派的威脅。在8月15日的國慶日講話中,印度總理辛格將毛派視為國內安全的兩大威脅之一。更不用提1976年毛澤東逝世以後,專注經濟改革的中國也早就和印度毛派切斷所有聯繫。2005年,中國駐印度大使孫玉璽公開表示:「他們要這樣稱呼自己,我們也沒有辦法;但中國與他們從來沒有任何關係,中國境內也沒有任何組織或團體與他們有任何聯繫。」 僅管時局不利,毛派仍堅持極端的信念:改變人民的生活不能靠選票,而是要靠武裝鬥爭。發言人阿薩德在接受記者採訪時說,任何熟悉印度毛派運動史的人都知道,「即使是我們的運動面臨巨大的困難和不利於革命的強弱對比時,印度真正的毛派從沒有猶豫不決或者離開他們的新民主主義革命和通過人民持久戰奪取政權的路線」。毛派仍舊拒絕議會路線,而且也與那些以策略為名義參與選舉的政黨鬥爭。 (資料來源/維基百科、鳳凰週刊) |
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