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教育專題 ◎ 2007-04-13
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  ◎國際專題:Fame hurts Ecuador's "valley of eternal youth"美名反噬壽命,厄瓜多長壽村愈發短命 
  ◎Brazil and Ecuador Want to Do Without IMF and World Bank厄瓜多與巴西打造南美自足金融體系 
  ◎La Nina may form, but timing and strength uncertain新一波反聖嬰現象 可能在厄瓜多海域形成 

國際專題:Fame hurts Ecuador's "valley of eternal youth"美名反噬壽命,厄瓜多長壽村愈發短命
卡皮歐(Nestor Carpio)拖著89高齡的孱弱身體,想著自己大概無福消受像自己父親同樣的長壽了。他的父親享年124歲,是享譽全球的厄瓜多長壽村名符其實的一份子。




過去人瑞們總精神飽滿聚集廣場打牌、或在教堂裡禮拜,但近幾年他們相繼過世,健康銀髮族聚在一起聊天的盛況已不在。村人相信,最近的兩次喪禮送走的老伙伴應該有118和124歲。「我們不再像過去一樣吃天然食品了。」89歲的薩安庭(Ramon Santin)搓著厚實髒污的大手說著,最近他才因為胃痛而進過一次醫院:「日子真的變了很多。」


長期研究維卡班巴的老年病學者朱拉多(Nelson Jurado)則指出,當地人良好基因和健康環境維持一個微妙的平衡,就是這個秘訣讓維卡班巴獲得長壽村的美名。「維卡班巴脆弱的生態圈已被發展的海嘯吞沒。」朱拉多在首都基多發言:「現在他們生活步調加快,而這影響了生活品質和壽命。」

科學家表示,由於缺乏像是出生年月日等官方數據,目前無法得知維卡班巴實際的平均壽命。但目前世界金氏紀錄上登記有案的「全世界最長壽的人」卡波維拉(Maria Capovilla)正是土生土長的維卡班巴人,去年8月她在瓜亞基爾(Guayaquil)海港辭世,享年116歲。

目前維卡班巴打著長壽村的名號,蓬勃發展觀光業,從「永春谷香菸」到瓶身上印著白鬍老伯的「維卡淨水」,只要和長壽扯上關係,商品五花八門。然而當地官員指出,在外來世俗的衝擊下,維卡班巴村民得非常辛苦才能好好拿捏觀光業與健康生活間的平衡。「我們樂見觀光客到來,但他們正在改變我們的文化。」社區組職會長高納(Adalber Gaona)的祖母才剛歡慶百歲就蒙主恩昭了,他表示,年輕人開始喝汽水、抽菸、吃垃圾食物,「看來我們的長壽美譽正在縮減我們自己的生命。」

正如厄瓜多其餘鄉間村落一樣,上百名為維卡班巴人也為了追尋更好的工作機會移民美國或歐洲。留下的人對於能不能保住祖先留下的長壽招牌則感憂心。「天呀!這不可能,我這輩子不可能活到100歲了!」23歲的年輕運將維拉(Carlos Vera)坐在自己新買的小貨車上叫道:「人能活那麼久的年代已然逝去。」

Nestor Carpio, frail at 89, says he doesn't expect to live as long as his father Miguel, who reached 124 and made this tiny valley famous around the world for the longevity of its inhabitants.

These days, the famous elders of Vilcabamba are dying at a younger age, the result of the stresses of modern life brought by the scores of tourists and health buffs who flock here in search of eternal youth.

"Before life was tranquil, now the town has turned too big," said the bespectacled Carpio, sitting outside his adobe home as cars blasting techno-cumbia cruised nearby. "The really old ones are dying off quickly."

Gangs of youths drinking beer and smoking around the village's main square contrasted sharply with the hardy elders carrying the day's harvest of potatoes, onions and herbs through the steep roads of the Ecuadorian Andes.

Old timers say modern life has encroached on and disrupted the valley's tranquil and carefree lifestyle, which was key to their longevity.

Centenarians used to be seen playing cards at the main square or sitting in church, villagers say, but there are fewer now as many have died in recent years. They cited recent funerals of two elders believed to be 118 and 124.

"We are not eating the natural food we used to," said Ramon Santin, an 89-year-old peasant with thick, dirty hands who has only been in the hospital once because of a stomach ache. "Life is different."BALANCE UPSET

Nelson Jurado, a gerontologist who has studied Vilcabamba's seniors, said that a delicate balance between good genes and a healthy environment has helped prolong lives.

"The fragile ecosystem of Vilcabamba has been affected by this tsunami of development," said Jurado, who is based in Quito, Ecuador's capital. "Now these people live at a faster pace and that has affected their quality of life and longevity."

Foreign scientists have questioned the real age of Vilcabamba's super-centenarians because most lack official documentation such as birth records. But Ecuador was home to the world's verified oldest person, Maria Capovilla, until her death in the port city of Guayaquil in August, according to the Guinness Book of World Records.

Vilcabamba thrives on tourism and uses its fame to sell everything from "Valley of Eternal Youth" cigarettes to Vilcawater with the face of a white-bearded elder stamped on the bottle.

But local officials said the hamlet struggles to keep a balance between tourism and a healthy way of life.

"We are happy with tourists, but they are changing our culture," said Adalber Gaona, the president of the neighborhood association, who said his grandmother died just short of her 100th birthday. "The young are now drinking sodas, smoking and eating junk food."

"It seems our own longevity fame is hurting us."Like many other hamlets in rural Ecuador, hundreds of Vilcabamba natives have migrated to the United States and Europe in search of better-paying jobs.

Those who stayed say they doubt they will reach the age of their forefathers.

"Hell no, I'm never going to reach 100," hollered 23-year-old taxi driver Carlos Vera inside his brand new pickup truck. "Those times when people lived that long are gone."

Brazil and Ecuador Want to Do Without IMF and World Bank厄瓜多與巴西打造南美自足金融體系





Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva and his counterpart Rafael Correa from Ecuador discussed this Wednesday, April 4, the creation of a Southern Bank. In an interview after the meeting, Correa said the bank would be a financing instrument for governments in the region.

According to Correa, the institution would function as a Regional Monetary Fund, so Latin American countries would no longer need to request financial aid from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), from the World Bank, and from governments of wealthy countries.

"Latin America has approximately US$ 200 billion in reserves invested abroad, mostly in the developed world. In other words, a poor region like Latin America is now financing the developed world, this is absurd," said Correa.

"If combined, these reserves can be a fund, which we called the Southern Bank, to finance governments in the region itself, so Latin America would not require external extraordinary financing," he said.

The presidential advisor for internal affairs, Marco Aurelio Garcia, confirmed that the Brazilian government considers as "good," with reservations, the idea of a financial institution for the region.

"So far, the projects that appeared for a Southern Bank had no technical consistency," he claimed.

According to him, Correa will propose a meeting for ministers of Finance, so the project can gain "technical consistency."

"Brazil defends the creation of a South American financial system, which also involves other issues, such as the agreement we reached with a Argentina for doing trade using domestic currency," Garcia claimed.

President Lula is interested in the project, according to Correa. "Lula showed interested in the idea. What he told me is that the concepts are a little bit confused," he said.

According to the president of Ecuador, a first draft of the Southern Bank, made by ministers of Economy from Ecuador, Bolivia, Argentina and Venezuela, forecasted a development bank.

"Such an institution already exists, it is the CAF [Andean Development Corporation]. The idea is to establish a Regional Monetary Fund, aimed at financing countries, and which should be a preamble to a future Central Bank, to be created when the entire region has an unified currency," said Correa, to whom Latin America must seek a regional currency.

The idea of a Southern Bank was launched in February by the governments of Argentina and Venezuela. Further on, Ecuador and Bolivia joined. Brazil and Paraguay participate as observers.

La Nina may form, but timing and strength uncertain新一波反聖嬰現象 可能在厄瓜多海域形成




A La Nina weather anomaly may be forming in the equatorial Pacific, but a fog of unpredictability enshrouds when it may strike and how strong it might be, according to the Climate Prediction Center of the U.S. National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration.

In its monthly update issued Thursday, the center said "atmospheric and oceanic conditions are consistent with a trend towards a Pacific cold (La Nina) episode."

The formation of La Nina could lead to more storms in the 2007 Atlantic hurricane season, which runs from June 1 to November 30, forecasters say.

The weather anomaly could occur between May and July of this year.

However, the latest computer models "indicate considerable uncertainty as to when La Nina might develop and how strong it might be," according to the CPC.

La Nina is less famous than El Nino, during which waters in the Pacific turn abnormally warm.

That warming could wreak havoc in the weather across the Asia-Pacific region, causing flooding in Peru and Ecuador in South America and withering drought in Australia, Indonesia and the Philippines.

El Nino also spurs stronger wind shear in the Atlantic basin. This greatly hindered storm formation in 2006 when only 10 occurred, sharply lower than the record 28 storms of the year before which included monsters like hurricanes Katrina, Rita and Wilma.

La Nina has the opposite effect, and U.S. government and private forecasters said it may cause a higher-than-normal number of hurricanes. Most predictions pegged the number of storms this year at 17.

El Nino means literally "little boy" in Spanish. The name was used by Latin American anchovy fishermen in the 19th century who first noticed the anomaly because it usually peaked during Christmas.

The last La Nina occurred from 1998 to 2001, leading to drought across much of the western United States.

The CPC forecast is available on:
